Newmarket Era , September 2, 1898, p. 7

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f THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY SEPT a CHINA HALL 898 Wo arc ready for As pounds for dollar as any and of best quality JAR All Sues at Closest Prices CAMP For Pickling All kinds of Canned Moats Fruits and Vegetables BOOTS Weeks Iioesl WHAT IS ON ABOUT TOWN The Mr A of Goodwood turning for West Ontario in Town yesterday making arrangement for voto on Mr of Aurora He- turning Officer for North York Day Monday a holiday according to Ever it day been duly observed in Town by bank poet office but stores kept open usual Wo understand that tho is likely to contlnuo on Monday Gospel Temperance J J Pearson Esq the meet ing last Sunday afternoon and gave an address Moffat as organ fat Headings by Mrs Wilson Mrs Cody and Mrs J sour by Master Fred W program Sunday York Co Softools County Board of mot in Toronto on Saturday and received applica tions from candidates for admission to tho Model Schools of county Of these to Toronto to Toronto Junction and to Newmarket The School term opens on Sept closes This seems a very small proportion for Newmarket and scarcely ad equate to the oxpenso connected there with Division Count Judge presiding at Court hero last completed dooket oclock There was no thing of vorV interest and the court was not crowded as it is some days Mr won four cases and lost two over his Spraying Machines but the sensation of tho day wm his arrest by a constable from Stratford during the progress of one of his cases Mr Shape took Mr along and promised his on interesting time Central Tailor Shop Mr J McLaughlin bus received his Fall Stock and Is now in position to requirements o iho public All he newest shades and patterns Call and see them of for this Find Last Sunday mornln a tramp called at Mr Frank Kelly residence on tbo 2nd of Bast toeot Having been satisfied ho said he did not caro to tramp on Sunday and go into iho cedar bush whoro ho said he would Ho down About four in afternoon ho returned to and asked for go with him and ho would show what ho had found Mr Kelly accompanied him mid was shown a of Clothespins which had been stolon from Canes Factory or storehouse School Opening Only presented themselves as pupils of the High School yesterday morning and there nearly all Town scholars Thoso from a will not be- Tuesday The school very and neat At the Model School their were 1 pupils distributed as follows Mr teacher ii Miss Miss Ross teacher Mies Kelty teacher Miss Cody The do not tilt next school throughout has a tidy appearance The ooteido painting was all giving a new lease of life to the building Miss Held the now teacher at the Prim ary was greeted with scholars The was lying and school very ing At the Separate School Mr Walter Cain had an attendance of Mrs Baylys Private School for primary pupils bad an attendance of Ink Next Monday is Labor Pay Toronto Industrial now on trains are In order Town next Monday night in tho shade on Wcdneeda It was a scorcher Almost as warm yesterday The school bells sound familiar 7- Close Prices to Clear Out All Bummer Shoes CROCKERY GLASSWARE Our made the Dinner and Toilet Beta move It you want a Bet at a Snap come right away Cones Factory The new elect light system was started on Wednesday evening and gave splendid satisfaction The dmamo is altogether different from the town system a current to the lamps instead of dis tribution through transformers It will carry lights but was started off with and wilt probably be to over 200 this fall as the firm intend to light all their out buildings in the same manner Carpenter is so rushed with orders that the men commenced night work on Wednesday A large shipmentof fancy doors cabinet work balustrade for the new Bible Training School in Toronto ill go this week Depot The imports and exports the past week are as follows No matter how you Lear of goods being sold re member wo Sell Just as Cheap The Leading Grocer ITU Cor Main Timothy Sts i car grain cars cars s furniture 8 cars merchandise CORN OF THE BEST VARIETIES RED OOB MAMMOTH SOUTHERN SWEET EARLY LEAMING LONGFELLOW EARLY ANGLE OF MIDNIGHT GERMAN HUNGARIAN AND TURNIP SEED INVITATION Is hereby extended to all young men and women interested la practical education to New Prospe of be TORONTO regular imoxcellcd faci lities for Telegraphy Short- Many students secure splendid terra Get particulars SHAW A M hand ill- oars fruit cars coal car fertilizer cars lumber oars the Industrial commenced passen ger traffic is on the increase for Toronto Are now issued every day till Sept at single fare good to return till the Excursion days from Newmarket are Tuesday and Thursday on which days lie fare is only I Every night from Monday to Thursday inclusive next week a special passenger train will leave Toronto at for Barrio stopping at all stations Briefless Mr A Watson bought worth of Klondike gold nuggets from Mr Hutchin son laat week They are on exhibition in window The delivery van of Newmarket Laundry looks well in Its new Mr Meads moved into his new house on Park Ave yesterday A summons is issued fop next Saturday evening for infraction of the Livery By Daw A charge of theft investigated last Mon day evening was dismissed for want of evidence New piece of sidewalk on Park Ave this week Mr Graham the artist got a handsome view of Squire Canes residence and grounds on Tuesday The Commissioners met at the Industrial dome yesterday and passed the usual ac counts The windows of the Booth End Bakery are very prettily lettered Did you see them I Mr Gardner has erected a new stable on Ave Potatoes are still selling at 203 per peck and by the bag There Is money in the murphies for have them Gardners Foundry is so rushed with orders that the men have to work every other night Bennett the pump man says that the farmers are chasing him all over since they heard be was digging wells than ever storehouse sold nearly a ton of corn last Wednesday morning household effects sold well Saturday but was the high- eat bid for the house and lot The reserve bid being higher it was not accepted American Closed since the License Commissioners of North York refused to grant a renew al to the North American Hotel in New market acme have to raiso an agitation through the press and threaten to make It for the representative in the Ontario Legislature It even was carried so far as to get a write up of a couple of columns in the Toronto World one day last week In order that may not be mis led by that been published and hence form conclusions that are unjust the Chairman and Inspector of the License Board have addressed the following letter to Toronto press explaining the reasons for their action In the morning of your papers of Monday and Wednesday 24th last you have at great length the Li- cense Board and Inspector of North York for their action in refusing a to one of the hotels in the Town of Newmarket and in said attacks are insinuations and charges of dishonorable and bribery Now in reply to those and accusations we would respectfully state as follows As to the number of li censes granted The population of the Town of Newmarket the last census taken and as certified by the Town Clerk to the Board is therefore by the terms of the amended the Board were empowered to grant five licenses and in their judgment considering all the stances granted that number bat were to grant a sixth they had formerly done The injustice to the Hewitt family On this matter great stress is laid by yon andtheolroumstances are as follows This property occupied by a tenant with a provision in the lease that if a license at any time be not granted the would expire The heirs to said property some few months since while the premises were licensed offered the same for sale at an upset price of and an offer of 95250 was refused being a reduction of lestban 912 to each of the or persons interested instead of four as stated by you whereas the other hotels with one exception Is occupied by the owner and in their case a loes of a li cense would mean a loss of thousands or thereabouts and perhaps absolute ruin Why was the license refused to this house instead of one of the other hotels Simply because the Commissioners their judgment with a knowledge of the add a number of years of experience as Commissioners believe that the course they decided upon was now and in the future would be for the best interests of the f own of Newmarket and surrounding community As to bribery To this we give the fullest denial possible and state that there is not one word of truth in the rumor and insinua tions made and we invite you to make in vestigation to satisfy yourselves of the falseness of said charges and respectfully ask that after your investigation if you alias fail you mustto find proof of same that you honorably and as publicly and prominently retract the unfounded insinu ations and charges as they were formerly made J E Chairman A J Inspector Sharon Aug The entrances to the hotel yard hotel have been closed for two or three weeks and farmers were not permitted by the leasees of the premiss to even tie their horses to the fence a privilege with tho authorities have not previously protested against though we have sometimes thought it should not be allowed Now this atop Is taken should invest the Chief with authority to see that in future the roadway Is kept free from such blockade If the yard was opened at a uniform of per bead for standing the premises would still do a good business without the cost of a license I Council Regular meeting hold at all present The statement from County Clerk of amounts required for County purposes application of School and bills dealt with presented also report of Commit- on Lake road which was adopted by Council Report We your committee appointed to meet residents along Lake Shore road at Orchard Beach beg leave to report as follows That wo did on day of August visit tho locality and con fer with residents and while we found fence in tome places had lot out on road allowance in Other places had been sot in and that there did not to be any dis position on part of the owners to en roach on the road or to assert any individual right to that portion lying west of the travelled road The only part wo found fenced on the west side was the premises of Dr Young who expressed himself willing to remove whole fence if tho Council said so we your committee advised that as there was a dangerous place on the road that would need railing or fill ing up that the fence be allowed to stand upon this portion and balance bo removed We also decid ed that the only part of said fences that appear to obstruct the highway was that portion in front of the lots of Col Lloyd Mr Thompson and Mr Andrews when these fences are set back the roadway will be satis factory to your committee The following amounts were paid Herald Office printing notices J D McKay part payment of printing contract 15 Morton as ordered by J Martin on culvert Stephen Winch half value of lambs killed by dogs A Bylaw was passed levying a rate of mills on for all purposes except Trustee rates Council then adjourned until Oct 81st Ontario Legislature The first sitting of the Ontario Leg islature has come to a and just as nearly every one expected it ended by accomplishing what the govern ment started out to perform There was some useless obstruction here and there but it did not really amount to very much for the object of all was worthy and now 8000 men honest and worthy are not disfranchised but may enjoy their rights and privileges no matter what Mr St John or Mr Whitney may say or do The last days were very much as the first but it be said when the very last pinch came and the third reading ar rived for a vote the Conservatives re fused to stand by their announcements and did not record their opinions at all The act respecting election laws passed ultimately without one man voting against its adoption As this is the case I wish briefly to describe a very important depart ment perhaps the most important de partment in connection with the On tario Government I refer to the de partment under control of the Provin cial Secretary The duties of this office in itself are framed on that of the Secretary of Home affairs in Great Britain and correspond to the Secre tary of State in the United States These are very large As Provincial Secretary he who holds the office is the Secretary of the Province in very fact He carries on all communica tions from the crown to the Govern ment communicates the will of the Lieutenant Governor to the House of Parliament and receives and all correspondence officially received or sent by the Province But he has far mere to do than Every Joint Stock Company eyery Corporation must bo registered department of the Secre tary There is a supervision over al most every business institution in Province of Ontario And these duties are but the begin ning of the work Besides there are the following branches Central Prison 2 Jails Hospitals Mercer Reformatory Reformatory for Boys 6 Houses of Refuge and Orphan Asylums Asylums for the Blind Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb Asylum for Idiots Registrar General of Births Marriages and Deaths 11 Provincial Health Department Neglected Children The Central Prison is one large in stitution in itself or rather a combin ation of big institutions Last year there was an average population at the Central Prison of men Ten manufacturers in this province have such a number of keeping of so many free men busy would bo a task but to superintend so many convicts is a mighty work This is under tho direct supervision of the Provincial department In connection with the Prison a tailor shop a rope shop and other industries are carried oh Under supervision of Hon Mr Davis last year the Cen tral Prison paid to the province near ly Thero are jails and lookups in the Province These cost is the duty of the department to care fully examine all these jails But one of the most important of all the branches is that of Hospitals Last year nearly people receiv ed aid in hospitals which by the Government Thousands more of patients received assistance The Government gives or more for this good work The Department has a direct con trol of tho Mercer Reformatory and tho Reformatory for boys A very efficient policy has been inaugurated there during the last couple of years The features are being removed and the authorities are making men and women put of the classes who in moat countries aro being turned into criminals The Deaf and Dumb Asylum gives an education of a most useful nature to nearly students every year per capita cost it may be men tioned about 170 I may be added that in similar institutions in Canada and United State tho cost is from 187 to 842 The same kind of work is done at the Blind Asylums Six hundred unfortunates are cared for at the Asylum for idiots In the Houses of Refuge and or phan asylums poor people are supported by the Government Another and quite different depart ment is that of the Board of Health The work of this one branch is enor mous and the success is phenomenal No board ever had such success Smallpox may rear its head aloft all about us but never does it get a start in Ontario No form of contagion start in this province At tho present time the department has started a war on the dread disease of consumption The Registrar Gener als department is also a very impor tant branch and now a complete re cord in kept of every person in tho Province The branch of the Public Service dealing with the care of neglected and dependent children comes under the supervision of Hon Mr Davis who since assuming office has taken a deep interest in this important work This is certainly a very brief outline of the great work done by this depart ment The work is enormous and far reaching It is one proof of our high civilization Ontario should be proud of the office and the very efficient officer In charge THE LEADS I The Best that can be Bought and Prices Right Full Line of Paints Oils Ready Mixed Paints Paint and Kalsomine- Brushes OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES Cornice Poles HORSE CLIPPERS Lawn Mowers and Pruning Shears Garden Hose Rakes Rakes Spades Shovels Agents for Harris and Bros Repairs o a Jacks for Hire Hedge Hoes fi J n So Our Is arriving daily and ye show many lines of uptodate ODD which are confined to us alone Oar Toronto tetter Mr Preston has resigned the posi tion of librarian of the Legislative Assembly and Mr A has been appointed as his successor The Returning Officersfor the three Divisions of this city for the plebiscite vote are as follows West Toronto J Centre Toronto Peter Ryan and East Toronto Sheriff Of course the great attraction in the city this week is the Industrial People are pouring in from ail parts Of the Dominion and the States An experiment is being made by Mr Bond liverykeeper who has just shipped half a dozen horses to Bermuda for sale They are all heavy draught Just before the Legislature adjourn ed a good deal of amusement was created in the smokingroom by the announcement of the Grit Whip that those members who voted against the Government hill re Constables were afraid to meet a city constable on the street One day last week a woman named Mary Dates who had been arrested while shoplifting at Eatons store was sent to the Mercer Reformatory for three months Rumor has it that exAid T Preston and exAid McMurrich will likely be in the race for the mayoralty with Mayor Shaw at the next municipal election Four hundred and fiftysix head of cattle valued at were ship ped east last week for the old country market Two hundred and seventy- six sheep were also exported Geo and Geo con victed some months ago of breaking into a warehouse on Commercial lane were sentenced yesterday to three years each in the Central prison Mary Reynolds was arraigned Wed nesday on a charge of stealing a ring from Peter The parties in this case both belong to Aurora The Crown witnesses Pelch and a girl named Louisa failed to appear Mary was therefore remanded for a week THIS WEEK I ON SATURDAY WE WILL SELL Choice Bananas at cents a Dozen We bought 125 Bunches of Bananas this week and the hot weather has ripened too fast THEY MUST GO AT ABOVE PRICE Peaches Pears and Plums at Very Low Prices TO THE Hamilton Aug Mrs Gibson of charged with pro curing girls for immoral purposes was fined and sentenced to nine months imprisonment with art addi tional six months if fine is not paid NEXT DOOR SOUTH OF So r

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