THE NEWMARKET SEPT AJV around the Hal York Honors JIAT AKfc COR- WORTHY TO RECORD V VAN DORK Mr Arthur Welshs cow rath er suddenly oh Monday night This stated last weeks correspon dent for We do not dis pute Alio wjm opened by Messrs Davis and hut for having An enlarged and disease and a diseased heart was a falsehood If tho correspondent of Inst weeks issue to impress minds of the public that Mr Welsh has boon milk from diseased cow it is positive ly untrue and win bo proved if neces sary cow was pasturing in Mr I Carry Powells He was repair- fag fences and had not completed his work and the cow with a number of cattle into the orchard and was choked with a large apple Tit AMP MOUNT There was a very attendance at Ml Pleasant Church last Sun day on account of the diphtheria in Mr Williamson Vandoif pent Sunday at Mr- Hamilton Johnstons Mr Harry McDcrmott of Totten ham came to Mr John Hamiltons one day last week to visit hi brother Lauder hut found to his they were quarantined with The new Pice Methodist minister preached his flint round last Sunday Several from lane attended the Y P at lid haven last Sunday evening when the Addison of Toronto gavo a whorl on Tem perance The hall was well filled and I am sure wry person present ap preciated the address very much Tin Prohibition being order of day out bore it is almost needless to cay that other news can scarcely be obtained The mill or Mr Web- farm wo arc informed is very busy at present Mr Procters new residence is completion Miss Watson of Newmarket has returned after a weeks visit with friends here Mr Jos Rogers and were visiting friends in city Inst week where Rogers remained with nor sister Mrs S Howard while he took in the London Fair- Mrs Jo of was gucsb of Mr J Iiollingshcad last week Mr John Flanagan and Mr Geo Blackburn arc attending assizes as jurors Mr John Flanagan has recently leased a in the vicinity of Kes- Vflck find engaged putting in wheat Wo are pleased to note that Mr Webster has improved very much Rumor says a hot fowl supper is being prepared by members of Christs Church to take place in near future KESWICK Its Representative Banquet to the The yeomen of North York irre spective of political leanings gathered at Aurora on Tuesday night in largo to do honor to the Post masterGeneral Hon Mr Mulock who has long been associated with tho riding agricultural and York have so generously manifested their feelings of goodwill towards me Liberals have been content with measuro of public usefulness from mo than was tho countrys duo and Con servative friends have on many occa sions mo honor of generously interests of which ho has done overlooking an undiplomatic to promote wind was tendered to Mr was a recognition by the people of the riding of the great which the guest of the evening has rendered in Ins capacity not only to the Dominion but to the British Empire in securing adop tion of the Imperial penny postage whereby a distinct forward step in the direction of that Imperial unity which is the dream of millions of Britons world over has been taken and its ul timate accomplishment brought with in measurable distance The Post- has of late received many cordial evidences of appreciation of the signal service he lias rendered to the State from gatherings com posed of those influential in political and commercial life the empire But of all these lions of approval none have been more enthusiastic and sincere in their nature and none certainly could have been more gratifying to the re cipient than that accorded him by those to whom he is best known among whom lie has Jived for many years and who have upon so many occasions honored him with their con fidence was an occasion when part politics were obliterated and men united in the recognition of ability and the dogged persistence which has characterized the adminis tration of his department and which in the face of apparently insurmount able obstacles enabled to render a great service to the empire guest of the evening arrived on the evening train from Toronto and of describing as a spade what I honest ly thought to spade However this is the first time since I be come accountable for making a proper use of opportunities which come to a responsible Minister of the Crown when all classes of people of this riding have in this pronounced manner again manifested their personal good will Wo not room for any of his magnificent speech Most excel lent speeches were also given by Hon Win Hon J Davis and Mr P Dr P paid a glow tribute to Mr and was sure that gentleman was to con gratulated upon having such a con stituency and North York was to be congratulated upon having such a member to represent it At a late hour Agriculture and Commerce proposed by Mr Charles Elliott of Bradford was ably re sponded to by Arch Camp bell P Gibson M P and Thomas Bain P all of whom joined in the congratulations to guest of the evening The concluding toast on the pro gram was the Press to which Mr of Toronto responded in an eloquent speech which was to with interest The proceedings were brought to a close at a by singing the na tional anthem and hearty cheers for Mr Diphtheria is again raging around this burg Mr Win Moulds lost his daughter years of ago last Thursday Plebiscite Meeting advertised for this place took place last Wednes day evening Rev Mr Brown and and Rev Mr Brace addressed a largo audience Everything passed off quietly except a few acta of rowdyism near doer Mr David Earl of Bethel was here last Sunday also Mr Cunning ham of Rev Mr Webber will children hero next Sunday A big turnout is Miss Nellie returned home afar spending a week in the city Dont seal your envelopes DAVISON GO Fine Pickling Season We are prepared to meet trade with a clean and now stook of Vinegars Our White Wine Vinegar at 40c Galllon Is the very beat possesses that strength and so necessary for pickling Cider Vinegar at With strength and a nice flavor makes it desirable for table use Home Cider Vinegar at It is pure and procured from farmers only The preparation of Catsup Chili Sauces and all Mayonnaise requires ekillfulness in selecting of necessary materials of the quality desired for uniform ity of strength purity and freshness are Our Spices are Strictly Pure Fresh WE RECOMMEND THE TRADE to use our It gives best results Wo claim to have and stands the test something special in Whole Mixed Spice We sell only Keens Mustard It is the Best Methodist Convention at King City received a the station by the The meeting in the Methodist Church was largely attended last Sun day evening- The address was an ex cellent one Next Sunday evening the topic is to bo introduced by Mr Van merchant of this f lace Miss Amy Warriner daughter of Mr Wm passed away on Monday after an illness of a few weeks Miss Amy was beloved by all who knew heft Dr Young will preach in the Methodist Church on Sunday As will he the last time Dr Young will preach here this season there will no doubt a large attendance Mr is filling his silo tins week It is ft high and ft in diameter He has an immense crop he expects more than sufficient to fill his silo from alout acres of ground ensilage cutter works like a charm The prohibition workers in our Di vision are getting down to business and wo look for a grand majority on the Messrs Terr Neil Morton and Wra took in the Mulock banquet at Aurora on Tues day nitwit The Knightfl of the Maccabees of this place are to a church parade on Sunday the 2nd of October Mr Jenkins is to preach ft he sermon- The many friends of Mr D Ma- honey will sorry to learn that there lias not been any material improve ment in his health has been at the Sanitarium at J Albert Lyons caretaker of the Berlin was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary for steal ing money letters I j local Reception Committee and con- 1 ducted to the Queens Hotel Among who accompanied Mr Hon Wm Patterson Hon J Davis Messrs Irving Toronto Bain P Dr Geo Han- Win Gibson MP P New Glasgow P Hamilton Toronto J J Toronto and Master Mulock The banquet was served in the Hall which was appropriate ly decorated for the occasion The decorations were composed entirely of Dominion Mags and Union Jacks which coveted the walls and the ceil ing There was an entire absence of banners or mottoes fine portrait of the Queen forming tho central feature on the wall above the Chairmans Covers were laid for and an ex cellent menu was served by Webb of Toronto tables were however found to accommodate all those who desired to participate in gathering and special provision had to bo made to supply them Around the table sat the men of North York prominent in the social commercial industrial and agricultur al life of this thriving and popular district Every part of the riding was well represented The chair was occupied by Mr A Yule exHeeve of Aurora and Secre tary of tho North York Reform Mayor of Aurora read an address containing sentiments which were heartily applauded by present TUB When Hon rose to reply to the toast of the evening the entire gathering after rising and sing ing Hes a jolly good fellow with vigorous emphasis continued for some minutes in demonstrative applause As soon as order was restored Mr said Mr Chairman fellowelector and friends It would bo idle for me to attempt impossible task of en deavoring to express my grateful emo tions at this great demonstration of goodwill and confidence- Very many circumstances combine to give an inestimable value in my eyes Beside many I see around me a largo gathering of representative men from all the riding not representative of one only but of the various schools of political and re ligious thought farmers working men employers employees manufacturers merchants professional men all for getting for the moment those views that divide men and meeting here on one broad platform of generous good- fellowship Cheers Sir such is the composition of this meeting nor is this the first occasion since entering public life that people of North in connection with the churches of the Bradford District opened here on Tuesday afternoon Rev Matthews Chairman of the District presiding About were in at tendance including 13 ministers Rev A Brown of conducted devotional exercises A normal lesson on The teacher and the Book was conducted by Jackson of Newmarket which was heartily entered into by the Conven tion and proved An in teresting discussion followed Besides congregational singing through the session Revs Dewey Leo sang a stirring duett The spiritual equipment of the Teacher was introduced by Rev W Robinson of He spoke of great importance in reach ing the aim of work namely conversions and impressed the idea and geography are but the foundation to build upon The discussion was continued by seven or eight ministers and delegates all em phasizing the value of the spiritual no matter what intellectual at tainments may le Rev Mr Dewey of Aurora opened the Praise Service by a strong testi mony on behalf of personal benefit from followed by several others Rev Brown of Bradford in taking up the Quarterly Review gave a most interesting epitome of the twelve lessons extending over a period of years and introducing some of the most remarkable persons and events of Old Testament history In centralizing the lessons the following practical deductions wore made Division is weakness and union is strength Trust and obedience Decision and action Assurance of Divine care Contentment Re ward of faithfulness Confidence in God Accept healing in way Divine protection Encourage ment Abstinence 12 Warning After a brief discussion in which several methods of review were sug- Rev P of pronounced the benediction Balance out till GLENVILLE For the past three Sundays some unruly boys have been committing nuisances in this vicinity and it would be well for them to take warning be fore going any further One day the boat house on the pond was broken into and the boat taken out for use Last Sunday the saw mill was enter ed and Mr Kirton has determined to prosecute any who cause further trouble A Gospel Temperance meeting will bo hold in tho hall at on Monday evening the inst under the auspices of tho A special program will bo provided The next regular meeting of tho Union will take place on Wednesday lime will be entirely up to devotional exercises conducted by All ladies interest ed in the temperance cause are invited to attend and assist At last there has been a wonderful advancement in growth of fall wheat and tho root crop The re freshing showers of last week was much welcomed by all The report of a wedding last week in the vicinity of Keswick caused con siderable excitement but it was found to be untrue Quite a number of the staunch Liberals of this attended ban quet tendered to Wm in Aurora on Tuesday evening North York should feel proud of their rep resentatives in both houses of Parlia ment as they are honored and respect ed throughout not only the whole Do minion but Great Britain Tho Prohibition meeting held in the hall last week was very enthusiastic and much interest in the movement has been created as a result The meeting was addressed by Revs Webber of and Powell of Sutton The singing provided by the choir was very appropriate and en joyed by all The house was crowded Wo record the death of Mr Caleb Mann who passed away after a lingering illness coupled with feeble old age remains were interred in Sutton A large number from hero attended North York Fair on Thursday Fresh Ground Powder Curry Powder Mace Cayenne Pepper DAVISON CO Main Street Newmarket MOUNT ALBERT Councillor of the Town ship of East died at his home on Sunday after a brief illness A week ago he was taken ill with pleurisy which developed into in flammation of the lungs He has been a member of the Township Coun cil for many years and was highly The funeral was on Tues day and was largely attended MUTUAL CORNERS Mr Arthur Willson has been under tho care past week Corn harvest has been the order of the day lately Miss Williamson was visiting at Mr W Kennedys on Sunday We hear of war at Wesley lately between the Spaniard and the Cuban Both were victorious Detective ARRIVING EVERY WEEK r A sailor named Hugh Jones fell into hold of tho Montcalm at Mon treal and received such injuries that he died in a few minutes BALDWIN BREEZES Providence has sent refreshing showers that have extinguished forest fires and made the land in excellent shape for fall plowing Mr and Mrs Geo Tomliuson spent Sunday at her fathers Mr Geo Ar nold of East Mr Ben the missis and all the bairnics have been laid out by summer la grippe The congregation of Free Meth odist Church here generally express themselves as much pleased with their new pastor Rev Minor Sunday was his first service on this appointment A very large attendance if Nathan Thomas ia erecting a stone stable on his lot here J Win Avid son and the wife are visiting the letters sister in Owen Sound Mr John Nelson of St Thomas is at his Mrs Sinclair A certain thresher has a habit of making a plaything of the engine whistle Recently some cattle came near the engine and he pulled the whistle and scared them In their fright they trampled a little child un derfoot nearly killing it The very justly was considerably indignant A gentleman of the road tramp was soliciting contributions to his bread basket on Sunday night He looked mighty hungry Happily we are not in the line of travel of these gentry Tomlinson of Vancouver BC is visiting relatives here Congratulations to the man who won Miss Sarah Keith Twould be hard to find a better or one possessing more christian graces Equinox on Thursday Hope N York Agricultural Society does not get drowned out by a storm Diphtheria seems to have a firm hold at Pleasant Wo under stand the Dr considers the fountain of the disease is in the school well A great amount of petty sickness about here mainly summer complaints Sept 19 On Sun day morning the barn and stables bo- longing to George were de stroyed by lightning All the grain farm implements a buggy and valuable horse were burned about SI- no insurance George a wellknown far mer in this vicinity died at 1 oclock Monday morning at his residence on lot con Township of King of inflammation of the heart At a threshing a few days ago he took cold and it was not thought serious until this morning when he dropped off suddenly This little village was almost wholly deserted on Monday Everyone went to where Magistrates Armstrong and Cherry were trying to find oufc who were the of three hats It was charged that the hats belonged to William Potter George Munshaw and George Potter who with masked faces set upon George Gold near his residence a few nights ago and had caught him by the throat and were dragging him along the highway when a man appeared with a lantern and frightened them off So eager were they to escape that the wind blew their three hats off The claim the hats are not theirs and the magistrates in conse quence adjourned the case till Thurs day so that they might bring the hats they wore that night At the trial they wore their Sunday hats A and fashionable gathering assembled at the residence of Mr Henry about a mile south of this place on Tuesday the 13th to witness the marriage of their daughter Susie to Mr Seymour J The ceremony was formed by the Rev F Keam of Thornhill uncle of groom At p Miss Millard of Newmarket began to play the wedding march during which time the groom accompanied by Mr Bond appeared and took their places beneath an arch prepared for the occasion In a moment the bride appeared leaning on her fathers arm who afterwards gave her away Miss Annie Mitchell of Toronto assisted bride in her trying ordeal The bride looked handsome in a of cream merino trimmed with chiffon and pearl In her hand she carried a bouquet of white carnations After the ceremony about sat down to an excellent tea after which the bride donned her wedding robe for a travelling suit of stone blue covert cloth leaving at once for the depot amid showers of rice flowers and the best wishes of a circle of friends who all join in wishing them a long and happy life The presents as is usual on such occasions were numer ous costly and beautiful and shows in a small measure the esteem in which the bride and groom are held BougKt from the Best Manufacturers I can give you Quality Fit and Low Prices WWWVlAMJWVWWWVm Large Stock of Trunks and Valises always kept and Prices right Remem ber the place BLOCK CENTRAL TAILOR i you call- and see the- STOCK that arrived at the Central Tailor Shop which won t be outclassed in any shape or form Haying received our Fall Stock ENGLISH IRISH SCOTCH SERGES TWEEDS WORSTEDS of all shades and patterns we can suit the most fastidious tastes in quality and price Past experience has already taught the public that my work has been satisfactory to all patrons We make you both judge and jury Anything that does not suit we are here to make it right Our gaurantee is back of every thing we sell Call and be convinced of the above facts Repairing a Specialty MCLAUGHLIN LOST Thursday a Lady Hunilngcase Watch American lever by It at the Era for Sole by Auction The South of Lot Con of Klog St between Public Aurora be by Public Auction lie Forsyth Saturday- the of October Oclock la the forenoon Here la a splendid Eight hundred ounces of gold worth wore stolen from the Golden Cache Mine on Sunday Farm for Sale or to Bent One Hundred Acres in the of four from farm is well watered with spring creek and well at the house For particulars apply WILLIAM East Half Lot 3d th COd- chance for a purchaser to a in excellent situation For particulars see large posters or apply to Solicitor for Vendors Caution Notice la hereby given that any person an of King will be prosecuted according to on law or 2nd Sheep Lot 32 In the Con of East SHEEP AND LAMBS marked with blue paint on the rump and a right ear Information as to their whexeabouU be thankfully receiv ed Any person retaining them after this no tice win be held responsible J P LOST from Lot 3 North the following cattle all three years old Red and Whit Steers- Brown and Steer Bed and White Heifer Grey and White Spotted Heifer AU dehorned with notch out of underside of right ear and notch out of left ear near the Any one giving information that will to their recovery will be suitably Fanners J Portable Engine and Belt to cut corn or do other farm work can accommodate you A THOMPSON i Newmarket SALE and years ulPS Boar Apply on Lot gjgtheSth Con or ad ASTRAY White Sow about one hundred and twenty five pounds went away on of tfep- l Any person notifying undersigned will be rewarded JAMES AYLWARD Oat North Gwil- Light Bed and White Heifer 1 Dark Bed Heifer Howes Wanted KEITH Newmarket polo warded gw DRAPER Bel haven P Con of East GwillliabUry about middle or July a Dark Red Yearling Heifer roIU DANIEL