Newmarket Era , August 26, 1898, p. 3

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUG iV leeks focal Heats Tragedy in WHAT OK IK Mr French preached wo excellent last Sunday Next Sunday a To ronto will -0- Young Shoots an Affectionate Fingers Cut Mr hi Lyons had a narrow from off of his hands working at factory last Friday And is Committed fof ends takon off two of them just town was thrown and surrounding community years and ago ho followed Into a stato of groat leaving an to his daughters said to miosing bono moot on Monday morning iho spread- bo alai a half wildfire that had brother Mr Fred Buxton who at shot Jammed wmrnd Last Friday morning Mr A Hunter had on Water strcot finger badly jammed while a box of iron nut of a car at depot for Co Though flngor freely it has him a groat deal Dismissed against Geo for abduction of a farmers daughter was do- in hie favor ou Thursday night of last week but ho must boon shivering in his as it was a call for tontiary Lacrosse The mulch and for Championship of this District to bo at Richmond Hill on Tuesday of next week As team has defeated other Ibis a vory is anticipated fl Wound A lad named Wilfred Martin eon of Mr Martin while playing around on Thursday of last week was acci dentally caught in tho by a meat hook drosaod wound and though it had to bo out and tho little fellow Book Klondike Mr of Koawick arriv ed in Town on on hie way from whore ho spent a over a year Ho two claims and is to well satisfied with results that ho in tends to roturu to that country He a of nuggets and struck a bonanza It is nearly years since ho left thia part of the country Cheese market There were exactly boxes of stieeae offered at Barrio market on Thurfeday of last week wore present All sold but three New- j room wringing her in a moat pa- market factory sold boxes at high- manner She bad calmed down from two staters resided and tho Aral to tell of tho girl that did shooting Realizing what she had she laid smoking revolver a bull dog of calibre on the table and immediately rushed out to her nearest neighbor of Mr Hold who baa nil along been ad visor of the two girls Mr was not up but girl encountered his servant to whom she cried hysterically Whore is Mr I want to flCoMr field fiuaio is dead frightened ser vant at told her matter who to eccentricities on the part of Min nie placed no confidence in re- mark- Ho dressed humeri and went out to where wad I shot Simla I a hot Shes dead were mad as wrung her hands with anguish Us only your imagination persisted Mr not yet convinced I shot shes dead she re pealed Whoroupon he Hurried down to house of the Sextons ruhedin the front door but as it is house of many rooms he was almost giving up tho when he opened the door into the kitchen and was greeted with tho of powder smoke truth was now only too plain on the floor as if fallen in a faint was body of There was not a trace of agony or suffering In her fea tures From her mouth oozed a stream of blood the result of a hemorrhage caused by one of bullets Her woro not oven disturbed death bad been instan taneous and without a struggle Mr difleld did not disturb anything but hasten ed from the house to alarm Chief Ander son who at once called Coroner to the scene Undertaker Millard was sent for and after few had inspected the room where the was committed Mr Millard laid remains out in the same room wherein hand of heath had do Mr then hastened to hie homo to look after unhappy mur- duress She was pacing up and down the est figure and offered for all the rest of make Edenvalo sold at factories sold at and Next Hoard Sept let Four other at The shipments tho past follows week are her hysteria and did notseem to realize that there was to be done What did yon do it for asked Mr Oh I dont know It some im pulse that made me do it she replied It was thought advisable to keep her at Mr snrveil lance of Chief Anderson pending investiga tion and the body of the girl was kept in the house in charge of Ravage OF CRIME maiden of years of manner her sister Minnie was three years younger naturally retired and reticent in company but very headstrong in her desires This was simply a natural mult for Minnie was Mat weak and her refrained The Voters List for the Town of New- from doing anything to cross her The IK WARDS cars lumber car wheat 1 sheet iron I woodenware ii school fruit 1 stock merchandise hay ii merchandise market for was posted in the Clerks Office last week and it Is the duty of every male citizen over years of age to see that his name is properly entered on the Hat also all who have taxes to pay should have their names on for voting at municipal elections etory of this crime is a particularly sad one They wore women who had an inordinate fondness for each other and the crime whiob committed would be the last one expected by anyone who knew them On the Bisters went to their favorite placs of worship Pauls Church both morning and evening and they were According to the new list there are 255 by many townspeople to bo as Georges Ward in St te towards each other as ever Monday Andrews Ward and in Patrick morning the two rose about re- Ward a total of I J aa P si be They set to work immediately at Christian Church Elder Cbidleya appointments wero sup plied last Sunday by Mr Bingham of Au rora The sermon was on Noah evening straight gate The latter was in answer to the question Are there few that be Both must have left good impres sions Next Sunday Presbyterian and Charohea hold anion service with sermons by Rev A Pres byterian In the morning and Christian Church in the evening Only Thpe September and are to bo redletter days in North York The of the Society are determined to make the at the time and heard shots fired When Newmarket Fair the leading county Ex- tubs in the whero they had a and other facility v They worked by side for an hour when Minnie left her sieter saying she would prepare break fast She was soon busy making toast but all at once unnoticed she left the kit chen and slipped off upstairs In a mo she returned to the advanced towards her sister vhoae back was turned and then fired point blank at tbo stooping figure at the waahtub The bullet struck he unfortunate woman on the centre of the spinal columu- The wounded woman turned with a frantio cry of Oh Minnie and raiaed her arms in agony Again the revolver was raiaed aimed and fired at her breast three times in succession The girl fell to the floor while blood began to from her wounds Mr Geo Partridge was passing the the shot was fired he leaned on ibe fence and listened He then heard suc cessive shots He wae going to enter the house but hearing a laugh he changed hie r The Royal Grenadiers Band of Toronto greet attraction both days and or the I thinking the girls were firing blank day they will give a grand Mi Concert r Morfl oclock he bad occasion to pas decorated for the purport The Board be- thfl faong6 lievca in the spirit in but not make school children fluccossfuHy said Inaugurated last year fintcheUi great feature of the first day will be the ttIe0 w of School Ohlidren in ttJ Mr Partridge every achool North York baa been in- to participate Splendid prizes are rf ft for competition the in additional prizes are were lha daughter of the late J offered for every bringing a band who one of the t- them and for the largest and best i Township and a highly turnouts of All school children man For a great many years in are admitted to the store in thin town and Let the a grand at that a time It Childrens Day at the Fair amount of His wife died or is foreman in ono of the departments in the Cane A Bona factory here two girls lived old house ever fathers death but had vear intended to build a now house pi Caen one a subatantial roughcast dwelling with plenty of room for a large family and is furnished in good taste Their lifo has been to some a soli tary one aa their attachment for each other Ecemcd to almost fulfill tbelr deairos for the social side of life still associ ated with others Susan bad gentlemen and here it was that the insanity in Minutes mind was developed was known to bo addicted to hysteria never violent however except when tho devotion of her sister to her seem- bo shared by someono Three years ago she became than and a her own tent to Asylum for Insane at Toronto She re mained there about a year and under special care recovered and returned home Hut only outbreaks wore when young men came to her stater She would brood over it for afterwards recog nized the weakness of her siater and her sacrifice and devotion to the unfortunate siater was the subject of frequent of the townspeople TO UK Recently however Susan was of attentions from a wealthy farmer in North Mr Dan and as a result tho two became engaged Jed to more than usually violent out breaks by Minnie who regarded Mr McMillan with particular aversion and unconcealed hatred In this however sho only carrying out the inborn idea that Susie is mine Tho two were to have boon married in September it is aaid but this secret was long kept from Minnie had whether or not to It was urged on that could tako Minnie to with her and that alio would become recon ciled to her position Yet Susan had her doubt and even within recent days was to have declared that if thought her sister would not become satisfied she would at once renounce all intention of getting married Such was tho devotion of the unfortunate woman to her demented sister Minnie times quite rational and in a simple way discussed her own position She often spoke of going back to the asylum but only with reluctance as she dreaded the thought of it When ahe of she referred to Mr Widdifield as the one who would have to look after her financial affairs were she compelled to go to Toronto again It was only on Saturday night last that Minnie heard that her was to be married on September This was a terrible blow to her and she at once took it to heart In her calmer moments Monday she admitted this to Mr and said bad brooded over it until waa irreaistibly carried on to do the murder She ahe fought it but the hysteria of her mind her The revolver with deed was committed was an old one owned by the late Mr Sexton who kept it to guard bis jewellery of which he used to keep quite a quantity in iiis house moat of the time at the there ia much more in the than usually found in private It to guard that girls retained the weapon THE Coroner Scott conducted the in the Town Hall on Mr Maw of the Crown Attorneys Office Toronto examined the witnesses Constable Tones and Mr of Toronto were also Those composing the went in a body to the of the tragedy viewed the remains and on their return were sworn in by the Coroner Messrs J Woodcock foreman Samuel Johnston Johnson Morris Foster J Elmer John Montgomery T P Mann Frank A Evens and G A The prisoner wet dorlng most of the proceeding and listened to the evidence in an manner She was accom panied by her Mr Fred Sax- ton and two lady Constable John Savage the first witness gave the detail of the position of body and the state of the boas when he arrived there about am Re the revolver when found had one unex plored cartridge Mr barrister told the story of the prisoner coming to him after the shooting- What subsequently Mr objected to telling court on the ground that it waa toW him in his capacity of legal adviser At the suggestion of the Crowns the witness consented to give the evidence if the objection was noted Then he said that Minnies next statement wae I have shot floalo and she is dead The witness next described his visit to the Sat ton He then called the Coroner he returned to the the cloth ing around bullet holes was burning from flame of the revolver so was the weapon when fired- Purine the fore noon the prisoner asked the witness to take charge of her case for her From gathered that had a particular horror of the thought of her getting married- had often if ahe felt in house with her to which replied that ahe did Miss servant of the told of the of the prisoner to Mr came in crying Ive killed and I couldnt help it times in a hysterical manner Dr Campbell who conduced post mortem described tho of the and three bullets One of thorn had through and had penetrated a lung Each would bo aufil to canto death The ahot one that siinek spine would paralysis of the lower Mr Geo Partridge four whllo the house Ho Paid ho knew prisoner quite well and milk to the two sisters To him she seemed and jolly and he never noticed pcoulier about her In roply to a question by Mr he said he thought the prisoner was weak- minded Ho he had no reason to that the conversation he heard early In tbo morning was a quarrel Mr Jag evidence largely corroborative TO Mrs Martin alio had known accused for eight Minnie at Mr Monday morning and had conversation with her She told me she had ahot and could not help it said was impelled by something and could not temptation It was became of her marriage which wae bo in tho first week in September She paid her Bister had told heron Saturday night that sho to be married had about it from night continually until Monday morning She they had no quarrel on Monday morning but they had few cross words on Sunday on this She could not remember what was in the quarrel Sunday She raid she tried her best to keep herself from shooting her sister had hidden revolver but Minnie found in the house day week and hid it again When had the desire to the she rcmembred where had hidden it They went to church together on Sunday morning stayed home in and went again to church in evening She remombere particularly that in the mom they ha I the Tea as a lesson and I her how the command- WW To make room for Fall Goods PRINTS HALFPRI0 UN Bale of Table Linen lately seized by Customs House Fully OneThird Off Regular regular price 50 cents selling now at cents UNTON The best Cakes are always made with Baking Powder CORNER STORE I not kill affected her and she it made her think that would kill Sim had the desire to kill her bitter during the whole of the Vices TUB Mrs related Minnies descrip tion of and attending CCH was washing with for some time and then went to get the was making toast and then laid It down on the tabic went up got the milk pitcher and It down at the frontdoor then went Into the room and got the revolver where she had hidden It She came downstairs went In to kitchen and fired one Into Piialoa buck while aho was washing at the hoard turned around and Oh Minnie and then fell and then Minnie flrod the other throe ahota no explana tion the last three Then she looked at but did not touch her then laid the revolver down on the table and went upend told Mr They had a caller at their on Saturday even ing The thought to her while ahe was lying In the shed on Saturday night after her slaters visitor came She did not give any reason for wanting the revolver earlier in the week ahe bad simply found and hidden It She never ww exorcised except over one subject of marriage never knew her to have an ugly temper upon any other subject I that ahe la HOPES TO Of To Mr the two al tera were very loving toward each other dared not have any gentleman cullers on Minnies account During Monday after noon the prisoner paced the room and held her head us though there a great weight Ion If Pi wanted her hair all the time She does not seem to think she will he punished She think ahe has the choice between remaining at our place and going to the asylum To Foreman Woodcock witness the prisoner expressed sorrow for the deed dur ing Monday and said she would undo It ir she could The Crown Counsel then formally called the prisoner as a witness but she did not respond as Mr advised her not to take the oath and not to make any Statement No fur ther evidence taken hut Mr Coroner the former adviser of the Saxons to tell the jury regard- Ing tho prisoners commitment to the asylum The Coroner replied that be had nothing to do with tho object of the present Inquiry but in addressing Jurymen remarked that when she was brought buck from Toronto he quite that cured of her In sanity The Jury then retired after of ten returned with the following verdict We And that the came to her death upon the In statu through wounds received by from a revolver In the bands of Minnie UAG1STRATES COURT A Magistrates court was convened Immed iately with Mayor Cane Messrs J Robertson and J J Pearson J on the bench and E representing the Crown The prisoner stood up when arraign ed on the charge of murder and while a fanned tremu lously pleaded not guilty depositions taken at the Inquest were taken In as evi dence and considered by the Magistrates The prisoner was asked If she had anything to say and after being duly warned Nothing to say Then after going over the evidence the Magistrates committed her for trial As the Magistrates had no Jurisdiction as to bail she was placed In charge of Inspector Ander son who conveyed her to the Toronto Jail on the evening train to await her trial in No vember TUB The funeral of 8uean was held Tues day afternoon at Newmarket cemetery and private The paUbearcrs were Messrs Atkinson Martin McMillan J Caasldy and Nothing but expressions of the deepest sympathy for bereaved- are heard on all sides and the feeling is general that Minnie was not responsible for her action ll This month we will sell oots and Shoes Pine Ready-to- Wear For Last Week of August AiAiA WA Fall Fairs Newmarket Sept and Bolton Sept and Sept 28 and Oct nod Oct end 12 Oot and 14 Sutton Oct and Western London Sept to Woodbrldge Industrial Toronto Aug to Sept Oct On between and freight going south and a local from came into collision Fireman of Richmond wat caught between the engine and tender and crushed to death A man named Irwin fatally injured Boys We forego all profits lor this week The I money we should make goes to clothing What we have left we offer at prices considerable less than the goods cost Summer Weights and Colorings all lumped under four prices YARD You will have a better idea of what this means by coming to see TE GOODS MUST GO 7 AND Regular prices were from cents a yard SUMMER MILLINERY at prices that will tempt you MENS COLORED SHIRTS Special for this week Your choice of any 125 i or Colored Shirt for I MENS STrtAW HATS HALF P 1 Hasfor 50c for 50c for and soon GLASSWARE This Week at Cost Price REQUISITES Send or Price List BINDER TWINE CENTS POUND IOE At Cut Prices NEWMABSOST a

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