a- i THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY Oat Groceries Davison Co Town Accounts David Lloyd Removed Strawberries to Brown Wanted J A Notice o M Campbell House to Rent It of Public Works The Queens Division has Cot trio Hon Mr to pointed Mr Justice a the Parliament Buildings and took charge the row foe the trial of Ontario election In faladcpartracot week Ho is Bald to bo almost completely restored to hist wonted health GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY TIME It la now stated the daily expend- tore of American to pro Its war with j two million dollars War Is an expensive luxury but the confraotora arc enjoying It if tho tax payor dont A special cablegram to the Telegram of Ah Ottawa that an Ottawa mother baa summoned a man for kissing her daughter Whats the matter did ho forget to kiss mother first On floor of last Saturday Hon Mr Peterson a rumor which appeared recently in too News of superannuation in House at Toronto -V- re vrcua W- Son K H5gB- a a Si 0 S3 Monday intimates that it Ib not probable The American has to j of Canadians if g to a S3 OT a g ft a 0 I I that General will bo succeed Lord Abordoon as Governor and intimates that It la not a military man will ho selected for the office Tub bop Inning of this- week lion Wallace and Dr Pi Toronto the Grand Lodge of Canada at tho meeting of tho Grand Orange decided the United on iho same conditions as Canada allows wheels of to bo brought Into this Dominion Tub Ontario Premier A Hardy has been in Ottawa this week In connec tion with too relatione between Dominion And Province in regard to inland fisheries Ho was on door of of the United States which at j the of Commons on the day Chicago last A and attended prorogation The political la approach At a meeting of the Liberals of Edward Co only at recent ly it was decided to hold a party demon stration the near future at which Pro and Hon Mr Hardy are to bo invited other men to CO a wen Oh a vote of to gcntlemon of the flenato declined to allow tho Govern bill to authorising pay ment of of school moneys belong ing to Manitoba to be handed ovor to Provincial This will Premier another strong card rises promptly When it A during the paet week that a rnoeiago was read In tho British House Commons from Her Majesty an nouncing it intention to direct erection of a monument to tho William Gladstone in Westminster in aocordancowlth the wishes expressed Id add res a of the of Commons sometimes things Lately it mado this observation appli cable to Hamilton perhaps the olroum- stanoes may have been noticed elsewhere It says When wheat op the price UP I HUT GROWS AKD The Pointed oil Conservatives when the next Is mado to the country and will result jn so Hon Hugh the Opposition leader that he will bo In tho next Manitoba flection JUNE Bill Wo inclined to conviction notwithstanding the criticism of CI the new Rot forth in the Generals bill will be proved by country at least it will bo regarded as a long way more just than the Act it supercedes The basis of the measure is that civil servants j shall leave in the Dominion treasury a percentage of their salaries which shall be compounded at rate of percent and when the servant withdraws from the service no matter what cause ho shall get this re- with interest or in to At present tbero was at the credit of this fund The Govern or r ai i l now proposed handing oyer case of death while in employ the amount shall go to hie hens Our readers will observe this away with injustice of the system Mr Mulooke bill displaces under which if a man died in office bis family got nothing and all that Wne paid into the superannuation fund i went to the general account There is another hardship one v that civil complain of and also a groat wrong to the country which now bill will remove and that is it will put a stop to the practice of superannuating civil jAvants with- an increased allowance V based upon some years of imaginary aervice solely to make a place for per sonal friends of Ministers or strong officeseekers Judging from the tone of discussion on the bill the change will effect a very consider- able saving to the country without impairing the efficiency of the civil service while at the same time com mending to interested by its and guaranty A on Monday last from announced the death that after noon of after a lengthy illness He was born at St Nov At the onion of the Provinces In be entered the In 1BS2 he came a member of Sir John Cabinet and accepted the port of of State He held n the Abbott Ministry after Johns death In 1892 he became Lleqt Governor of his native Province down the bakers are a long time getting the news en morn ing last got up hie Irifb In fine style and characterized Dominion Cabinet with being leprous with and this from a man who only got by a majority small that a beggars dozen the other way would have prevented his occupy ing a seat in the Commons for this term Poor Ik moving a resolution in parliament last week to provide for the transfer of to the Manitoba Government for out of the Trust Fund Hon Mr Fielding explained that the Dominion Lands provided that and in each Township beset apart for the formation of a fond In provision was made for the of these lands fiincstbat date these lots have been on sale the total pro while Great Britains gain consists of when ell disposed of would on the Gold Coast tut a The cause of Good Roads has received much attention during the past three month through tho effort of Mr A Ontario Commissioner We understand he has held meet ings points the middle of March last and reports that public atten tion has been much aroused on good roads question A CAHLKottiM this week states that the Niger boundary dispute in which apprehended a war with seemed probable is practically A convention covering all a is ready for signature France gets two commer cial depots on the Lower Niger for outlets for French trade with Upper for education We learn through some ef that Messrs Walker Sons distillers have a circular to the several to whose funds they been mak ing periodical contributions stating that the impending vote on prohibition brings them face to face with the possible de struction of their business Therefore they feel compelled for the time being to discontinue entirely farther subscriptions Possibly Messrs Walker Sons consider this Intimation will put in a spoke in the opposition wheel to prohibition It does not seemingly occur to that other people saving what realized large profits to the firm will enable the gifts to be parable to those who formerly contributed to the advantage of the Walker Sons banking account a of counterfeit two dollar Dominion bank bills were found in oironlation in the central part of Ontario We described these counterfeit not lent ago but it may save some of our readers from loss to repeat the description The green coloring on the counterfeits is not as dark as in the genuine The name British North American Co Montreal is In slightly larger letters than on the original and the are not dotted Tub new Commander of the Imperial forces in Canada Lord William arrived at Montreal last Saturday On Monday last Mr A Dine of the Government service was sent to Oct to investigate the oil well report says producing gallons per day While the amendments made by the Franchise Aot were under discussion in the Commons Mr of paid his meats to the Senate for Interference on this wise If the be regard- as a body he might be die- posed to submit to their judgment but when he knew that they were of the and politically crawling for a liv ing he not prepared to accept their amendment i The of Hamilton been for want of paying support but manager from the course pursued might failure- When it Liberal by the Hardy Government of legislation which highest lb realm declared ultra vires of the at the same time backing up Mr and without evon declaration what he would It no wonder Liberate withdrew their Three days before prorogation of parlia ment Premier Laurier moved that the Drummond County Railway report from the Investigating Committee be taken up for consideration and disposal Hon Mr Foster leader of the Opposition pro a bed that it be deferred no til next session The subject of this reference has been die- cussed by the enquiring committee been turned over on every Bids by members of the House and the and been crittzed by the press at great length Mr Foster true to hie dallying nature most ask tor delay When comes up another the old hackneyed tales will repeated in regard thereto the same In sinuations from both sides of the hinted at a lot of time wasted and then at will be allowed to be disposed of without a murmur and without a dissent Thats the way time and money wasted by some of the men sent to Ottawa to the countrys business Tub appointed some time ago to look into the condition of the public records now scattered over the various offices at Ottawa reported last week They report tbat annually is now paid for officers to look after the publfo records and instead of these of ficers working together toward the same end they are antagonistic to each other In some cases records are being copied by the archivist in Europe at a large cost when these very documents are lying in some of the departments at Ottawa There are two keepers of in the agricul ture and others in the state department while valuable are also stored away In lbs Indian and other depart ments of the publio service The danger from Is ever present and is par ticularly with regard to records in the state department The commissioners urge that anew building be provided for geological specimens etc and the- re cords IK the of Tuesday we find the fol lowing paragraph Mr Arthur the mining expert who was sent to the Vermillion river district by the Ontario Government to investigate the reports of placer gold in that region has returned and Is busy preparing bis official report It is stated that he confirms the rumors as to the existence of placer gold north of Sud bury and finds that trie deposits are scat tered over a large territory Too little prospecting has been done to enable him to estimate the wealth existing there I Word com en from Ottawa that Hon Senator Mills Minister of Justice announc ed before the Senate adjourned this week thai the Government would introduce a bill next session to provide for the retire of County at years of age The Wait Empire states that Hon Mr Milts informed the Senate in addition to the above that County were to be retired on full pay This Is not trus question of retiring allowance forms no part of the Governments intentions The law at gives them pay on A militia order was issued at Ottawa week providing for the die of medals to those engaged In the of All applicants must submit their applications separately and those who served In mors than one cam paign must submit an application A declaration of be made be fore a of the Peace by the and also a declaration from a com rade who has knowledge of the applicants service will be required to be forwarded to the department Only one medal will be Issued to any individual j with each there will be a clasp It appears that Urge number the election petitions presented by Conserva tives against the return of Liberals at the late general elect Ecp Is based on the that they do not believe con- BlabltB have a right to vote As there an average of thirty of con stables in every who voted it is presumed for Liberals they have en tered petitions based on presumption To settle the dispute and end a lot of elec tion petition trials Premier Hardy had an passed this week to a test case before the Court of Appeal and thus settle the business Evidently the Premier dont fear much or he would not have he has Column Miss is visiting in the this week Mayor Cane was at Ottawa last week on a trip Mrs Geo Is visiting in King Tp for a few Miss Nettie Pozster spent Sunday with friends at Mr Manning of Toronto was In Town this week Miss Smith of Coders Sun day with Mrs Stokes at Ml Albert Mr and Mrs Goo Peacock of Fennels Sunday at Mr A Williams Mr was down to Montreal last week on a business trip Mr Pringle of Toronto brotherinlaw of Mr was in Town on Sunday Mrs Will son of Toronto is spending the week with Bister Mr Fred And Edith Terry of Keswick Sunday at town Mrs Art Evans and two girls spent a of days in week Soules and wife from New York State are at J A Allans Mr and his sister Misa of Toronto visiting relatives in town Mr Sidney Stokes and wife of- Ml Albert spent Wednosday last with friends Town Mr and Mrs Hannah Toronto are visiting at her father Mr J Green Mr Asa Phillips and Phillips were visiting in this week Miss of Toronto Is spending a few days with her Bister Mrs Mrs Brown of Richmond Hill spent over Sunday with Mies Matthews at the parsonage Miss matron of the Hospital is home on a visit for the benefit of her health Mrs Leonard of Sohomberg was visiting with her sister Mrs Dennis on Wednesday last Miss Randall is here from Philadelphia on a visit with her a ter J Dickson Miss Ironside teacher at the Prim arv going to Normal School She is a popular teacher Mr- Harrison Proctor and wife of St are spending a week or two with friends at Mrs J family of Toron to removed to Newmarket on Wednesday and will reside on Lydla St Mr Ramsay of Mariposa father of Mrs visiting at the Christian Parsonage for a couple of weeks Mr and Mrs left on Monday for a months visit in Prince Edward Co and among the Thousand Islands Mr A A Ramsay of Newmarket Is the guest at House with Mr and Mail of Wednesday Mr A one of our prominent heard Godfreys band in Barrio on Wednesday night and was delighted Mr Cues Grabber a US pensioner got his orders on Tuesday to appear for duty again and left for Buffalo next day Mrs Penrose formerly ol this Town has gone to Winnipeg reached the home of her son thers on Miss AUIe Pirn of Toronto daughter of exConductor Pirn of the old Northern It i is a guest at the residence of Mr Rev Matthews of Newmarket and Hon J Davis of King were elected to attend the General Conference in Toron to next September on the firet ballot This hows their popularity In the Toronto Con ference Mr Jackson has been away most of this week representing the Bab- School interests of the Bradford Dis trict the Methodist Conference Toron- On Tuesday last he to go to the General Conference Miss Mary and Mies left for on Monday The former ladys maid on the and the tatter to occupy a similar position on the Niphtingt steamers of the Navigation Co for the summer The degree of Muster of Medicine was conferred nppn Dr Addison at Toronto University last week The Dr is a son of Rev P Addison well known In this part of the country and was the only Ontario man to take advantage of this degree this year Rev A Chambers who spent the first years of hie married life at New market was the first minister in charge here after this appointment was set apart an Independent elation separa ting from the Newmarket and Aurora circuit was chosen President Conference IsBt week At a special meeting of the Public School Board held recently the following resolution was unanimously That the resignation of Mr Win be accepted and the Board to ex press Us sincere regret at his resignation iid wishes Jo put upon record the estimation In he Is held by his col leagues on the Board during the time of of a seat at this Board Mr has been indefatigable in working for the interests of the school and of Newmarket While re gretting his departure the Board most con- grain late him upon his pro motion In commercial life and hope he 5w We commence on DAY A OUT MENS AND BOYS CLOTHING Every garment we offer in this list is new made of reliable materials by the best tailors but bought by us during the past week at prices away below their The manufacturers needed the cash and by buying a tremendous quantity we secured a bargain that no other house North of Toronto can equal If you live thirty miles awayit will come lor these lot no 50 pair Mens Tweed Pants well made worth 150 at LOT NO 2 only Mens good Tweed Suits well made and lind all sizes worth 5oo at 375 LOT NO J Mens Fine all Wool Tweed Suits best linings latest styles made equal to ordered goods would be cheap at 1000 to go at 695 LOT NO Mens good all Wool Tweed Suits worth up to 8oo odd sizes only go at 5 00 LOT NO Mens very nobby fine Tweed Suits best linings latest styles all sizes other stores would ask r 00 to go at 795 The above fine lots only represent a portion of the good Clothing we have to offer at this sale it would take to much space to mention all If you want to save money attend this sale We will be glad to wait on you and guarantee to show twice as big a stock as any store in Newmarket Mr Stewart Miss Stewart Mrs Bradley and Master Gordon Bradley of Beeton were visiting with Mrs Murray from Saturday until Tuesday Mrs Mann of Roachs Point was visit ing in the city over Sunday On returning yesterday Mrs Fisher her mother went home with her for a couple of weeks Rev A Belfry of a stu dent of Newmarket School and nephew of Mr J P Belfry of this Town won second prize In the course of study prescribed by the Toronto Methodist Con ference The PostmasterGeneral and Mrs Miss and Mr Cawthra Mulock will sail on Saturday June 18th to spend the summer in England Mr wa in town on Wednesday and gave the a call The has been entrusted by the Dominion Gov represent Canada at the Im perial Conference in London with regard to postal rates and we have confi dence he wilt accomplish the purpose of hie mission with satisfaction to the country and the Government he represents The Tomb At on the John aged years Funeral Friday oclock to King City Cemetery Shane At Grand Mich on the 2nd Gertrude Shane of Mr of Newmarket in year leading Furniture and Undertaking Hoiiso Elegance and Grace Where the buyer of furniture to day rinds a great advantage is in the broad range of styles from which to select the great amount of satisfaction from the novelties and the elegance of- the goods shown Here are correct styles at prices that are interesting A beautiful and graceful line for vonr taste to consider Willis is visiting in the clv Constable has been in Barrio all the In the of Albert Fos ter who has been on trial charged Benin tire to marsh hay last fall this aide of Mrs Ed Fletcher of Gravenburat whr been visitinc in Toronto for some weeks came up to Newmarket Monday and accompanied her aunt Mr A on the excursion nxt day A cablegram gives to a in London political circles that Lord is the coming man for Canadas next GovernorGeneral in sac- cession to Lord Aberdeen He is cow sixty fiue years of age If he accepts it is understood he will retire from the army An island the existence of wbioh was unknown has recently been by ths captain of a Norwegian ship It is a small one not far north of the Falkland Inlands Lucky that Spain did not dis cover it an American exchange or Uncle Sam would have to send its Santia go Admiral to push her off The Cradle At Woodstock on the of June Mr and Mrs A Robertson a daughter In town on the the wife of Mr John Currey of a daugher Watson At Mich on May to Dr and Mrs Watson nee Pearson of Newmarket a daughter At Mich on the 17th siavithe w Hubert nee Miss Lillian of Newmarket of a daughter StiiTH In town on the to Mr and M J Smith a daughter Lennox At Holland Landing on the the wifeotMrAndrew Lennox of a son The Altar HillCocesedoe At the manse Craig hurst on Tuesday by Rev Mr Teeny John Hill Hillsdale to Miss Harriet A eldest daughter of Joseph Hills dale formerly of the Hotel Newmarket VivuKOo June Mr to Miss Maud Vivian both of Toronto Rev J Viokery of father of the groom of- heating At one time he resided at Newmarket Willis- In Toronto on the l met- Dr Freeman to Miss Lottie Willis formerly of Newmarket Bister of Mr Richard Wills of town FLOUR Strong Bakers Hungarian Ogilvies Glenora Pastry Beat Ontario and Manitoba wheat Flour for Family Feed of all Kinds A car of fresh ground American Gray best fertilizers for Clover and Grass LIME LIME The very best Grey Lime 13 cents per bushel W J Marsdens Storehouse Cor Main and Newmarket Newmarket June IS Flour per barrel Wheat per bushel Wheat Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat Barley per Oats per bushel Bran per ton Shorts per ton 00 0 Butter roll per lb Butter tub per Potatoes perbag- Apples per 2 Sheepskins Wool per Beer per cm Pork perowt live Pork per Geese per lb- pair Ducks per pair live Turkeys pee per bushel Timothy Seed per bushel 000 010 Puma At the residence of the brides parents Whitohorch by Rev Mr of on the Mr A Walter of Wbitchuroh to Miss Lillian daughter of Mr of Pine J Opposite Royal Hotel Newmarket and a may be Ion spared for a useful and pros- 1 calls attended to at residence- J 126 Street S J St I AM Orders will receive Careful a CO 026 alt CO 16 53 100 TOO 11 350 too a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Toronto tfarkote June IS lied Wheat per bushel a W White Wheat per bushel Wheat per bushel Buckwheat per bushel Barley per bushel Oats per bushel Peas per bushel Bye per bushel roll per lb Potatoes Wool per lb Hoy per ton Beef fore Beef per pair 14 flCi vis a a a a a a a a a a a a a a OSS 0 OK JS 000 J 007 11