Newmarket Era , July 8, 1898, p. 1

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The Era gives more news every week than any two other papers in North York combined and will be sent to new subscribers till J 899 for cents cash 1 j YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER 8 PA mo to know to and to arguo freely according to conscien all v No paper outside of North York unless paid in advance Vol XLVII No Single Copies Eaoh J Newmarket Ont Friday July Terms per annum if paid in advance WINE root aR We liave a limited quantity of the following brands of Twine on hand Prices are advancing rapidly Plymouth Special Green Sheaf Gold Medal Imperial Manilla Try Our Ready Mixed Paints Builders HARDWARE Paints Oils Glass Etc Screen Doors Windows Wire Etc A Terrible Destruction of Fleet filled and Wounded Spanish Quite as NEWMARKET Washington IXC July War Department received the fol lowing from General dated at Had a very heavy engagement to day which lusted from am until sundown Wo carried their out works and are now in possession of them There is now about three- quarters of a mile of open between thy tines and the city By morning my troop will be entrenched and con siderable augmentation of forces will be there General Law tons division and General Bates brigade which have been all day in carrying El Coney which was accomplished at pm will in lino and in front of Santiago during the night I regret to say casualties will above of these not many killed One entire company was annihilat ed by a Spanish shell The Ameri cans advance wits checked but the 8iftuxett8 and Indiana bombarded Castle Holes were punched in the fort and shells from the warships fell inside the works The Spanish flagstaff was hit but the fort was not silenced At oclock in the evening when tho warships withdrew the Spanish gunners gave evidence that their guns were still in commission by firing two parting shots San Juan Him overlooking Santi ago Cuba July After days of most terrific fighting during which more than of our men were killed and wounded American army is still outside Santiago but is knocking hard at the gates ft is only a question of hours must get in On all sides our batteries look- down on the city and are pouring an awful fire into the Spanish fortifica tions which face our men The enemy ilio in their entrenchments struggling by the barbed wire obstructions upon which the Spanish seemed to placo much reliance In each brigade a number of men had been pro vided with wirecutters and told off to precede their commands and cut the wire fences wherever- they were en countered This waa a hazardous task in some cases under tho wither ing fire of Spanish Mausers but un daunted by its perils the men went at it with a will and succeeded in doing all that was expected of One of greatest disadvantages under which the battle was fought on our aide was the result of the of black powder the smoke from which blinded our men enabling the enemy at the same time to accurately deter mine tho location of the Americans and direct their volleys accordingly On the other hand the Spaniards used smokeless powder They could go about their work unhampered while no telltale could betray their position The health of the troops is good but is threatened by the frequent heavy storms Gen Wheeler is ill con fined to his tent Reinforcements aie being hurried to the front Jul 1 p The victory of the Americans in the fight ing lefore Santiago today was great er than the early reports of the battle indicated and tho losses arc also much ir for every inch of ground The Span- ish soldiers are fighting like devils Ours are forcing them constantly back killing them by hundreds and never yielding an inch that they have gain ed Now and then tho harbor Admiral Sampsons fleet thunders death at Castle and the adjoin heaver than they at to and be It s as yet too early to form tho estimate of the number of killed and to Summer Vests and Blouses Hosiery and Gloves Suits Pure Paris Green Preserving Kettles and Choice Family Groceries guns and the rattle and crash of mus ketry The is almost in ruins Its IN TO EVERY FAMILY IN NEWMARKET AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY When purchasing goods from any of the following merchants ask for CASH COUPONS when your Coupon Book is filled with Coupons collated frm them Druggist and Ret in and book do no nU to take the book to the store with you when making for the CASH COUPONS Dry Goods LEHMAN A SMITH Groceries A Hardware J- MILLARD Furniture ATKINSON A CO Jewelers Tailor NEWMARKET LAUNDRY GRAHAM Photographer If you did not get one of the COUPON BOOKS you can get one FREE from any of the above merchants wounded but it is certain that it runs high up into the hundreds Among those known to have been a Tom a- batteries are all but silenced killed are Col Charles A 1 an huge nag which floated so defiantly the 22nd Infantry Morrison of T and which was the the 15th Infantry and rtrtJ i on t only in sight from the sea on the on of the 22nd capturing El Caney and an fa we have taken after a ter- 1 a l- masonry of the hillside defences It fight the hill of San Juan which fc is not passible at this time Saturday afternoon to tell the complete story of the two days fighting del Esie July office announces that all the Spanish fleet except one warship has been de stroyed and the vessels burning on the beach It was witnessed by Captain Smith who told the operator There is no doubt of its correctness del Este July The de struction of fleet is confirm ed Three vessels of Admiral Sampsons fleet have just returned from an ad venturous expedition to during which they two Spanish gunboats and one pontoon f commands the barracks at Santiago The soldiers sleeping on their arms tonight after fighting from dawn until dark The most glorious achievement of the day was the charge up the hill yards from the city by Woods Rough Riders Spanish shells were pouring down upon them but they never wavered Men foil on every side but they kept steadily on until they captured the Spanish position of San Juan which was supposed to he occupied by of the troops defending Santiago The Spaniards were strongly en trenched with heavy artillery back of them and the open field between them and the American but the Rough a Spanish torpedo boat con- Tim damaged several of the Riders and the 1st 2nd 13th 16th ft nnA rt and Infantry drove them out The Rough Riders the New York and the 10th Cavalry swept everything them They captured three blockhouses all of them defended by artillery and did it with a dash that was The Spanish sharpshooters constantly fired at the litters upon which our wounded were being conveyed to the rear enemys gunboats and compelled the commander of a troopship to run toward theahore One of Admiral Sampsons vessels the Hist was struck eleven and another the Ilornet was disabled by a shell hit her main She was towed out of danger by the Wampatuck Many dramatic incidents occurred during the day and numerous evi dences of splendid personal bravery of FOUGHT ALL Undaunted by the terrible and reception they met Friday General men at daybreak Saturday morning resumed their fierce assault upon the Spaniards in Santiago They pressed forward to the attack with an energy that augurs certain victory Cheered by the gained yesterday and with their en thusiasm not at all checked by the de structive work done by Spanish shells in their ranks our men moved on with grim determination confident of taking Santiago before nightfall Less than a mile lay between them and the citys inner defences To the northeast American troops were pressing in between and Santi ago and to the south other divisions of General army were ad vancing steadily upon the city Be tween the two lines the main body of the army was advancing steadily defiantly against tho middle eastern section of the city lines sampsovb flameclad fleet Off Santiago the flameclad fleet was thundering against the harbour batteries Every ship in Admiral Sampsons fleet was engaged in this work of destruction Mountains of great white smoke rising high above the vessels in the fleet showed how hotly the American gunners were at work By land and sea the American force followed up yesterdays assault in whirlwind fashion Onehalf of the fortyeight hours desired by General Sbaiter in which to capture the city had expired and navy vied with army in the struggle to make the Spanish defeat complete within the time nam ed by the American commader fleet has been destroyed Admiral Sampson forced the harbor and after some fighting the Spanish ships were blown up by their own crews One Spanish ship got out to sea and was chased by American ships with every likelihood of being cap tured A mass of details of the fighting at Santiago has come to hand The Americans appear to have fought but were opposed with equal bravery by the Spaniards The Americans appear to have lost about a thousand in lolled and wounded and the Spanish fighting behind suffered as severely What a Gentleman Commonsense rules in dress and manners the name as in any phase of our lives and this our young men should learn and understand writes Edward of What makes a Gen tleman in the July Ladiea Home Journal A mans manners are not exterior they emanate from within from himself Experience and obser vation are the only teachers he can seek and use Etiquette books are no use to him A young mans progress and favor in the eyes of others does not depend upon his being ostenta tiously correct in manner movement and speech His strongest and most lasting hold upon tho respect and con fidence of people comes from some thing deeper He must not be boor ish or slovenly nor heedless of feelings of others It is his duty to carry himself well according to his best intincts and not by rule as laid down in etiquette books So with a young mans dress At twenty we do not expect our young men to devote so much time to their clothes that they shall be correctly dressed upon every occasion Such useless knowledge is at that time of life acquired at the expense of far more important matters The taste for good dressing and its knowledge so far as it is comes to all of us as we progress The right sort of a young man dresses in the neatest and best manner he can and as well as his income permits That is always good dressing To overdress ones station in the world is always poor taste and invariably makes a bad impression I never yet saw a young man who either hired or borrowed an evening suit for a special occasion who did not loudly proclaim the selfevident fact When a young man wears clothes his means he invariably shows it and he never fails to make a ford of himself This rule is invariable It is not what a man wears but how he wears it that tells the story The Editors Shears CL1PP1XOS FROM OUR A whole of inhabitants near Foo Chow has adopted Christi anity The recent census showed Protestants among the of Italy Otto Winger years old was found dead floating in the canal near Ottawa George of Corinth was killed at St Thomas while trying to board a moving train Samuel Pebbles was severely injured at a raising near A A Jones a deaf mute aged 18 was killed near Montreal while wheel ing over a railroad crossing A young woman named- Julian aged twenty of Montreal was drown ed while boating at Highgate Springs A little boy about five years of age son of Mr Win Cave Thorold was drowned at that place on Tues day Mr Ed Richards of lot 13 con Township week ago Sunday while bathing in the river 1 Lightning caused 300000 dam age to the Great Western distillery the second largest in the world at Peoria 111 Always make starch with soapy Once during the fight the New the American officers and men in their So is trade at the Noted Cheap Store can safely say we have the latest in PRINTS everything new Our BOOTS and SHOES are of the best manufactures in the country Then wo have a full line of in fact we have everything that is to be found in a firstclass general store PRINTS to the most fastidious Our for summer are very nobby rim GENTS FURNISHINGS are the very latest We are showing great value in FLANALETTES and SHIRTINGS Special sales every Saturday SEEDS PARIS Green constantly on hand We are after your trade Give us a trial Our Hew la All kinds of Farm Cash and Cash for Eggs J York was flanked by the Spaniards They the off but suffered heavy loss in doing mostly in wounded Tonight the entire Spanish army has driven into the city proper The Americans are in full possession of batteries on the hills and the city seems to bo at their mercy The guns which were landed from Admiral ships as well as the heavier guns on board the vessels shells into the American ranks which in flicted great damage The losses of Cubans were proportionately as heavy as those of Americans The official of the killed and wounded in yesterdays fight aggre gates 1000 The losses of the Spaniards were en ormous Some idea of their losses can be gathered from the fact that dead were found in one entrench- It is that in Spanish entrenchments an average of only 12 Spaniards out of every escaped of our wounded are now in camp- At daybreak yesterday tho New York Gloucester Brooklyn Mas- work of continuous and intense physi cal strain owing to the hills and swamps and the fierce tropical sun which hammered down upon them the greater part of the day The Cubans behaved with skill and valour and the other Cuban generals led the troops in person and showed grea t coolness in tight places SPANISH The Spanish fought stubbornly throughout and their retreat though steady was slowly and coolly con ducted They contested every inch of the way and fought with unexpected skill their officers handling tho troops with bravery and good judgment As in all of their fighting so far however they did most of their work under cover rarely showing themselves in large bodies in the open AH the re treats were towards Santiago and it is probable that by nightfall the entire force of Spaniards in Province of Santiago do Cuba will bo within citys walls with the exception of men under Gen whose attempt to reinforce Santiago ia be lieved to have been frustrated In the assault Santiagos out- works our men were not seriously Sundays storm did much damage to the shipping at Hamilton and blew a wharf on which were nine people into the water All escaped If you cannot get beef mutton will answer You may choose between milk water coffee or tea But there is no second choice for Scotts Emulsion It is Scotts Emulsion or nothing When you need the best codliver oil the best hypo- phosphites and the best glycerine all combined in the best possible manner you have only one choice It brings prompt results in all cases of wasting or loss in weight BO WKE Tocsuo con be made to Boil Without pipe It is possible to make a pail of water boil without putting it on the fire and without applying external heat to it in any way In fact you can make a pailof water boil by simply stirring it with a wooden paddle The feat was recently performed in the ysica laboratory of Johns Hopkins Univer sity in Baltimore and one may do it with a little trouble and per severance All you have to do is to place your water in a pail it may be ice water if necessary and stir it with a wood en paddle If you keep at it long enough it will certainly boil Five hours of constant and rapid stirring are sufficient to perform the feat suc cessfully The water will after a time grow warm and then it will grow hot so hot in fact that you cannot hold your band in it and fin ally it will boil Professor Ames of Johns Hopkins annually illustrates of the phenomena heat by having one of his students perform the trick in front of class It is a tiresome job but it is feas ible point which Professor Ame3 wishes to illustrate is what is known as the mechanical equivalent of heat It requires just so many foot pounds of work to develop a given quantity of heat By turning the paddle in the water at a regular speed it is possible to find out just how much work is re quired to raise the temperature of water one degree The best measure ment so far made and in fact the one which is accepted as the standard of the world is that which was meas ured in Johns Hopkins University Heat is developed in almost any substance which is subjected to con tinuous or very violent action It is an old trick for a blacksmith to forge without fire Long continued and violent hammering on two pieces of wire will heat them to such an extent that they can be welded together A lead bullet if shot directly at a stone wall will develop heat enough by tho contact to melt and fall to the ground a molten mass There are other occasions wherein this mechanical development of heat becomes mani fest blacksmith Webb- wood and A Miller cele brated the holiday by going hunting Kring mistook Miller for game and shot him dead water which will give a gloss to the linen prevent the irons from sticking Thomas Parsons burglar in cendiary and jail breaker was sentenc ed at Belleville to fourteen years in the penitentiary The woodenlegged tramp who shot and killed Police Twohey of Lon don last week to be hiding in West Middlesex Louis E Chopping clerk in the Department of Agriculture Ottawa is missing He alleged to be found short in accounts In the early days the Atlantic cable tariff was for twenty words and for each additional word Now it is cents a word During the lacrosse match be tween Carrie Jr and in which the latter was defeated Quarry of was accidentally struck over the eye with a lacrosse stick He remained unconscious for three hours hut sufficiently to be taken homo next day An itinerant struck town the other day purchased five pounds of land plaster paying a cent a pound for it He did the material up into small packages and retailed it at cents for cleaning tin and silverware The first purchaser vas the wife of the vendor of the five pound package Express North Bay July A seventeen- yearold lad an adopted son of Napo leon while out hunting stumbled and fell his gun being dis charged both bullets entering his breast and coming out at the back killing him instantly The bullets narrowly missed the victims compan ion who was behind Diphtheria is said to be a disease of recent years of civilization whose cause is to be found in defective drainage damp cellars and dark clos ets With the cause plainly outlined the responsibility of seeing that these entrances to the household fortress are rendered impregnable to the entrance of the enemy rests with the chate laine Sioux City June A severe wind storm struck this city last night blowing down tho main tent of circus while the per formance was in progress The col- the canvas caused a panic in which about forty people were injured Onecf them Adolph Halveraen of Sioux City died soon afterward of his injuries Vakcoiveb June Great pre parations have been made for Domin ion Day celebrations The city will hold a holiday on Friday and Satur day The great event will be the row ing race for the championship of the world and the of five war ships from Esquimau The betting favors against Johnston the

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