Newmarket Era , June 24, 1898, p. 7

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JUNE 2 CHINA HALL JUNE 1898 Our in many lines wo find too largo To Quick wo will give Big Reductions for the next days Hots Pink and Brown boat quality worth special China Bets pieces New Designs worth for 4 Printed Tea Sots 44 pieces to clear at Toilet Sets pieces shaded in Pink Green regular for piece Whit Toilet Sets large host quality for China Flower Pots worth for ltpvv Ladies Oxfords worth for GO cents Ladies Oxfords worth for Mens Bicycle Shoes to clear out at worth doublo price Mens Fine Lace worth 160 for Lots of other lines Equally Low in One pound Cans Baking Powder 12 cents lb Glass Jars Baking Powdor worth for 16o lb Glass Jars Parisian Coffee worth 1 lb Cans Coffee worth 2Co for 20c Good liaisons Co lb Never loose sight of our Japan Tea lbs for A Good Japan for 16c The Grocer ft I Cor Main Timothy Sts weather Is Coming Weeks total WHAT IB ON IK A ABOUT TOWN Praise manner in road flxod up and repaired from Huron to grounds by tbo mnater in that part of Is worthy of groat May ho bo re appointed Garden hold a on lawn of Mr Asa Phillips on Wednesday In aid tho Blob Toronto founder 1 Rous la to bo and an Improvements Several front fences In Town past adding to of among which wo Silver on Prospect Ave Thompson property opposite and property on Ontario strcot Now walk also laid Riving a neat and tidy look Chelation Mr ot Aurora preached vory last Sunday Monthly Fellowship Meeting tomorrow afternoon and noxt Sunday morning after preaching at Drayton was ouilo as largely attended anticipated and was vory enjoyable Dr Watson of Now York was present and the of an re sulting in a number of conversions The of wore all reelected namely President Elder Oshawa Tress Mr Trull Steal Mr T has commenced a now residence on the lot west of Mr Kol- roan Huron It la a very pretty situa tion bo cellar wall is nearly up and material on grounds Good men started in a place of business down Town on Thursday of last and dotorminod that their fists should take effect If their words did not Chief Andoreon catno along in nick of limo Both parties appeared Robert son on Saturday and were assessed apiece and costs for their exhibition School At a meeting of tio Board held last Sat urday tho application of Miss J Starr of Whitchurch Tp at per nam was unanimously accepted She is to fill vaoated by Mr J Mc Kay and Board sayca a in salary Her testimonials such that it is confidently anticipated that of will not be impaired by the engagement of a lady tosoher at Two young lad Jack Dean and Honry who for time have known bad yesterday for a period of two years They shoved three of Mr Win Goulds children in creek near Murrays shop and attempted to keep them undor water meant to drown them The was Mr Woodcock on Tuesday and Wednesday with the above result Drop in and see what W If fill Wo lb Has in Spring Suitings a Also a fine Assortment of and Overcoatings Right Prices Old Stand A FREE SCHOLARSHIP IN High Grade Business College the chance this year ly writing to Toronto Mciuitnid paper Address SHAW principal Toronto Council at King Station on and Whitchurch at Wednesday All schools close Thursday sum mer holidays Dont forget to spray if you want your fruit to pay Postmaster had a with a day last week It left its mark all right A local newspaper deserves as credit for not printing some things as it does for printing other things Miss Bt scalded her hand vory badly one evening last week was pouring water out of tea kettle in the dark The prospects of farmer most gratifying Plenty seems certain and well- filled granaries will this year reward bis industry The Inspector will need to get a to flud com of sidewalks that are coveted with long grass and weeds The Nowmarket Soda Water Works are kept busy these days filling orders They are uptodate in everything J The Town got a grant of from the County towards the repairs to LookUp The Wire Fence Is having big sale It fills the bill and is cheap soda fountain was started Saturday for the season His ice- soda is tip top Try it We hear there a few farmers in North York who wish they had sold their wheat when it was Quite a number Friends gone to Yearly Meeting which opens today at Wellington Prince Edward Co Mr Station agent moved in to Barrister Lloyds new Monday It is a dandy little place and a to Queen Street Mr Jos Millards showroom looks brighter for its new cost dexterously ap plied by Mr Hewitt Surveyor Gibson was In Town last Fri day planting land and measuring line fences A man that was enjoying a blow out spent two nights in the LockUp this week Starrs sold over a thousand boxes of strawberries last One of patrons writes For ad vertising Farms to Kent the Era is the best local paper in the county East Voters Lists for 1898 are printed The case of trespass vs Wilson is postponed till next Wednesday Mr Gould got the for cutting the grass at the cemetery tender was lowest The Aid of the Methodist meet next Wednesday to open tenders for their new pipe organ The propriety of stores at five evening of Day has been suggested What say you ants The residence occupied by Mr on St ettlog a now roof- Last Tuesday Mr Starr bought boxes of strawberries in one order He sold over in one day Mr Jos Meads Is offering his new house on John St for sale Mr Martin Robinson is down to business again in Newmarket Mr A new residence is wired for light Application will be made to pat domes tic water i the Registry Office The Co Council boa sanctioned it It is that one of the members of the Fife and Dram Band was practicing so tot fch July that he blow the botes out his fife Another new threshing engine lor Mr Geo Thorhpson arrived at the depot on Wednesday It is for Mr Smith at Cheapest Trip South It will pay everybody who wants to go to Toronto to wait for tho Methodist Hun- day School Excursion on of July Only for the round trip and nosrly ten hours in the oily Splendid opportunity to visit frionds Make your arrangements now Even to something now Tho activities of tho city and sur roundings this Excursion one to be particularly desired and appreciated by the people of North York upmarket Depot The shipments the past week as fol lows oars woodonwaro cars hay 1 car grain cars Screen Doors cars merchandise cars lumber car lath car coal oar machinery cars fruit car horses cars merchandise Shoo Fly made its first trip north to Moskoka on Saturday The south bound trips commenced Monday Domluion Day rates are announced Single Faro and onethird going June and July 1st returning not later than July Single Fare going Jane and July 1st not later July 2nd Union meeting There was a fair attendance at the Wo- mens Missionary Meeting in the Metho dist Church on Thursday afternoon of last week and proceedings were much enjoyed Mrs A Davidson presided in an effici ent manner Mrs Cody read the sorip- tare Mrs Irwin led in prayer Splendid papers were prepared and read by Mrs CaneJ and Mrs J A W Allan The former was on the re lation of Temperance to Missions and the latter pointed out What I can do for my substitute the Mission field Mrs SomerviUe gave a and two duetts were by Flossie For and Cane Mrs Allen Cody led in the closing prayer The next meeting will be held in the Presbyterian Church Grand Union Excursion Sunday Schools of the Christian Presbyterian Friends English and Roman Catholic Churches of Newmarket have ar ranged to hold a monster Excursion on Thursday July to 8trawberry Island and A special train will leave Aurora at a calling at Newmarket Holland Landing and Bradford for where the commodious steamers I slay and will take the party on a delight sail for two hours reaching Strawberry Island before eleven oclock This is the favorite grounds on the Lake- hot and cold water boating bathing and The I slay will proceed to Orillia where excursionists will have two hours to view the Town The Citizens Band will accompany the which will be the cheapest of the season only children half The Excursion train will return to Newmarket at Splendid Success The weather has muoh to do with the success a Garden Party and Wednesday evening delightfully fine the efforts of ihs League were orowned with great saooeet The numerous lights and Chinese lanterns with flags and other dec orations mads beautiful lawn Mr Jared Irwlo on the Town Line a regular fairy scene Ample accommodation was provided for serving and was no harrying The booths were well patronized The the Newmarket Band was delightful and boys thoroughly appreciated seats provided for comfort The fire works under the of Mr David Carrey wore immense Including the bal loon Tho sat pieces were out of that is part of the time of canon frightened some tied to the Several boards were palled off and one or two baiters broken bat no far- damage was done The gate receipts were over and the profits of booths nearly paid large number of young people went out on their wheels On the way home two persons ran into a span of horses bat fortunately no damage was done Official Inspection On Wednesday our town Path- ore tramped oyer two Wards and dotted down all needed repairs to roads- If Is anything want doing now Is to Salvation An Ice Cream Social is to take at Barracks on Thursday evening of next wcok The Army has arrangements hold Camp Meeting in Williams Grove for two on Saturday July 2nd officers from tho city ex pected hero to assist In work Heavy Week Town Bond has a surfeit of Garden Parties this wcok but it is good practice for tho boys and they playing excellent- Tuesday nlcht at Wed- on Town Line Thursday at and tonight on Street Nobody tired of hearing Band More bights Bakery was added to tho el eel line last week and hi IceCream Parlors opened for the first time last Sat urday evening Tho Presbyterian has added inoro to their and will pay by metro in switches have in and changes mado in location of Presbyterian Church The Young of Christian Endeavor elected thn following officers for coming term President a let Vice Miss 2nd Vice V Cor Seoy Mies Forsyth Miss M Allan Treasurer Miss Mousley Organist Miss Pretty Morton park This popular Bummer Resort on is to special attractions on Dominion Day and as the Park and grounds free to all another big may bo anticipated In addition to foot races etc for money prizes are offered the ex citing Football contest of Juno lOtb will be concluded between Keswick and Second St for a Silver Cop Newmarket and Holland Landing teams are also to kick for another Silver Cup Lots of fun for the boys and boating for the girls Ink Dominion Day next Friday Monster at Newmarket Another Garden Party tonight Longest days of the year now Now sidewalk on Park Ave Decoration Day July Fight among the bakers Bread was down to yesterday Lacrosse this afternoon Sale Saturday Juno Mr Woolten will have an unreserved sale of horses buggies cutters democrat wagons harness etc used in bis livery See bills for further particulars Council Regular meeting last Monday even ing Present Mayor Reeve Reeve and Councillors Cody Hughes Smith and Following bills were passed Express on Electric Light supplies John Collins repairs B repairs P cleaning boiler at 1 P breaking stone Jesse Cook cedar scantling Stark carting Pay Sheet No sidewalk lay ing The of Can Gen Electric Co amounting to 5015 and commu nication from Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co referred to Fire and Water com Application was made for reduction in rent of Town Hall for evening of 1st July Not entertained The Reeve asked if the Fi nance com had apportioned the amount to the various com for the current year The Mayor suggested that the sever al committees prepare estimates of what they consider necessary and re port to the Finance com Council adjourned at after which the Fire Light com held a meeting Rev Mr Leonard returned from Conference last week and preached an able and wellstudied sermon from the words of They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength In the evening Rev Mr Webster preached his farewell sermon hero from the words of Saviour to Martha But one thing is needful and closed with a very warm and elo quent appeal for all present to choose that better part that Mary hud chosen Next Sunday is Childrens Day in the Methodist Church The Superintendent of the circuit will preach in the morning and Jackson of Newmarket is to address the young people in the evening Many of the church will he sorry to say farewell to those two ministers whom they have learned to love in weekly ministrations and their faithful labors for the welfare of the people and will pray that Gods blessing may rest upon them At the close of the sermon last Sunday morn ing the infant child of Mr Frank Dunham was baptized by Rev Mr Leonard- Mrs James Pollock of lirnbury lias visiting friends in for the last two weeks having recovered from her recent ill ness Quite a number from took in the Excursion and report an excellent trip everything passing off pleasantly excepting the grounding of the steamer in the river for a short time Miss Jennie will visit relatives in for a few weeks We hear that Mr Turner of and formerly of this place is about to return Two dollars is reported to have dis appeared from the pocket of a dress in one of the homes in the village dur ing the absence of the man and wife at Sharon CampMeeting one day week before Last Saturday Stella was climbing an apple tree for a birds at Mrs Johnstons when she fell and having taken off her shoes to climb the tree better her foot came down on the sharp point of an apple tree shoot which penetrated the flesh some distance and will be sore for some time This should be a warning to girls and hoys generally not to meddle with birds nests Brass Band has under the leadership of Mr Sanderson It is now in full force several new instruments added Miss Power is vjsiting with Miss Bond Miss Love of Aurora is visiting with Miss Addie Wight Mrs Fred Embury of Newmarket spent Sunday and Monday with Mr Embury Miss Lizzie Turner is spending her vacation at Keswick The A U of in tend holding their excursion the first week in July Mr Harry has purchased a bike A barber shop was opened last Saturday night What we should like to know Who started the dog fight last Satur day night Are there going to be any football matches in the village The Workmen intend having an Excursion on the 8th of July It will be Civic Holiday Rev Mr Wallace occupied the pul pit of the Presbyterian Church last Sunday and will preach here next Sunday also The Festi val of the Presbyterian Church takes place on Thursday evening this week A large attendance expected Rev Mr Leonard bids farewell next week Miss Herman of Toronto visiting her aunt Mrs F Dunham Prepare for it Kitchen Floor by Painting the Woodwork and Full Line of Paints Oils Ready Mixed Paints Paint and Brushes OPAQUE WINDOW SHAD Cornice Poles DREAMERS MILK CAN Barrel Churns HORSE CLIPPERS Lawn Mowers and Pruning Shears Garden Hose Rakes Rakes Spades Shovels Agents for Harris and Bros Repairs Jacks for Hire S0S i Central Telephone Office We were very fortunate in striking the market when it was overloaded with Strawberries and we bought cases We will sell them at prices that were never heard of before Now is the time to buy while they are low We are Agents for Blue Ribbon Tea Robertsons Old Stand and Central Telephone Office tarts FRIDAY find many Cut Prices M Antonio leen arrests ed at Buffalo charged with the mur der of Philip whoso body was found in a trunk in the canal Jealousy is ascribed as a motive June Forty persons mostly children have died in hos pital hero from poisoning They that was Bold from a har row on the streets and shortly after ward symptoms of Their lips swelled and they suffered in mouth They were moved to the hospital whore every thing possible was done to save their avail The physicians think they were probably poisoned by of lead Charles Oke a school teacher aged was killed in a runaway ac cident at Man Private Thomas Robertson RCI St Johns Que has become insane through the use of cigarettes Thomas Johnson living near Morpeth alleged to have kicked a horse to death because it fell J Clarke editor of the Lon don Advertiser has been appointed private secretary to the Minister of Justice Hon David Mills At Belleville Jackson shot in the knee painfully injuring him The men are stone cutters Robert Wright aged twenty was struck while crossing the track in a milk wagon at Harriston and badly injured Sidney June One of the of a Russian ship capsized today off Noumea capital of New Caledonia sailors were devour ed by sharks Arthur Juno A disas trous fire occurred here this morning towards west end of Cumberland street completely destroying the At kins Cunningham Dunning and buildings together with Terrys black smith shop and Bohella harness shop See us before buying TORONTO JOBBING 1 To get a Suit made by a tailor and another thing to have in made right By leaving your order with NMcDougall what you want when you wain it and you want it As he always keeps posted as to the very Latest Styles and finishes every garment in an artistic manner Prices Low wi Terms Gash MY TAILOR l

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