v 1 THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUG 5 ft 1 to to Operate paid YOU never know taken till over I Howl Proprietors The only pills to take with Hood paid up Total Assets nearly A Branch of IIiIh Ililok established ill BRADFORD- Whom deposits arc or wards mill interest Oiirrcnl Discounting Farmers Notes Ami Notes LOWEST RATES For flirt her Informal Ion to Agent the AND RELIABLE COB- IIKGFOJUWNT8 WORTH TO Tim trotting is now vcJ by Mr Davis of Flo Davis of thin place has accepted a position us nurse in the Berlin hospital On Tuesday of Inst week a heavy rainstorm flattened out several fields of grain in this vicinity Mr general merchant of this place retiring from business Carrie Sloan of left last week for Manitoba to visit friends fishing is very good at the MURRAY FLORIDA WATER THE SWEETEST MOST MOST AND OP ALL PERFUMES FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF TOILET Oft BATH Mi PERFUMERS GENERAL DEALERS GRAHAMS Art Studio Bass lake Mr Hugh is out this week with a twoseated carriage We me glad state that Mr Greenwood is getting along famously since his accident Mr continues draw huge to the Methodist Church Nicholas eon of a runaway on Friday which his binder Many Hawker who has been in the station here for a number of years has been placed on the permanent stall of reports excursion business most encouraging the steam er being continu ally for this month and next There was such a load on the on Tuesday from that her keel touched the bottom of the Holland Mr Win lost a valu able cow on Tuesday Mr Amos Millard is putting a stone foundation under his house r Prof Moran our local artist has formed at and Kes wick our citizens are sorry that Miss has resigned her posi tion in the public school Mr A Mossington is erecting a summer cottage on the lake shore is retiring from the jewellery business James of wo to say is in very low condi tion The children of lis Baptist enjoyed their annual picnic at last Friday On Wednesday Mrs relict of the John Rumor who has boon ill for some time passed away at the residence of her John Grove Isaac Hoovers youngest daughter Violet on Monday was playing with another little girl on the roof of the house and losing balance fell fracturing her arm Jesse Connor uncle of Nelson Con nor is here on a visit from Lafayette Iowa where he resides Ho left hero yearn ago and visited on this visit ho finds his old acquaintances R Use Fence Wive A number of in Now Jer sey are considering matter of mak ing double use of wirefencing not only do purpose using it as a protection for tlioir property but as a lelophone service by means of proper adjustments Instead of staples to hold the to the posts insulators bo used and when the the fie meant Well yearn ago but only tluee of living in town strangers to him the first stage in all the rest being Mr Connor drove when the was a dense pine foncois reached another wire will run to house or wherever operator may wish have- it ides having a local service among neighbors system may be connected with tho regular telephone system and thus have with towns An export electrician is to ex periment and if it proves a success system will bo used in the entire dis trict Such a scheme seems practical to say tho least of it country around forest On Tuesday evening about fifty members and friends of the Baptist Church assembled at the home of Noah and in connection with enjoyments of the evening the follow ing presentations were made Mrs Noah organist of Baptist Church was made the recipient of a china tea set A Brown leader with a fine chair and Asa Brown with a beautiful gents companion Mr Ralph horse ran away day last week and smashed the road cart to which it was attached Nobody was hurt- The Situation at Santiago Serious 8UtUH20HftBNRtlAL V1KW OK TUB If you want your taken dont be with old method 20 ye ago but it produced in the latest style and with your A Special giving excellent satisfac tion in our work Call and see and you will be con vinced T GRAHAM Jones old Stand NEWMARKET ling July A daring has been in the Bank of England a hug living sovereigns beneath the noses and the thief escaped containing been stolen of the people htm guarantee that pain dun any other Put up only la tin tad yard latter you to cat any aire Every family should Anve one ready for on emer gency of July Parker Fil ial a hired man employed by a farmer fell from a load of peas today near and broke his neck Ho died almost instantly He was about years CURE ALL YOUR Mills WITH RainKiller ft Ckaat la a and Quick DIARRHOEA GOUC3HSJ GOLDS RHCUHATISU and or BUY ONLY erecting miner tourists The Saturday special train brought in an immense crowd of people to Jacksons Point We are pleased to say that Mrs who has been seriously ill of late is improving The Bros have been buy ing in Sutton this week They report a large purchase of live stock It is a sticker how the Sutton cricket club should cause such fluctua tions in the egg market The visitors at the lake shore are far in excess of former years every available house being full Sutton was jamful of cyclists last Saturday evening By the by some of the cyclers were ditto w Mitt J- of Mt Albert is a guest of her brother Mr George Burrow Our sidewalks are undergoing the much needed repair On the Aug Suttons civic holiday will be an excursion to Orilli under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of Knox Church A baseball match was played here on Tuesday between and the home team the score being to in favor of Mr of has disposed of his steam yacht here and bought the yacht Rate from Mr Walter of Queens- vine Mr Ed Mainprise of Albert narrowly escaped a serious accident yesterday lie asserts that the nut was removed from his cart axle The masons have about completed the brickwork on annex to the residence of our enterprising hardware merchant Mr Mr James Taylor is making pre parations for a new house for himself near Taylor Bros factory the stone work for which will soon le We are pleased to note the success which Mr Park is having in management of the Jersey school Out of five candidates for entrance he succeeded in passing four As ho has only been there since Christmas this result speaks volumes for Mr Parks ability as a teacher While Chief of the reservation was returning from Sutton one day last week he observed a man in the river who was apparent ly drowning Through heroic the man was saved Ho proved to be a deranged man from whom our townsman Mr took safely home James Wilson who hurt week while engaged in cleaning out a well for Harris avo York Tp succumbed to his injuries on Saturday A British Battleship The now battleship is to be launched at Portsmouth in November She will be the largest battleship being 10 feet longer than the Another battle ship of a similar type to the is very shortly to be laid down at Portsmouth where a big scheme is under consideration for increasing the capacity of the yard to build battle ships and large cruisers Singula Signs Of unwittingly ludicrous or humor ous signs there are plenty A tin smith neai Exeter England has a sign which reads Quart measures of all shapes and sizes sold here At a market town in Rutlandshire the following placard was to the shutters of a watchmaker who had decamped leaving his creditors mourn ing Wound up and the main spring broke Equally opposite was one in Thomaston On one of the principal streets the same room was occupied by a physician a shoe maker tho disciple of Galen in front while he of St Crispins trade worked in the rear Over the door hung the Washington July 29 During the lost few days the public has become through the reports of General Shafter accustomed to a large increase in fever cases with a small percentage of deaths that less and less importance seems to be at tached to the disease among troops at Santiago General Sternberg has Income so impressed with tho danger to the men that ho is sending forward nurses and doctors faster then ever Many will go to Santiago from New York on the Jietief In two or three days to followed soon thereafter by tho hospit al ship Breakwater Nurses are los ing sent from Tampa also as rapidly as possible General Sternberg says that under certain conditions different forms of typhoid fever were more fatal than yellow fever Jt is prevalent now not only among the the troops at Santiago but among those in Florida also I was also told by a gentleman who has been among the Jacksonville troops for two months that typhoid fever had been more fatal to the men there than had the yellow fever in Shuftcrs army at Santiago The camp is low and lint and the draining of it an impossibility The management of it is lax on the pare of some of the in charge and there is inattention to patients on the part of nurses and attendants Men are sent back to the quarters before they are convalescent simply because tho hospital is crowded The hospital kitchen was lust Saturday reporter as the filthiest spot in the camp More over it is charged that the hospital is run by the Iowa Regiment and that all the places worth having are given to men from that corps All serious cases are sent to the Division hospital tho regiments having only what is known as dressing stations in charge of a steward and clerk Tho debt of a struggling liitlo church in suburbs hod all paid off but six hundred dollars A clergyman noted for his skill in raising church debts had been sent for and was conducting the morning ser vice sormon was over and the work of stirring up the audience to the requisite pitch of enthusiasm hod begun Subscriptions rapidly to hundred dollars then to four hundred dollars and after consider able effort to five hundred dollars where they stuck In vain visit ing brother exhorted and pleaded Tho limit of tho cash resources of the congregation appeared to have been readied and at last he sat down dis couraged Then Brother a highlyre spected undertaker who had made a subscription already and said Brethren this thing shall not fall through after it has got so far along as five hundred dollars I believe in a man giving as the Lord has prosper ed him and although I have given a pretty good donation I am ready to do more Ill pay the last hundred dollars myself Heros check for EYE CHANGE As age advances a gradual Change in Sight takes place This Change necessitates compensating aid Glasses properly ground and adjusted replace the loss of eye power Wo understand this work particularly well Try us ATKINSON CO MACHINE I dont know your name brother shouted the visiting preacher jump ing to his feet with enthusiasm but I hope your business will double dur ing the coming year and I believe it win Are machines and used in very grain and grass country world over Canadian made by Canadian workmen Over 2300 workmen are on the pay roll at Mas-joy- Harris Works and are working overtime manufac tured for the trado of Over Binders and have been to Europe for ibis seasons crop Some of the citizens in the Centre ward Aurora think that it does not pay to have a garden as there is con siderable sneak thieving going on Roller and Ball Bearing it Mower front cot it Cutters Drills Single and Combined also Drills Plows and filers Disk Harrows Tiger Hay Tedders Plows Scrapers Wheelbarrows and Steel Land Rollers What mother does not wish to be of What dots not want them to be healthy happy The Celebrated Wilkinson THE STEEL WIND MILLS BAIN ANP SPEIGHT WAGONS S Co Plain and Traction Engines Rasher Separators and Powers A full of samples on at Warehouse East side Market Square Newmarket TO u door north of laughter- Model School Apply to loving and able to MRS BELFRY 3 Prospect Ave Newmarket sign Wo repair both soul and body On the windows of a London leeroom there appeared the notice This cofiecroom removed up stairs till repaired The proprietor of the place was not an Irishman though the farmer of a notice over a French bury ing ground Only the dead who live in this parish are buried here must have been One may see in the windows of a confectioner in Fourth Ave New York Pies Open All Night A Bowery placard reads HomeMade Family Oysters while a West Broadway restaurateur sells Pies Pastry and Oys ters and still another caterer on East Broadway retails Salt Oysters and Lager Boots polished inside is a frequent sign in New York and on Atlantic avenue Brooklyn there is a Stationary Library and the latter is really a circulating library and the word adorns one window and li brary the other Philadelphia has a sign reading Ho Made Pies and a barber shop in the same city bears this inscription on its window Washington Smith abattoir DtonweaCtt Mrs James Fit henry of Weston while out picking berries fell off a log and broke her arm above wrist July Martin Rash- ford aged employed by John was struck by light ning yesterday and instantly killed was engaged in digging a ditch when the lightning struck him on the head and made two small holes in the side of it His hair was singed and one shoe completely torn off His hat was torn into shreds Oak Neb July killed persons near here night Three farm houses were destroyed and head of cattle be longing to Wm wero killed Swedish Lutheran Church at was struck and burned Mr lost his and 30 tons of hay Nino horses in a pasture weto killed Serious damage to the corn crop was done by wind a Manila Bath is Taken To look at the map one would sup pose that a Philippine Islander would have rather more water than he need ed It seems that this is not so In the for the week of June 30th Charles Howard a former resident of Manila says speak ing of domestic cares The most arduous duty of the servants each servant gets per month was to provide the house with water which was brought every morning in a hogs head fastened to a handcart from the public fountain nearly a mile away It had to be carried laboriously up stairs in buckets and emptied into an enormous porcelain tank shaped like half an egg shell which stood in a back room and contained the house hold daily supply for washing cooking and drinking that used as drinking being carefully boiled and filter- When I first went to Manila I had no idea how precious water was and on the morning after my arrival I quite early eager for a bath Now the usual way of taking a bath in a Manila house is to dip the water from the tank with a big and pour it over ones body but nobody had told me that and delighted with the appearance of tho great tank filled with clear sparkling water I soused into it and was having a splendid time when one of ser vants named Felipe hearing suspicious noises came to investigate At the sight of me ho threw up his hands in horror and dismay and chattered at me in Spanish of which I did not then understand a word Finding his pro tests of no avail he rushed away after an interpreter and soon returned with my messmate who was very and much bewildered Felipes dis jointed exclamations having made him fear that something dreadful had hap pened Ho gasped when ho saw me and then explained tho situation However he said philosophically now that you you might as well stay there You wont an other bath that white you hero And I didnt withstand the ordinary illnesses of childhood Any woman may insure the health of her children who will take proper care of her health in a womanly way The health of her children depends almost entirely upon her general health and particularly upon the health and strength of the delicate and important organs that bear the burdens of maternity A regard her own she certainly has less right to condemn children to a life of suffering or an early death That is what she does if she neglects the health of her special womanly organism Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription is an unfailing remedy for all On Gorbain Street Desirably Situated disorders of this description It strength- the old Woollen Factory For Hale on Bus ens and invigorates the sensitive organs ferine Apply to Oman ha no right to health comfort ease and Valuable for Sale Class modern house with convenien ces Nice lawns etc The rcfildencoof sir Win Main Street For price and terms Apply at the premises or HJ DA LBV Estate AfceM THE ISAAC USHER SON A two sowar loss near organs concerned and is the best preparation for the trials and dangers of maternity It in sures the well being of the mother and the health of the child Its use is a guarantee a bountiful supply of nourishment for the little newcomer Many women who bore children only to speedily lose them are now mothers of healthy robust children as the result of the use of this medicine A of Indian Creek Mo writes I am very thankful for what Pierces Fa vorite Prescription did for me I was all broken down from nervous prostration but taking our medicine I have had more relief than rom all the doctors Your Favorite Prescrip tion did me a world of good JACKSON Heal Agon I Is guaranteed to be Quite equal to any of the Portland Cements for all sorts of farm structures as bankbarn walls stable silos hogpens bridge abutments arch culverts cisterns etc Cement Is sold at about onehalf the price of the Portland Personal Instruction given free of charge all work warranted- For further Information apply to SING Agent flrst secondclass etc always at lowest price House and Garden twentyseven years For Sale Cheap Corner of Superior and Pimeoefifs Items for year Apply to J WOODCOCK Newmarket DESIRABLE RESIDENCE TOW Many women have told their experiences and given their names addresses and Centrally located second house West of tograptis in Dr Pierces Common Sense Market on St Good well cistern stable and other convenience DENNIS Newmarket FARM TO SEN tographs Medical Adviser This book is free and will be sent to any address upon receipt of onecent stamps to cover cost of customs and mailing Address Dr V Pierce Buffalo The Favorite Prescription for sale by all and no honest man will urge a substitute Largest SALE it CANADA The Light of to OR OUR SAVIOUR IN ART SALE OF Valuable Farms West half of lot a 1 plowing buildings good orchard fallow seeded Contains nearly of our Saviour by acres it Is not a life of Christ about coV ideals Well watered good soli about ujuu an acres cleared miles from Kottleby P IS ever pub- Pursuant to Instructions from the Executors of the late Hunter there will be offered sale by PUBLIC AUCTION at the North American Hotel In the TOWN OF ON Saturday the of August at oclock In the forenoon the fol lowing valuable properties in the concession of the Township of East J more or leas Parcel II The east half of lot No In the concession or the Township of East llinhury more or less east halves of lots No i2 and la the 3rd concession of the Township of King to contain about acres The south half of lot No In the Township of King acrea or less VThlrty acres part of the north west quarter of lot In the Township of King easterly acres of the north the west half of tot No In the 3rd concession of the Township of East Seven von acres part of concession of Township of Whitchurch Rent moderate to a good man For terms A taking from three to apply to George Ramsey next lot south of dally The book Is so beautiful that farm KetttcbyP when people see they want It Published already lofts toLforthOnt on some editions consisting books The and night a tour among the great Europe The He art galleries of ASSURANCE ESTABLISHED PROGRESS The new assurance carried through by the Standard Office for the last nine equinquennial periods have been as follows or London of Berlin and other celebrated European art galleries have all placed their rarest and greatest treasures disposal that they might be reproduced to my says one Cleared flrst weeks Many men and women buying and paying forborne from their success with this great work Also man or woman of good church standing tenure position of Manager here to do with agenia In this wK on ve Parcels 1 and have frame buildings incut on which considerable amounts oa been spent by the Executors in tho last two or three yean to them repair Parcels one and two are near the flourishing Village Of Mount Albert which grain centre Parcels three four and six are within easy distance of the Town of Newmarket Parcel seven Is not far from Vivian Parcels to six arc In good culti vation a Parcels one and two were held re spectively by the same tenants for IS or years TxnMSOr per cent at time of twenty per cent in third the twothirds of too money to bo secured by mortgage of which will be made known At up subject to a old For further particulars apply to J Vendors YEARS 18601865 NEW SUMS 12132542 18701881 18660676 27807223 Town Carting kinds of on Short Notice Reasonable Terms DAVID MILLARD Cor Main ic Ontario Newmarket 18761880 18801886 Since 1805 the progress has been equally satisfactory in Canada Profits to holders 29200000 Ramsay Manager J Button Balfour of Agencies Charles Hunter Chief Agent terms time of GEO MHUNT District Inspector I J A Invent- Send us a rough or of your toventJoa or Improvement and wo will tell Pinion to whether Is wjtenuble Wo a specialty of appJlcAUooa rejoctod in Works lots