THE NEWMARKFT JULY CAPITAL HEAD President General Manager SUNDAY SCHOOL fn 111 THIRD INTER NATIONAL JULY NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business Interest Allowed on Deposits AT COnilENT DRAFTS ISSbEDl AT Mils Sterling and American oM Collections promptly attended to a Manager Wort of still Memory Text I by Cot P W learn a Copyright by 80 And unto all And all peo ple near unto him And ho altar of Lord broken down third year Elijah to go and show to Ahab and that Lord rain Ho obedient and starts to seek but on way ho o Toronto better A Had fatality occurred at Inland on afternoon of The of Church was held tliero that day and tea in company with Home other Win Arthur aged went in bath- in- From onio cause young Cough itik into water and al though companioiiH tried to him they failed- body was not recovered for minutes The wimo day the children of College Presbyterian Church at Oak villo hut to relate after the boat started on tho homo- ward trip Dora wan j ri jl Dp Campbell a at opposite Church to pm Ahab and commissions bin logo ami heartfailure and diCfl in a to bis master Behold Is in informs him that ho bos been a Alex a printer wit run Formerly at Chelsea Hospital London England Tor Diseased of Women of Hospital for hick Children Toronto Central Pharmacy to a in to and to 8 Alfred lliolate first door South of Post Dp J Wesley Physician Burgeon and Coroner MolnBt North Telephone Communication Joseph fl Cody AGENT also at rates Good Karma Town Clerks Office next to Via Newma Always In on J A Agent for Money to at Current At Newmarket Canada Co A A Ramsay Fire Agent Low Rates on Yarn Isolated Town property Newmarket DENTAL A I Dentist Post Block opposite the Church Air for fiatlsfactloD Guaranteed Dp J Dentist Aurora to the late Dr Robinson late Aurora Iiymon MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Office Newmarket Papers Issued at private desired Private funds on Farm only JACKSON Ileal Estate Agent to Loan per cent on farm and village property by Davidson Owe And Blockers always on band J landing for everywhere and that king doms and nations had caused to take an oath that they could not find How are all whom God gloriously cafe all whoso lives with Christ In Col Ill On being that would surely show blmiolf to day goes to with and starts to moot Elijah The result of Interview is that oil forael the prophets of and groves are to moot Elijah fttCoimol They to provide two bullocks and aU of Baal will take one and Elijah other nd prepare them to bo con sumed by fire that shell from the true God Baal or Jehovah and tho God that the lire is to bo ac knowledged as true God And took stones accord ing to the number of tho tribes of tho eons of Jacob unto whom the word of Lord came saying shall bo thy name It was Jacob was made by having bis thigh put out of Joint that he clung In weakness and obtained and the now name of Israel His descendants were that through thorn and their helplessness God might make Himself a name for tho benefit of all nations Ham In their deliverance from life In the wilderness the Hod sea and Jordan It Is tho alone who seen working In iplto of their And with the he built on altar In name of and he made a about tbo altar as great as would contain two measures of seed had but one motive the glory of God and but one aim to make a He knew and believed that he stood before and nothing for opinions of Ahab or all his only God WW glorified With great calm ness thercforo and quiet confidence we may Imagine him this altar in the name of what might tie wrought through us If only we willing to live In tho name of the Lord John And bo put the wood in order and out the bullock In and him on the wood and said Fill four barrels with pour It on the on wood This would entirely deatror any of deception as to of fire that was expected wood it suggestive of the cross and of burnt offering of Lev and of Is only true offering antitype of all with the tak ing of whoce human hands bad really naught do as God permitted 8485 Andtho water ran round altar led water The and third time the sacrifice and altar deluged with waUT until the trench was filled Hew amazed the prophets of Baal Did you over try to kindle- flreMth wot wood If not you con this situation is only when things are humanly speaking that really bus opportunity itow When iioses thought that of Israel from nand of Pharaoh was ft then God raid Now shall thou see what I will do Ex I- God of Abraham end of Israel It be inown this that Thou art God In I em Thy and have all IheW tbinga at Thy word Having all these preparations and the time of a evening sacrifice having come the servant of the calmly looks up to heaven and talks confidently with hie God Ho fay that ha has done everything told him about the water no thought of Elijahs but ft of God Now ho that God Will and seal it all as that Hie great nemo may be known It is only when We are walking with Him sub dued and fully agreed with Him about ev erything that wo can aspect to tee Hie name magnified Hear me Lord hear me that this people may know that Thou art the Lord God and that Thou bast turned heart back again AH has been done that the people may know thatJchbvah is the true God This was of all Gods dealings with Israel that all people of the earth might know the hand of the Lord Joshua Can we that as far as wa know we living day by day aimply that the hand of God may upon us to His glory Is it our one aim that regardless of what it may cost us or of how or where He may lead us wo want above all things the life of Jesus made manifest In Us Cor Then tho Lord fell and consumed the burnt sacrifice and the wood and the stones dust and licked- up the water that was In trench Wss there ever fire like that Ah Lord God there is nothing too bard for Thee I Water and even stones easily consumed by Tpj fire as wood flesh How the answer came and part there was no striving or wrestling but a calm and holy confidence Thus fire dedication of the tabernacle and of and on other occasions Lev lx 24 I And I eViubt not but tbat Abels sacrifice was so- by the sword of flame touching consuming it And when all the people saw fell on their faces they said The Lord He it the God the Ho Is tbo God How they meant by their confession God know who read their hearts and He knows Just bow or how little we mean by our professions end May we have truth in inward parts He so desires As the prophets of Baal wore over come so will every one be who seta against God IS jo May He now east down every blab end proud thing In or about us And subdue us wholly to that we may Hi over by a trolley at Cor of ami Lombard on of last wetik and died after The Council of the College of Pliy- during past week four medical men from on account of conduct The legislature will have to stop ill before lonj and give doctors a to appeal a diMiileiested jury The new special delivery ten cent stamp is being largely used by busi ness men other part of the Prov ince in sending order to thin city for speedy delivery AH such letter arc sent by on opening of the mail to the party addressed The prize list for the Toronto In dustrial Exhibition which is to bo held this year from the of August to the 10th of has lcen issued The exhibition is bo form ally opened by the GovernorGeneral and the Countess of Aberdeen on Tuesday the of August and this will probably bo their last public act in the Dominion previous to their departure from our shores The exhibition this year promises to be more interesting than usual on ac count of Great Britain and France sending large exhibits County High conferred with a deputation bust week in re ference to the proposed now bridge be tween Peel and York Counties Satis factory arrangements were made and County was instructed to advertise for tenders The fortythird annual communica tion of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Canada will bo held in the building commencing July There will about 1400 delegates present Christian If Co Whats the matter Johnnie t You seem to be feeling good said one of his fathers neighbors Great said the boy Weve got Christian science over our house and ho munched one dough nut and waved a second in the air Christian science What do you mean inquired the puzzled neigh- Its just immense cried the boy Best thing that ever happened Its just the boss I tell you its the beat thing going I have heard that it sometimes did observed the neighbor but didnt suppose boys know much about it Has it benefitted you any Johnnie Benefitted me echoed Johnnie You just bet it has Its great When youre Christian science you know you aint never sick Benefitted me Well I should say it has Oh golly aint it great I kin slosh around in the snow now all day and eat fourteen doughnuts and all the pie I want an ma never says a word fer I cant be sick see I just cant sick July The intense heat yesterday was followed about oclock by a heavy thunderstorm had the effect of clearing the atmosphere and making it much cooler The storm did considerable damage Mr George Molntoah Paisley Block had a valuable team of horses struck dead in the fields and Mr E liad hie cow killed The barn on the farm of Mr Jacob ler near was struck by light ning and totally destroyed with moat of its contents The family were away from home at the time but help was soon at hand and the were got out Two calves and pigs were burned four or five of new hay and some grain There is insurance Mr bad a barn burnt on tho same farm years ago by lightning To Gore a Cold in One Day- Take Quinine Tablets All refund the it fails to cure Queer isnt it Whats queer inquired another night falls Yes But doesnt break tfo day breaks Yes Bufcitdoestfall l Queer isnt it A Cowardly IIKE Halifax July There is talk of placing a of surviving of tho crow of in custody pending an investigation passengers state that mom- of crew acted in the most brutal manner towards pas sengers after the collision attacking them with oars and other weapons in order to prevent thorn from getting on liferafts and into lifeboats and interfering with own chances of escape After steamer and ship crashed together and then separated the steamer continued on her courio at the saino high speed and she foundered with her engines still going at a fast rate The captain who was in hie room at tho time of collision was on the budge when the steamer sank One says he saw tho captain shoot him self just before ship foundered On board tho a large number of foreigners These stopped at nothing In one boat was a party of women But so reat was the panic that net a hand was raised to assist in launching Tho occupants so near saved wero drown ed like rats when the ship with an awful went down j was the situation tint an Italian passengor drow his knife and made direct at one who him self was endeavoring to reach the boats Immediately the action was imitated in every direction Knives wore flourished and used with Women and children were driven hack to inevitable death at tho point of weapons Tho scene on tho water was even worse Many of the unfortunates were struggling in the water at tempted to draw into tho boats and on rafts These were pushed back into a watery grave Not all of tho dead met death by drowning Christopher saw a Bailor bo- longing to the La strike a passenger over head with a bar and kill him The body dropped into the water The passenger grab bed boat in which the sailor was and attempted to on hoard A passenger said the second officer was the only man of the crew who did anything to help the terrified and helpless passengers He cut loose all the boats that wero launched and was last seen standing on the deck with his hand on tho rigging going resignedly to certain death Under the most favorable circum stances with the bravest officers and crow that Britain can produce the disaster would have been a terrible one But if the officers and men had acted as they should have done at least a hundred lives would have been saved that were lost The lesson taught by the incident will not be lost upon the travelling public who will be led by it to sail in those steamships which manned by a better class of sailors than the Frenchmen of the Jlourgogn bio Its Practical Advantages Wo challenge any that baa ever been Inverted to show as many and In as thle ono for tbe price and Is not a cheaper fence on tho market advantages of over all other fences these Tight We arc enabled to keep wires thnt by means of springs at end each being to a ratchet on back of plunk One set of Is sufficient for over hundred rods of wire Wo use long atopies them In Just close enough for the wire to work freely through them on middle posts Our stays are fnstcned firmly to wires We not only expansion and con traction which has been drawback to nil fences but we tenfold and durability of said fence the resisting tower of anyone wire being nearly to ho resisting power of the whole number of Unexcelled- Our stays cannot bo excelled more an animals shoves It laterally centre wires In trying to get through the tighter It holds the horizontal wires together They easily made readily put on strong and durable no thing to rust or break Claim 1 The anchoring of our has equal i wires because It Is Impossible Tor any great strain to come upon one without being distri buted to nil and when any comes upon any part of stretch ft Is not simply on the wlrfc between the two where the S Our springs allow for contraction comes as would be- the case ir the wires mice up the expansion of tho wire were stapled tight to but the strum in distributed through the wh no 2 Our ratchet or wire made and are appreciated by all who see them Saving of posts one only being needed thirtythree feet Our fence Is so simple that any one can build It Turns all kinds of stock and not danger ous It doc not tag between posts wind or snow will not affect it nor will It collect It made of the beat wire nd not only durable but handsome In appear ance right up to the fence by means you can Seep your fence rows clean For general purposes the fence has no equal Itcan be any idle stretch back to Our slay Is the best and cheapest and height with any number of wires The public warned against using any Infringement on this patent lay springs at end holds the wires firmly together WIRES AND STAYS PER For Sale by J Gaudaut Still Champion I The sculling race between and Johnson at Vancouver was unde cisive on Saturday night was in the lead when Johnson three and a half minutes from the start struck a long limb of a tree The referee ordered Johnson back to the 4 starting point continued and finished the race The matter was argued out after the finish contending that the referee had no authority to order Johnson back also pointed that he him self had in the course of the race struck a plank Thereferee acknow ledged error but Gaudaur con sented to row the race over again was a length ahead at the time of the accident Vancouver July Ten thou sand spectators witnessed the oftpost poned race for the worlds championship and a purse on Inlet this evening between of Orillia and Johnson of this city From the start had the race well in hand but when over of the distance narrow ly averted striking driftwood when two lengths abreast of Johnson who a moment later ran into a crib himself Gaudaur finished strongly lengths ahead After the race Gaudaur announced his willingness to row again in this country or if Edward Ten Eyck wished to en- tor the professional he would also le pleased to take him on for a match The Greatest Aid You can give paper is your the local news Job Printing you do not feel able to run an advertisement surely afford to give the news paper your Cards Dodgers Bill Heads Letter Heads and Envelopes to print hi The Newspaper Man An oldfashioned barn raising took place on June on lot No 6 July for the eon Whitchurch on farm owners of the Britiah ship Cromarty shire which was in collision on July off Sable Island Nova Scotia with the French liner La re sulting in the Binking of the latter with the loss of over lives have lodged a claim for damages against the Generate owners of La Point July The Pilot of the Hod outward today reported having passed a capsized schooner or vessel of some kind about miles above here From Toronto THIS CERTIFICATE Forth a Story We tho undersigned certify that tho health III the Rev A has for been deteriorating and that he now Buffering from severe nervous prostration and urgently requires immediate and prolonged rest J McLaughlin A Holland etc THIS INTERVIEW TELLS IT A reporter called on the Rev A rector St Episcopal Churob Ontario during a church function and on congratulating him oh great change for the better in the reverend gentleman It is due entirely to Dr Blood and Pills I suffered for over three years from extreme nervousness weakness and pros- and could not obtain relief A few months ago it became only too ap parent thai extreme nervous prostration had set In I lost fleah and appetite rapidly Three of our four medical men pronounced me in urgent need of ate and prolonged In order to build up my system giving me a certifi cate to that effect About this time by Euro accident Dr Wards Blood and were brought to my I decided to try them and on doing bo a decided change for the better took at once I have since continued taking the pills with continued and marked bene fit and Improvement My appetite MM returned I am gaining in flesh steadily and my general health is now good Further I am sure that to alts are due to the Dr War Blood and Nerve and I have every that will do for others all that they have does for mo rice ft iuhr Co J Mr Peter Baker at which about people were present including ladies Mr Baker now has a large barn by feet with hip roof and 28 foot posts also two driving doors The barn rests on a well built beautifu stone wall Mr Baker although quite an elderly gentleman seems de termined to keep abreast with the times in having a modern building A singular sight was to see Mr Casper a gentleman years old who says he never rememlxsrs having been sick even for a day taking an active part in the work and proving himself a more eflicient helper than many others twos core years younger He along with Mr Thos Lloyd of Aurora who was present have assist ed at the raising of three barns on al most the identical spot where the present one now stands The whole building went up in little more than an hour without a hitch unless a shower which occurred in the midst of the work could be called such A sumptuous repast was partaken of on the lawn the work was finished A young bicyclist who wheeled to Preston last eyening had an un pleasant experience while wheeling home this morning While passing through a swamp he saw something lying on the road which he thought to be a cat asleep Thinking that he would like to see how it would jump he steered his machine that way Now he is sorry for the cat turned out to be a pole cat If anyone wants to buy a cheap wheel they can do so by calling on him Advocate A young widow put up a costly monument to her late husband and inscribed upon it My grief is so great I cannot bear it A year or so later however she married again and feeling a little awkwardness about the inscription she solved the culty adding one word to it alone Philadelphia July 10 Shoemakers five Btorcy brick factory building at Boone and Diamond was entirely destroyed by fire today Loss about fully insured By the capsizing of a cat- boat in tho harbor of Portland Maine five lives were lost Needs it and it helps him to pay the printers for putting in type the thousand and one free notices he gives you and the town Era will you nice work and the prices will compare favorably with place in the country Us Mrs A Craig Montreal took strychnine pills in mistake and died PERMANENTLY CURED Without publicity or lot time ft borne appetite Calmileep and clear No or bad effects Indisputable testimony ect Address THE DIXON CURE CO 0 Park Ave Mod tie Jacksons Point Steam Saw Mills that better Your correspondence will be at tended to with more promptness supply of station give you Soto leads Letter Envelopes printed to still your fancy at prices will you Call at En and samples rf Bill Stuff Cut to Order Shingles for Sale These Mills are Persons con templating building can have all kinds or Stuff Cut to Order on short order hand now a largo quantity of Well Seasoned Lengths ten to fourteen feet D W McDonald Proprietor Button West BO YEARS EXPERIENCE I ism Gladstone memorial edition Prospectus now Agents for the greatest of Ol Hopkins lis Life of ready AW Easy to in the field CO te TRADE MARK DiaioNt COrYBlQHT A WMJITl House or man of Church standing Wo- act as and cor re- built up arid hero Salary da office wo fO Enclose ficlfaddreisod slamped for our A Elder ficarniJ Manager Michigan Ave Chicago III 3ml0 ckntific 3BtBrWUrtrfjVfYl