Newmarket Era , August 5, 1898, p. 7

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rap CHINA THE NEWMARKET BRA AUG 1898 A arc ready for UGAR many pounds for dollar as any one and of beat quality FRUIT JAR AH Sizes at Prices For Pickling CAMPER All kinds of Canned Meats Fruits and Vegetables HO Close Prices to Clear Out All Summer Shoes CROCKERY Our prices have made the Dinner and Toilet Sots move If you want a Bet at a Snap Price come right No matter how yon hear of goods being sold re member wo Sell Just as The Leading Grocer Will Cor Main BALDWIN Mrs Geo and daughter Mrs Dixon of Toronto arc at William Billy of Bradford is again domiciled at Cliff drouth has seriously affected of full bins Potatoes will be a failuro Pin afraid A new hand at helm at Boss StoreMr Jim Miller of Mt Albert runs the show while Will Hobs holi daying berry season is practically over What promised to bo an enormous crop was a disappointment owing to drouth is enjoying excellent health and putting in a big summers work We noticed him Bitting on porch at Bills the other evening en joying a weed immensely You might as well preach to Owl that tho moons made of as to try to convince that Micros harm in smoking He wont a word of it The Button fathers in a spirit of magnanimity some years ago created a line band stand for boys whence thoy might discourse sweet melody hut alas like harp in Hull the soul of has talent is still there but presume cycling is more pleasure than band practice Im afraid the Joker would go clean daft if ho had as many pretty girls in his section to blow about as are in the Baldwin neighborhood He sure would want to jump broom stick It would require a list long as tho to name all our beauties so wo must decline publication Suf fice to say no place not even Virginia or the Haven can show such array of beauties Our population is increasing amaz ingly Mrs Tine present ed her leigo lord and master with a Valentine on Tuesday wore alarmed by hush fires last weeh which assumed considerable proportions Rain al layed their fears Baldwin baseball in booming The old boys are jubilant because beaten rising generations several times The young men grit their teeth and say you just wait Mr Owl till hurry of harvest is over and well set the town clean out the whole lot of that blatant brigade of Dust is fearful After driving any distance you can scarcely breathe put itll bo wot dust mud Misses have returned to their old love croquet as a more ladylike and leisurely game Tennis is too active a game for midsummer If some of our Excursion agents would get up a trip through Lake and the Islands down tho St Lawrence they would rake in gold dust There aro no prettier places Ive bin thar The residents of and vicinity are very fortunate in having Mrs Geo Moore amongst them Her qualifications as a music teacher need no comment Show that you appreci ate them These beautiful moonlight evenings are duly appreciated by the rising generation of Vic got her self up in her best bib and tucker on Saturday evening and set sail for Baldwin Sammy who is always on the lookout for the beautiful spied her and escorted her home They were a handsome pair other boys called the Owls attention to the fact which was duly noted Sugar is the great necessity of the housekeeper at present Our fair ladies are getting ready for the fall fairs The Town Council Nkwmaiwrt Aug Council mot on da to Mem bers present Mayor Reeve Deputy Councillors Cody Wesley Stick wood and following accounts were order ed to bfl paid Win Blue wiring Watt Porto Rico July Tin Spanish troops formerly in this part of Porto Rico are rapidly re treating to tho interior leaving behind them a broad path of burning planta tions and desolated villages Porto refugees who com ing into Ponce in great numbers that unparalleled outrages have perpetrated by Spanish sol- lhc Juan Diaz Connie and Wild with rage over American invasion Spaniards reported to he wreaking vengeance upon Qui General firi maltreating the women and I hat communication from the at children Some of the acts of brutal- It School asking to have property of- I A occupied Catharine changed to School Kk Wkst July The import- he grunted ant city of on the north east That rcqutition of the Separate f of lho Province of School Board for a levy of l2 to the I- Li American navy to the Finance Committee J vide entered harbor of on Also the report of Thursday No attempt was made to receipts and disbursements to Juno resist advance A force was sent be referred to the Finance Com and found tho Spaniards had The Above report was received and gone into the interior The American sidewalk P OLeary work on street John Collins drawing stones fixing fence Win Gray cutting willows sidewalk freight and cartage Protecting Canadian Goods Pharmacy Lehmans Drug Store KILL ALL FLIES using Pure Insect Powder Sticky Fly Paper Fly Pads Two Houses To Rent Lehman Chemist and Druggist YOU WRITTEN ON THE or P s leaving fi Examination If so send your and Toronto and receive full particular about the Free school award to candidate for be Fall be ginning on lat next Toronto The issue of the Adelaide South Australia Advertiser for Juno 14th just the particulars of a trial which proves that even in that far away country the Dr Williams Medicine Co is as active in defending its rights and protecting the public against the schemes of the substitutes and counterfeiters as it is here at home in Canada In the trial in question Frank Ashley and William Smith were shown to have been engaged in offering a substitute for Dr Williams Pink Pills claiming that the substi tute was the same as that justly cel ebrated medicine Both men were placed under arrest on a charge of obtaining money under false pretence and conspiring to defraud the and evidence was heard before the Chief Justice of the Criminal Court The defendants lawyer made a strong fight in their behalf but in spite of this the jury after a short absence from the court returned a verdict of guilty in both cases The Chief Jus tice deferred sentence until tho close of the sittings In addressing the jury however the learned judge spoke very strongly concerning the evils or substitution and the dangers to the victim that may ensue from this nefarious and too common practice Toronto Globe adopted Moved Mr Robertson seconded by Mr that the accounts of the Canadian General Co for respective amount of less credit and bo paid leave of the Council Mr Robert son introduced a ByLaw to raise the um of Specialty Co Moved by Mr Lloyd seconded by Mr Cody that the bylaw now before the Council he not read a second time tpinorrow hut that rule of By- Law be suspended and that the hill bo read a second time forthwith Tho bylaw having been read a second time Council resolved into Committee of the whole thereon Mr Rolicrton in the chair Committee and reported the Bill with the blanks filled in Moved by Mr Robertson seconded by Mr Lloyd that Clerk be in structed to the ByLaw to raise for OlKce Specialty purpose published in the Town papers accord ing to Statute Moved by Mr Robertson seconded by Mr that the action of tho Mayor in granting SO to one a nick indigent be confirmed On motion of Mr Lloyd the Coun cil adjourned King Council Council met at July Members all present in the chair The following bills were passed J removing stones from highway freight James Wells ditch on sideline between lots con 18- John bridges 2nd con 114 10 Webster culvert north town line culvert con James Billings 1 month salary Mrs Thomas gravel 80 Geo Harper gravel 16 08 gravel 60 Jos Palmer road repair Frank Proctor lumber 1 Fleury Sons repair to Road Machine on printing account 110 00 Moved by John seconded by T that all interest on Mortgages held by this corporation to become due and payable on the 2nd day of January each year Carried Bylaw No to issue debentures for the sum of in aid of School Section No 17 was passed Next meeting of Council to be held at Temperance Hall Kottleby Aug 27th when school petitions will be received Patterson Jas Cherry Clerk Reeve The Editors Shears CLIPPINGS FROM OUR force took possession of the city with out a shot being fired Two schooners the and Express were only vessels in the harbor ST Thomas I July The United States cruiser Acw Or- which lias been with the fleet before San Juan has put in hero for repairs and coal Her say that all is quiet before the Porto capital and no attempt has been made to run blockade since the capture of the French steamer The Or foam left the monitor Terror and auxiliary cruiser Prairie on blockading duty The Spaniards following a scheme which they learned from an occurrence at Santiago sank a ship last Thursday in the entrance of the harbor for tho purpose of keeping out the American fleet in case of an attack upon the city The masts of the vessel are visible above water It is believed the craft will prove only a trilling obstruction as the harbour entrance there is fully feet wide Cuba Aug Two brisk engagements one on land and one on sea have been reported here In the land fight a body of troops carrying an American banner were defeated after had been killed This battle many particulars of which lacking took place on a sugar plantation near where a of Spaniards was attacked on July by 400 infantrymen and cavalrymen who carried the Stars and Stripes Reinforcements came to the aid of the Spaniards and the attacking party was repulsed leaving of its dead on field The Spanish losses were two wounded Shortly after noon on the same day an American vessel appioaehed within the range of the Maya battery at and was fired upon The American answered with two shots and then withdrew Another vessel then came up and fired eight shots before retiring The Spanish loss was one artilleryman wounded Aug It is announced this afternoon in a despatch from Madrid to Temps that Spanish Cabinet is to meet this afternoon and draw up Spains reply to the United States answer to the peace proposals despatch says that it is believed the Spanish Government will accept the terms immediately after official assent is given to them and that hostilities will be suspended in the Antilles and that it is the general belief that peace will bean accomplish ed fact before August United States will not at present demand cash indemnity but Cuba must he at once evacuated Porto Rico and all other Spanish West India Islands must be given up also an island of the Ladrone group L Miss Essie Thorton of was shot in the neck by a boy prac tising with a rifle in the next yard She died next day Landing July Fire broke out about oclock last night in the barn of Mrs Swezie who lives two miles west of here The fire spread to an adjoining stable and consumed the contents of both build- consisting of a large quantity of hay and oats Cause of fire unknown Buildings covered by insurance Arthur July Moses broth ers who had been committed for trial on the of murdering four men and two boys near Heron bay yesterday morning made confession through Chief Antoine Morrison as to their connection with massacres The motive for crime is apparent from tho confession It appears that after the brothers had killed the two Davids father and son six or seven years be fore they had taken to the woods They were outlaws to all intents and purposes when and two Frenchmen went to visit the family on Pic Island This was tho first time that Louis and Joseph Moses had been seen since the first murder and they feared that if station hands Oior got back to the land they would tell the people where were and they would bo arrested and punished To prevent this coming to pass they concluded to murder men and to do so Fall Newmarket Sept and 22 Bolton and 29 and Oct 5 Betton and Western London to Toronto An to Sept Lincoln Neb Aug 1 An unpre cedented cold snap is giving Nebraska a premature taste of fall At Kim ball near the Wyoming line snow ed for several minutes yesterday No damage to is anticipated save a check in the growth of corn Ottawa July As an indication of tho trade that is possible between Canada and Africa an Ottawa firm recently received an order from Africa for seven thousond doors This is considered largest order of the kind over received in Canada in this line Petprboro Aug Mr Fred Foots a prominent business man of was drowned in Jackson Park here this morning The unfor tunate man was riding in on his and when coming down tho hill near the park he lost control of his pedals and went over the bank in to the artificial lake The body was soon after The deceased leaves a large family Gait ratepayers voted a 10 street improvement bylaw lumber millsnearCamp- wcrodcstioyed by fire P R land sales for July totalled acre- realizing Prof John Caird Glasgow is dead at age of years A powder explosion at Pinole killed five men and injured twelve others John Urseher a P R laborer was accidentally killed at Station Man Fire did damage to the Linotype Companys factory St An- street Montreal Two other treasure ships the Rosalie and the of Kingston have arrived from Alaska at Seattle A man in jail for drunk enness has himself of commit- ing a murder in the United States John Mitchell an Indian who captured and sold a young deer near Kingston has had to pay and costs York Aug Tho Spanish prize steamer was sold at auc tion today to the Ward Line for Harold Wright clerk for Horsafall Bros Montreal fell from his bicycle under a street car there and was in stantly killed Von who shot and killed Mr Joel the trustee of the estate of Barney has been acquitted of murder Amy Wheeler a London domes tic lost part of her right foot there in attempting to climb over a freight train that obstructed the crossing A Winnipeg contractor named McAnamy was accidentally killed on the Crows Nest Pass Railway con struction No particulars have been received A San Francisco paper a contract has been awarded for a cable to connect the United States with Hawaii the Ladrones Philippines and Hong Kong Joseph Gerard a seventeen-year- old boy attempted to rob his employ er in Montreal Wednesday night and when caught drew a revolver and tried to commit murder The fifteenth gold burdened ves sel to return from the Yukon has ar rived at Seattle Wash Her had among them according to report A freight train parted and crash ed together again on the down grade near Eight cars were smash ed and travel over that portion of the line delayed for several hours A freight train parted and crushed together again on the down grade near Dundos Eight cars were smash ed and travel over that portion of the line delayed for several hours Three Dawson mine owners Ed ward Lewis George Davis and Me- Cable brought out about in bullion representing their joint labor in Dawson during the past season a quarrel two shanty- men at Pembroke George Gourdeau stabbed William twice in the abdomen is seriously wounded and not expected to recover It is said that the Canadian Bank of Commerce during the first three weeks business at Dawson City re ceived in deposits ten million dollars in gold or over half a million dollars a day The investigation into the acci dent on the P at Pembroke on Sunday has resulted in the dismissal of the night operator at Pembroke and the conductor on the up special passenger train An engine driver named Simp- sou of Belleville to avoid an approach ing train at Brock ville station step ped aside and was struck and instant ly killed by an engine going in the opposite direction Alistoffifty commercial organ izations in the United States all de claring by resolution in favor of recip rocal commercial relations with Canada has been forwarded to the Ottawa government It is now definitely settled that the Canadian Pacific Railroad chops at Medicine Hat and will be removed to and those at Donald to About people will remove to Revelstoke A whiskey famine which had prevailed in Dawson City for some weeks ended May with the ar rival of about barrels of liquor which was consumed within a few days at the rate of 1 a drink The residence of Mr Win Cos- grove about miles north of Rich mond Hill was destroyed by fire on Friday last The blaze was caused from the kitchen fire and the loss of will be about 1000 with of in surance Goods the Best that can be Bought and Prices Right Full Line of Paints Oils Ready Mixed Paints Paint and Brushes- OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES Cornice Poles HORSE CLIPPERS Lawn Mowers Hedge and Pruning Shears Garden Hose Rakes Hoes Rakes Spades Shovels Agents for Harris and Noxon Bros Repairs I ALLAN- 1 Jacks for Hire On I Of ALE A and Do not miss this sale as it will be of advantage to you and us both as we wish to clear out the stock to make room for Fall Goods MY TAILOR TO NEXT SOUTH OF mmrmcwm ro rate UGAR SUGAR Sugars have taken a fall Bee our Bright Yellow Sugar at 22 lbs for 1 and No 1 Graunlated at 19 lbs for Take a look at it before buying elsewhere Our Groceries are Fresh and Choice We keep a large asssortment of Canned Goods suitable for this season of tho year BOILED HAM KEPT ON HAND The past two weeks Bananas have been very high on account of tho of July being a big day on tho American side but this week Bananas are down Peaches Tomatoes Pears Plums first this week Remember the place W STARR

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