THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY I f around the Hal IIAT COB- WORTHY TO BRADFORD r It Is tbat Mr J general morchant in order to facilitate a dissolution of partnership baa assigned to A of Toronto MOUNT ALBERT Mr Byron Forrest loft this week to attend School of Pharmacy at Toron to Mr Walter of N homo after two years absence Our town to deserted this there being on an of tickets sold for city Dr Smith dentist will bo in Alport next Tuesday in at OAK RIDGES Work is bring pushed as rapidly as on Bonds Lake power The building will bo MiQflf cot and will require 400000 brick will bo drawn from Aurora Mr Franks is thc erection of the power house lie is on excellent boss ho ami men agreeing most splendidly Things sold well at Mrs sale last Monday Mr along with his cousin Charles left last week to attend Business Co lego at Toronto lie in- taking up shorthand Usually lost of August and firit of Sept very hot but this year was a recordbreaker The farmers have experienced ilifliculty in working the into a suitable state of fertility owing to very dry season In many cases there was not as much wheat sown as would have been ha1 the ground been in a more favorable state The rains on Monday and Tuesday though very light did much good and nearly ell wheat is up The summer visitors have left our and many of our neigh bors gono too arc attend ing the Exhibition Miss May left on Tuesday id resume studies at Catharines If there are half weddings this fall that are rumored there will bo very few single people of a marriage able and sue left in this locality Say Mr Editor what is marriage able age and size appear to got married in this locality no matter what or age and some of them quite often Mr Gilpin was in Toronto last week making fall purchases Mrs of spent Saturday and Sunday with her daugh ter Mm One of J farm was overcome by the limit last week and dropped dead in harness Mr and Mrs A JVinch are visiting relatives in and this week There was drop in meat last Saturday not in price While Mr Hamilton was going down the hill of the village the wagon ran on the heels of one of the horses which kicked putting its foot behind tint Mrs was seriously ill on Sunday but is recovering Mr J ROACHS DAVISON A GOV in an exhibitor at Toronto Fair of Newmarket was visit ing in the villnge on Monday Master Frank is suffer- from result of falling off a one day this and hurting his Mr David Draper is exhibiting his mowing machine attachment at Exhibition and Mrs Draper is visiting in the city Gospel Temperance meeting on Monday evening was well attended and a good program wag rendered by the TV of Button These monthly meetings becoming quite popular potato crop of thin section is reported as being small and some are found to lie rotten Say Mr Editor what do you think of the idea of your various correspon dents making report say once month of state of the crops and advancement in growth in the in dividual section they represent By this means your paper would become more interesting and a person at ft glance could form an idea of the crops roots and fruits of whole of North York Ed qui to agreeable Mr Caleb Maun is weakening in his old ago and slight hopes on tor- for his recovery Moonlight Excursion last night beautiful and commodious Steamer took to Island from all Points here was a great success in every way although the evening was rather warm great many of young tripped light fantastic to the excellent music of Band both on boat and in large at Island at which we spent two pleasant hours leaving at moonlight was grand Mrs Madden of Now York and Mrs Watts of Winnipeg wore visit ing at Mrs Fords last week Mr Aroh Goring and Mr from on that fine tandem Thursday evening and took in moonlight excursion returning homo next morning with smiles which told of an enjoyable trip We must not forgot to note our old friend W Woodcock also- took in moon light Mr and Mrs Frost nd family left on Friday for their home in Toronto Miss Ford accompanied by her cousin Miss Young spent Wednesday with friends at Jacksons Point We are pleased to Mr and Mrs Wm Ray back at the again Miss loft on Monday for the city aeon We are prepared to moot the trade with a clean and now stock of Vinegars Our White Wine Vinegar at Is the very best possesses that strength and so necessary for pickling Pickling Cider Vinegar at With strength and a nice flavor makes it desirable for table use Home Cider Vinegar at It is pure and procured from farmers The preparation of Catsup Sauces and all Mayonnaise requires in of necessary materials of the quality desired for uniform ity of strength purity and freshness are indespensible Our Spices are Strictly Pure WE RECOMMEND THE TRADE to dm our Best Cinnamon It gives beat results We claim to have and stands the test something special in I- Whole Mixed Spice It is the Best Fresh Ground Tumeric Powder Curry Powder Mace Pepper DAVISON CO Main Street Newmarket Quite a number from around here are attending tho campmeeting and conference at are pleased to see Mr Tom improving so in health and hope Unit ho will regain his former who has in hospital for some lime is slowly Kenton- of guest of Mr last Sunday We are pleased to see the smiling of Mr our neighbor hood again aa he soon makes things have a different appearance jy HOLLAND LANDING How did weather catch you last week Everyone lias to the Exhibi tion in Toronto this week and have left very Tow hero to take care of this city lira and family of Inlet arc few jier fathers Gray of spent Sun day last at home here Miss Violet is visiting at Junction this week Miss Sadie Daily of Toronto is spending her vacation under the pa rental roof The concert under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church last Monday evening a success both as regards literary merit and financially Mr Fergusons recitation of The Gladiator and Over the Range was firstclass and very effective as well as The little girl and dead kit ten Those who did not go missed a literary treat of real merit The also was good I Sunday morning Rev Mr Webber preached an excellent sermon from Blessed is the man tbat in counsel of the ungodly etc Rev Mr Brown preached in the evening Both discourses were full of spiritual power A attendance at League Monday night owing to the concert that evening A fine big baby girl visitor came Saturday evening to Mr to stay Mr and Mrs had the mis fortune to lose their little child bom one day last week it living only a few hours Quite a change in the weather since last week Last week extreme heat and in the shade this week wind rain and cool weather cool enough for fires Campers left lake just in good time On Thursday of last week Miss Belfry daughter of Mr Peter Belfry Queen was united in the bonds of matrimony to Mr Lewis son of Mr Lewis of We wish them much joy a long and Toronto Exhibition is magnet that attracts this week A number from these parts have and still more goings Mr and Mrs Robbing have started in the village this week The Prince of Wales ade attempt to walk since injured his knee six weeks ago iron brace of the tongue It then continued kicking trying to extricate itself and lit the same time commencing to run When driver saw he hud lost control of them he attempted get out of the rig and in doing so caught his lee in the hind wheel which threw him violently to the ground and passed over him Fortunately he escaped serious injury hut sustained a severe shaking up horses con tinued running for about a of a mile and finally stopped themselves not much the worse of their trip hut the rig was smashed Miss Ethel Draper has been spend ing a with her uncle Win have been a very seri ous accident happened at Mr Thos one day last week while he was reshing It appears Mr J was pitching over the drive when the lace in the belt where it is spliced caught a tine of his fork jerking it out of his hand and carry- it to the drive wheel of en gine in an instant It stuck into tin belt and went around the wheel hut was caught in the spokes about a foot oft the end of the handle throwing the remainder of the fork nil top of- the barn about two one of the men It was all done in the twink ling of an eye and those who saw it had hardly time to get out of way Rev Peter Addison will preach in the Hall next Sunday evening As this will he the second sermon by a minister in the halt and by a man so widely known and much admired as Mr Addison a large crowd is ex pected A- large number from Kes wick will he present Mr and Mrs Cook arc visiting friends and relatives in Albert and Zephyr Mr and Mrs Morton turned from the Lake and Morton Park doing the best seasons business since its opening Mrs McDonald and daughter of Toronto spent last week with her sister Mi T Quite a number of farmers are com plaining of dry wells Miss Sherwood of Morton Park was guest of her sister on Mon day Mr spent Sunday with relatives in In all probability there will bo a of the Sons of Temperance organ ized in the village this fall There ate a number of young people around here and very profitable meetings could he held and Miss Evans of Virginia and Miss Ida of the guests of Mi There has been quite a stir in the clover seed market this season Some of the buyers of whom there are many advancing prices in order to make large purchases and also as a means of advertisement the farmers only sold to tho highest bidder in every ease There was an unusual amount grown in this and it was of extra quality Mr Connolly has taken his studies at the School of Pharmacy Mr and Mrs Shaw have taken up their near Keswick We are pleased to note that Mr is recovering from her recent illness She is in the General Hospital Toronto Rev and Mrs Robinson have returned from their summer vaca tion Mr Herbert Skinner and Misses Skinner and Clara ton have renewed their work at Newmar ket At a meeting presided over by Rev preparations made on Tuesday evening for active and thorough campaign work during the next few weeks Wo hope to mil a large majority for prohibition in this Polling Division Wo regret to learn of the continued illness of John Ferguson of A large number of our citizens have gone to the Industrial Exhibition SHARON The summer visitors have nearly all left us Mrs A Storms of after spending a pleasant month with her mother Mrs A returned home on Saturday last We extend our sympathy to Mr and Mrs Job Hughes also Mrs intheir hours of sad affliction each losing a little boy death claimed for its own Miss Annie spent last week in the city Miss Eva Thorpe returned to school last week home of Mr was the scene of a vary pretty wedding on Thursday of last week his daughter Julia was married to Mr Brown We extend congratulations Quito a few of our citizens took in the exhibition at Toronto Mr Rowan of Detroit was here visiting the scenes of bis childhood Tne wedding eards are out for next week Mr Will Better left home last week for the west Our young men are getting scarce Another of our old residents passed away on Saturday morning last in the person of Mrs after a long and peaceful life of quiet usefulness in her 88th year Mrs of Chicago has re turned to her home after spending month with relations Quite a number of pur citizens are in the Industrial this week We were quite sorry to learn of sudden sickness that befell Dosns family in Cholera Infantum and extend our sympathy in the loss of one of them We are glad to know that the rest have all recovered A public meeting in the interests of the Plebiscite vote will be held in Temperance Hall on Tuesday even ing the Revs Mayor and others are ex pected to address the meeting Weddings are all the rage just now last week another and still more to follow We will try to give particulars later Mr Dan Rowan of Detroit is call ing on friends in this neighborhood The mother of Austin by Rev on Sunday last A largo number of friends and rela tives wore present to their last tribute to one who had lived to the ripe age of Miss MeCallum of Aurora had charge of Public School on Fri day owing to the at Mr There are two or three good items your would like to give this week but will refrain from giving names away this time Will do so later if we hear of the same again United States have adopted smokeless powder for navy VIRGINIA Miss Eva Atkinson of Pleasant wheeled home on Saturday Miss Mabel Shier paid her aunt Mrs a visit last week Miss was visiting friends here last week Mrs Geo King of is the guest of Silas Ernes Mr Richard had the misfortune to have his valuable driver burned to death last week Several from this part have attend ed the Saturday excursion to and are now taking in the Exhibition Some report great sights at the circus The children of the public school observed Labor Day as a holiday others labored as on other days One of our young men expects to bo married a week from next Hut there I promised not to tell On Wednesday an unusu ally largo and brilliant gathering as- at Mr John Kays to witness the marriage of his daughter Sidney to John Graham of The ceremony was performed by Rev Mr A of Sutton and after the reception of congratulations the happy couple headed a procession composed of sixteen couples and enjoy ed a drive around the lake shore people know how to enjoy themselves and these were no excep tion to the rule as they returned in as chirpy a humor as a grasshopper tilled with dew Justice was now done to the tables which were literally loaded with good cheer and presented art epitome of country abundance After tea all proceeded to enjoy them selves some tripping the light fan tastic The icecream made by Herb Mann Sutton was made doubly acceptable by the oppressive heat of the day The bride was richly and tastefully attired in shot silk of a salmon color and pale blue trimmed with white silk made in the la test fashion and wore a long white veil with a wreath of orange blossoms She was attended- by Miss Emma Rogers of Wilfrid who was dressed in cream cashmere Mr Willie Kay very efficiently supported the groom Want of space forbids me to enumer ate the presents which were val uable and useful Mr and Mrs Graham left next morning to spend their honeymoon at Ottawa Following are the guests Mr and Mrs John Myrtle i Jos KfcyVirgioit Win- Thai Data Kay Baldwin i -Jos- it Jus Kay J Virginia Cauniogton Mrs flyfield HOLT The temperance meeting held in the Methodist Church on Tuesday night was a grand success Miss Bertha has returned homo from Pine Orchard after visiting a week with her sister Mrs What some peoplo would liko to know Every persons business but their own Our choir was of a somewhat sad and lonely on Sunday owing to tho loss of the new singer We trust that the bass will return We understand that Mr Wm Hall of Pine Orchard has leased J farm for a term of years and intends to move in near future We are glad to that Mr John Hodges little boy is once able to be up after a term of five weeks sickness CENTRAL Wanted A coinptTmit Servant Apply to fl33 Dont be too quick in buying till you call and see the FALL that arrived at the Central Tailor Shop which wont be outclassed in any shape or form Having received our Fait Stock IRISH SCOTCH SERGES TWEEDS WORSTEDS PARTINGS of all shades and patterns can suit the most fastidious tastes in quality and price Past experience has already taught the public that my work has been satisfactory to all patrons We make you both judge and jury Anything that does not suit we are here to make it right Our is back of every thing we sell Call and be convinced of the above it Repairing a Specialty MCLAUGHLIN In for Organs Machine w TO LET Thai desirable located resi dence on opposite the For apply on the H Lost Plrnvtd lrom lot IS in the Con or about July a Dark Red Yearling Heifer leading to recovery will suit ably rewarded DANIEL Farm to tot fn Con of Whitchurch containing SCO acres of which acrea are under cultivation and balance and pasture Thcroflrtf or fall can Apply to Aurora HORSED WANTED wi will be prepared to DRAFT and CARRIAGE BOSSES from 1200 to lbs horse Bound and Right In Good from ft to Will beet the following namely hotel am yviw Monday Sep hotel Sep Wed Hep Laldlawa hotel ThuraSep hotel Friday Sep Royal hotel Newmarket up till noon Saturday Sep A Montreal 11 Doff Myrtle Gto Kins Mr John J Mies Graham Hill m field Aggie Roger Wilfrid Lizzie Graham Emma Kay Mary Kay Virginia Lake Eva Lite Minnie Lake Mr Uriah Roger Wilfrid 1 Graham TJdora Newton I Herb flatten 7 Alfred Francis Wonderland Geo Ky Amos Virginia Horace Frank Lake d OS Of THE EMPIRE Temple BsmsH Illustrated MM -a- in IS 5 or OF Retail THAN EVER Special Offer Fairyland of Science J Makers Week Day Religion PURE SPIC I t Rubbers for Fruit Jars Jv The four books will be postpaid to any place in Canada for For points outside of the Dominion cents must be added for postage A Cheapness Address to r m t m Montreal William- Brig Halifax SFtHuestis f OB STOLEN v AT I J Pharmacy Lehmans Drug Store A candle in a house at Quo caused a iuQ there Tuesday KILL ALL PLIES by using Pure Insect Powder 1 J Sticky Fly Paper Fly Pads Two Houses To Rent Lehman Chemist and Druggist On Friday last Fox Terrier Dog Tan and White spot on side to the name of Barney Reward given tot Any said dog Main Street PRIVATE SCHOOL English French and Music y Pupils receiving primary Instruction here have stood In after examinations i with Fall Wheat while will more to aero give better cample than on ground where not used En quire Seed obtain circular free Cement kept In stock Work that Attention Cards Circulars Dodger Aoiblng Every thing I A THE ERA VWS I M