ONTARIO BANE CAPITAL ice President General Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH A Banking TRANSACTED Business Interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED AT AM NEWMARKET FRIDAY JULY Sterling American Notes Discounted promptly attended to mid Kin lice Collections J vV Dp ell WCi A at Church llKRIDKSCK Opposite Christian ft in iitttl lo pm Formerly at Hospital London for Disease of Women of Hospital for Kick Children Toronto OfcriOK Central too and in Dp Newmarket the lute Dr of Post to am I to3uudflto8pm Dp J Wesley Surgeon and Coroner Pharmacy Newmarket MhIii North Telephone Communication INSURANCE Cody AGENT FOR at best rules Several Good Farms for Sale Clerks next toVlrc Hull Newmarket Always In on J fl Agent for Companies Money to interest at Current Rates Office At AOKST Canada Assurance Co INSURANCE AT LOWEST RATES Money Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent Low Hates on Farm Bisks and Isolated Town Property Hodges Tin Shop Newmarket CENTAL ft Dentist Post Block opposite the Methodist Church Vitalized Air for Satisfaction Guaranteed THE SUNDAY SCHOOL ini LESSON I THIRD QUARTER INTER- NATIONAL JULY 3 Text of the I Kings Memory Golden Text Commentary by Iter tror Dp J Ho gets cutlet Aurora Successor to the Dr Office and Dr late residence Street Aurora J LICENSES Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES I At the Era Office Newmarket Private Papers leaded at private If desired P Copyright im by Stearns What portion have wo In Neither hnvo wo Inheritance In bod of to your touts Israel Now to David So Israel departed unto their This was tho result ol of tho mii of Solo mon to of hie father lighter for hut it was nil under overruling to fulfill Ills word by Verso and clinp yo of Solomons Bin In forsaking and worshlpliiH Idols ho UK to ten parts of king loin trlbo only being reserved for that he might a light God In Jenifnlein chapter x tho of Lord that tribes should bo ono nation a wholly righteous nation In tho land to their fathers mid purpose unohnugcdfor the gifts and calling of are without and every purpose of bo but end from beginning and Is through discouragements pa- llertly working out His plan Horn xlv ttllj children of which dwelt In cities of reigned over them Dnvlds tribe to which belonged and Hon of David who Is to all of which prophets have spoken Is called Lion of and also Hoot of David for Ho Davids son well as Davids Acts 111 Nov Judnh prevailed lib brethren and of him enmo the chief ruler I CI run v It was well for that they were willing to stay with Judnh von though seemingly absorbed In the trlbo of which tho Lord spake IB Then King sent Ado- rum who was over tho tribute and all Is rael stoned him with stones that he died This seems to bo at of chapters v Pep- haps by sending for tribute was them to hoc If they had really revolted The result must have thorough ly convinced him but It was on Icht for collector Not different how ever from of Stephen who for of Hon of was also stoned to death Ho Israel rebelled of David nto this day In 11 it Enid that He rent from of David and Jeroboam drove Israel from following the might been blessed and made a blessing if only ho had boon will ing tokeepthscomnmndmentsof God and to walk In His ways But out of his own heart he devised things and cslablfthcd idolatry In Israel from Dan to Bethel chapters fill Andltcaino to pats when all Israel beard that was again that they sent and called him unto congrega tion and him king over all Israel Jeroboam was a widows son and one of Solomons servants who had been promot ed because of bis Industry But when thi Lord told Solomon of of Is Only What Ought to Be Expected From was killed and eight wounded aboard the Texan on Thurs day battleship wont lo to make a feint attack upon in connection with nt- Practical Advantages Socapa as n any fenco that has ever bavwues as action a been Inverted to snow as many the battleship and ex- points in its favor as i with the result it While his night at Iron HIS METHODS were landed to keep i miles westward to cooperate with kiiis or springs nt end I the forces marching upon San- Stills AND SEE THE Upright In Hoop and vho had driven two It AH of Why Wouldnt Saooow follow them In Just close enough for the wire piece iSi Canada I have I great conacaco In both for child was of S5A of the Btomacb the -Sine- ualug Cure I have net bee troubled with an attack In of ray boy results have truly remarkable the fellow was com pletely run flown had appetlto and Irritable all the time Wo Blood nod In a short time change for the bete was Ho la- now enjoying health I use nothing but now and in them Man Car IIcyu In tine jo how end In lew Irtce Cor csra at rorrni of Cord ad breaks up A cold In a boom Cure tea tunc Kidney Core- in He Or 6o Cure up Headache Cure lb tlirrc iolnutca Price Pile at of Price Cure eradicates all price ft male Remedies are a to ill llunyooa Catarrh fall toe and Catarrh Tableta price and lcal la ralnutea and cure Price Vltaliiar a ltd weak people A core for eacb At all ctnta a rial letter to Prof Albert Toronto OnU al for any ipetdlty all tomtit trying to utt tlirou horizontal wires together They wires In the tighter it the thcr They are Our stays are fastened firmly to the made readily put on and durable no- We not only overcoino the expansion and eon thing to rust or break traction which has been drawback to all wire fences hut we add tenfold Wlmi for our and of fence the reslstlnx Oar Toronto Letter A car conductor named John knocked down rob bed while on Ins way home near mid night last week He waa found on the roadside on St near in an insensible condition taken from his pockets A man named Hugh Staunton of was arrested on street last Friday on a charge of possessing counterfeit money The bill he palmed off on a grocer on Parliament street an old Confederate issue kingdom I Is ho bought j from the Bank of Commerce of North to kill Jeroboam ho fled to Carolina It is understood two or you had any lately If not give the a flitting and you bo delighted wlttherceulc atten tion Satisfactory reasonable Call today Xiila weather Peppiatts Art Gallery North of Hotel Fresh And on hand J Holland Landing was there Solomon died And when oomete Jerusalem be all the of with tho tribu of Benjamin on hundred and fourscore thouaond chosen men In It 1 It la that army waa from Judah and In both passages It that object wua to bring the kingdom again to This however was not way and therefore the army In a whbo a vain array of power We read of another king who hired mighty men and paid them a hundred of but not allowed to use them for they wero not In Gods plan S3 Out the word of came onto the man of God name of this man of God signifies Hear ing Jehovab and a true man of God It one who hears only the and delivers messages as faithfully as Samuel did the Lords message to Eli He that hath My word let apeak My word faithfully la good message for every man and wom an of God The chap ter I Klngazlll la In soma respects tb greatest Man of God chapter In the Bi ble for In It the title la used not less than times and It teaches that If we turn from what God to oven to an angel bearing a contrary message we may witnesses Speak unto son Solomon king of and unto all thi of and Benjamin and to thi remnant of people The messages of God are plain those for whom are intended are clearly designated J I rice also Hag and note carefully the beginnings of all the epistles note also In the utterance of our Jc us Christ the persons to whom He Is speaking and you will see among other things that the much misquoted words kingdom of God Is Within you Luke were never said to disciples but to murderous Pharisees thirsting for His blood and wo them as In the margin or tho rather than as In our A V text Thus sulth Lord Ye shall not go up nor fight your brethren the children of Israel Hot urn every man to his house for this thing Is from Me They hearkened and obeyed and did well la so doing for blessing I Mans goings Lord how can a man then understand hie own way Lord I know the way man not In himself It Is not In man that walketb to direct his steps A mans heart his way but the Lord his steps xvi When pursued Jacob with evil intent the Lord appeared to him stopped his purposes sntan had to confess that God had a hedge about Job through which ho could not pass Surely we will If we believe Horn vill and Pa 26 Then Jeroboam built in Mount and dwelt therein and went out from thence and built tihecbem means shoulder and suggests and 0 and means the face of God but know neither one nor the other for ho turned away from the face of God end felt that ho most manage things if they were to go right to his views very next versa shows that bo not believe and ho could iot established Chios a three other parties have been defraud ed in the eastern part of the city The convict Tom who his escape from the Central Prison on Wednesday of last week was recaptured the following Satur day He reported to a desperate character and tried to shoot the police man who made his arrest He is now back in the Central The death of James J Mallon on Saturday removed a wellknown figure from among the older residents of this city He was years of age and has lived here from a boy For some years he has been city assessor He was a printer by trade and was a foreman in the Globe in Ins earlier days A woman of this city not long since eloped from her husband tired of each other but the hus band refuses to take back his wife and has sued the man she eloped with for He says he prefers the money to the woman and in this he shows good sense People are hurrying from the city to their summer resorts During the past two weeks the trains have carridd hundreds of our citizens to the north country There are one hundred and nine women to every one hundred men in the world Mrs J K Fuller an old resi dent of fell down stairs and died from the If the sun was to be divided into smaller planets it would make 1310 each the size of the earth Six young men of were fined in the neighborhood of each for obstructing a police officer The customs collections at Lake Bennett since the opening the sea son have amounted to 125000 Ten dollar Dominion Bank notes secured in the celebrated robbery at have turned up in Ottawa After swimming the Not- River and back a man nam Richardson of town ship attempted to cross again despite the warnings of friends and was drowned every woman envies a bride when she goes away on a wed ding trip She has beat clothes of her life and money will bo spent on ler more lavishly than ever before It will never be spent so freely again but poor thing doesnt know that ing hills back upon the city In that ho middle encounter Spaniards killed and twice as many wounded Havana June At oclock yesterday afternoon two American ships throw at tht fintPH of mi power of any one wire being nearly to I Oil SOU lit coast resisting power of tho whole of Of Cuba mile wires because It Is Impossible for any to come upon one without replied them to nil and when any irreatstiiln coiner mil K j upon any part of atreleh it Is not up went out city on the wire between the two posts whore the later and rebel in strain would theivlrei i pp were to posts tint the In era places killing the whole hack to many Severn prisoners were at taken and good and important docu ments were seized The Spanish troops had killed some wound ed Ruin haw decreased but it is vary warm The heat has caused an in the number of fever cases in almost every town Cuba June A serious engagement took place this morningjfive miles from Santiago on land Less than American cavalrymen and Rough Eiders fought Spaniards in the thickets driv ing them back into the city The American loss is or dead at least wounded including six Several of the wounded will die Twelve Spaniards have found dead in the bush Their loss is w doubtless greater The Spaniards had every advantage in numbers and The Spanish suffered severe reverses in the outposts of Santiago Gen Lin ares being obliged to abandon Juura- with men leaving a lot of railway stock behind him Eight transatlantic liners have been purchased by the American Govern ment through Gob J for use as transports Off Santiago June For the south coast west of Santiago Cape San Antonio has been practically unprotected The blockade has been on papt r in name only with the result that it is known that quite a number of ships have run the blockade and that an immense quantity of provisions have been smuggled into Havana General Castillo with Cubans reports having defeated the Spaniards at with heavy loss and the insurgents have captured railroad trains laden with food supplies and tons of coal Yok Juno A special ftom Tampa says A stroke of lightning which occasioned a rainstorm last night killed one man and injured fourteen others in the camp of the second New York regiment of volunteers which was re cruited from Troy Albany Schenec tady and Syracuse The storm which brought death and injury to the men of the Second swept over the Florida coast with the intensity that characterizes tropical storms It started as a big Wow which was fol lower by a heavy downpour of rain soaking the tents of I he troops camped within twenty miles of Tampa Unexcelled Our slays cannot he excelled the more an animals above It laterally I ft or post one every feet Our fence la that build It only being needed tiny one can Turns all kinds of stock and c ltd j not wig between snow will notnlTect nor drills posts wind or will collect l The anchoring espial Of our endpout no Our ratchet or wire the and are appreciate all who see them Our springs allow for contraction up the expansion of the and WIRES AND STAYS For Sale by J Our clay Is the and cheapest- and holds the together It Is made of the beat wire and Is not only durable but In appear ance will permit cultivation right up to he fence and by you can keep your fence rows clean purposes the fence has It can lie put up any height with any number of wires warned against lining any Infringement on patent For five years my husband suffered from scrofula The best physicians in our city pronounced the case incurable Sores appeared eating into the mouth and throat jugular vein was exposed the tongue entirely eaten away the palate and tonsils out and there win a large sore on the outside of the throat After everything else had failed he tried He had to lake it through a tube throat was too sore to swallow Now after years terrible suffering ho is fully health and he is able to work every day although his speech is aifecltd by the loss tongue and palate Mis Wilmington Del S For seven years I with that terrible scourge scrofula in my shoulder and arm means of cure was tried without success I had a good physician who tried every way to help me was told to take Sarsaparilla I immediately began its use and after taking seven bottles of this remedy the scrofula was entirely cured Mrs J A GENTLE Fort Fairfield Me The Hon is called the of beasts but a man whose dinner isnt ready can roar loader The Suez canal is long and reduces the distance from Eng land to India nearly miles for ships The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church will hold a garden party at Mr Geo Lemons on- the afternoon and evening of July 1st Four companies of Canadian militia will participate in the celebra tion of the Fourth of July at Portland Me and probably a British war ves sel will visit the port June A bad fire occurred here at one oclock this morning the lumber mill of Alfred at Point St Charles Little Lake in the south end of the town was burned to the ground The books of the treasurer of the town of have been audited by the Provincial auditor He found no whatever but made several suggestions as to the of tho keeping of them The auditors bill The time required for a journey round world by a man walking day and night without resting would be an express train days sound at 32 hours a cannon ball hour light a little over of a second and electricity passing over a copper wire little un der onetenth of a second i was sufferer from scrofula being unable to do any work for twelve months Not one of the doctors who attended roe nor any of the medicines took did any good My friends supposed that could not live One of physicians induced me to try After using eight bottles am now perfectly well French Camp Miss worst For many years Sarsaparilla has been one of the constant reme- dies used in Home for Little Wanderers and we have found it valuable in eliminating humors from the blood which seem to have been inherited especially scrofula and other skin diseases Rev A COOPER Home for Little Wanderers Boston Mass Dr Ayers Pills are specially adapted for use with Ayeis Sarsaparilla They promote digestion and keep the liver bowels and stomach in good working order 1 Hyacinths Asselin aged GO a car repairer was killed in the shops by the unexpected shunting some cars TIT WTTTin Old Established man of Church standing Manner here and do office wo House not as and Cheese sold at at Ottawa last Friday to Loan At flretelSM farm and village property by Davidson Commissioner for taking affidavits J Conveyancer and fcjtate Jacksons Point Steam Saw Mills Manager ana omco conveyancer ana tiaiaie Agent at their home Business already Agent for reliable In built up and eatabllahed here Companies Enclose el eased stamped envelope our terms to A P Elder General Manager Michigan Ave Chicago dand London mid Globe EGGS FOB SALE Golden Spangled pheasant White Leghorn pheasant HEWITT Cor Millard Ave and Niagara St erbo Norwich Mutual and Also for the Standard Lire Assur ance Co and Northern Life Assurance Co Office Brooks Block Mount Albert Agcota for the greatest of books of Gladstone memorial edition by Hopkins Canvassers Prospectus now Selltf to everybody Easy to make In the Held CO Limited Toronto Bill Stuff Cut lo Order Shingles for Sale Three Mills are starting Persons con templating building tan have all kinds of bill Cut to Order on order On hand now a large quantity of Well Seasoned Dumber Lengths ten to fourteen fee McDonald Proprietor Button West