Newmarket Era , August 5, 1898, p. 5

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUG 5 ONTARIO BANE CAPITAL 1600000 head REST OH AS McOILI General Manager THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON VI THIRD QUARTER NATIONAL iNTEfl- NEWMARKET BRANCH A Easiness General Banking TRANSACTED Merest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED PAYABLE At ALT Sterling American bought and Collections promptly to Manager Teat of the Kings Iff Mcmor I xf Commentary Stearns MEDICAL rfrf Dp JVT Campbell a A OyriCK AT Church Mi to 3 and to pm Formerly at Hospital London for women of Hospital for Hick Children Toronto Central in a too to 8 pm tfotrk bat Statistics to fllffed Now market door South of to 10 am iojand0to8pm J Wesley Physician Surgeon and Coroner IlKfliDKNCKMnln St North Telephone Communication INSURANCE rf Joseph A Cody Confodoxatioii beet rules Good Karma for to Fire Newmarket Agent for tfp Money to Loan intereflt at Current Hates the Post AGENT Canada Co TIRE INSURANCE RISKS AT LOWEST RATES Money to A Ramsay Flro Insurance Agent Low Rates on Farm and Isolated Property Shop Newmarket DENTAL A I Post opposite the Metbodlat Church Vitalised Air for to Satisfaction Guaranteed CJ Rogers Aurora Successor to the late Dr Office Robinsons late residence Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Papers Issued at private if d Wired TO Private funds on Farm Propertyfirst mortgage only JACKSON Agent to Loan At cent oil firstclaw farm and village Co J liisu ranee and Mount Albert Ana Stockers always J Holland And sold unto him Tarry thee hero for tbo Lord both me to Jordan And ho gold As Lord as thy soul I will not thca And two wont on who bad wonted to die was not going to lie but was going to bo token by a whirl wind up to heaven vorso I He had Hold to both at and Tarry I pray but In each caso hod with words re- fused to leave him us think of words of and of to David in I 10 and I Sam filoudof to that with of heart would unto Our sternal safety depends upon faithfulness of Lord and Ills unto us as It Is written In man shall cloavo unto his wlfo In v SO Paul soya ho and Af to Ills faithfulness sou such passages as Cor I And fifty of of prophets wont and stood to afar off and two stood by Jordan Jericho and Jordan suggestive of stages In Christian ozporlonco but Is no place whore wo should bo con tent to stop Wo must bo going and growing Sain v suggests salvation reproach rolled and tho Joshua Hot ho I reminds us of visions of gor Gon xzvlll situation t9 but in of thcc may wo rest matter of And Elijah took his mantle and wrapped It together and smote waters they divided and so tbut tho two wont over on dr ground Thus for two mon God did what Ho had for millions when Ho took tbowbolo notion across this on dry Jordan lx stiff of lltoral nor Canaan of heaven for crossed JordoD Into Canaan It was to many enemies da much fighting Jordan which of rather of of sell which de nial of solf that Ufa of Jesus may manifest in our mortal And It to pass wort gone over that unto Ask what I shall do for thoo boforo I away And said I thee lot a double spirit bo upon The for a soul Is to bo filled with tbe spirit of tor Vice dead with Christ risen with Christ one with Him for He may of only wo can bo a comfort to Him a meet for lilt use And he hast bard thing Nevertheless If I am tram thee It ahull be 1 unto thee but If not It shall not bo so To be flllod with Spirit moans readi ness or whatsoever God appoint that ho According to of Acta of Apostles It might as was endured or roc by any of or deacons It might mean tables or the gospel winning souls or enduring Id scourging or death It might mean to in a great revlvol or sent to a desert place to reach parson To bo filled with Spirit moans to ray under all My Jeaus as Thou wilt OP my Father Is so that hast found It Hood Math 11 And to pass still Trent on and talked that behold there ap peared of fire and of and parted them both asunder end Elijah wont up by a whirlwind Into wont on This suggests only thing for the day by day that ho still goes on growing in grace and In knowledge our Lord and Saviour Pet 111 IS And saw It and ho cried My father my I Tho chariot of Israel and thereof I And bo saw him no more and be took hold of his own clothes and rent thorn in Not for a ho take big eyes off hln and he was rewarded by seeing falm taken great with is that we allow to many things to take one off the Lord yet wo know that our instructions ere with patience look ing unto Jesus and to consider Him we bo weary Hob There is no way of rest Although caw him no more present ho know bet tor than that be wag on any of mountains round about Ho know that ho was as really in heaven He took up also mantle of Eli jah that fell from him and wont and stood by the hank of Jordan Wo Instructed to put on the and moke no provision for flesh to fulfill Juste Item to put on new man which after God fa created In righteousness and truo Eph Wo Who LordJcsue and saved by Him and delight to soy Elijah my Is Jehovah should taks equal delight In toying Elisha my God is Saviour end in making manifest that Ho does us from ourselves and from all self pleasing or self seeking Not I but Christ In all our daily life mantle of Elijah that fell from him smote the waters sod said Where the Lord God of Elijah And wbon be also had Haters ported hither thither and went over Thus tho did for one person what Ho for two and what Ho had done for millions oven for all Israel us learn to cry with Asa Lord it la nothing with Thee to help whether with many or With them that have no Help ua Lord our God for wo on Thee and In Thy name we go against this multitude And when the sons of wbioh were to view at Jericho saw Mm they said The spirit of Elijah doth rest on Elian And Iheycamo to meet him and bowed themselves to ground bo- fore Mm When rulers saw tho bold- beta of Peter and John end perceived wore unlearned and Ignorant men they and took knowledge them that had been with It When Spirit of such complete possession of as that show who know us oo and not then God will be glorified in us as Ho wag In Paul Gal It will largely upon sincerity earnestness of our desire In this matter according to fti li- It work and not hard work During the mouth of Juno that kills Every man whatsoever were discharged from Central business or profession justified prison prisoners convictions in working bard Work keeps second or than two convic- body in health as well as wolf There JJ9 Canadians from door But no man is joati- English Americans Irish and in overworking and others himself From gaol Ibcro were and underresting charged during month males arc today common experiences And females Of these is broken down do- for the time while were prematurely old men down on a second or than a liko a of machinery conviction There were can be overworked and like a piece cases of drunkenness f machinery he must pay penalty Aid Association as- therefor prisoners as follows From It is often not until a piece of Central prison from gaol mac collapsed that in- j and from the Mercer Reformatory jury dono by overwork has been real- During month tbe of tbe LOOS TO your interests AND SEE THE Wo any fence ever to show as many practi cal points in Its favor as one for price there Is not a cheaper fence on Hie market The chief advantages of the Fence over nil other fences thino It is the with over worked man is a deluded man who imagines bo can overstrain bin brain and muscle for fifty weeks and then re- in the two remaining weeks It is an excellent thing for a man to a few weeks respite every year from business or pr fcssional care- but it is better still for him to daily take the rest which nature de mands be should a foolish engineer who is po in tbo oil upon bis engine that its bearings are not pro perly lubricated And bo is an wiso man who his body of the recreation and rest which are neces sary to keep it from rusting and creak ing down Work well but rest well association bad interviews with prisoners in Central prison and from tho gaol He made visits to Central prison in interests of prisoners besides calls From the Mercer Reformatory there 8 prisoners during the month of whom Were from the city and from country Bible woman of the association made rods of wire Wo use In Just for the to work freely through them on the wire middle Our cannot lit- excelled the It hit rally I- re wires in trying to tin it the horizontal win- are easily read put on tnm and durable no thlnK to or of our endpoit no viaiH to the Police Court to Our stays are fastened ilrmly to the wires We not only overcome the expansioii and eon- traction which has been drawback to all virefenceshutweadd tenfold and durability of said fence the power of any one wlro being to the power of Hie whole for any irreat to come upon without to all and when any great strain uponnny part not simply up on wire between two winre the strain comes would the case It the wires take up the- expansion or the were tight to hut the airnlu through whole stretch back to best and The anchoring equal Our ratchet made and arc appreciated by nil who them Our allow for and iiiroiiu nt end the thinly together and Having or posts one only being needed every Our fence fclmplc that any one can build It Turns nil kinds of Mock Is not danger out It does not sag between pasts wind or will not alii It nor will It collect drill- It Is made of the galvanized wire Is not only durable but In appear- It will ptrinlt up to the leiict- and by means you can keep your rows clean For general purposes the fence has no equal It con be put up height with any number of wires public arc warned against any rIu oil this patent Ponce THERE WAS A BLIGHT July The War Department has received the fol lowing despatch from Gen Miles Via St July Secre tary War Washington On the bad a spirit ed engagement on skirmish line Our casualties four wounded all doing well Spanish loss three killed thir teen wounded occupied yes terday Henrys division today gaol and to the Mercer Reforma tory She also made calls had interviews with female prison ers The Central prison night school had an average attendance of Bismarcks Career Summarized The lrtto Princes career may thus bo briefly Full name Prince Karl Von Born at Prussia April Studied at Goettingon Berlin and Fought twenty duels wounded but once Became a member of the Diet of Saxony Entered the diplomatic service as chief of the Legation at Frankfort 1851 Sent to Vienna Advocated a triple alliance between PRICE9 WIRES AND STAY PER ROD For Sale by J J Last Commander Davis of Prussia in a Dixie moved into this port follow ed by Higginson with bis fleet early this morning Gen Wilson with first brigade now rapidly disem barking Sent as Ambassador to St Peters burg Ambassador Paris 1862 A Spanish troops retreating from j received tho Grand Cross southern part of Porto Rico Ponce Legion of Honor from and Port have a population of now under American flag The j Became Minister of the Kings House laco received troops and saluted the an1 Affairs in flag with wild enthusiasm Navy soveral prizes also lighters Bail- Created a Count Sept 16 and way stock partly destroyed now received from the King of Prussia a stored Telegraph communication vft estate in Luxembourg also being restored Cable Escaped by a of destroyed Have sent to May 18G6 Jamaica for others This is a pros- Organized the North German Con- porous and beautiful country The federation of states and army will soon be in mountain region 18G7 weather delightful troops in best Retired from public life for a few of health and spirits anticipated no months because of illhealth insurmountable obstacles in future Became Foreign Minister of the Results thus far have been accomplish- North German Confederation Jan without the loss of a single life The Spanish retreat from this place Accompanied the King in the war was precipitous they leaving rifles and prance 1870 ammunition in barracks and or Dictated the terms of peace after sick in hospital people are en- fene capitulation of 1871 joying a holiday in honor of our Appointed Chancellor of the newly rival organized German Empire 1871- has SURRENDERED j Raised to the rank of Prince March Pabis July A despatch from 1872 Madrid to tho Paris edition of The New York says the Spanish Government has received a cable Pills are necessary but not nice Cathartics are not confections The fewer pills that you take the better Its aggravating to take pills thatdont and pills that wont Its soothing to know that when you take a pill its the pill that will do the work for which its taken have gained a reputation for their sure results The pill that will is Ayers For all liver troubles diseases of the stomach and bowels sick headache biliousness and heartburn Dr Ayers Pills have proven a specific and they sage announcing tho surrender of Manila to Rear Admiral Dewey A Business If you expect to conquer in the battle of- today You will have to blow your trumpet in a firm and steady way The man that owns his acres is the man that plows all day And the man that a humming is the man thats here to stay But the man who advertises with a sort of sudden jerk Is the man who blames the printer because it didnt work The man that gets the business uses brainy printers ink Not a clatter or a sputter but an ad that makes you think And he plans his advertisements as he plans his wellbought stock And the future of his business ia as a rock as What Dr A Baiter Says From my per gonal knowledge gained in observing the of your Core In csea of ad vanced Consumption I am prepared to Bay it the most remarkable Remedy that has been brought to my attention It certainly Bayed from Consumption Sold by Lehman has arrived at Montreal and was received by Wilfrid Miss Christiana Mitchell Ot tawa was thrown from a buggy Thurs day and killed To Cure a Cold in One Day Quinine Tablets All tho money if it to cure A young man named Robert Griffin committed suicide Thursday near Marmora Resigned the Presidency of State Ministry December Reappointed Prussian Premier October Fired at by a man named Kullman and slightly July 18 1874 Presided over the Berlin Congress of the representatives of the powers to discuss the treaty of St Retired to private life March receiving title of Duke of Elected to the Reichstag Attended wedding of his Bon Prince Herbert Bismarck in Vienna 1892 Severely criticized the German army bills 1892 1898 Princess Bismarck died December Very III at Kensington 1893 Made a member of the New York Gorman Veterans Association 1895 Received GermanAmericans Aug Entertained Li Hung Chang June 1896 Wrote letter to Gov of Texas on financial question Aug 1890 An unknown man of about twenty- five years of age was killed on the railway track near Marmora Thurs day Convict John Connor sent from Toronto to Kingston Penitentiary made a break for liberty Thursday but was recaptured on as they have cured thousands of others whose testimony is matter of record Aycrs Cure Book is sent free by Dr J C Lowell Mass Send for it if you want to know more of the power these pills than is proven in the following testimonials 1 suffered neatly all my life with bowel complaints enduring much pain and I tried almost all the cathartic remedies advertised in the newspapers without obtaining permanent relief until I used Cathartic Pills The result obtained from the use of these pills was wonderful They not gave immediate relief hut effected a permanent cure permanent Delhi James J Stevens and John three St Thomas burglars have been sentenced to seven years in Kingston was HI lor some lime with liver trouble My back ached and my turned as yellow as saffron I became unable 10 do any work and at last was to ray bed too weak to move without assistance I commenced use of and than half a box cured me 1 owe my present good health to their use am never without them I have used Pills with excellent results for constipation I that they do not gripe nor purge hut do give relief CHARLES WHITE J I have used Ayers Pills since consider them superior to all other pills on the market I always keep them in the in case of emergency and at one time they cured my wife of dyspepsia I have found them good for all diseases caused Southern climate A City Jackson Point Steam Saw Mills William Jackson of the con cession of York had his located by a throwing its head and striking him on the arm BO YEARS EXPERIENCR Bill Stuff Cut to Order Shingles for Sale Ansuiet that better r building can have kinds of bill Cut to Order on order PERMANENTLY CURED time from by ft hone iritetiii I Cim and No J ejections or cct Mills are starting Persons On hand now a largo quantity of Well Seasoned number Lengths ten to fourteen W McDonald Proprietor Button West Your will at tended to with inorcpnwnptiioM If you keep a supply of station ery 00 hand Wo can tflve you Note Heads Letter and En print suit your fancy at price that will you Call at Hie and sample J Trade Marks Designs copvriqhtsc i and description tat TO ft J

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