i THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY SEPT a- ABOUT HEALTH En to Well If Know HowSome oUho Conditions to of maintaining good health understood and it is matter wo a cor- condition required In too prompt I J food Bind thus prepare nourish ment The Wood in to carry this nourishment to the nerves and which need it lor good there for pure rich blood Now it Is cer tainly ft no web record of as It literally true t hundreds of ireU today who would ooon in their had they not taken Hoods It la depended upon as family general regulator of by tens of thou and of people This la Hoods makes tho blood pure This tho of Its great success Keep Your system in good health by Keeping your blood Hoods which absolutely cures when other fall to do any good whatever T are pills to talcs A paper to ft rumor that Mr who to bo Inspector t for Dominion Government and who la now on Credit to bo appointed to head of tho new Fisheries Department of Ontario i Tin Banner rises to remark of lumpjaw arc said to bo apparent in Legislature result of long debate on the By order of Government lookJaw will bo noxt after of constables and country has an oppor tunity to speak at a few of tells In Nuts for Skeptics to Craok a law yer who organized a Sunday School In a in order to christian settlers to tho place and improve tho condition of the settlement plan admirably It always so Christianity always uplifts Whorovcr it is It Is aeon to bear good fruit and even of men Tiik number of applications for received daring tho year in history of the Yet In all will bo In coming year number of appli cations filed In by over two thousand total number of applications filed from to Could A Farmer Tolls of His Interna and How Ho It is understood Imparl- at Ottawa it about postal notes of denominations SO and fl5 issues already oat and Word cornea from Toronto that for past Inconveniences has been experienced mercantile for want bank notes This postal Issue may relieve strain to St JACKSON lMV Best Advertising Medium York County monta cents per no for rat The fni- fiaya Province paid out to members than for this session The received which is quite a bit moro than required mileage ratba amounted to about per Of each seeing that when January part of session closes thoy will only colvo balance of tho allowance cannot bo out of the way Over in York they law requiring to publish In a local paper marriage celebrate Falling to comply with this statute is a Oftentlouos tho parties their names kept of papers but law tho man to say no to request without offonco It should aleo bo law in On tario KATES yit io mo la Inches with writ ten until forbid mid once each month For each month the be paid for regular rates Changes for contract advertisements must bo In noon on Wednesdays for tors Notices to Kent Articles Lost and round etc A reading notice will he inserted free for any Church or Society where potters are fur- la take otherwise cents will he charged for such a notice rule Thos J Barrister otary Public o Street Newmarket so to Loan on Farm sec T Solicitor etc Solicitor for Township of Klnjr Money to Court ItulldlnK Newmar ket p S Solicitor Conveyancer etc with Mnwh Cameron io Toronto Estates carefully and collection promptly made Money to loan at lowest rates OrriO8axtous Block Main HERBERT I DUNK St flarrlBten Solicitors o Manning Arcade at King St West a voto of to 112 of Hollo- villo has to abolish its Ward system and to reduce tho number of its who form its Council from 21 to ratopayor will now a voto on all men who form Coun cil Ward will be left out In the edd each Alderman will bo to that every part of city has claims on his consideration and municipal life The Dominion Government has deter mined to the fourteenfoot system of navigation between tho lakes and completed by next Already Cornwall and but work on tho way between and upnor end of the Cornwall canal and on which will complete the link In progress Portions of this unfinish ed work are advanced require constant urging in ordor to have tho whole completed by time indicat ed to roports presented last week at joint annual of the Metho dist General Conference Committees on Leagues and there aro now local Booiotles with a total membership of growth of tho Sunday had been equally gratifying aro now Bchoo a under tho Conference lOoherB and 207239 scholars an Inertia for four years Toronto Reformer Block Money to MISCELLANEOUS Tub Toronto World a now popular when it commenced an agitation last week in favor of a reduction in the berths of sleeping cars or at leaet provision for comfortable sleeping berths at a dollar even if tho are not quite eorichly upholstered The travel ling will greatly rejoice it the rail way companies act upon Bug- Pullman Co will not provide aioh cars the railway authorities would by studying their own interests by doing Bothomeelvea A states that Hon Minister of Agriculture in Do minion Government and Prof Robertson of his Department visiting Scotland for tho purpose of acquiring information regarding tho best means of meeting wants of importers of Canadian produce Doth have addressed the Chambers of Commerce at Bristol and and interviewed Glasgow merchants During an Interview with Sir John at on Tuesday Hon Mr Fisher confessed that he no hope of ever seeing tho embargo on cattle pKititAFs of mixed by the editor of Wilson or New York Bute might do pcoplo good in North York It la a mean man who will take hie homo papor several years and to pay until sued But a darn sight meaner is man who is continually cry down hie village paper not a cent to its support in fact often tries to others to stop yet week aneaka around and reads the ho no despises There are of the latter right here in Wilson and we hope they will read this opinion we of them If you Hear anyone kick you may know it hit the mark From Enterprise Such Buffering as rheumatism causes the victim upon whom it fastens almost unondnrablc Only those who writhe under itn pang can tho joy of who has been freed from its Mr J of Now Elm in one of those who have been releascf from pain and who believes it his duty to lot others know a cure can bo found Mr Folkcnham is a farmer and all who follow this arduous but honorable calling is sub ject to much It was this that brought on his trouble and caused hint so much sutTcring be fore ho was rid of it He says In spring of I contracted rheumatism Throughout whole summer I suffered from it and about the first of October it came so bad that I could not get out of house pains located in my hip and back and what I suffered can hardly bo expressed I became so helpless I could not dress myself without aid Eventually the trouble spread to my hands and arms and at times these would lose all feeling and become use less In November I began using Dr Williams Pink Pills and after taking four boxes began to improve After using six boxes the pains and soreness hud all gone and I was able to do a hard days work I intend to few more boxes as a precautionary mea sure arid would earnestly advise those suffering from this painful trouble to Williams Pink Pills a fair trial and be made well Dr Williams Pink Pills cure by going to the root of the disease renew and build up the blood and strengthen tho nerves thus driving disease from tho system Avoid imitations by insisting that every box you is enclosed in a wrapper bearing full trade mark Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People Devious Definitions Phiz the face grows on a Triplets Little blessings that but people appreciate Water A nonintoxicating bevor- ago that makes barrels tight Obligation A gun that makes a loud noise when it is discharged Fashion one thing that a women can follow without remaining behind Rent Something that landlord can raise eas than tenant can Death Often a happy roliof from the troubles a man stirs up for himself on earth Foolish The woman who puts a special delivery stamp on a letter and gives it to her husband to mail Give us Clean a When tho name of Witt was first mentioned to succeed Major Walsh as Administrator of the Yukon District the party without distinction received with lively satisfaction It was they said right man for the place but somebody afterwards discovered ho sus tained a buttonhole relation to Hon Mr Hilton and at once the Opposition press joined In a chorus of invective and mean little sneers Sensitive dislike public life because makes it Opposite Fire Hall Main Street Simpson Main St Sundries and Fancy Goods Perfect fit guaranteed In all the latest fash ions sent through Newmarket PO will receive prompt attention fl StOUffSP Teacher of SightSinging Tuner of Pianos and ail String Instruments NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS ft LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stories Before Ordering Elsewhere Tim SeventhDay who established themselves at Ottawa so journals at Capitol state express great local clergy men taken occasion to toll their re spective cogrogatiQDB of the unorthodox teachings of the scot To this the latter have taken umbrage and chal leaned those who differ from their teach- a pulpit controversy and to add to to their who were treated with silent contempt kind of treatment usually kills off the fellow who knows than any other person especially in regard to speculative theories concerning matters Money to Loan At Five per on Firstclass Farm Security by David Commiealouer for taking Affidavits Real Conveyancer Marriage Agent for the following Queen and LiverpoolEngland Montreal established In atao for the Confederation To ronto OvrxoxOld Office Comer of Main id Lot and GOOD For cheap Keswick The tie between th0 motherland and this Dominion is The Globes Ottawa correspondent says the conference in London last year between the Colonial and Mr Chamber- Iain a proposal for exchange military units was favorably considered It agreed that as far as Canada concerned the experiments should with an ex change of artillery The contingent that will be sent to Great Britain will conform to the Imperial regulations it will not be available for foreign service and the pay of the officers and men will be that received in Canadian service The length of their stay in the motherland will years The British artillerymen stationed in Canada will rank on the pay hat of the Imperial I Tub Ottawa correspondent of the Unit referring to the annexation of Hawaii Cuba and Porto Rico in regard to the trade relations of these with Can ada makes these observations It la not probable that there will be any immediate change in the laws of new of the The policy pursued in regard which was recently annexed to the United sapgesta what may be expected as to Cuba and Porto Rico The Treasury Depart- at has decided that the local laws and Local tariff as existing be fore the annexation ate to be administered until the United Congress baa de clared otherwise In other words the acquisition of a country does not mean immediate absorption into the Republic It treated as a colonial dependency hav ing Its own and tariff just we have under the is regard to and Porto must be for time At present the under- here that the minim am tariffs of countries as they existed prior to annexation will be applied alike to porta from the United and all So long as this condition prevails it cannot fail to prove helpful to Canadian trade although oar with the West Indies which In elude Cuba Porto RIdo and some email lalanda the vicinity has not in the past been a great Item Id the Bum total of our trade costs nothing will often buy a great deal Had Head About It- I had a in my eideand also troubled with severe was out order and my con was generally rundown Reading what had done Iben taking it and after neihg two bottles I was cured May Manning Avenue Toronto Ontario Hoods Pills core Price The young man who writes verses was standing out in the night gazing at the sky when a friend encountered him what are you doing Studying astronomy Go away and dont disturb me I am into infinite distance I dont see what satisfaction you find in that That is simply because you have never had any experience with editors ray friend You dont know what comfort it is to find place where nothing is crowded out for want of space To Cure a Cold la One Day Take Laxative Quinine AH Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure- Reading of our poor soldiers who are suffering a woman makes me want to make known a simple remedy we have used in our family for sixty years that is simply salt and water A head baths of strong brine at intervals of ten minutes or so wo foiled will drive away the most severe headache I have known men who while work ing in the hot sun avoided sun stroke hy this means American Agriculturist in leading editorial last week says Give us clean fairs Let not tho agricultural fair whether local county district or state lie turned into a school of vice Thats just what some of the socalled agricultural exhibitions are teem with vices to swindle unwary that cause many to distrust reputable exhibitors and dealers and thus injure the material interests of the whole exhibition But robbing people of their money by fake schemes is unimportant compared to the rob bery of innocence that is boldly jet- at many fairs Impure or right immoral attractions are allow ed at too many fairs Many a girl has been enticed from the paths of virtue after witnessing the glitter of immodest women in some midway side show To thus mar the purity of youth is a that ail the good done in other directions a fair can never compensate for We cer tainly voice the sentiments of the people in denouncing such shameful adjuncts and in demanding that the fairs lo held to a strictly moral stand ard There are enough at work to drag down young and old without engaging the fairs in such -in- All our editorial representa tives correspondents and subscribers are requested to report to us promptly any features at the fairs they may attend Lot us create a sentiment against such nastioess that shall purify tho fairs One method which will quickly put a stop to all these evils Let the people who dont approve of such things keep away from the fair that countenances them Angus McDonald of London a trackman was fatally injured in Grand Trunk yards John Devlin aged 17 of Carle- ton Place was killed on the at Almonte He was stealing a ride George of Montreal was badly squeezed between a street car and an electric light pole at London An alleged priest named has been arrested in St Marys on a charge of swindling clergymen Folks are a good deal more apt to make their friends tired by visiting too long than by not staying long enough Referring to the habit of lying an exchange says that the real hero of today in business in society and in politics is the man who under all circumstances and at any hazard to himself tells the plain simple truth One is always obliged to talk but when he talks he should talk truth Lying is such a that many men with bad memories never know when to believe themselves How to make a scandal Take grain of falsehood a handful of runabout the same quantity of limber tongue six sprigs of black bite and a spoonful of dont you tell it Add a few drops of envy and a little dis content and jealousy strain it through a bag of misconstruction cork it in a meddlesome bottle hang it on a skein of street yarn and shake it before taking Evil bo to him that evil thinks The of the 10th con of King intend holding their an nual garden party on tho grounds of Mr Cairns lot con ad joining the church on Friday the 2nd of September- An excellent program is being arranged Speeches are ex pected from Hon J Davis Hon Hon N Wallace and several reverend gentlemen Among those who will take part in the pro gram are White Bros Miss Duff of Toronto Messrs OBrien B Miss Cranston and others Braes Band will be present A foot ball match between two noted teams will take place An exchange unfolds a parcel of good advice in the following unique manner My son follow not in the footsteps of the loafer and make no example of him who is bora tired foe verily I say unto you their business ie overstocked the seats in the corners are all taken and the whittling places are occupied It is better to saw wood at two bits a cord than to whittle in a loafing and the govern ment My son while thou hast left in thy skull the sense of a jaybird break away from cigarette habit for lo breath stinketh like a glue factory and thy whole appearance is less in telligent than a etone dummy Yes art a cipher with a rim knocked off Can Sleep For Infanta and Children Gf It Have an aim in life Even if you do not hit the you will probably make an outer There is no lubricant like unto patience for getting over the rough places in business To keep flies off cattle take coal tar two parts and coal oil and grease one part each mix with a small amount of Apply with a cloth by moistening the hair and horns with the In the appli cation include the feet and legs and it will drive every fly away and dne ap plication will last ten days or more in dry weather Apply as often as nec essary and your cows will be entirely free from flies of all kinds Any kind of lard or old grease can bo used Chatham A fatal ac cident occurred last night on the farm John Skinner about two miles from in Griffith aged years lost his life Deceased was employed by Mr Skinner and had gone to the barn to hitch up a team Shortly after his lifeless was found by his employer stretched on the barn floor behind a colt An examination of body showed where deceased had receivod a kick just below heart Griffith had been in the neighborhood but ten days and his relatives are unknown The vigil of night hours that drag How often they come and how unwelcome A system robbed by of natural rest cannot be vigorous and strong nerves are at fault and must be up Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pius the remedy that cured MISS EMMA TEMPLE IS WHAT SHE At last eight months of phytic and nervous prostration- cauie4 by and rftt which time I suffered on account of the shattered condition of ray ror which I was unable to find any relief I am a Wards Blood and Pills in three my nerves strong removed all perrons troubles built up my system snd made me Strong and well They removed despon dency and consequence of taking your valuable I look forward to I have to your great cure for and bodily weakness for my present good health and strength Yours truly BUM A Oat Dr Wards Blood and Pills Bold at so cents per box hoses for or malted on receipt of by The Dr Ward Co Victoria Toronto Book of information free Do you think of THIS SUMMER If you do write Del LIMITED NEWMARKET I And get prices of Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows THE Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork Factory in Canada for of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc construct HighGrade and all kinds on short- notice The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co LIlllTEb NEWMARKET ONT Old Stand Having purchased the above business from Mr W intern I take this opportunity to inform the public that I will continue the same in all its branches My aim shall be to have the Very Best in Town in the line of A AND u Q will be increased and be- Jn goods the very best satisfaction can be promised A trial solicited South End i I Powder i I We keep only Best Quality and supply them at the same price as adulterated goods SCOTT -r- Next the Post Office To opportunity of Uftyfifia for fow noise nonsense We are a Line of Goods o the market prices that make them jump Its a quick turn on very margin to satisfy a Call and Inspect FANCY SUITINftS jft Very Latest ALSO THE A NT- For either Coat Vest or most reliable of its kind on the market a perfect pocket ana keeping pockets from stretching Call and examine and be convinced There is money in it for us and agreat deal mora for the customer who deals at Central Tailor Shop R MCLAUGHLIN