J THE NEWMARKET ERA AY- JULY ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL TORONTO General Manner NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business TRANB ACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED AT AM POINTS Sterling and American Drafts bo pi it and cold Farmers Notes promptly to MnmiKcr MEDICAL flu Campbell if- THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LE88ON THIRD QUARTER INTER NATIONAL JULY 10 I Fighting Parsons HOW REV MR AT 8 to a in to and to JrtB if at Chelae England for Diseases of Women of Hospital for Sick Toronto OrriOECentral to a to and to p ra Alfred Newmarket tUolato first door South Of Post Dp J Wesley Physician and Coroner Pharmacy Main Pt North Telephone Communication INSURANCE Joseph A Cody AGENT- FOR Life also Ins at beat rri Good Farms for At Town next to fire all Newmarket Always In on Saturdays A Agent- for ffjr and LIT Money to Loan interest at Current At T fifanton AGENT Canada Assurance Co INSURANCE AT LOWEST RATES to A A Agent Hates on Farm and Isolated Town Property OmCEOver Hodges Tin Shop Newmarket DENTAL A IlioUiogshead Dentist Office Block opposite the Vitalized Air for Guaranteed Aurora Successor to the late Dr and late residence Street Aurora r Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Office Newmarket tar Papers Issued at private If desired Have you any taken lately not the artist a sitting and you will bo with the result Courteous atten tion Satisfactory Photograph- Prices reasonable Call today This suits Art Gallery North of Hotel And fitoekcrs always on hand J RRILIINGEU Holland Text of Hi I Kings Memory Golden Teat by the Pt Stearns Copyright Stearns As lo Lord of fsrivel whom I stand Is first re corded word from Elijah too prophot as ho conies to A huh his God This is Ahab who did Lord God of to anger than all kings of Israel that wore bo- chapter And word of Lord came un to him saying A man of God his from and It for God seeking only to please ho must of necessity to his ho docs not aim to people hut like Paul says As wo wore allowed of God to bo put In trust with oven so wo speak pleasing men but God who our heart I Those Gal I Got and turn thee east ward and thyself by that Jordan It Is a great thing perhaps thing in tho Of child of loam to with God Our Lord Jesus was muoh with His Father both In tho humble homo in Nazareth and Ho entered uion Ills work And It shall bo that of brook and I commanded ravens to food the there wo or on lords and He would have us to he all our temporal needs sure to bo supplied shall always find which hove need of day by without fall fto ho wont and did according unto word of Lord Willing and la always way of blessing Elijah asked no questions and mado no suggestions but simply obeyed God has as a plan for each of us as He had for Elijah and if wo are only willing and obedient Ho will guide us In And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in tho morning and bread and flesh in evening and ho drank of brook Wo not to fellowship with which Is In Gods sight unclean or seek from ungodly but If Ho commands the unclean to minister unto us we ore to accept all things as from Him and be thankful I These v And it cam to after awhile that brook dried up because had lccn no rain in land If had depended upon brook ho would nat urally feel ho saw It grow ing less and less day by tiny but depend ing upon God he could say All springs In Thee Christ thou art my fountain ever flowing and my sweot wayside brook and mine Ho is El the mighty God who Is all Gen I And the word of the lord came un to him saying Wo need afresh word from the Lord for occasion What He told us to do last time may not be His for us next time even though circumstances may be very similar fcee II Sum Wo must wait on our God continually and trust in Him with all our heart and lean not to our own under standing then we shall always bo sure of guidance Hon Hi xxx W must gather manna fresh morulng Q Arise got the to which to Ztdon and dwell there Be hold I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee These are His new orders God has been watching His child and doubt less Elijah had with God every day So be arcs and went to And there was the widow woman gate of city gathering sticks and he asked her to bring a drink of as Lord whispered to Samuel Behold man I Sam He have whispered to Elijah This is the woman of whom I told thee And as she was going to fetch it ho called to her and said Bring me pray thee a morsel of bread In hand His wants were not many either In the way of food or raiment- He did not live to eat but to do the will of God Like our Lord Jesus his meat was to do the will of Him that him and ha knew that bread would be given him and his water would bo sure It Is a good thing to learn to be content in any stato whether full or hungry IS And said As the Lord thy God I have not a cake but an handful of ratal in a barrel pud little oil In a This Is nor pitiful story with the added Item that when she and her son bad eaten this so expected they would have to die Perhaps poor heart was saying Hath God forgotten to be and she was wondering what some of His promises could mean It was surely her extremity and His unity for God helps who cannot help themselves 18 And Elijah said unto her Fear not Go and do as thou hast said But make mo thereof a little cake first and bring it unto me and after moke for thee and for thy son- It was abundant for the man of God and some would foul that tfcerowas a great mistake somewhere But one who had been ministered unto by ravens would not be apt to faint in this emergency For the Lord God of Is raeli The barrel of meal shall iiot waste neither ball the cruse of oil full until the day that the Lord sendcth rain upon the earth The God of Israel hud fed mil lions of years with bread from heaven Ho had brought water out of the took for them He bad divided the Red and the Jordan He is Creator of heaven and earth and thof is nothing too wonderful for Him she went and did according to the saying of Elijah and she and ho and nor bouse did eat many days margin says a full year Faith Just loves what God says without any other In spite of all seeming evi dence to contrary and acta W- Ahdtb barrel of meal wasted not neither did of oil fall according to the word the Lord which Ho spake by If possible that had refused to It what There had been no Increase Are you sharing you have with others or you saying I have enough for me and mine and giving to others is out of the question Hard places give Lord a chance to show Ills power nod In the Incident wo see that Ho Is resurrection and life and son given back from tbo dead would to his mother than If ho bad ilhs word of she Lord Is truth I hey Wore Scoots of Opposing Forces lug I ho Civil Wr fho Who Issued In a Loud Tone Sank Hymns to His Soldiers I can tell you a good Myron brilliant Denver dominie a Wisconsin man who hie been acquainted with Heed for years Myron Heed went into the army a private but wan a captain within two years and in offered a communion oh colonel of an east Ten- regiment Ho wan a dare devil fearless in battle its he brilliant in pulpit sort of officer certain to bo called upon when there was important scouting to lie done Captain Reed did a great deal in that line during his service in Tennessee Before daylight one October morning in an was directing Heed to select of the most trusty men in the regiment for duty and report at division with the least possible de lay Captain Uteri said the general yoMseemto seek hazardous under takings I work of that cha racter for you You mistaken my meaning sir do not court danger I am simply ready at all times to run risks if the demands it it us you will It is on what I regard good authority that a largo Confederate force is coining into this part of Ten nessee from Arkansas want you to take these men and push in their reported direction as rapidly as your animals can carry you I want you to make least miles today When you meet enemy return without delay and report and if pos sible without allowing him to discover you The captain and his followers all of whom resembled their command er in one everyone of them being a daredevil rode through the Union picket line soon after sunrise after sunset when the shades of night appeared and Tennessee mountains whose base they were Hear ing looked gloomy and forbidding they heard something that greatly added to their gloom fearless though they were It was tho one word Halt speaker was on side of mountain out of sight and not more than a quarter of a mile away It had lcen a perfect day and was a perfect evening The voico rang out as clear as a bell Reed satisfied quickly that the command had not been intended for his force His opinion was confirmed when the same voice was heard giving these directions Lieutenant tell Colonel Jones of the Tenth Tennessee to go into camp on that side of the road Have Co lonel Bailey take his regiment just be yond the Tenth Let the other three regiments of the brigade camp on this side of the road The Union scouts upon hearing the generals directions for the dispos al of the brigade for the night- moved a few rods from roof dismounted fed their horses and tried to get a little rest before starting on the miles ride to the Union lines An hour later they beard the l was on mountain you speak of but not with an Arkansas brigade Did you sing hymns and then tell men of your brigade to and rest for next day they would a long hard march and mayhap a fight sang that might Bah and made remark but not to a brigade sab LOOS TO YOUR AND 8EB SPILLING Its Practical Advantages PATENT WIRE No sah to six men who were with mo on a scout Wo saw a force or horsemen en ring our posi tion and not caring to just then and knowing that wo coud not fight so a party wo resorted to that harmless trick to halt the Yankees and give us for a short rest after which we rode back to camp faster than wo left it What is your name Captain Berry of the Tennessee cavalry pah l Captain Berry Im glad to meet you I had command the party you mention Your ruse worked I marched right back to camp we got ready to fight a largo of troops You were gctijng away from mo with as much zeal as I was displaying in getting away from your command Guess you and I had not better say much our exper iences on that October scout Ive got something as good as the com- misiary keeps in this canteen Try it you I never drink A Tennessee soldier and dont drink I am alpo a minister of the gos pel Rah The two captains became warm friends to lis raur tiila for tlio price and been In its a cheaper on too maikef Tlio flhlcr of nil other renew enabled to keep by means of a prince at end posts each attached to a ratchet on back of Is aufflclcnt for over one hundred rods of Wo Ionic staph and irivo them In close for the wire to work freely them on middle posts Our arc fastened firmly to not only overcome and con traction which has been the drawback to all we add tenfold and durability of said resist nearly to the resisting power or the whole number til wires Is Impossible- for any strain to come upon one without to nil and when strulncouies upon part of stretch ft Is not up the Our stays cannot be excelled more an animals shoves It laterally I- wires In to get the tighter It holds the together They easily ninde readily put on strong and durable no thing to rust or break Fin re- The anchoring of our endpost has equal no a Our ratchet or arc appreciated by nil ho see them on the ivlro between the two pftsts where the a ail strain would be the auto he wires SStSinf were tight to but the strain Kt the wire distributed the whole back to I i the springs at end post B holds the firmly together and and Saving or posts one only being needed every feet Ourfencelssoslmplo that any one can build it Funis kinds of slock and danger ous S It does not sag between posts wind or snow will not affect It nor will It collect drifts It Is made or the best galvanized wire and Is not only durable in appear ance It will permit cultivation right up to the fence and by this means you can Seep your fence rows clean For general purposes the has no equal be put up any with any number of wires he public are warned against using any infringement on lids patent WIRES AND STAYS 50C PER ROD For Sale by TOOIiE CO J ame voice a little farther up the Our Toronto Letter Dealers in fruit have been over the Niagara Peninsula to ascertain fruit crop prospects this year and they bring back anything but a favorable report are said to be in ft very bad way about the outlook Last year fruit was exceedingly plentiful The prospect of scarcity this season is caused by the overbear- ing so experts say last year which weakened the trees Apples and peaches will not bo more than half a crop grapes average The reported story about some new Roman Catholic political is surely imaginative No doubt there a Roman Catholics as well as the who think they should be called to that neither nature or education makes them qualified These may bo kickers but along lines of amounts to anything The finished Farmers Loan business on the The terms of the compromise for will be settled next Tuesday The appeal against the compromise will be heard at the firtfc Divisional after vacation The Glorious Twelfth will be duly celebrated by the Orangemen of the city There will be a procession A new trial has been granted to J Clark JP of by the Court of Appeal the suit of Mrs Mary for alleged assault and damages Dominion Day was duly celebrated here Thousands left the city by boats and care and an immense number visited the parks and the were in order everywhere The Dont you think ho puts on too much side l Yes and a good deal of front but I dont think it has any backing Indianapolis Journal A ffiotoeyele A Kokomo man has perfected a which represents the ex and experiments of the past fifteen years It is pronounced a success and a company has been organized to manu facture it in Kokomo The company will be known as the Horseless Car Company A run of 147 miles has recently been completed in eleven hours carry ing four passengers at the expense of threesixteenths of a cent per passen ger The company has been organized with a capital stock of and the officers are Elwood Haynes Elmer secretary and manager and Geo Charles treasurer Although no efforts have been made to push the sales orders to the amount of several thousand dollars have al ready been booked IS mountain as follows First Arkansas brigade if you will give me your attention I will comply with the very general request of command to sing Then for half an hour in a voio that was as clear and sweet as that October atmosphere he sang hymn after hymn old fashioned ones such as the Yankee boys had often heard in their northern homes When the singing ceased the vocalist brigade commander told his men to go to sleep and get a good rest as they would be called upon tomorrow to make a forc ed march of many miles and possibly end it with a hard battle Not long after that Captain Reeds scouting party started back to camp reaching there about 10 oclock the next day His report of the dis covery of an Arkansas brigade led to active preparations for a coming battle but it did not occur The First Arkansas brigade did not keep its engagement The following winter Captain Reed found himself in charge of a large number of Confederate prison- era Among them was one much given to singing hymns Reed thought he had heard the voice Approaching the singer he engaged him in conver sation with following result Have wo met before Not that I know of Your voice has a familiar sound Then ho thought of the hymns he had heard on the side of that immense mountain Do you belong to an Arkansas brigade asked Heed No Im it Tennessee soldier Were you with an Arkansas bri gade when it went into camp on a Tennessee mountain last He named the locality Wa to be of The Examiner has this to say of the representative of North York in the Dominion Parliament The estimated postal expenditure of the fiscal year which ended this week or a reduction of near ly from the expenditure of the proceeding year On the contrary the postal receipts were an increase of over the pro ceeding year The estimated deficit was In the year the deficit was and in the last year of the regime it amounted to the colossal sum of Postmaster General hopes to have a surplus next year Evident ly he is right man in the right place- and Premier and the people have a right to be proud of him Ont July A heavy storm passed through this section this forenoon A barn belonging to Mr Ed Smith of Crotno was stcuck by lightning and burned to ground with its contents i A bit of home surgery practised when a splinter is driven into a childs hand particularly deep is its extraction by steam A bottle with a sufficiently wide mouth is filled twothirds with very hot water tfnd the mouth is plac ed under the injured spot The suc tion draws the flesh down when a little pressure is used and the steam in a moment or two extracts inflamma tion and splinter together This is very efficacious when the offending substance has been in for several hours long enough to have started some of its evil consequences Era with any other i weekly for home news When a man gets beaten at any game he always says be is out of prac tice Boys will be boys says an old saw Just as if they could be any thing else Whenever a man is elected to an office he looks around for an assistant to do the work The wheat crop of Kansas and Oklahoma this year will be the great est in their history Only a small per cent of the money saved up for rainy days is in vested in umbrellas TheWelland and St Lawrence Canals will be kept open until p every Sunday If you- want to be well informed take a paper Even a paper of pins will give some good points According to careful estimates three hours of close study wears out the body more than a whole day of hard physical exertion a Central Ontario fell from a gravel train near Trenton and was killed A prohibition alliance was form ed for County at Barrie on Saturday About delegates were present from all parts of the county This is the season when lovers should avoid a defective hammock No other one thing in the world has caused lovers to fall out as much as a defective hammock Dr Wright of Tottenham re ceived the appointment of medical at tendant for the House of Refuge at at the meeting of county council The salary is per annum A serious collision occurred on the Metropolitan Railway late on Fri day night One of the companys new cars hod been given a trial trip to Thornhill when returning near Willowdale Church it run into a hay rack that was on the track Joseph Lapping the motoiman was struck by the tongue of the waon which pene trated the vestibule and door of the car and he was thrown into the ditch at the side When picked up he was found to be much cut and suffering intense pain He was conveyed home and Dr Spencer found him suffering from a broken wrist fractured collar bone cuts on the face and probably more serious internal injuries The that collided with the car was driven by Robert Pearson of Thorn- hill who was intoxicated and belong ed to F One of the horses attached to the wagon was killed By the people who buy By the people who have money to buy with By the people who pay CASH for their purchases By the people who make desirable customers By the people whom the advertiser is in quest of By the people who know a good thing when they see it By more people in North York than are by any other two papers daily or weekly circulating in the County By everybody in the town and county who wants the largest amount of good fresh crisp spicy news and reading matter for the money By everybody who is possessed of any enterprise who is progressive and who believes in a bright original newspaper that keeps its and its interests to the front I That is Why the ERA Should Receive Your Advertising Patronage OS HONEY TO LOAN Private funds on Farm Property rsl Real Estate Agent Honey to Loan At per cent on flrstclapa farm and village property by Davidson CoiomlaloncrfortaklDK affidavits If J Conveyancer and Real Agent Ac Agent for the following reliable Insurance Companies Liverpool and London and Globe Norwich Union Midland Mutual and Eco nomical Also for the Standard Life Assur ance Co and Northern Life Assurance Co Office Brooks Block Mount Albert Jacksons Point Steam Saw Mills Bill Stuff Cut to Order Shingles for Sale building can of bill ff Cut to Order on short order WANTED VtO- to act as corrc- liiiiituuaDd established Salary Enclose selfaddressed envelope for our tortus to A- P Elder General Manager 19 Michigan Ave Chicago III man of Church standing hero and do office work and their home Mills just starting Persons con- In On hand now a largo quantity of Well Seasoned Lengths ten to fourteen feet McDonald Proprietor Sutton West BO EXPERIENCE George of- was brought home lust week from French River suffering with a broken leg While in the employ of a lumber com pany he was unfortunate enough to be carried over a chute The largest of the Egyptian pyra mids is feet high feet on the sides and has a base covering eleven acres The layers of stone number and many f the stones are- over feet long feet broad and feet thick A team of horses belonging to Mr Win Crawford of King made a dash from foundry at Bol ton on Monday Crossing the iron bridge they took to the ditch j I In the field Copyrights elch description may or opinion free whether patentable Paten wrecked the row of maples Other damage was slight I Scientific four Sold I A WTRH lor Krai J W Canadian book of Gladstone memorial edition by in now ready Hi lis to