Newmarket Era , August 26, 1898, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUG Advertisements Epitome List Roche A Co Photography- J Blizzard t Photos Jenkins Gallery Farm Wanted Box Assistant Wanted for Bale P Cattle Strayed B RAND TRUNK RAILWAY a w D o a is fc IS IS IV COO ft 91 If to 10 OH en I Electric Leave Hill and 11 J pm Leave Toronto St and and pm Bicycle put on and token at Waiting Rooms only SPECIAL On Wednesdays Saturdays Richmond Hill to Toronto and Return for children Richmond Hill and 10 pm Leave Toronto Crowing and pm Excursion every from Toronto Jo Richmond Hill and return leaving Crowing- at for to UP BUT BRIGHTER AND WITH EACH The Pointed all been opened in parts of the Dominion not previously enjoying postal accommodation areorganiza tion of the railway mall service and office has been effected and by adoption of business methods in awarding of mall contracts and contracts for supplies political has been suppressed and large savings to the country thereby effected Previous to accession of Government to power vory grave complaints were made through the press and on floor of Parlia ment of methods under which contracts for mail were award ed The system obtaining had become positively Economy was domanded Every department of the public service was charged with ex travagance On assuming office Mr at began an examination into details of PostOffice de partment and to his astonishment ho found dozens of instances whore actually carrying the mails wore simply Bubcontractors with a political gobetween receiving part of tho con sideration paid for the service dor such a system partisans of the Government of day wore being at public This viscious system Mr Mulook ended by letting all mail contracts by tender and although the News condemns this action wo aro quite tho Post master Generals supporters in North York will entertain a different opinion Why should our cotempaoncy find fault with Mr Mulock because he ac cepts a tender of for carrying mail a of forty miles or to another of 1 12 for making a round trip of miles men were not compelled to tender at these figures it was their own business end probably they understood it better writer for the News At any rate the PostmasterGeneral did not set the price at which service was estimated by the contractors and be sides all this the contract price for carrying the mails is not in most in- stances the only consideration con tractors receive Oftentimes the pas senger and parcel service of these several routes are treble the mail contract This feature our con temporary appears to have entirely overlooked We therefore must con clude in view of all circumstances that the animadversions of our aro pot only ill timed but un just to the of Post Tub Ontario Legislature adjourned foot Wednesday to at coll of The- principal work the session was- a bill amending the and odd dealing with Fisheries explanation by Hon Mr Davis in bo Assembly last Friday It turns oat that all of Opposition respecting of an aged ram tor Model Farm by Hon Mr was without tion Government did not tho animal question and Mr was not Minister Agriculture at time the alleged was said to been made Tho story was and arose from mistaken Identity FRIDAY AUG A from Vancouver dated Aug 17th sayBMr now Com missioner for the Klondike at a farewell banquet tendered by So ciety last night said that ho would do to all men Irrespective of nation ality Ho said In tho Yukon country gold is found everywhere Half will pay anyway labor Is cheap thawing will bo done by gold tract of the has not boon A vast of mother will yot bo found In the next ton years Klondike will greatest gold area in tho world Wo must husband all the timber The Americans no will bo permitted to out it on British soil and float it down What wo wo will keep tho members of tho Legislature had their little Bay about the naughty Con stables who voted at tho Provincial they had a sort of over tho Bill The filar thus re ports the For first since that little misunderstanding last March member joined With member around one table and talked out Fishery Bill as men who represented a province which had something worth having and by the same token something worth pre serving A man who dreams not a legis latormight have outlined a pretty pic ture and without recourse to much of his imagination pointed out a crowd of legis lators smoking calmly too pipe of peace and deliberating for good of a common cause devising ways and moans for ensur ing tho future existence of a harvest of the waters Criticism favorable financial showing the PostOffico Department since Hon Mr assumed control ia matter for congratulation rather than adverse criticism The Toronto News however appears to think otherwise and takes occasion to advise the Trades and Labor Council not to eulogize him as- the friend of man and cham pion of tho masses True it is ad mitted he put a stop to sub contrac tors working their employees under a sweatshop scale of wages and also assisted those unfortunates who toil for a mere pittance This was com mended by the Trades and Labor Council but the News would rob the PostmasterGeneral of being influenced by worthy motives and tells the working classes that Mr was simply masquerading he was playing to the Our then proceeds to assign reasons for the conclusions reached and in order that the people of North York may be able fairly to judge for themselves of the worthiness of attack upon their representative we quote the following extract from the News article of hie cheeseparing record in the matter of stage mailcarrying would the devotees of the Trade and Labor Council Mr be called the friend sjid champion of poor when he doles Out to a poor driver for carrying the mail a distanco of forty miles A unfortunate receives the magnificent sum of for taking a round trip of miles in all sorts of Weath A crowning instance of his love for the masses and the toilers is seen in bis great stroke of finance in reducing the stage driver a pay from twelve to eight cents for nuking a journey of three miles along the Worth Shore where the tempests rage and the way is hard But the rooky wilderness of the north is not so hard as the skinflint of now who pours countrys gold into the maws of railway companies and shows unexampled meanness to the man struggling forexia IAD Before commenting upop the above extract we will take occasion to call attention to the fact that for the fiscal vear ending about the time Hon Mr Mulock become Postmaster Gen eral there was a deficit of 700997 The next year under his management 18907 reduced that deficit to and for the past it was further reduced a total reduction in the annual deficit of the Department of This avertible worthy of special commendation the more especially as it has not been accomplished by starving service to cut down expenses Tho service has been extended new NOTES this Hon Mr ox- Minister of Finance is airing bis political views up- if North- West Territories The bard of is playing second fiddle at his meetings It announced that the new school book entitled Agriculture by Mr James Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Ontario is in press and will be pub- lished by Mr at an early date The price will be At the Reform last week Johnston of Sarnia was nominated to contest the Rid ing for the Commons rendered vacant by the appointment of Mr J Lister to a Judgeship in Court of Appeals Constables of this Province no doubt feel like falling down and worshipping Mr Whitney and his followers in the Legisla ture for their vigorous attempt to disfran chise them Great is the Diana of the Opposition but the Hon Minister of Edu cation completely unhorsed him Grit majority with Speaker Evanturel and Mr Craig who is ill not counted Actual majority for the Government eight too high a wall for Mr Whitney to jump over and as for Messrs Willoughby and John theyre not in it either Oar PERSONAL POINTS Commerce disturbed by the late Ameri canSpanish war between Britain and other countries will now assume normal condi tions Since the cessation of hostilities between the United States and Spain the disabilities imposed upon British and Can commerce by the observance of the neutrality laws have been and an instruction has been out to collectors by the Customs Department advising them that clearance may be granted In com pliance with the provisions of the law for coal arid other cargoes which were contra band of fcar destined for St Pierre Mi- the United States Cuba the West Indies and other places in the usual without reference to the department for special instructions unless in doubt on any particular application for The argument of Mr MPP for Centre Toronto against the action of the Government and which the Mail so highly commends simply displays a weak at tempt to play upon words nothing more He pointed out that constables have not been mentioned in any of the petitions by Conservatives All that was done was to that section of the Election Act had been violated This reminds us of the story told of a merchant trading vessel having on board an Quaker and being attacked on the high seas by pi rates The Quaker was averse to fighting but when one of the piratical attempt ed to up the sides of Mr Quaker told the robber that he was going to shoot presently and that said robber was right In the of the That Is the way of Mr the petitions dont mention constables but section points in the direction Indicated and the is spoiling Mr Andy has gone to for a visit Mr Keg Stallard ia visiting in Brant- ford week Mr Will has accepted a situa tion in the city Mr Fred Cole leaves for Detroit next week where ho expects to reside Miss is spending a few days at tho Lake Mr John and his two boys spent Monday at the Lake Mr Wilson of Toronto spent Sun day in town with old friends Mr Milton Lepard spent a week at the Lake with the Oliver family Mr Thompson of Toronto was a guest of Mr Lehman over Sunday Mies Ethel Atkinson left on Saturday to spend two weeks in the city Mr drove a load of young people to the Lake last 8unday Mrs Earl and her daughter of Toronto are visiting Mrs Lloyd Lome ave Mr J and bis mother were visiting at Albert this week Mrs Sutherland of Kalamazoo is the guest of her son Mr James Sutherland Mies Kelly is visiting in Moose Jaw Assa with her sister Mrs Fisher Mr Jacob Doyle of is spending a few days with Alderman Cody Mrs Smith has gone to Feasor ton to her daughter Mrs Mrs Calvert of Toronto is spending a week or no with her sister Mrs Hewitt Mesars Harold Armitage Brock and Frank have gone to the North- West Mrs John baa moved Into the house on Queen St vacated by Dr Scott Mr Lambert Pearson spent several days last week at the camp Echo Hollow Mrs Williams and children of Toron to are visiting her Mr Geo Alderman Smith and Mr Frank Stewart with their spent Sunday at the Lake Mrs Speirs of Montreal was the guest of brother Mr J for a few days Mr Fanning of spent Sun day with his sister Mrs Driver who is at the Royal Miss Bertha Sterland of Queen St staying with her Miss Alice Knight at Toronto Mr Richardson and wife also Mr Ed Richardson spent over Sunday at Echo Hollow Mr Jaok Hodge is here from on a visit brother Jim fa also here from Toronto Mrs Fred of Toronto who has been home for seven week returns to the city next week Mr J P Belfrys family and Mr A leave for Orillia this week to make their home there High Constable Jones of Toronto gave the a oall while in town on Tuesday on business Mr Frank Millard representing Publishing Co of Montreal was visiting with Mr Geo Stone for a couple weeks i Mr Phillips of Si Mr and Mrs John Warren were at Lake on Sunday Mr photo artist has opened a gallery In Toronto and his family raovea to next Mr J Byron Oliver is from Woo Ohio for vacation ho is at Orchard Beach Miss Edna of Ottawa Is spend her vacation with her St Prof of Pickering Cullcgo and bis wife woro guests of Mrs Cody oh Wednesday Miss Glass of Hill also ls of Aurora of Miss Davison St Master Edgar of London days with Mra M W and was at last Monday Boo ion World Misses Stella and Anna of Newmarket aro guests of their cousin Mies Mr Adam writes that wcathor in Vancouver Is vory warm and very dry not oven thunderstorms Miss Of who is visiting Miss Trull and who on the staff the a call on Wednesday Miss Reason of Toronto and her flietor a teacher in Chicago spent over Sunday with their aunt Mrs BCody Mrs Rev Grant of and her two little returned homo this tor spending two weeks at her fathers Alderman Cody J Leon Walt and Bert Hois spent Monday at tbo Lako The last wont on to Jacksons Point Mr and Mrs John Allen of Mich been the visiting for a short period with brother Mr I They returned homo last evening Rev W of J was a at the offioe on Wednes day He has been spending his vacation in North York and leaves for home next week Mrs Harriett who was with a stroke of paralysis while driving into Town a week ago las Saturday morning is doing nicely and will probably recover Mrs had a family reunion at her house last Friday evening Mrs Free man of Walters Falls as well as her broth and sister from Detroit and other mem bore of family were there Beech and family returned from the camp last Monday and left for Toronto on Wednesday evening where will spend a couple of weeks taking in the Ex hibition before returning to Winnipeg Rev Hunter of Indianapolis was in Town last week and spent over Sunday at Orchard Beach the guest of Col Lloyd Hie brother Dr W Hunt er of Lowiston was also here last Saturday Miss Edith Robertson daughter of Reeve Robertson is to be congratulated on obtaining a FirstClass Teachers Certifi cate before attaining the required by the to use it It is not only an honor to herself but an honor to New market 0 New Fall Goods are crowding in on us and very soon we will be talking of nothing but Fall Wearables Just now to make room we offer some lines at very tempting prices OB Friday nisi Two yards wide Table Linen half bleached regular at Extra Large White Counterpane worth at Good Roller Towelling 5 yards for Bleached Cotton yard wide Bleached Twilled Sheeting 2 yards wide regular 28c at 43c 5 21 SUIT J 50 OO 20 Boys 2piece Tweed Suits worth 225 at do do do 275 at J We must clear about 60 Mens Suits the next few days to make room for new- goods Mens Fine Tweed Suits were 475 go at Mens regular Tweed Suits go at Mens regular 9 Tweed Suits go at Mens Strong Tweed Pants regular 125 go at HO AMD Another Lot Mens Fine regular 175 go at Fine Lace Boots regular price 125 go at Ladies Fine Kid Button Boots go at Ladies Fine Low Shoes regular go at Boys Strong Lace Boots at All the above reductions are genuine The goods are new and seasonable but we cut the prices as we must have the room for New Goods H 75 6 1 1 00 90 interesting letter fr Mr Joe II Hewitt has just arrived from Victoriaa BC and will appear next Joe is a eon of Mr Robert Hewitt and is travelling agent for a Variety Co Ho seen a good deal of the world and appears to have a streak about We wish him continued success Extracts from private letter from Car- berry Man We enjoyed very much the visit from Mr He was shocked when we told him we had to pay to have a drawn and a full set costs only We have no resident doctor here but one comes every little while for a few days at a time Borne vory hot days lately but nice showers every little while Tonight Aug we had quite a hail storm the ground was white Plums are 50 a orate red currants pail currants blueberries by the orate or single lb peaches 9176 a orate which la little more than a pail are in at a basket We pay lb for fresh flab and same price for beef mutton and veal Orangei from to dozen and lemons 25o Harvest is in full blast About binders were Bold here this year Old wheat sells at 62c now no new wheat in Mr J A returned from Manitoba on Thursday Mr of St Catharines is visiting bis uncle Mr Alfred Snider Mr Clayton is visiting his his sister Mrs Alfred Snider Miss Eva of Toronto is visiting at fathers Quite a number from here attended the funeral of Mr Sam little girl on Saturday at Gormley Tramp It is reported at Rome that the Pope has suffered another relapse of Hamilton broke his collarbone by a fall from a bi cycle Alex teamster was kill ed by the overturning of his wagon at Ottawu Wallace Scott a farm er had a valuable horse stolen from his stable Twelve tons of grapes peaches and pears were shipped at Hamilton last Friday to the eastern provinces Lightning killed a team of horses with which Michael McKnighb was ploughing at near St Thomas Illness among the American troops at Porte Rico ia on tho increase and there aro now nearly a thousaud cases of malaria and dysentery with a few of typhoid fever Workmen who have been engag ed by Grand Trunk Railway in the doubletracking of the be tween the and Burlington are mak ing a vigorous complaint because about sixtyfive Italians been brought over from Buffalo in violation of alien labor act to assist with the work Some Canadian laborers have been discharged The Cradle In on Saturday the 13th to Mr and Mrs J a son At Sutton on the to Mr and Mrs Summer- a daughter At Button on the 17th to Mr and Mrs McLaughlin a Jokes In Holland Landing August 10th 1898 to Mr and Mrs Hiram Jones a daughter VmNoaiRAND At Vandorf on Aug to Mr and Mrs J A a son at Eaat on the to Mr aad Mrs It Powell a daughter Leading Furniture and Undertaking House The In at the residence of the bridea father Mr on Wednesday Aug by the Rev of To ronto by Rev of Rev J J Sparling A Methodist minister en the ezer to Mies Charlotte A Mc Bobmett On Saturday Aug at the residence of the bride a father by the Rev Walter Amos Emily A Burnett of Aurora to Mr Nicholas G of Toronto At the residence of the brides mother on the by A Mr Andrew Gil- moor of the Specialty Works to Miss Mary Hodge The happy couple left by morning train to spend the honeymoon down near Ottawa The Tomb In Queensville at the residence of her daughter Williams on August Mary Ann of the late John in her year Cavalier North Dakota on the of August wife of Miller and daughter of the late Point Out in her 31st year Deceased was for about a year with consumption and leaves three small children At Aue 20th Julius aged years and 3 For many years deceased was the most extensive exhibitor at Fall Fairs in this section of country and a progressive farmer Ho leaves a Urge family Strong Bakers Ogilvies Hungarian Ogilvies Pastry Best Ontario and Manitoba wheat Flour for Family Use Feed of all Kinds S J F I Un Main St North Newmarket- All Orders receive Careful and Prompt Attention GO TO Of the beautiful or useful will find his hearts delight in our stock of superb furni ture For the house parlor boudoir halls or dining room for the office chairs hat- desks book oases A large and vari ed gives you every advantage of choice and price J Opposite Royal Hotel Newmarket axil A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at 125 Street M And aee what bargain he has in SUITING and down at Cost for the next 60 days made to suit the Customer W Old Stand car of fresh ground American Gray best fertilizers for Clover and Grass LIME LIME The very best Grey Lime cents per bushel W J Storehouse Main and Huron Telephone No Markets Flour per barrel Wheat per bushel Wheat per bushel Goose Wheat per Buckwheat Barley per bushel Oats per bushel Peas per bushel Bran per ton Shorts per ton Butter roll per Butter tub per lb 11 Potatoes per bag Apples pcr Sheepskins Wool per lb Beef per live Pork per lb Chickens per pair per lb live Turkeys per lb per bushel per bushel Timothy 8eed per bushel J 75 a 067 0 40 45 0 45 a CO a 0 012 ICO 0 14 4 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Toronto Toronto Red Wheat per bushel White Wheat per Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat per bushel Barley per bushel Oats bushel Peas per bushel ll Apples per 8heepakloa Wool per lb j OS pair per pair Turkeys per lb 10 45 Oft 013 070 a 100 a 000 060 75 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

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