Newmarket Era , July 15, 1898, p. 3

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1 THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY Weeks Local WHAT ON IN ABOUT TOWN fa Great Going ft holiday bo many going on tho Ex- to Toronto Iced attention The on Timothy bo repaired A crowd coming from Fair might a lapse railing on Queen Car in a Tory rlokoty condi tion and certainly not The Fund warm last wan apparent ly too much for control and was by a of moo without regard to To save further trouble each contributed 91 to Another dollar found its way to Town Treasurer for assault And report aro a couple more of a similar nature to be die- posed of It will pay you to read men iiVV 1 Quite on Improvement Mr putting finishing touches on addition to which lias a very airy appcaranco Thir teen extra being put in tho and making a total of which will bo to a motor The hands are stirring around to open tomorrow Restaurant is more in keeping with requirements of Town than any place heretofore Championship Hatch All lovers of the National Game will want to the Lacrosse match on Exhibition Park this aftornoon It first match in League this season for Championship between and the Both teams in good practice and will light hard for victory Thohomoteam always looks for mentbyagood tarn out of the citizens We hope will not bo disappointed A hearty cheer means a good deal in a contested match Scholarships Open Of special interest to young who have written upon Entrance and Leaving Examinations this year is the an- of the Central Business Col- lego awarding a limited number of scholarships to those who taken the highest standards in the above ex aminations It is not yet too late to regis ter for this competition and candidates who have not already communicated with the principal about matter will doubt less find it to their advantage to do so with out delay Produce Small green vegetables assuming considerable proportions and the Market last Saturday was a good one Bed sold at and black currents quart cherries to per pail red raspberries to Go per lb green peas per peck or shelled for quart new potatoes peck onions bunch Co per head green beans halfgal measure beets bunch carrots bunch Fine dressed chickens pair Largo quantity of butter and eggs and yet prices had an upward ten dency Batter sold from to Ho and eggs from to Grouting Mr John Flanagan of the of KIn measured hie Friday foot Mr A Travies of Holt brought in a sample on Tuesday measuring feet Friends P Young Peoples of Christian Endeavor of tho Church elected tbo following officers for coming term Cody Vice Proa Mr J Secretary Mies Manning Cor Mr L Lehman Treasurer Waldon Address and Presentation On of Dominion Day tho Choir of Presbyterian met at residence of Mr Win Itannie for the purpose of a social evening with Mies Wilson rotiriug organist As a token of esteem and appreciation of helpful and elevating influence a short address was read by Mr Ernest Dickson and Mies Wilson her with a Gold Mounted Fountain Pen reply exceedingly appropriate and a very pleasant evening was spent Public School Board Regular meeting last Tuesday evening Present Messrs Pretty Brunton Camp bell and passed amounting to Secretary reported the receipt of Government Grant amounting to 9228 londer of J Wilson for tons of coal at was accepted It being the lowest About ft hundred applications wore re ceived for the vacancies in teaching staff following wore accepted for 1st assistant at a salary of per annum Morrison Hamilton for Princi pals Assistant for Model Term at 150 Mies Raid of tax Primary during Model Torm at Secretary was instructed to prepare now with all tho teachers making their terms to after tho summer vacation and all contracts to ex pire with of following ex- cept where teachers employed for a limited terra Take a Holiday Next Wednesday and ceo your friends in the oily You will not a bettor this summer Cheap Sugar Boat Granulated Sugar lbs for Bright Yellow lbs for Co Last Sunday morning JE Gardner preached a good practical sermon from and Glorying the of Christ evening memorial service con gregations both morning and wore largo and over were present at the Sunday Next morning the pastors subject will bo Forgotten Yowb At the request of Aurora preaches In evening and of Aurora will preach here Depot During ilio past week no lees than loaded care have arrived here of whloh contained pall timber from for Canes and this has things around station The record is as follows care Logs Tear J car Coal car Lumber cam Merchandise OUT WAR IM cars Grain 1 car Flour cars Wooden ware cars Merchandise Gospel Temperance Fair attendance Sunday and meet ing conducted by tho of tbo Christian Church Lehman presided with as organist Reading by Mies Colls KceJoy recitation by Mottle and by Mies and Miss Mabel of provide the program next Sunday Football Quite largo crowds assembles on Fair Ground these long for On Wednesday a Football Match took place the Orioles of North End and a pickup team from South End After a rough for an hour the Orlole3 wore drclared victors by a to Mr Abo to the satis- faction of fill V v t inch Cashmere all colors 8inch New Plaid Dress Goods Mens Gotten Undershirts All Wool Tweeds JLadies Blk Cotton Hose fast color White Spot Muslin per yard Fifty cent Blouses for White Counterpanes yards Ion i 3 lac c of elected for ensuing are Select Vice Sister Nettie Chaplain lire Low IJin See Walter Groorne Treasurer Bee Bister Eva Lush Herald Inside Guard Bister Thompson Fred Lundy Past J Green went to Aurora on Wednes day evening for installation along with of Aurora Lodge by the District Councillor Union Thursday of last week was an ideal day for an outing and at a the strains of the Citizens Band as they marched to wards the depot warned those who had not already started to make tracks for the station The train left promptly on time and sped rapidly Northwards bearing some happy excursionists A lew joined the party at Holland Land ing and Bradford and on at the commodious steamer- 1 shy was awaiting which we soon boarded The command let go given and we found ourselves sailing down the beautiful waters of Bay Shanty Bay and Big Bay Point were passed and at we landed at pretty park of 45 aires on Island Here we remained for an hour and a half the majority delving into the mysteries of while many took dinner at the Hotel after which the pleasure seekers enjoyed a stroll row or bath as they felt inclined until the steam ers whistle summoned us to resume our journey and ware off for Orillia After passing through two swing bridges at the Narrows between Lakes and wd disembarked at Orillia wharf and proceeded to view this lovely Northern Town white our Band serenaded the principal streets At all aboard was shouted and we started homewards Good connection was made with the train at and all arrived home safely at p the train making nearly record time Every one enjoyed themselves immensely The abundance of excellent selections by the bind the boat added much to the pleasure of tho party May the next year even a greater success we understand the Committee barely came out even financially and considering there were schools interested a larger crowd was expected but those who went voting it one of the trips of nation Pobcrteoni Bakery Open everyday extraction School The following promotions aro made in hero in accordance with the examinations at the dose of the past term Promotions from Form II to Form I Belfry Chantler A Duncan J Eves Forester Gray Greenside MalloyM Hendry Morrf eon A G McDonald Mann Osborne Mi Roes I Thompson Roe RECOMMENDED Thompson P Wright Wesley To Junior Third Book Lena Atkinson Herbert Atkinson Lily Belfry Annie Caldwell Jane Caldwell Verne Cane Joseph Hoi John Kennedy Evelyn MoKav Alfred Lloyd Grace Ernest Leslie Promoted to Division Maud Ten oh Lily Bennett Mary Russell Mabel Currey Charlie Cane Ethel Hughes Cody Lily Lush Charlie Ethel Miller Carrie Robinson Little Clara Storks Hugh Marsh 6tone Lily Thompson Norman Eves Vera Katy Brock Greta From Room to Se cond Book Wallace MoDonald Charles Caldwell Laurence Lepard Nora Fletcher Roy Cane Ross Jessie Walter Hill Toole Mabel Thompson Otto Lundy Alma Ada Percy Pearl Smith Ethel Robinson Willis Arthur Thompson Leta Coney May George KuWes Howard Keeloy Alfred From the Primary Miss to the Junior Second Book George Nellie Robert Morton Thompson Annie Tenoh Carrie Ada Tench Robert Johnson Thompson Roy Cody Edgar Charlie Mabel Armltage Promotions from Miss Codys Class Second Book Class Nora Lundy Ethel Wilson Beatrice Lloyd Herbert Wright Geraldioo Edgar Ego Claire Plebiscite fleeting A meeting of the workers for the in Newmarket took place at Temperance Hall last Friday even ing and was well attended The following local oilicers were elected President Mr J Green VicoPres ministers of the several churches together with following lay men J J Pearson Low Pretty Cane Walter Cain and T Hunter Secretary Mrs Cane Treasurer Mr Cody A committee composed of Mr L Leh man Miss Lehman Miss Mr Green Mrs and Mr Wilson was appointed to Town for sub scriptions to raits the amount of levied by the Plebiscite Convention held in New market time Sent On Wednesday morning a young msn named John Lyonvjr Stewarts liquor store and ordered some There was only a small boy In the shop at the time and while he wont to tho collar to draw the Lyons holpcd himself to two flasks of from shelf The proprietor entered the just as ho had one flask in his pocket and another in his hand An Information was at sworn out and Lyons appeared before County Councillor Woodcock and Reeve Robertson charged with theft Tho case was dispos ed of summarily under the Criminal and Lyons was sent to jail for 30 days Serious Accident The many friendBof Mr Cornell of Pickering who live in this vicinity will regret to learn he was tho victim of a dan gerous accident on 29th of last month engaged in unloading hay he was standing on rack when one of the becoming frightened pulled off its bridle and the team started on the run Mr Cornell jumped but was knocked down and run over sustaining a compound fracture Mow knee both bones being broken in two places of Pickering and Warren of Whitby wore mediately sent for and the injured limb and the patient is doing as well as could bo expected Mr Cornell is a brotherinlaw of Mrs who was visiting at Wee- and immediately left for Picker ing while Miss Clayton an old friend also started for the same place on Wednesday Although Holler Blinds have advanced in- price still sell them for cents complete The best Cakes arc alwaya made with Baking CORNER CLOTHING AN When you intend buying Clothes you naturally want We have the largest and fXO a pair of Shoes or a Suit of a large stock to select froms most complete of Boots and Shoes ReadyMade Clothing Gents Furnishing and Hats l and Gaps in North York Mens Good Tweed Suits in a variety of colors worth 600 for 375 Mens Fine Tweed Suits in checks worth 700 for 400 24 Boys Good Strong Tweed Suits worth 200 for 125 Boys all wool Serge Suits worth 200 for 150 Mens Strong Laced Boots worth 125 for Boys Strong Laced Boots worth 100 for 65c Mens Fine Laced Boots worth 125 for 95c Ladies Kid Low Shoes worth for 65c Ladies Fine Kid Low Shoes worth 150 for 100 We Lead in Low Prices and Good Goods Come and look through our Stock The Orangemen Newmarket Lodge about strong followed their Banner to the Tuesday morning headed by the Fife Drum Band They celebrated the 12th at and report a roising demonstration procession is said to be the largest ever witnessed there contained about lodges IS and bands braes bands Newmarket the credit of having the best Fife and Dram Hand in the procession and the dram major attracted considerable attention by his excellent stick twirling The invitation of Newmarket Lodge to cel ebrate tho here next year was very favorably received thereon will be taken later by individual lodges While returning from tho depot to the Room in the evening a Blight acci dent in front of Roches store A horse attached to a buggy in were seated a young man and woman became frightened at the Band and tried hard to runaway not a couple of Orange men grabbed the horse no doubt the re sult would have been more serious As it was the onlv damage done was some of the harness broken to Wednesday Everybody who attended the Methodist Sunday Excursion last year was free to admit that Island Park was the best place for a that they had ever struck spacious well kept grassy lawns beautiful shade hot and cold water and every many natural and artificial attractions amusements for the children and grand beech on the Lake Ontario side of the Island for little ones to paddle in the water The Ferry arrangements are also so con venient because if a person wants to anybody In the the tickets are good either way any time during tho day The tickets being only the excursion offers a splendid opportunity for business people to visit the wholesales end put nearly two days into one at a saving of nearly half the price over hours being allowed in the The special train leaves Newmarket at a m and returns at pm Pre sent indications are that there will at leaat four or fiva hundred on There are other attractions in Toronto which will draw a good many young men The BradfordNewmarket combination are to play a match against Toronto and a baseball match is to take place the same day The train stops at all be tween Bradford and King meat for farther particulars Pay your water rates today and the A deputation from Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church is going to Toronto next Wednesday to hear several pipe organs before giving their order for the new church organ Sharp frost last Monday morning injured the corn cucumbers and beans moves into the residence just vacated by Mr A on Pros pect Ave next week was wired this week for electrio lights While taking a spin on his wheel between and Button last Saturday Banker Roes took a header and disfigured his face as well as hurt bis knee consider- ably The Times this week gives ihe result of the Entrance and Leaving Exams at and Whats the matter with the Newmarket reports If the result can be published in one locality why not another A weather prophet states that this is go ing to bo the hottest summer on record and we h touches of heat which would aeem to justify the prediction Alderman Bomervilles Livery Office was brightened by a new coat on Wednesday at the hands of Painter Caldwell I Regular meeting of Town Council next Monday evening A lot of Newmarket people spent Sunday at the Lake but it was too cool for pleasure The Skylark was taken to Bradford bridge yesterday and in The dry spell causing a heavy draw on the Town reservoir Dr Stephens the vet has taken over Lehmans Drug Store The Junior Laoroaee Team went to Wednesday and were defeat ed by a score of to ii M Jif Ji it w i- LADIES BLOUSES EXTRA SPECIAL Our Customers will remember that a year ago at this time we held a Special Sale of Blouses thai fairly startled them with cheapness We ask you to bear mind the Bargains you secured at that time while we tell you the news of another IMMENSE BLOUSE PURCHASE made by us last Friday We cleared out every single solitary Blouse that a Iarg Manufacturer had in stock at a price that will enable us to ALL PREVIOUS EFFORTS and give you GREATER BARGAINS THAN EVER dozen of these Blouses were shipped to our Ottawa Store the balance of the purchase was sent here and are now opened up in the Mantle upstairs This one item will give you an idea of what we are doing 67 only Ladies Fancy Muslin and Cambric Blouses assort- d colors and patterns with detachable Linen Collars made to sell at from to 150 your choice as long as they last Grocery Special FOR SATURDAY ONLY The Elections in British Columbia Vancouver B July The latest returns indicate defeat of the Government at the polls Defi- Devilled Ham news has been received from all constituencies but Cariboo and it is said that Cariboo has returned two Oppositionists On this basis the figures stand Opposition Government 15 Independent 2 Cassair two members yet to be elect ed This total seats Giving the two Independents and two Cassair seats to the Government that makes each but when the first want of confidence vote comes to be taken ihe Government would have its own Speaker in the chair and so would be defeated by votes to 18 It acknowledged here that the pre sent Opposition would be equally un able to command a working majority even if it were to carry one seat in each lb oz Fresh 5 Choice Oranges Choice Lemons 1 Fancy Cream Candies Acid Drops Cent Candies for Peanuts Broken Soda Biscuits 4 b Tongue Turkey Boneless Herring Tin Baking Powder guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction lb Specials for Women Summer Corsets White and Drab Ladies Light and Dark Tan Oxford Shoes your choice of any pair marked regular up to 150 on Saturday for Ladies Light and Dark Tan Oxford Shoes your choice of any pair mark ed regular up to 200 on Saturday for Drug Sticky Fly Paper 4 sheets for 5c 25c 50c Henry years old was whirled around some shafting and killed at Drayton Fowlers Extract Wild Strawberry Lime Fruit Juice Radways Ready Relief Specials for Men Mens Suits a line of light Tweed Suits regular 750 special Satur day for 500 Mens Suits 350 to 4- special Saturday Colored Shirts Saturday Hardware Binder Twine Red Cap and Pure Manilla Dont fail to get our prices Boiled Linseed Oil Raw Linseed Oil GaUon Turpentine Machine Oil the best 2 Prong Hay Forks 20C Prong Hay Forks 35 KrEWMAEIIT I

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