Newmarket Era , July 15, 1898, p. 7

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CHINA HALL J MOUNT PLEASANT Mr Morin filled the pulpit last Mrs Jan Hamilton under the doctor caro for some time hut is improving from were the of Jennie last Sunday Mr from visit- at Mr the past week 5 8 of the Siege over and Young severed the cable connection of Havana with Santia go Admiral Sampson hay author ized by the Cabinet at Washington to force his way into Santiago harbor The United States authorities have decided to defer the- attack on Havana till the fall A despatch from Madrid that diplomatic soundings in the direction of re establishing peace continue with out result conditions for peace now seem to bo A plebiscite of the inhabitants of Cuba to settle their own political future the Hay making is beginning This terrible disease diphtheria Payment of an indemnity to the puts about juiU a United States that Spain be bit Some of our young men have fiarantced the retention of certain of been put- to the trouble of keeping Possessions in the and batch that a term bo decided upon for Some of the fanners around here of Cuba by the got sadly loft their binder twine by getting only half the quantity ordered Katie with Wo ready for the in A As many pounds for the dollar as any one and of the best quality is vary sick lamination on the lungs Quito a number from here took the excursion to last week Miss Clover daughter of Mr Clover was very low on Monday limn July 11 The United States soldiers now on half ra tions owing to the difficulty of getting supplies through over the rough roads Dysentery and swamp fever are pre valent at the front The first fresh meat the men had in days provided by a troop of Cubans who made foray into the Spanish linos at Santiago and drove out fifty head of cattle General and General Wheel er have both entirely recovered from their illness the Troops at Santiago A For FRUIT JAR AH Sizes at Closest Prices PUR farmers finished haying and had unusually favorable weather for work Owing to very favorable prospects for the harvest many have stacked their hay outside in order to mako more room We are very sorry to learn that our teacher Miss Shaw has resigned her position at No She will be great ly missed in tho section as she won a largo circle of friends during her stay of nearly two years About twenty of our most extensive nearl farmers witnessed a trial trip of Mr camps could bo first time in history of the United States a war balloon was sent up on the afternoon of June making observation of incalculable benefit to Gen Shatter forces in the field occupied by tho enemy and over city of Santiago It was manned by two of the Signal Corps The balloon was sent up from an open elevated space not far from Gen Shaffers headquar ters near Sibonoy While it soared in the air seeming to almost touch the cloudless sky fully lHOOfeetabovo ground it was in plain view of American army and men on war ships lying the coast With thorn the men carried powerful telescopes which enabled thorn to sco For Pickling All kinds of Fruits and Vegetables OT H Close Prices to Clear Out All Summer Shoes ROOKERY Our prices Dinner and Toilet Sots move If you want a Set at a Snap Price come right away trip David Drapers mowing machine at tachment one day last week The machine is an improvement on the table formally used in cutting clover It is so arranged as to turn the clover into a very narrow strip and entirely out of the way of the or horses The trial was in a very heavy crop of hay and clover and was very satisfactory Miss of is visiting in tho village The Twine Co of Brantford has issued circulars throughout tho pro vince explaining the cause of the shortage in twine so clearly that any man with an unprejudiced mind will bo satisfied Quito a number from here attended Methodist Excursion last week JUST THE The day before the advance of the army on Santiago the first great many are going this week on the cal 8fcorm tho army has encounter- plainly seen and number of forces at each place estimated The men in the balloon were soon that they bad been sighted by the Spaniards for ran about and shots dently from machine guns wore aim ed at them The swaying motion of the huge gas bag and effect of gravity however prevented any of projectiles from hitting it and the Spaniards soon gave up not wishing to waste amunition Everything that could be desired was seen by the men in the balloon The balloon remained up until dark when it was slowly hauled down to earth Christian trip Wat ed fell from the sky Not slantwise says a correspondent of the New York Sun but straight down It was the first actual test of the army in a most dreadful experience of topics correspondent gives this vivid descrip tion of the thrilling scene For three hours a great cold torrent No matter how cheap you hear of goods being sold re member wo ell Just as Cheap The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts Pharmacy Lehmans Drug Store KILL ALL FLIES I by using Pure Insect Powder Sticky Fly Paper Fly Pads Two Houses To Lehman Chemist and Druggist Havana Cuba July The American army continued to harass Santiago today but not in such force as yesterday because of the heavy rain Some of the Spanish trenches Wpt down from the clouds drench- are flooded but tho soldier do not to complain hut continue to hold their positions heroically vast camp reaching out on either Land batteries of the Americans and sending rivers of mud and bombarded Santiago yesterday water swirling along the narrow with the fleet inflicting where the some damage to Santa Inez and San trail inclines downward and through Antonio forte In tho town three this filthy flood the army streamed houses were destroyed a sp in the mud and water were wounded Of the Spanish troops or huddling vainly for shelter under Lieut Francisco Diaz and fifteen the trees soldiers were wounded and one was An hour before the heat was so in killed MajorGeneral Nelson A Miles who this morning assumed command of the American forces in the field promises to take Santiago within three days General Miles declares that the campaign must end quickly With that object in view the American com mander who arrived on the Yale yesterday morning hastened to the front and took charge He found forty pieces of light artillery mounted and ready for The Spaniards after being heavily by the Neiv York and the Brooklyn from off Aguadores hoisted a flag of truce yesterday afternoon A Madrid despatch says The lend of the war is fast approaching has resigned and undoubtedly the incoming Ministry will seek the first opportunity to end the unequal conflict Spain recognizes irretriev able ruin nnlew she steps down from the position she now occupies Thursday July Yellow fever has broken out among American troops at- Santiago and there are fourteen cases in hospital At Cincinnati Monday fire broke out in manufacturing district and damaged Lumber Com panys vard and other manufacturers to the extent of Man July 12 A terri fic hail storm passed ovor this district yesterday The hnil was as largo as hens and smashed nearly all windows in north side of the buildings The storm covered an area of two miles Most of the crops in this section are ruined that men reeled and swooned hut now came one of the mysterious transformations of the tropics The whole army shivered and robust men could be seen shaking from head to foot turned gray and white Millions of land crabs came clattering and squirming from under the poisonous undergrowth and soldiers crushed them under their heels Every man who had quinine swallowed dose The officers splashed with mud to their hips hurried here and there urging men to strip naked when the rain was over and dry their clothes at the camp fires Presently thousands of men were standing about naked while tho sun drew up thick vapors from the earth and vicious tropical flies stung their white skins The American army is a noble body of men when it is stripped Think of the tremendous strain of heat like this and rain like this in one day on men from a northern climate and yet there was not one word of com plaint anywhere This picture gives some idea of what our soldiers endure under conditions tho field vastly different from those from which I they have so lately parted Everyone Gen must surrender Santiago will feel now that the country is safe or fight by noon today He is under the protection of such noble de- authorized to us his own discretion votion to duty and to country A German warship the Irene in- near Manilla to protect the The water in tho St Lawrence Spaniards from the insurgents Ad- River is two and a half feet higher sent two American men- now than it was at this period two and the German war- years ago ship withdrew The Spaniards then T weG George of surrendered Burlington Beach stepped on a rusty Gen Blanco telegraphed to Madrid tho army in Cuba is very anxious from to try conclusions with Americans before peace is declared Near Grand Valley a train crash- A Liberal member of the Madrid into a runaway team behind which Cabinet says the of the monarchy eight children Two jumped rests with Americans If onerous escaped one was killed outright terms of peace are insisted upon the two others are probably fatally injur- dynasty will fall To Editor of Bra Dear Bin I noticed in your last week a reference to the License Commie- act in a to Hewitt Hotel in which yon stated or rather insinuated that I had not kept a proper house or had not lived up to the rules of the License Act Permit me to that since I have had the management of this hotel I have done ever thing in ray power to meet the requirement of the Law and I observed the rules laid down by the Lioenee CommiesionerB Having done this I had expected fairer treatment at the hands of ere than was meted out tome It has been matter of preat surprise to general that this hotel has been refused a License and from the general expression of public opinion conveyed to me on all hands I believe that the people- of Newmarket and the general public outside of our town will not be satisfied unless a license is con tinued to this hotel By keeping a good house I have worked one ot the beat if not the beat business in town having ac commodated at one inio last Saturday forenoon no Ices than conveyances I would not of in the way of having the license to the oldest and best situated premises in town taken away as I know how badly the Hewitt family aged as they now are need all the income from this property for their living purposes I havo been so urged by friends of the Hewitt family as well as my own immedi ate relatives and friends and of the many patrons of this hotel to petition the as well as oar Local Member to reconsider this matter that a petition is now being largely signed asking that this License be restored In tho meantime I shall keep the satno good house that I have always kept end live strictly up to the rules as I have always tried to do and trust that by some way the wrong that has been done to the Hewitt family who in days of political adversity were never known to fail in allegiance to the Reform party may yet be righted My own family have always with the Reform in North York in all its tips and downs and they feel that with the natural advan tages of the hotel premises occupied by us over any other site in town that unless I condackd my business in a far worse ay than they and the publio believe r I have in a way that no one can fairly charge to me they will at the polls hold that patty responsible for treatment now out to mo Thanking you for permitting mo the above space Yours Mrs Hannah street Hamilton an elderly lady fell down stairs her arm being broken and head cut in the accident It is reported that the Spanish troops in are looting the houses of refugees who havo left the city The murder of a wealthy woman is laid to their charge It is believed that General Linares far from seeking to prevent men women and children from leaving the city is encouraging the exodus Some criticism of is made because he allowed the Spanish com mander to unload numbers of ill- clad starving human beings upon Americans While thus being able to more food for his own soldiers General Linares has forced the Am to struggle to feed the combatants many of whom are the wives and children of Spanish and soldiers now in the trenches de fending the city Another little bombardment of San- took place Monday afternoon but it was all over in half an hour At El there are miser able refugees from Santiago old men women and children the Span- have permitted to go to Am- lines to get food The plight of these hoi picas people is heartren dering Tho Americans are doing all can for them July 11 It is asserted that United States makes the fol lowing demands as conditions of peace 1 Tho possession of Cuba and Port Rico with a port in the Canaries An indemnity of about The re- of the Philippines as a guaran tee of the payment of the indemnity These terms arc regarded as impos sible A Washington special says Re ports from Madiid that the United Slates has proposed terms of peace to Spain are pronounced in official circles here tonight as the rankest The United States Government is con ducting the war with all possible vigor to compel Spain to sue for peace So far the war lias cost in appropriations with more to follow oven should hostilities cease at once There will bo no peace until Spain asks for it and Spain does not seem to have much sense in that direction Admiral and other prisoners of the destroyed Spanish fleet have been brought to Ports mouth from the Klondike July The first gold boat the New arrived at Seattle from St Michaels last Sun day with a number of miners laden with nuggets and drafts on board The passengers had come down the Yukon in small boats to St and chartered the New England for sum of to carry them to Seattle It was stated by the pa that the amount of gold brought down by them was very small not more than as those in St Michaels having large sums in their possessions were waiting for a treasure ship in which their earnings could be safely guarded Anderson of San Francisco who was on board New England states that there is in the neighborhood of in safes at Dawson await ing transportation out and that this represents the cleanup of las winter together with what was left over from last fall wa per- To the of Enr In isau under the Division Court yon the fact that touched canned much comment further say that in fees in jury were thin thrown And suggest much though eon had an ulterior object in having the traveled and you further say that it was done at request of Judge Morgan the should interpret your articlflften hint that Morgan was of tome wrongdoing permit me to toll tho whole facts of the Court one action was brought by against Icku another one was brought by rion against one action brought by mo against both and Buck all three of which were tried to gether by a jury In the action Kmereon vs in action vs Buck Back was and in the action of mine against and Judge Morgan reserved judgment was dissatisfied with Emersons judgment against him and Emerson was dissatisfied that Buck beat him and both applied for new trials Council for and Buck and myself appeared before Judge Morgan and arranged that a now trial should be granted in both caet3 and that Morgan reserve judgment in my until he had beard all tho evidence in vs and ye Buck as the actions arose out of taking by of certain articles claimed by Emerson and it was then suggested that if Ilia Honor could fix a day for having these cases it would be preferable aa thoy were likely to occupy a whole day On MrPegga Coon- sol and I attended at Aurora on some Court matters and Judge Morgan then told ho could not attend on the at New market Court and it was then arranged that the Judge should fir a special day for hearing these caeea and another caso arising out of the same trans action and that the Judge should word up with Judge what day he could hear the caxea go that witnesses could go home soon the Judge ar rived On Court morning told us that Judge Morgan had fixed the to hear the caeca that he had partial ly heard before and give judgment in my ca6e and then sent Emerson and his witnesses home The fact that the Court finished by was not because there not plenty of caaea other than the Emerson to be tried but two suits brought by against and OBrien respec tively and which would occupied all the afternoon could not be tried because the plaintiff bad not defendants particulars of bis claims and there were as many witnesses on these cases aa on the Emerson cases I think Mr Editor it most unfair for you to mention this matter in way yon did The jury are all summoned the actions Your article conveys the idea to the public of whom juror are twelve that Judge Morgan had an ulterior object in his mind in telling Judge to adjourn these cases that he might try them himself and which some of the parties to the suits will avail them selves of the privilege of ringing in their jurors ears or in the ears of some one who will convey it to them that Judge Morgan prejudiced against him when truth is the whole matter was arranged the day before Court by counsel for both parties I therefore think it only fair you should print this letter in justice to His Honor Morgan and that the may know just why cases were adjourned Emerson and such of his witnesses as could not notify not to come after I learn ed on Tuesday that the was not to be tried came to Court and were as much inconvenienced as and Buck but sometimes circumstances arise unforeseen is that ever he acted most unfair in giving you the information he did in the manner he did which is nothing short of contempt of Court July J The American schooner Red fin held at Quo for illegal fishing in Canadian waters was cut out on Sunday night by four armed men who overpowered the guard and so made her escape case will be laid before the Dominion Government Dublin- July 12 The celebrations in connection with the anniversary of the Battle of were marked by a renewal of the Orange conflicts At Belfast tho police and military sup pressed every attempt at disorder Many woro injured Similar disturb ances took place at Donegal HE FIT oodg 4 The Best that can be Bought Prices Right Full Line of Paints Oils Ready Mixed Paints and Kalsomine Brushes OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES Cornice Poles HORSE CLIPPERS Mowers Hedge and Pruning Shears Garden Hose Rakes Hoes Rakes Spades Shovels Agents for Harris and Bros Repairs 11- am Jacks for Hire a N Immense Purchase of 140 pieces on sale July Fast Colors Good Width Newest Patterns TO THE ON NEXT DOOR SOUTH OS an in I ill ft To get a Suit made by a tailor and another thing to have in made right By leaving yourorder with N what you want when you want it and how you want it As he always keeps posted as to the very Latest Styles and finishes every garment in an artistic manner rices Low Terms Gash MY TAILOR A

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