Newmarket Era , July 29, 1898, p. 2

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Advertisements Blouse Bale Co Discount Bale Farm for Sale Chad wick Tender Wanted David Lloyd Piano for Hale Mttrritt Wanted Hotel GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY ft ff go V a air a o CO J en i o to w PI THE NEWMARKET ERA FRID JULY inlor to While in tho ho a of political that Dominion fiank notes from No to No letter A were stolon from branch and tbo name of Balnea forged A attention in handling notes may lota Turn to summer of Mob- that of any year beat the of last week travel On Friday a party from States foor boxoars to carry their freight Oar Toronto VAAV 1 to CM 9 Tick International will not bo ablo to till of for delay flonator Fairbanks bad made a pro- vjoua to Indiana Republican convention on 3rd A ArKTTKR has received by County Clerk from ThoB aaking to forward a of re gistration of birth bo has an action against Gov- Ho statoa in letter bis placed in tbo bands of Briton Consul MiHsNcltio Toronto is homo on a visit Miss has to for a vintt with Mrs J Mr A baa our for Vanoouver and papers Mr and two hero from for two Mrs Graham of Toronto is spending a couplo of at tho Christian parson ago f l Mr and Mrs Colo of California hero on a vinit with her mother Wood Miss OBrien of Toronto spending holidays In Town with her mother Mr Taylor and Mies Bella Taylor of spent with Miss Mr Art is over from Now Mrs Large who murdered yenra line been In Japan by Lady Henry Somerset In view of Mre former with Jap and her work in connection with the Methodist church appoint at tho of will bo learned with sincere It has publicly announced that of Man will remain in Ontario for the Jflebia- cite campaign He is an able er unrulier aim f We never allow business to slacken here We must be busy and such prices as we have During the heat of Friday night on summer together with Special Job Lots that we pick up every week make it Mr Mills engineer at the pumping easy for you to save money SUMMER BARGAIN O UP I HUT WITH all FRIDAY JULY It la understood that Hon Charles Maoklntoah ex Lieut Cover nor of North- West Territories will Ottawa in future from which place bo will affairs of the British- American corporation Lord President and Mr Mackintosh manager It is announced that the Canadian Press Association will run an Port Arthur and Mackinno leaving ColKnfCwbod on steamer of the Great Northern Transit line on August Speelal have been secured on It and steamer Write President Mr Holmes Clinton for particulars Canadas GovepnorGeneVal A cablegram dated London July announces the appointment of the Earl of Minto as Governor Gener al of Canada in succession to the Earl of Aberdeen Ho was born in 1845 is the fourth of and is a Liberal politics Ho has boon in Scots Fusilier Guards was a vol unteer Egyptian campaign and commands South of Scotland Volunteers with rank of Colonel Lord Minto he succeeded to tho title was known by courtesy title of Lord He was married in 183 to Mary Caroline Grey youngest daughter of the lato General Grey and sister to the present member of tha British Parliament for Northumberland It is stated that Lord active connection with Canadian life com menced with his appointment to the post of Military Secretary to Lord GovernorGeneral in Two years later when the North West Rebellion occurred he at once volunteered and went to the front as chief of the staff of MajorGoneral where bo earned distinc tion Hon speak ing of his departure says We were sorry to lose him for a kinder or more gallant officer no troops ever served under The new GovernorGeneral owns about 10000 acres The heir to the title is Lord a boy of seven years of age son of the present earl Abuse About a month ago Opposition journals announced on eminent authority that Mr George Casey was be appointed to of Deputy Minister of Agriculture at a salary of a year and so were some of them that this pre diction was on the cards that several Conservative prints entered upon ignore or less criticism as to Mr Caseys the and Ernest an from injuries received ate as run over by an express otlices of iced Lib- service al propriety SOUTH AHFRinau contend for is that ir time enough to criticise a JtVjr an offense of political after he lias committed and not to take advantage of merely cose to say ill- natured things respecting him or to charge the Government with helying their principles to the country for making an appointment which had not been made and so far as is known have no intention of This sort of journalism is only misleading to but comes within the pale l bearing against SA fc -fa- Canada makes a very creditable at the Fair at Omaha display covers square feet of apace and includes woods minerals and Mr Hay of the Central Farm who has charge of the exhibits stiitpo that the Canadian display la of most foreign exhibits at the Fair It is stated in Toronto papers that Mr Morgan has appointed Waiter in Custom Department in that city Mr Morgan was an employee and commercial traveller for nearly a quarter of a century for Messrs cV Co and used to bo secretary of Re form Association Park dale before that Town merged into the city Tit Ottawa journal has tbo the Hardy Government to allow courts to decide wheth er a right to vote or not This is silly constitution the not the has the determination this question and if the Assembly when passing the Election Law intended and understood that such right being conferred on constables it would bo a miscarriage of as lice and a robbery of for courts to deny such right on a of law A to the News from Barrio dated July In the election in North Bfmcoe to bo held this fall there is probability of con test with Stewart Collingwood Liber al Hamilton Dr of Now Lowell or of Barrio Conservative and McCarthy Toronto who has signified bis intention of running as a or independent candidate It does not appear at all prob able that the and Conser vatives will nolle and particularly In lingwood and Tux Ontario Legislature will convene next Rumor has it that the member for East Mr J will move the in reply to the Lieut Governors Speech from the Throne and that Mr Clarke P P for West Northumberland will be the Both gentlemen are new to Assembly The program of Govern ment as outlined by the Premier is to deal with questions to which he and then adjourn till some time in January to complete regular work of the session York on vacation and is spending this week Mr A Lehman of was in Town on Friday attending funeral of Mr Mrs McQuillan and Mrs of Toronto visiting Mr Thomas Gardners on Woods and of wore visiting past week with Mrs Wm Miss Mabel Cane and Miss have returned from the North and now camping at Hollow of Mcaford was Now market on Friday having corao to attend iho funeral of Hence Miss Hill of Toronto daughter of J Hill Esq for West York is yiniting her cousins Misses Keith Mies Lizzie returned home from London on Wednesday evening on a visit She has been in Loudon a couple of years Mr Norman Rogers and his mother arrived homo this week spending a months at Toronto Woodson Co Kansas Mr Clinton MoGeo Hardware Clerk lur Co baa returned to his homo in on account of the ill his of Newmarket Christian and Mr of the Aurora Baptist Church pulpits next Sunday and Stewart played cricket with the Bradford tem on Thursday of last week and ended in a tie Mr Albert undertaker of ton with his wife mother sister were last week attending funeral of the late Mr flelbyand wife Toronto formerly of Newmarket and also Mies Spencer of Toronto have gone to to spend the summer with Mr T Selby Mrs Wilkin and daughter Foster of aro spending a weeks at Mr Maurice Fosters Mr E Foster Is also homo from Barrio for a couple of weeks Mr Duncan Br took a stroke on Thursday of last week which completely paralyzed right side He is improving slowly and hopes of his recovery ore enter tained Mr and Mrs Daniel Phillips have re turned home after spending two months with their daughter Mrs J J Watson of New York and other friends in Rochester and Buffalo Rev J Gardner left for British Colombia They expect to have the company of Mr and Mrs Theodore Simpson who had a very enjoy able visit here with old friends Mr Marshall of Albany son of J Lundy Esq Inspector of the Indus trial Homeis here on visit for three weeks A friend Mr him and will remain a week Mr Rogers of Rochester son of Mr Enoch J Rogers was in town yesterday af par an absence of years esquiring for tho whereabouts of who left here for more than ten years ago The Portage la Prairie Graphic of July says Mrs T Bailey and Fred Bailey left for the East yesterday Fred has been In such poor health that Dr Metcalfe has advised a change of air They will make their home at Toronto during the summer station was found two- hours after lying on his face breathing heavily Meanwhile the fires had gone in tho furnaces Sat urday the mercury rose to in the shade Sheriff High Constable Jones Squire and Wing- field on Saturday last jurors who are to serve in tho Sep- Toronto Industrial opens the of next month The manage ment promise an exhibition of more than usual interest Mr J K Macdonald County Treasurer and General Manager of Confederate Life returned from Island this week consider ably improved in health His many friends were glad to see back again looking so much tatter Hon Ross Minister of Ed ucation is announced among the speakers to take part iti the presenta tion of colors to Toronto Veterans in the Queens Park next Saturday A car load of boys arrived hero week The Board of County Commission er met on Saturday in Clerk The tenders for the bridge between York and Peel counties were opened and the stone work was let to Mr of Streets ville The Clove- land Bridge Company secured contract for the steel work at cost 1180 Tenders for coal are now being opened There is a difference of opinion be tween village ami the county as to who should build a new bridge on the West road over the Rouge river The eighth concession line interrupted at the stream by swamp to avoid which there are two devia tions each crossing the river by a bridge and rejoining on the eighth con cession These bridges are a burden to the municipality and some time ago the easterly bridge giving out it was replaced by the county The other bridge has now given out and the Town Council wants the county to build a new one commissioners 25c clearing at iV 50 do do do do Dress Muslins regular price to Summer Corsets do Parasols good ones do Very best 12JC Prints extra wide Summer Gloves regular vlue AT BARGAIN PRICES We must clear every piece of Summer Dress Good and these prices will do it v r allwool Beige reg price 25c clearing price Jc pieces Fancy Dress Goods 40inches wide reg 25c clearing pieces Plain Serge wide reg 40c clearing 25 piece 44inches allwool Black Cashmere reg 45c clearing AND Every pair of Summer Shoes must go HO Ladies Low Shoes well worth 1 00 at Ladies Low Shoes well worth 25 at Mens Fine Gaiters do at 1 Misses Fine Kid Low Shoes well worth 1 at Misses Fine Chocolate Shoes do at 65c 90 Mens Cool Summer Coats at 99c Mens Fine Luster Coats and Vests were 275 now at 2 00 Mens Fine Stripe Pants at 98 Mens allwool Tweed Suits extra at 10 now at 6 H July A sad ease of suicide occurred on Saturday night within miles of this place James an unmarried man years of age living by himself on the Wolfe homestead which he had lately pur chased did away with himself On afternoon deceased been around looking for assistance to cut his grain and on his way home called at his mothers asking her to make him a cup of tea He took it and a piece of toast and went home Noth ing more was known until about oclock in the evening when his young er brother John went over to his place to see something and the house got a yesterday the and went the outbuilding where he found James hanging in the decided that the one road was enough The eighth concession is one of the chief roads into Toronto from that part of the country barn quite dead No cause is assigned for the act This makes the last of or suicides that have taken place within a radius of two miles of the Wolfe farm inside of the last year To the Editor of the Newmarket Era I feel it my duty to contradict some of the malicious falsehoods that are being circulated about me and also The about the Farmers Binder Twine Co At Button on to of of whom I am the rep- Mr and Mrs Taylor a daagh- in this locality It has been said that this Co sold on Jans 1808 a recent public utterance of Hon J Wood of who oflice under the Conservative Govern ment t Ottawa respecting the lion of liberties are being menaced today by the Hardy Government we were reminded the that during Lord Elgins time another distinguished Conservative leader in the same town hoisted the blaok flag of rebellion on aooouni of the action the Legislature of Old Canada The preservation of liberty was only the outside vaneer It was office they were after then and that is what all the trouble Is about with the same psrty now Tho Telegram In this calls attention to the that it la not longeince the existence of the country was endangered by an attack upon the of Manitoba The Government of which Hon John Wood was a member liberty in danger by its efforts to bribe and bully Parliament John Parr Mitchell fire bug was sentenced Monday to five years in Kingston Penitentiary young of Mr Thomas Glover a wellknown citizen of Catharines was drowned in a Monday Mr Charles of Camp- one of the leading was drowned yesterday while bathing in the river Rev James Smith of Guelph one of the most prominent ministers of the Presbyterian in Ontario died Monday San Francisco July It is reported among the intimate friends of the former Queen of Hawaii that when she reaches she will issue a statement or man ifesto to the pt As soon as she has informed people of the result of her mission she will publicly pro test against the transfer of the islands and will present her claim for the crown lands confiscated by the Re public which consiste of nearly 000 acres of land which yield a year ly rental of over It is said she will also present her claim for be tween and col lected aa rentals by the Republic Prominent American lawyers it is said have been engaged to handle the case against United States Gov ernment the wife of William Chan Esq of Alberta of a sou In Town on the the wife of John of a daugh Cook On Bt July the wife of Watson Cook of a daughter Leading Furniture and Undertaking House a portion of their output this season to an American firm and are only furnishing the Ontario farmers with a small quantity of twine The Company received orders for five thousand tons of twine this sea son and their total output for one season is only about fifteen hundred tons Can it not be easily understood that it would be impossible for them to fill all the orders However they have furnished me with sufficient twine to completely fill all the orders I had taken from the farmers and at no advance in price The present situation is a very good illustration of the fact that combines are very ruinous to the consumer Just the moment the Farmers Co re fused to accept further orders tho American firms advanced and in less than a week had doubled the former prices Not only the manufacturers but the dealers that had their seasons supply in stock were selling it at a fancy profit The farmers of tins Province should be very grateful to their Co at for continuing loyal to the people and holding prices as long as they did Another false statement is being circulated viz that I am selling fake a Chair twine at cents per pound I have If accent this invitation in our store not sold a single pound for more than ftnont vour are in danger of your taking it liter- a A i A ally Our big splint bottom leather and tap- Again it was that I had w comfortable Well pay an immense supply in stock and was and take your choice Bar holding it for a better price Every to great a burglar would reform and pound that I have received from the BUY ot rather steal Company this season is sold and near ly all of it is delivered Tho Company are running their factory day and July John Parr found guilty on Saturday of Bet ting fire to a block in Mitchell on which he possessed insurance to the amount of was this morning sentenced to five years in Kingston Penitentiary July At noon toj day the barns owned and occupied by a mile east of White- vale were struck by lightning and totally destroyed together with tons of hay 11 loads of barley bush els of last years grain and some im plements The stock in the stables below were saved Loss about insured for Oakland July 19 The works of the Western Fuse and Explosive Company were blown up by a murder ous Chinaman at this morning Five Deputy Sheriffs arid constables who were trying arrest the murder er the murderer himself and a woman were killed The chinaman had forti fied the magazine and blew it up when the attempt to arrest him was made FT m m Ottawa July 25 The Department of the interior lias been advised that its officers who left with the military expedition for the Yukon and who arrived at Telegraph Creek some weeks ago have given up the attempt to get to Dawson City by Lake and will return to the coast and go in with Commissioner Ogilvie who will probably leave Ottawa this week The road from Telegraph Creek to Lake is almost impassable and if the party continued the journey by that route they would not be at Dawson in time to be of any sendee this season and they are wanted there as soon as possible to make up survey parties Ogilvies Glenora Strong Bakers Hungarian Pastry Best Ontario and Manitoba wheat Flour for Family Use Feed of all Kinds I A car of fresh ground American Gray fertilizer for Clover and Grass night and all the twine tho Company can furnish me this season I will sell at per lb Yours truly July J Opposite Royal Hotel Newmarket A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence Street The flltor ONeill At Anthonys Church Georgina on the by Rev Mr Chat ONeill to Lang of Sutton On July lit at the lory Sutton by A Rather ford A William Park third aon of Henry Park Esq to A second daughter of Pat rick At Toronto on the by Her J P Kerr Mr Nor man J Rogers eon of the late Timothy of Newmarket to Mies Cora The At Button on the youngest ton of Mr and Mrs George On July at Ranch the residence of her father Col Julia the wife of William Channel Esq of Ranch Alberta aged LIME very best Grey Lime cents per bushel J Storehouse Cor Main and Huron Telephone No a a a a a a a July Flour per barrel aco Whit Wheat per bushel TO Rd Wheat Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat bushel Oats per bushel per bushel Rye per bushel W Bran per ton Shorts per ton CO per Butter roll per lb Butter tub per lb Apples per bbl Sheepskins Wool per per v Pork per live Pork per greased lb Chickens per pair 0 live CO Turkey per lb dreeg 9 TT-T- tt 0 40 0 48 a a CO 011 000 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ie 012 CO 050 to Toronto Markets July St J All Orders will receive Red Wheat per White Wheat bushel Wheat per bushel CO Buckwheat per bushel bushel- Oats per bushel Peas per bushel yo per bushel Butter roll per lb Potatoes perbajf per bay new Apples per jrooiperib Hayperton iit Porapercwt Beef ore Beef hind per 75 0 per pair a Careful and Prompt Attention Turkey per I 1 I Ml a a Q19 a TO a a OH a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

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