Newmarket Era , September 30, 1898, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY SEPT Now Co K Change fe Notice A J Hughe Sheep Lost John Anderson Wood to Cut Win now tbo ijtcbieolte vote has been both lion have to next weeks explaining and how It nil happened not forgetting sundry surmfeca at what infghl been leader of tho In Can adian of Commons Charles Accompanied by Lady Topper for England week RAND TRUNK RAILWAY TIME p ft v ii a o a- 9 S Cm u comes from Ottawa to thai Government to establish eventually riflo ranges In each military district It is intended they ahull bo far as local permit bo modelled idler tbo rnio re cently provided at Ottawa for target having been found con- will hereafter bo and target and a dummy bo uucd younie Queen of Holland Montreal Witness All tho world will join peoplo of Holland in wishing their young Queen ft long and hap py reign of Orange of which fa latest representative has claims on of alt era of civil and liberty and over whom alio been called to may bo most cotibervativo and at time most llrmly to liberal in- of any in the world It last in No- la to bo by our Canadian authorities for Dominion Day this year reason for that to bo on account of It boon eoloctod for in tho United and by tamo day in both countries loss incommoded Objec tion ia in on account of tho Iatoness of when wo usually weather and it holidays and Now Years into the of flvo for prcceedin months is not a holiday intervening to a day off matter it appcara to us Is worthy of consideration by tho Govern ment at Hi id en 0 k S ia J w w w to UP I BUT AND lUtlOllTXR WITH BACH The ted Home FRIDAY SEPT Gonstables Con Vote Judgment way given on unlay last by Court of Appeal in what gone rally known as Constable decision is in harmony with the contention of the Govern ment on all of the raised and quite in accord with the views expressed by Liberals in Legisla tor at tho lato session Our readers will remember that distinct questions wcro submitted for Court of Appeal to answer viz 1st ae to whether section or any other part of the Ontario election actdisqaalifled election Or persona who perform for or supply rotorning officer with things to enable him to carry oat the election And lastly persons who supply as polling booths To all three of these questions Court rendered a unanimous decision in tho negative thereby that election constables and the per sons designated in tho 2nd and 3rd question were not disqualified under election act from voting During last session in order to avoid further litigation no fatter what might bo the deliverance of tho court a Constables Bill was passed enacting that the foregoing answers shall be final and shall not be subject to any appeal and shall at or upon trial of any of the election peti tions have same efFect as a judg men of- the said court in litigated cause The result is eminently satisfactory to Li be rata inasmuch as it virtually removes no less than eight election trials out of court entered against sup porters of the administration and gives assurance of a continued lease of power to the Hardy Government Ii his speech Ontario Con servative mooting ratifying the nomination of Mr Charles to Hon Mr at tho byeelection now undor way in that Hiding Mr Whitney leader of the Opposition in tho intimated that when his party camo into which thoy would do shortly Conser vatives need not go of On tario for another Minister of Agriculture in they elected Mr Caldor This was tho substance of Mr closing Oar PERSONAL POINTS Mrs Cody the city Mr Gundy of Toronto was in Town lost Monday Mr moved his family to tho city this week Mr and of Norwood are visiting at Dr and Mrs Kent of spent at Alderman Smiths Miss May Pearson of was marks to electorate and a pretty strong friends in Town lat week bid to ticklo the voters it was not to a harsher term A report comes from Halifax to the effect that the Dominion Steamship Line has secured the subsidy for carrying the English mails between Canada and land for season of 189899 of the Ontario Legislature Hon Mr who has recently been very ill has taken a change for the better and now considered out of danger al though still copfined to his room Wiien Lord was young he mads a holiday cruise in the just at the breaking out of the Crimean War He has written for the Youtht Companion of Octo ber a vivacious and delightful account of the cruise in the course of he hid a lively adventure en a British frigate which ran ashore under be guns of a Bug- Bran fleet Tins of York State nominated of Oyetor Bay as their for next also Timothy Woodruff of Kings for LieutGovornor J gan of for Comptroller J f of Albany for ficorotary of J B of Cayuga for fltato Treasurer A Bond of and J Davis ol Oneida for Attorney The party platform endorses what is known a Louis platform and condemns free silver heresy of the Democrat also in favor of re taining Cuba and the Philip pines as American pouecesions A appears in Globe to wbioh may pos sibly bo taken It says old Court soon be subject to taxation like any building Tho whole property was yesterday for When the now Court House is occupied old one will have to pay taxes as it will no longer used as a Court House and will be unable to claim exemption If bow- ever the County should to hold He meetings and also con tinue its municipal officers it is doubtful how much of the premises would bo liable to city taxation paragraph indicates with tolerable certainty though grasp city on the county the speakera at the Conservative ratification meeting nominating Mr we notice Mr J J M P P of Toronto said bis little piece and the burden of his story was the Hardy Government was a dying one This is the World report of his speech Possibly Mr Fay has an eye to a seat in Mr Whit neys Cabinet but people who do not look through the same political spectacles as the member for Centre Toronto have been unable to discover any particular evidences of the Hardy Government disintegration Since the Court of Appeal decision in constable case the intimates Messrs Hardy Co will continue to do business for the next four years at the old stand in the Queens Park The demise of Lieut Governor Cameron of the Northwest Territories is announced Deceased returned from a little over two weeks age to visit his daughter at London Ont Mrs Wilson wife of Dr Wilson Mayor Cameron had a cold then soon developed into pneumonia resulting fatally on Monday Deceased was a son of the late Hon Malcolm Cameron formerly a member of the Canadian Government He was born at Perth Ont oh April He was appointed to the office of Lieut Governor of the Northwest Territories about a year ago Mr Cameron was a Liberal was a strong supporter of Provincial Rights and In the agitation on the school question was opposed to the coercion of the Prairie Province though willing that the rights and privileges enjoyed by the Roman Catholics of Manitoba prior to should be restored to them International Commis sion now in session at Quebec a special to Toronto Star states that one of the United States Commissioners at the din ner luncheon on the 27th observed our negotiations are proceeding smoothly in fact better than I had expected Before adjourning we traversed much of the ground to be gone over Reaching an argument will satisfy two thirds of the Senate Is do easy affair Oh a charge of criminal libel preferred by Judge McOurry against George and Kenneth P publishers and proprietors of the Barks Falls Deacon they were arrested last week and after a preliminary examination at Parry Sound were committed for trial at the next As sizes The complaint arises from some comments fa the Deacon respecting Judge action in a trial of a youth for a criminal offence Robinson of is visiting with Miss this week Mr Ed spent with relatives at and vicinity The Smith of wcro calling on friends in Town last Friday Mia Maggio of Belle was visiting friends in Town last week Mr- and Mrs Alex Millard of Toronto woro in Town a couple of days last week Alderman A Smith loft on Wed nesday for a trip to Boston and New York Mrs Rev is a couple of weeks with her mother at Men- ford Mias Knight of Toronto was visiting her sister Mrs last week Mrs Dr Forest of Albert last week vhiting at Mr Albert Mrs Drifllo of Bradford is spend ing a few days with Mrs- Marshall Mil lard Ave Mm John ONcil and son left for To leal Tuesday where they will rceioe in Conduotor Martin of the Div It was in Town this week on a short Reynolds and her mother left for on Tuesday and expect to be gone a month or Tho Misses Mary and Granger of Button were visiting friends on Second St East Mr Davison wife and daughter of wero of Mr J E Cane during the Fair last week Miss returned to Brook Hospital last Monday to complete her third year as a trained nurse Mr Alex Simpson and wife of attended the Fair here last week for the purpose of meeting old friends Mr The of Toronto was in Town on Tuesday and proceeded to North to see old friends Mrs of New Westminster and Mrs of were visiting their sister Mrs Ian week Mr Jim MoKiuistry is expelled from the because he played with Arthur after siftmng with Newmarket Mr and Mrs Neil Morton of left on Thursday night to visit his sister Mrs Ksohler in Lexington Midi Mr L Lehman reviewed the Lessons at Amsterdam lost Sunday and reports an increased attendance Mr John a graduate on the Era staff left for Kent Co Monday to accept a situation Mr of Toronto formerly of Vivian gave as a friendly call while Town last week Free Mr Bell and sister of Newmarket were guests st the home of Councillor Clarke last weeek Mr C Webb will be held in grate ful remembrance by the Era staff He left the boys a basket of delioioos pears last Tuesday Mr of Toronto was attending halfyearly meeting on St last Sunday and visiting friends for a few days Lloyd and several volunteers in- this section of the country went to the city on Wednesday to take part In the an nual rifle matches Mr Oliver Stevens and daughter of Toronto attended Yearly Meeting on St last Sunday and visitedfriends in this for a days Mr of Detroit node of Mrs who has been visiting here for couple of Weeks left on Monday for Mara- Mrs Chow of Midland Is visiting her sister Mrs Hoover Mrs is homo from tho Lake where spent nearly months Park of Toronto was tbo of Mrs a day or two week Mies Coffee of was visiting with Mrs for several days last week- Rev ii vice- at Industrial Home last Sunday Mr of Hill spont a few in Town with his mother Mrs Grabber has on a weeks visit at Mr Taylors of staff Baker and wife of facets Mr Robt Davis during the Fair last week Miss of Hill was in Town on Monday family once resided bore Mary has returned to the city tor spending a couple of weeks in Town with friends Mrs Dr of Dovcrcourt ro- turned homo on Monday spending week at Methodist Parsonage Mm Campbell nee Paul of Toronto spent Thursday and Friday of last week with her mother Mrs Jemca Mr Ernie Hughes got homo on spending all bummer on a ps sender boat and Mackinac Mr Duncan is improving nicely since hois able to bo out and hopes to bo soon to overcome effects of his serious Misses who been engaged during tho past summer season on the Co steamers re turned homo this week Mr of Toronto was Town last Monday taking further for now Pipe Oran in the Methodist Church which is bo ready about the November May Smith of Boston who has been spending a month with her Auntie left for home on Wednesday accompanied by uncle Mr R A Smith Mr and Mrs Harvey and daughter of wero visiting with her parents Mr and Mre Hill Drop Farm Mr Samuel Miller of leaves next week for Bruce County whore bo has purchased a farm with modern buddings The Township loses en ardent worker Mm of British Colombia pent a couple of days this week with sister Mrs Mositr Eagle St after which she left for for a short vitit among other relatives many friends of Mr Leslie Cor- eon formerly of this place will regret to learn tbat ho is dangerously ill at his home Toronto with paralysis of spine Little or no hopes of his recoyery Mr Charlie Flood the prominent foot ball player and popular young Toronto man has left for British Columbia to cept a lucrative situation Charlie is a native of Newmarket and we wish him every success in his new enterprise His picture was in last Saturdays Globe Mary Gracey of Toronto who 87 years of age and apparently enjoying good health while spending a couple of weeks in Town with her daughter Mrs A Moffatt insisted on doing churning as a test of strength and in about min- completed her task feeling quite jubi lant over her success Rev Wm Wye Smith of St Cath arines formerly of Newmarket whose studies In Scotch have brought him into prominence in this line has in the press of Imrie Graham of Toronto The Gospel of Matthew in Broad Various at tempts have made to pot parts of the Scriptures into the garb of the Scottish vernacular prominent among these being the Psalms and Isaiah by the late Rev Dr Glasgow The have been popular bat not Isaiah The fact they were both too old world in their struoture Even stu dents of the Scottish dont like to be teased with such words as fuhre carry or conduct kingdom trouble confusion The forthcoming booklet will be more modern though dis tinctively Scottish It is understood that Mr Smith has the whole New Testament ready for the press and that this smaller publication if it is well received may be followed soon by the New Testament in Broad Scotch In this translation the writer uses the colloquial of the Scottish lowlands the utmost care to avoid any semblance of slang or careless speech yet at the same time giving a familiar and colloquial version of the sacred text Messrs Graham Co expect to it out in October Our Stock of Mens arid Boys Clothing is now very complete and far surpasses all previous efforts We have all styles and kinds that are worth having and offer nothing but new and reliable goods The Patterns are new and nobby while the Styles are the very newest and there is not a man too dressy for us to suit The prices are away below prices asked by tailors for equal goods We quote a few prices but you must see the goods and examine the quality to appreciate their worth Mens good wool Tweed Suits all sizes at Mens very neat allwool Tweed Suits single or double breasted fit Mens extra wellmade allwool Tweed Suits new select patterns single or double breasted worth any day our special at Mens very fine Black Worsted Coat and Vest with Black Stripe Pants to match made in cutaway styles specially for our fine trade you can get no better suit anywhere for 2000 any size vij ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftft 9 Boys twopiece Suits sizes 22 to at Boys threepiece Suits all wool Halifax sizes 28 to at See our 100 Tweed Pants 7 12 I 50 OAT We are doing a big trade in Ladies Coats We did not carry over a single garment from last year consequently you can depend on being shown only this years latest productions Ladies stylish Black Beaver Coats- at Handsome Beaver Coats in Black and Navy at A big range of Frieze Coats in all new shades at Very Fine Kersey Coats at The latest in Coats at 795 This Coat is one of the nobbiest of this seasons productions and well worth 1000 A manufacturers stock of sample Coats the pick the trade to be sold at a reduction of twentyfive per cent 4 5 95 Hon Bayard late Uni ted States Ambassador to Great Britain died at his daughters home in Massachusetts The Wedneeday Sept line Whitchurch the wife of A of a son Cook At on Saturday Sept the wife of A Cook of a daugh ter At on Sept lGtb the wife of Mr Thomas Borden of a eon Laud At Tread well Ont on the Inst the wife of Mr Gordon Lamb nee Miss May Jackson formerly of Albert of a son The Altai On Wednesday Sept at tbe residence of the brides parents Mr and Mrs George Mies to Mr Joseph both of Stooff- villa Bell Metcalfe In Bradford on Satar- day Sept at the residence of the brides father by the Rev John Locke of Hantsville formerly of Brad ford Mr Geo J Bell proprietor of the Newcastle Timet to Elizabeth youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs On Wednesday inst at tbe residence of the brides parents King township by tbe I to v Charles Cocking Thomas eon of Jos Smeltzer to Frances Elizabeth daughter of and Edith Scott prohibition plebiscites resulted to relatives at follows For Ontario Nova Scotfa Prince Edward Manitoba Against Editor is indebted to Mrs Barney Brown for a dish of fresh raspberries last a treat Tolal 2G0408 The foregoing votes wore taken under Pro- vinslal direction while the vote yesterday was under Dominion franchise is not the same as Provincial This foot must be taken into the calculation when making comparisons ol difference between then and now gggg Saturday which was quite of the year Mr and Mrs Roche and his mother have returned from Ottawa after spending a raout delightful visit in that city during the past month Toronto Saturday Night The Post- masterGeneral has a a present from Mr and Mrs McDowell Thompson who are receiving the congratulations of heaps of friends Criminal proceedings will bo taken against G 0 Mann clerk in Ottawa Department who is short in his accounts Buffalo Sept 28 The Erie Rail road today threw another bomb into the local passenger business in the shape of rate cutting company introduces a rate of for one way to New York It was found that tho cut rate of round trip to New was well enough in its way but with many of the travelling public it did not answer The rate of is a reduction from present rate of differential lines in order to meet this demand The Erio sprung another rate cutting sensation today affecting Rochester which eclipses the others Beginning Saturday the round trip rate from Rochester to New York and return will bo over the Erio line The present rate from Rochester to Now York and return is Leading Furniture and Undertaking House kindly Be Seated We bo glad of the opportunity of a little personal conversation with you in which we can tell yon of the prices we are making on our fine Parlor and Bedroom Suits Yon will find it to your advantage whether yon intend buying immediately or not to know how matters stand in the furniture world J Opposite Royal Hotel and A SPEOIALTY Council have accepted the tender of the Johnston Electric Light Co of Toronto of for install- and equipping an electric light plant Other tender were and The Council will pur chase the necessary boiler and engine and also erect a suitable power house Sept village was visited by a serious con flagration early this morning The burned district is in the very heart of the town the largest proportion of business being confined to one block extending along the south side of Railway avenue Halifax Sept A special from says a serious accident occurred near there on the Pictou Ogilvies Glenora Strong Bakers Hungarian Glenora Pastry Best Ontario and Manitoba wheat Flour for Family Use Feed of all Kinds I A car of fresh ground American Gray best fertilizers for Clover and Grass branch of the Intercolonial Railway this morning six men being killed in a collision The disaster was caused by a misunderstanding of orders The very best Grey which has not yet been explained LIME LIMB The Tomb Bevkos On the 2nd of King on Tuesday Albert eon of aged years months S3 Interment at Oak Mara In North Gwillimbury on the I8tb iost Caleb Mann aged years At Keswick on Amy May aged years months Squires In on the How- eon of Mr James Squires months gr Interred at Newmarket Cemetery on afternoon In Mara Ontario Co on the 23rd Ellen Fowler widow of Alex Fowler of East Gwillimbury aged years Funeral last Sunday from resi dence of Mr Martin Grant and interred in St Johns Cemetery Newmarket Town on the Eli Holmes aged43 years montba and daye Interred Cemetery on afternoon Io East Gwillimbary on toe Sarah Jan Hie ion aged years at- the residence of Mr on the Leon King aged years J lH St North Newmarket All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention cents per bushel J Marcdens Storehouse Cor Main and Huron Telephone No 7 A Electric Newmarket IKS barrel CO White Wheat per OO EM Wheat per bushel Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat- Barley per bushel Oats per bushel on bushel- 0 per ion y per ton IS oil Butter roll per lb Butter tub per Potatoes per ha A Apple per Wool per lb CO Beef Pork per live Pork per 75 lb Chickens per pair Ducks Turkeys per lb lire OC0 Turkeys per lb per bushel per bushel CO Toronto Toronto Sep Bed Wheat per bushel a 53 White Wheat per Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat per bushel per bushel Oata per bushel Peas per bushel Rye per bushel Butter roll per lb a 50 a a 0O5 a a 023 a 050 a 0 a a 13 CO a 015 a oie a a 0 a a a OH a a a CO a a a a a S a 131 Leave Richmond Rill and 11 am and pm Leave Toronto CPJt CroMloa per 70 and Potatoes perba Bicycle put on and taken off at Waiting Apples per Wool per Hay per ton 12 a a a a a ft a a a a a a a 18 OK CO 50 every evening from Toronto to Richmond Hill and return leaving CPR Crowlug at or Chickens per pair 0 w a a a

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