Newmarket Era , July 22, 1898, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JULY Advertisements Prices I Hothe it Co Granite Ware A Property J to GRAND I RUNK RAILWAY VOIITHKUK TIME lisps J is a p en a o a C GO fc x CD I tog- too rf w t UP I HUT lmiOHTKR WITH Pointed all FRIDAY JULY Going Back on Their The of Premier to declare by legislation what wbb the intention of the Government and in passing the On tario Election Act has given occasion the Opposition organ at Toronto to go into the lamentation on a large scale It has also upset the calculations of the Opposition Loader in the Assembly who antici pating a snap verdict on a techni cality of law looked forward to another fighting chance for power as a result of byeelections True the electorate in their vote of the entire Province gave a majority of about in favor of the Government hut this is not regarded as of any account by their opponents it is office and power they are after whether the people will it so or otherwise With reforenco to present pro position of Hon Mr Hardy respecting the right of constables to vote at elec tions to the Legislature the Mail to remark Let be no raialake upon ques tion of expost facto legislation validating illegal votes and seating memberB who would otherwise fa outside of Parliament John agreed to a statute declaring that deputy returning officers poll clerka and constables might vote for the Ottawa House in future lie also agreed to a retroactive provision protecting such officers who had voted in the past honestly believing that they might vote from penalties for their illegal action But he never proposed consented to legisla tion forestalling the judgement of the and giving to his supporters in to which but for such latiot they could lay no claim What is the use of the and other Opposition journals trying to deceive- their readers and belie the record of their dead leader Sir John did propose and the par- liament did sanction expost facto under almost parallel circumstances John asked parli ament to declare what was its inten tion in respect to returning when passing an Election Law and Hon Mr Hardy proposes ask the Legislature to what was Us intention respecting the status of constables in this regard Hero is the of the Act passed by a Con servative House under the leadership of John A proving what we have above stated It will ho found on page of the Dominion of and is in direct to the expost facto argument of Mr Whitney Toronto organ although containing a distinct declaration that prior to its pas3ae returning officers had no right to vote c Nothing contained disqualify or make deputy returning offi cer poll clerks or constables whether ap pointed by the returning officer or a deputy returning officer employed in connects with election incompetent to vote at the said election and is hereby declared that when otherwise qualified to vote they and bun entitled to vote at the election of a member for the House of of Canada It quite evident Conservatives are going back on their past record There can be no question about foregoing being expost facto legisla tion The Whitnoy party approved of it at tho legislation then enacted Bayed tho Government from being- overthrown on a technicality and the constables who votod at the late Provincial Assembly have quite much riht to tho fran chise and withmoro freedom from the charge of bribery And corruption than returning officers The Hamil ton Indopondont takes a pretty correct of tho situation in the following paragraph r I It win hoped to oust Hardy eminent by a which closely I resembles trickery although it may bo party politics For many years 1 right of election constable to vote has not been questioned Nobody thought of questioning right under law until Hardy Government got Into a tight with a very majority between it and defeat Nobody far wo are aware nays that should not bo allowed to vole All that is claimed in that the law may bo Interpreted to I mean that they not right that boon allowed to volu for without protest proves that their moral right to do has boon generally recognized Now Tory polilioiana question the right of constables to vote Why Not should not but because law is ambiguous on Tory politicians want matter to go courts Why because that courts will decide against constables Upon the decision of the Judges will hang of the Hardy Government Eight Grit members of tho present were returned by majorities so small thai cancellation of tho constables votes would be likely to result in scats of Grit members given to their opponents That would moko a difference of sixteen votes in a division and would mean tho downfall of the Government It v as tt great The objection to the constables voto was clevor pioco of party strategy on tho part of tho Tories But ii just tho same No question of principlo whs involved It hoped to overturn on a legal technicality It was a a sharp lawyer might conceived to a snap for his cliont In referring to Hon Mr Hardys purpose respecting legislation to remove doubts as to right of constables to vole the Mail sarcasti cally observed The attention of Mr Hardy is directed to tho fact several of his Bupporiora proceeded Hgatnat on ground of corruption They will ho unseated if the courts that bribery is illegal Why not suspend the Corrupt Practises Act which endangers the seats of these purists Our cotemporary very cunningly trios to draw a herring across the scent in the above quotation Hon Mr Hardy does not propose to inter fere with jurisdiction of courts in regard to distinct violations of the clear intent of Legislature hence ho does not to suspend tho Corrupt Practices Act but where trickery has placed it in the power of corrupt men to do a groat wrong to the Province Mr Hardy does propose averting that evil by affirming what was understood to be a clear intention of the Assembly respecting the rights constables It in intimated in wellinformed political circles that Hon Mr will again bo Government nominee for chair Hon Mr Hardy expect to ft olear majority of eight during Ontario jginlaturo fa ft vory dignified body and the newly will probably bo no exception to tho rule As there is considerable talent among now session though will bo more ono than anything A from Ottawa this states that or Canada for the flfical year ending June is now tallied by figures by tho Customs Department to have been largest on record The as against for an increase for tho year of The duly col lected an compar ed with for of nearly This does not include about duty collected in Yukon imports compared with for an Tho exports aflagalnst8l34C03123 for 1807 an of It bo gratifying to Federal Government to find that tho appointment of William Ogilvie in succession to Mejor Walsh head of tho Yukon administra tion has been received by approval throughout the Dominion Homo there who endeavor to effect of no ft by impugning tho motives of the and declaring that tho appointment was forced by wrongdoings of offici als As it Mr some any of theeo stories put into and how much or how little weight thoy had with the Gov ment may bo judged fact that prominent among the now administrators Is man at least who was out for atlaok by inventors of the aforesaid stories This reorganization has evidently been conducted on the principlo as all of the in connection namely of best men for the work to bo entrusted to them Our Toronto tetter Tuesdays Star intimates that Lib erals who have of the protest in North Toronto admit that they not sufficient evidence to unseat Mr protest will accordingly bo withdrawn Official returns prove that the straight Liberal at the late elections received votes and the Conservative candidates and and Independents vote3 As Patrons were largely eupported by Lib erals and opposed by Conservatives it is clear the Hardy Government had the ince in their favor The News gave to a story that Hon Mr Hardy was soon to retire from Cabinet to accept an office of emolu ment under the Dominion Government and that Hon Ross Minister of Education would take his as leader of Ontario Government On being in terviewed Hon Mr promptly denied the whole thing and gave assurance that Premier Hardy would continue at the head of the Cabinet A from Washington on Mon- day last announces the of the American members of the Joint Commis sion to difference between the United and Canada follows Charles Fairbanks Senator from In diana George Gray Senator from Dela ware Nelson Maine John A Kaeeon and John Foster of the District of Columbia commission will meet in Quebec about August 1 An Ottawa correspondent to the Western press a remark respecting Im- perial penny postage which appeared in those columns last week by following observations The official announcement by the Duke of Norfolk the Imperial Post- that tho proposal of Dominion Government to reduce Imperial postage to penny re onehalf ounce has been adopted will be hailed with satisfac tion by all Canadians irrespective of party It will now be in for Mr Foster and hie followers to apologize to Postmaster- General for tliGir ridi cule and admit that after all he knew what he was about when he undertook to obtain this boom for the Empire Last Saturday was a record breaker ho far us parties from the city to outlying Parka arc concerned also across Lake to Niagara and lion Mr Hardys private secretary Mr T accompanied by his family for a brief holi day to Point and Dr and family also left for Orchard Beach Lake Mr J Ross Robertson leaves this week to spend tho summer in Emland A fatal firo occurred last Friday night on Queen St east of the Don Miss Brandon aged 16 attempted to light a firo in the evening by using coal oil In some way an explosion followed set her clothes on fire The mother ran to her relief when her clothes also took fire and both receiv ed such injuries that death ensued Yesterday the Masonic Grand of Canada opened its annual com munication in the Masonic Hall Building in this city It is understood the session will close this evening The Coroners inquest in the case of Daniel who was killed with daughter at last week returned a verdict of accidental death They all the train men and suggested that all the trees and brush bo away for 100 yards from railway crossings Mayor Shaw and a small party of friends have to rusticate and do some exploring up in tho country George Elliott a carpenter swal lowed a nail while shingling a house at He is now in the General Hospital where rays will be used on him On Saturday afternoon tho resi dence of Mr J Hicks Borden street was damaged by fire caused through children playing with matches and before it was extinguished damage was done to tho extent of 1000 Hon Win P acting on of the Sarah estate issued a writ at Osgoode hall against the Molsons Bank for The suit arises out of a mortgage dispute Mr Douglas Amour on behalf of the made a motion before Judge McDougall for an interpleader in to some boxes of household goods that have been shipped to Mrs Davidson of Newmarket wife of the Public School Inspector of North York and that are at present in the hands of the railway Mrs McFar- of Port contests Mrs Davidsons claim to goods alleging that wero willed to her by her mother while Mrs Davidsons affida vit sets forth that the goods in ques tion were given to her by Mrs mother motion was adjourned till July Miss who on ac count of ill health is retiring from position of organist of the Methodist Church at was presented with an address and a purso contain ing i- Oar Society Column PKHBOMAI POINTS Mr Albert back from North- Wrsl returned from thin wcok Mint Millard is upending vncntini to oily Mien Maun from is viflit- Mia Mr Watt of visiting with over from Chicago on a two viait Mien fa viuitinp at for a couplo ot Wilkinson of Is VMUIriftwith Mies Mac Hughe Mr of Toronto vlaiting with Mr Duncan over MIbh visiting at hor fathers ftt for a coiiplo of Davison and Master Fred havo to Richmond Hill to visit Mrs Pugs- ley Master Abo of Toronto is spend ing hie holidays at uncles Mr Brig ley Miss Lillian of is visiting with Miss Lush for of weeks Miss York is back after spondiog weeks with Mies Trull in and Barrister and of Toronto spent a few days this week with Mr J Mr and Mrs of Vancouver visiting at Mrs Simpsons Mr Gordon and two children hero from Western States for holidays Mrs McDonald of Toronto also Mrs Smith aud Archie the guests of Mrs T Mies is back from on vacatiofi and is visiting with Mrs Yonge St Mr Smiths littlo girls away spending vacation ono at end other at Toronto Bray with Mrs Bray and children of his sister Mrs this Miss Wilson has returned from a visit at and left at onco for Orchard Beach for scaeon Mrs Geo Wood has relumed much Improved in health after her trip to To ronto Niagara Falls Lowiston etc Aggie Wright of arrived in Town Wednesday evening and will spend vacation at Lake Mr and Mrs bidding goodbye to friends in North before leaving for Manitoba in a few days Mr Robert J English of arrived on Monday last for a couple of weeks visit with relatives and old Rev Matthews T H Lloyd and representing Tuscan Lodge the Toronto Grand Lodge this week Mr Ernie Hughes has a position on tho City of Midland makes the regul ar Mackinaw trip and he likes his work immensely Mrs Godwin and daughter of Kalama zoo aleo Ball Lansing are visiting their grandmother Mrs Morton Tecumseth Mr Joseph Randall of Pleasant Valley Whitchurch took a stroke yesterday morn ing which partially one side and affected his speech Mies Florence and Miss Ethel Weddel of Toronto were renewing Newmarket acquaintances at Toronto Is land on Wednesday Miss Leila and Mies Elsie ac companied by their brother Master Irvine gone to Braoebridge to spend a few weeks with Mrs Mr Walter Wismer got back from Tennessee yesterday morning after an ab sence of three months He had a fine time but suffered with the Mr Geo Haines teacher in Union No King and Whitchurch has gone to Manitoba for a trip also Mr Stewart Walker and Miss Walker of Whit- church Mr Draper of writes lengthy letter denying certain rumors about the of Binder Twine and ho brands them as malicious falsehoods Wo have not got room for the loiter of June in last weeks issue of the Eba is an exceedingly interest ing contribution by the Rev J EGardner though we regret that a number of typo graphical errors were overlooked Miss Cane and Miss Florence Gartley gone to to spend a month with J Cane Mrs and two are going in a few days to be the guests of Mrs Cane al so Mr A writes from Van couver that he thinks Lake trout are better than the River flsh but a specimen of rock trout wbioh is brought there from mountains that jb delicious eating The weather there hot during the day but cool at night Great Orange demonstration there on the Messrs Tlmmene and Fulton of terville guests of Mr Geo Rose a couple of this week having just re turned from a two months trip through States down to California and back by the Pacific Coast They wero looking for a to locate in and camo to conclusion that was no country or climate to equal the Province of Ontario taking into consideration STOCK j We take our halfyearly inventory of stock in a few days reduce the stock by several thousand dollars In order to do so many lines and save you money on the goods you want Before doing so we must we will sacrifice profits on TH WILL GO QUICK 9 9 fa it 7- 35 One Table New Prints were and sale price Fast Black Cotton Hose regular price sale price Summer Corsets do Ladies Print Wrappers fast colors Gingham Blouses with white collars regular price 1 sale price 4pieces Allwool Dress Goods regular price sale price Fancy Figured Dress Goods inches wide reg price sale price 40inch Allwool Black Creponne regular price toe sale price r 40inch Silk Warp Henrietta 40 inch Pure Wool do Skirt Lining do do do Si 5 CLOTHING 00 sale price GO oo 3 6 95 50 One big lot all sizes Mens Tweed Pants regular 1 Mens Good Tweed Suits a bargain at 5 Mens Allwool Tailormade Tweed Suits a bargain at Boys Twopiece Suits do You will find a larger stock of uptodate new clothing here than any two other stores in town and our reduced prices mean a big saving to you SHOES Ladies Fine Kid Button Boots regular price 1 25 sale price Ladies Fine Oil Pebble Lace Boots Ladies Fine Chocolate Oxfords turn sole Girls do do do Boys Strong Lace Boots Mens do Mens Fine Coin Toe Gaiters do do do do do do 35 75 00 00 11 95 CROCKERY BARGAINS UP STAIR dozen Colored Cups and Saucers regular price sale price 50 dozen white 4picce Glass Tea Sets 97piece Dinner Sets piece Dinner Sets do do do do It do OO It 6 65c 20 5o Remember there is no more complete Grocery Store in Town We buy all kinds of farm produce and sell the best and purest of everything We can always give you a quick delivery and anything bought here may be returned if not satisfactory and you get your money back Mrs Alexis and daughter Clara of Montreal were drowned in the Canal Pickering July 17 George a young man aged 16 years was drowned at the mouth of the river here Friday night July IB Thomas a plasterer of this town was drowned in the Little Lake here this morning while out fishing The de ceased leaves a and eight child ren He was a member of the Sons of England and the Canadian Order of Foresters J The Kknney In King on July Mra Keo of Montreal a Leading hi and Undertaking Mouse A great fire that broke out in Sunderland England Monday even ing destroyed business buildings in three of the principal streets and was still raging at last accounts The flltQP Davis At Ihe of the brides father A Davis Aurora on oo July by the Rev G Dewey Mr Tacob Anderson to Rachel Davie At the Christian parsonage July 2nd by Rev Hairier Mr of to of The Tomb McDonald At Aurora Sunday July lib John McDonald in hit year Died at the residence of bis eon King on lb day month Seneca aged years months and days Suddenly at on the 15tb Richard Preston McLean brother of Mrs Peck of this Town FLOURS FEED Glenora Strong Bakers Hungarian Glenora Best Ontario and Manitoba wheat Flour for Family Use Feed of all Kinds I J 1 Main St North AH Orders will Careful and Prompt Attention i A rich discovery of oxide at Lake has been made A TenHout Day la legal by law but the law about the night You spend much of your in bed as you do in Your lias been expensively fitted hot may bo putting up with a poor bod bod Is you got your strength and rest Why not select one of our rest ful easy bed J Opposite Royal Hotel ffadortokinp A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence per pair 12Botstord Street- July2l Wheat per bushel 0 CO a White Wheat per bushel a q fcj Goose Wheat per bushel 0 CO a Buckwheat per bushel CO- a Barley per bushel a Oats per bushel a per bushel CO a per bushel a a 0 Butter roll per lb 0 13 a OK Potatoes per bitf Apples per Wool per lb fifty per ton per bind lb Chickens per pair A car of fresh ground American Gray best fertilizers for Clover and Grass LIME LIME The very best Grey Lime 13 cents per bushel IV J Storehouse Cor Main and Telephone No i 35 a a 2 a an 00 tea SCO m Flour per barrel CO Wheat per bushel 0 Wheat perbushel Goose Wheat per bushel 0 CO Buckwheat Barley per 0 Oataper bushel Pea per bushel 0 Bran per ton jj per ton to per Butter roll per lb Butter tub per lb oil CO Apple per hepalcus Wool per lb nay per tou new Beef perowt ft per per ft Gcusoper lb n Chickens per pair 40 Ducks perpair Turkeys per lb ae5W a a a Co a a a a a 40 a a a a 15 a 13 Qj IS a 4 per g a I per lb 1 largest Mr of Holt has purchased a new Clover mill the

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