Newmarket Era , July 8, 1898, p. 7

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n CHINA HALL Our stock in many lines wo find too large To Quick wo will Reductions for the days Hots Green Pink and Brown best quality worth special at China Tea pieces New Designs worth 7 for 4 Printed Tea Sets pieces to clear at Toilet Sets pieces shaded in Pink Green regular for Toilet large size best quality for 125 China Flower Pots worth for Ladies Oxfords worth 1 for CO cents Oxfords worth 185 for Mens Bicycle Shoos to clear out at worth double the price Mens Fine Bf Bal worth 150 for Lots of other lines Equally Low in Price One pound Cans Baking Powder 12 cents lb Glass Jars Baking worth for 15o lb Jars Parisian worth for 1 lb Cans Coffee wortl for Good lb Never loose sight of our Japan Tea lbs for A Good Japan Tea for The Leading Grocer SMITH Cor Main Timothy Sts THE rKIDAY JULY Weeks WHAT IS OOINO OH It ABOUT TOWN Union and lour hundred attend- Union Excursion to It was a lovely day for trip Police of Kn resulted In hie commitment for trial on of obtaining goods under A championship match for District Is to tako in on of week and homo team has a team and it will bo a hard Band Serenade On way homo from on Wednesday Town Band re- in at of stroot for About ad hour and fiireoadad North which wae duly appreciated Goo ajjrtjlonry deserve credit for on ten tuning tho Hand Industrial Home Commissioners mot on Monday and passed amounting to sum the other extras as for drainage report of County Em with reforonco to of supplies for Homo denied by Warden and both Commissioners say that matron was not mentioned In tho matter everything wae satisfactory On afternoon the mado annual vIbU to tho Homo ladies wore very by the Matron Tho old anx iously waiting in tho Chapel Mrs Cody presided and Mfea Millie Howard at organ Besides words of and comfort and readings given After a abort program old people were invited to the dining room a tempt of cakos and oranges mot their gaze and the feast will be long romembor- The beautiful solo of Miss of Toronto delighted old people that after tho mooting was over they called for young lady to fling more AT Pharmacy Lehmans Drug Store KILL ALL FLIES by using Pure Insect Powder Sticky Fly Fly Pads Two Houses To Rent E Lehmap Chemist and Druggist A FREE SCHOLARSHIP IN A- High Grade business College is worth winning Entrant and the next have chance this year by Writing to Decoration Day About COO people gathered in the on Wednesday evening to observe Decoration There attempt at elaboration and the founds looked uniformly neat and attractive Wax lilies rosea and pansies entered largely into the floral offerings Crosses wreathe and bouquets were very numerous and a pillow of wax lilies with the word mother across it ex quisite The Town Band played moat of the way from tho Fir Hall to the Cemetery and on arriving at the Diamond rendered five selections of specialty prepared interspersed with speaking under tho direction of President Mr Jackson In his opening remarks he re ferred to the that the Cemetery incorporated years ago and years ago on the of July the first interment made There now interred here and the Newmarket Cemetery has the it of being most beautiful between the Lakes The necessity of de positing a certain sum with the Directors for the perpetnal care of lots was duly em Rev A complimented the Di rectors for the way they had assisted na tore in beautifying the premises contrast ing the same with many neglected grave yards Mayor Cane said he had travelled all over Ontario and had not seen any spot more beautiful for the purpose nor as well attended to He called attention to the action of Directors and how it had inspired the people to keep their plots in order and a credit to this section of country He would like to see all town organizations join In a halfholiday earlier in the season to perpetuate the memory of the departed Elder Cbidley emphasized the compar ison between this Cemetery and other ne glected plots for burial of departed loved- ones and while many had spent labor and means in their memory here he called attention to the necessity of erecting monuments of character which would endure through eternity be ashamed to die till we had won some victory for humanity Rev Matthews bad a word of praise for the caretaker Mr Epwortb in carrying out the Instructions of the Direct ors to such perfection Though he had visited many cemeteries there were few to be found in better condition than this one With the exception of Egypt China and Palestine the dead were cremated in all countries previous to the 2nd or 3rd cen tury in the christian era and It was not un til that the bill passed which gives us the privilege we enjoy today in ihie respect He heartily endorsed the idea of Decoration Day as it bad a tendency to cultivate sym pathy and brotherhood Rev J Gardner closed proceedings with an appropriate prayer Returning down town the Rand en- at Starr Refreshment Parlor by the Directors for the valuable and service they had rendered on the occasion and singing of tho last immexi was very highly by 1 occupied the chair A Garden Party wan held on evening of on lawn of Mr Milton Pearson under tho of Church wan provided by Band Tottenham and Ethel Outlet as soloist Addresses wore given by Rev tt J Stillwvll of It of Kleinburg and Scott of pastor occupied chair All expressed good satisfaction over evenings enjoyment J well of has moved to and Fer ris of now occupies the Success to both AURORA Entrance and Public Leav ing examinations have boon in pro gress in High School building Mr head master of High School and Mr Win of the Model Newmarket are presid ing GO scholars wrote for the En trance and for Public school raving Mr celebrated his birthday on Wednesday He is halo and hearty Miss Vi who has been in Toronto visiting her sister Mrs for past three has returned home Dr George McDowell of Staples Minn is spending a few days with his parents hero Rev and Mrs McDowell Miss teacher in the Primary Department of School has been seriously siok A number of Baptist from here at tended ordination services of the Rev A at King City At tho regular meeting of Rising Sun Lodge No GiiC held in the Masonic Hall tho following offi cers were installed by Taylor assisted by the past master of lodge James McClosky master J Stevenson D senior warden M Hillary junior warden Right Worshipful Brother chaplain A Taylor treasurer A secretary Woods senior deacon Fred Baldwin junior deacon A Radclitfo director of ceremonies Russell senior steward Eli junior steward W J Warne inner guard Harry A aplendid was seen here Tues day evening Dominion Day loyally spent with races raueio and ended with a con- aiderable display of fireworka The entire staff of both High and Schools are reengaged Mr Forsyth is erecting a large addition to his residence There is in Aurora a strong under current among the temperance people that is new have awakened to tho fact that at least some hotelkeepers are not the black characters they were represent ed to be that hotels are a necessity as much as a grocery that respectability is the first requirement and that revenue is essential With the abolition of intoxi cants they are considering means of rev enue that all these points may be met Two suggestions are made that while hotels will be licensed that license will give them the exclusive in boarding houses private persons taking boarders having to pay a license which sum applied to reduce the sum imposed on hotels alio that the entire tobacco trade passes into their hands as well as the sate of soft drinks Properly handled it is thought their revenue will be ample The family of Mr Thompson princi pal of the school have left for their annual sojonrn on the shores of Lake Aim- Tbe Misses of were calling on friends here Miss of Toronto spent a couple of days in town visiting with old friends The volunteers who went to the front to meet the Fenians are applying for medals Messrs Long J and A Gra ham are among the number Mr A Stevenson of Toronto was here last week shaking hands with old friends Tbe Farmers Binder Twine Co of appears to have made a grand muddle of their business Their agents proceeded to take according to in structions When they wired the Co to send on the twine they got the cool reply that they could not fill them Litigation seems sure to follow if the matter is reported ST SOUTH passed off very nicely with the excep tion of conduct of some boys who old enough to know better After people had all gone away broke into church eat all the Wanted and then turned some upsido down on tho floor with plates on top Such conduct should not go unpunished oven though young men belong to respectable families BUSINESS Toronto name address teacher school and Information about competition will becheerfully furnished paper Address Principal Toronto Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church gave a Strawberry Festival in tho Drill Shod of that place on A pleasant evening was spent program consisted of addresses by Revs Hand Robinson Scott and Wallace and singing by the Misses Phillips Lloyd and Davis I While Mr Walter Armitage was in the act of climbing a ladder in the barn he missed his hold at the top and fell to the floor He was hurt con siderably but no bones broken Mr Beth is laid up with a kick by a horse Miss Mary of is visiting at Mr Edward Mr Caleb Dyke from spent Sunday with Mrs A Dyke Considering the number of parties around and the very busy time the Garden Party last Tuesday evening under the auspices of Enterprise Div was a grand success After a sump tuous tea was served a splendid pro gram was Mr presided in a very able manner Elder gave a splendid address on Industrial Duties Everything Mr J P and daughter Miss Gladys spent the 1st with her mother here Mr Harry Rogers and family of Caroerry are visiting rela tives in this vicinity Mr of spent the 1st with Mrs people Mr and Mrs Wood spent a couple of davs week visiting friends in the city Miss of Toronto is rusticating at Mr J Curtis Miss of is at Mr Win Barrudells spending her holidays Mrs and family of Aurora rusticating at ElmHurst farm Mrs Will Aull and family of To ronto aro with their mother at Hamil ton- Miss Etta is spending a week with mother Mrs X Doan of Aurora The threshing season coming on rapidly Curtis and are in this week getting necessary repairs It looks quite old fashioned to see Billy Clcland standing at the smiths forgo again here The Misses Simpson of Newmarket who have been spending a holiday season with their cousin Mrs Watson here have returned to New market The Royal Crusaders of Temper ance will picnjc in the village here next Saturday A good time may be expected Rev Mr Farrier preached his in troductory sermon in the Moth church here on Sabbath last Mr Ed of Owen Sound has returned to spend his holi days with parents He is a como guest sure Mr of Newmarket is building a commodious pig pen for his tenant here Mr Davis Mr Win Webster is completing barn repairs having things in a better state Binding Twino rise has caused quite a commotion among the farmers in this section It looks as there will not be any more binding done than necessary and many purpose binding by hand It is generally conceded by the pub lic that those cobbling stone on the highways that have been gathered to the centre of the road by the road machine should be removed as some parts are very bad Mrs Curtis sr of whom we spoke last week as being hurt by a horse taking fright at piping on side of road doing as well as can be expected Her arm is much swollen yet Mr George Blackburn was un fortunate as to lose a twoyearold blood colt on Tuesday morning from blood poisoning The animal was bruised in the breast some way while in pasture and was only injured a few days previous to its death COLLEGE CORNERS What do you think of last Monday for a cooler Quite a contrast between Sunday and Monday 102 in the shade Sunday am A very large crowd sported at Jack sons Point July 1st from this com munity Games of all descriptions were indulged in especially the bi cycle race of which Angus Cameron won the ten dollars and silver cup The race eight miles Mr Johnnie and Joe Cunningham spent their happy first at Grassi Point Fall wheat and barley heads are whitening for the reapers Soon well hear the click of the binders and the merry shocker boy All are talking of going on the Kes wick Excursion this week The Christian Endeavor on Union Street is gone up It did not like the one at Sunday School in the morning now instead of preaching Mr Young had a gang of eight men hoeing last Monday and Tuesday Thats the way to rush business Mrs G Moore a Newmarket music teacher has moved into our midst and is ready to take pupils to play and sing Cherries aro turning red fast and lots of them Miss Collman of Newmarket is staying at- Mr a few days Miss Maria Rose who was paying friends a visit is home again One of our boys got fooled at Roachs Point one night last week Theres no bell chiming in that quar ter yet Ha Ha I Mrs Sherman of Kirkfield were visiting Mr Jacob Smith and also Mrs Andrews of Innisfil Out Totun Regular meeting last Monday even ing Present Mayor Deputy Lloyd and Councillors Cody ville McDougall Stick wood and Smith Following bills passed Wilson cement for WAV J Gill burying dog W Gray cutting weeds etc P installing ro Church Tor Gen Hospital treatment of John Gill Millard teaming on Main St 1 P Gibson Son surveying and location of stake The bill of Packard for two cars of coal was referred to the Fire Light Com and the bill from Eha Office was referred to the Printing Com The communication of Chief regarding damaged hose was referred to the Fire and Light Com The Clerk was instructed to acknow ledge the grant of of the County Council for Lock- Up repairs with thanks also to the affidavit of Jos Millard re location of stake on Main St Tho communication of the County Clerk stating that tho taxes required for 1898 were for general purposes and 13248 for Industrial Home referred to the Finance Com The Clerk was instructed to fill the blanks in circular regarding Electric Light Plant and forward the annual fee to Inland Revenue Dept The Mayor reported that a joint committee has been appointed by citi zens to act in accordance with the Town Council regarding enlargement of Specialty Works and thoy will meet next Friday evening Tho Treasurer was instructed to forward 560 to Toronto General Hospital for treatment of John Gill for two weeks Council adjourned at Prepare for it by Painting the Woodwork and Kitchen Floor Full Line of Paints Oils Ready Mixed Paints Alabastine Paint and Kalsomine Brushes OPAQUE WINDOW SHAOES Cornice Poles CREAMERS MILK Barrel Churns HORSE CLIPPERS Lawn Mowers and Pruning Shears Garden Hose Rakes Rakes Spades Shovels Hedge Hoes Agents for Harris and Bros Repairs Jacks for Hire Immense Purchase of To the Editor of Ntwmarhet Bra Sib of your town I feel that I cannot allow this weeks issue of your good paper to be circulated without making reference to the loss which Licenee Commissioners have inflicted upon townspeople more especially the merchants and business men by refus ing to grant a license to the North Ameri can Hotel Not alone will our business men suffer but the farmers living in radius of fifteen or twenty miles from here will be utterly astounded when they what a loss they have sustained by this unreasonable act For some weeks past yea even months we have heard reports from the License Commissioners to the effect that some one or perhaps two of oar hotels would have to a license and we heard the names of one or two hotels which on merits could not stay bat was the name of the North American Hotel ever hinted at as being the unlucky No such a thought have been an outrage on the judgement of any sane man I venture to say that there is not a man In our town or country surrounding it who will say that this hotel ever since Messrs Crake have had the management thereof has been conducted in any way bat a strictly decent respectable manner and I further say that the present proprietors paid the highest regard to the license laws and there could have been no tion to them on that score Again this is really the farmers Hotel of our town it is so near busy market with accommodation for about 150 horses and vehiclea should its gates close up and Its yards be fenced then realize what these three officials whom we might have deemed all men done Let me ask again this the third hotel in onr town or is it the sixth So far as merit is concerned there is not a man of fur judgement who will not name this as the third best house in our town then Sir what kind of influence has this body of three to change their convic tions in the last few weeks and give a sample of wisdom snoh a shock to intelligence There could not have been any complaints on the part of the License Inspector be cause this pro bono publico bad every opportunity for investigation and he woald not served his office well had he allowed any report to come to him without making an manly investiga tion even though he should fail in secur ing convictions aa has nearly always been his lot in the past Hat any other person including an innkeeper handed any report verbal or written to this Inspector com plaining of any illegality on the part of these good proprietors No because it would have been too and for each Inspector to form a prejudice without an open proper investigation therefore we cannot consider that such has been the case What hen has prayed so heavily upon the mines of these License fathers to bring about such a puerile judgement We cannot say that they have been advised with any external being we dare not say that their pockets have been filled with gold but surely we can say that such an calls for an open explanation to our townspeople to Messrs Crake who have served us faithfully What will our local member say of wise trio when he hears how this blunder judgement has grated on the ears of his intelligent yes of every intelligent man Surely in tbe just demands and interests of our town he will come forward with the proper means for reinstating A Crake to carry on busi ness In their efficient manner in this same Hotel as of old Yours truly 140 pieces on sale Friday Morning July 8 Colors Good Width Newest Patterns ONTO JOBBING HOU Central Telephone Office JUST ARRIVED Watermelons Raspberries Oranges and We are Agents for Blue Ribbon Tea Robertsons Old Stand and Central Telephone Office I To get a Suit made by a tailor and another thing to have in made right By leaving your order with what you want when you want it and how you want it As he always keeps posted as to the very Latest Styles and finishes every garment in an artistic manner Prices Low if Terms Cash DOUGALI MY TAILOR

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