Newmarket Era , September 30, 1898, p. 4

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY SEPT 30 Perfectly Cured i tow Poor and Could Hot Root groat In recommend tag has boon means restoring my wjfo to good health stricken down with en attack of nervous prostration with add her nerves under strain fiho very low and ao weak could only do a work without rating Her poor and being so weak ho could not got tho proper decided to try wohad heard It highly praised and I am glad to that perfectly all her Bellamy West Hamil ton Ontario Poods la Bert In fact One True Blood la for 1 PUIS All EDITORIAL the rovelatlons disclosed at Sooth Ontario and North Waterloo election trials Qfobt obcerv When the bemoaned pre valence of corruption in this country It knew what It was talking about Mr will scarcely thank bis Toronto for being outspoken tho last general election to 95 In Conecrvativo circles up in North Waterloo at least it Is jo charged and lion candidate refused to accept change from tho bar tender when It offered him Anything to beat Hardy That the playing but now have to answer for political misdo ings to a Best Advertising Medium York County per no for Insertion 3 cents Insertion CONTRACT BATES MOM CO mo I a 10 fi Inch I B1 with writ ten Inserted until forbid and accordingly- will bo changed once month If deal red For changes Mian each month composition must ho paid for regular rates Changes for contract advertisements must bo In Wednesdays Special Low Holes for tors Notices Farms to Kent Loot and Found etc A reading notice will bo Inserted free for any Church or Society where pott era la taken fifty cents will be charged for a notice No exception to this rule J barrister alary OrrjBMaln Street to Loan on good Farm s Barrister Solicitor for Township of King Honey lo lon Division Court Building Newmar ket Ontario A raw days ago Col P for Kings returned to Ottawa from tho Klondike Ho Is reported as having In timated that condition of affairs exist- in City is far from being satis factory Meanwhile ho will only say that tho Government should a Commission to investigate and re port upon charges of oflioial rascalities and eeo that Is done Tub libera organ at Toronto makes this vory to a constable chargo In North Waterloo election trial It appears that a Pro vincial took to vote for a Con servative candidato In North Waterloo And to think of all wo suffered In to preeervo franahlse for this man I Dr been in when ho hoard tho cooatabloa diBCueeod in tho Legislature p VnpxxileB Barrister Conveyancer with Marsh Cameron o Toronto Estate managed and promptly made tar Money to loan at lowest rate flax tons Mock Main 8tNcVmancet Tub death of Mr Cox tho well- known landlord of summer hotel at Port Band field is announced Probably no man in that was hotter known Ho a native of England in year of hie age Ills remains interred in cemetery at North Toronto on Saturday last Many residents of North York who visited Port on tho occasion of Agricultural Society excursions will re member vory well At this stage of the Provincial election trials it scarcely to predic tions either way although our the probably thinks differently Commenting on outcome of the trials In North and Sooth Ontario that journal remarks It is safe to that the and not that of Booth Ontario may bo a fair example of Grit protests entered throughout the Province As a rule are mere items in a game of bluff Actual corruption on Conservative will be found to be ox- rare and exceptional How Waterloo as well as South Ontario Bo far oar coteroporarye ex ception forms the rule instead of the re verse Possibly future trials may change the present count bat withdrawal of the protest last week against Mr Liberal P P for South Wellington dont look way I DUNK MOHOCK Dunn fit flarriateM Solicitors Manning Arcade King St West Toronto Money to Loan Barrister Reformer Block Money to Loan AUCTIONEERS Ft Auctioneer for York Co Farm and Chattel Sales receive attention J Main St or Box Newmarket piank Duncan Licensed Auctioneer for to Co of Fork on Terms reason able to A trial solicited Newmarket MISCELLANEOUS Opposite Fire Hall Main Wt6 Simpson Main Druggists and Fancy Goods miss Unprepared to do Perfect fit In all Ions sent wilt receive prompt the fash- Newmarket PO NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Before OrderirW Elsewhere In Cause Heart Pull of Bong Because South American Rheumatic Core Has Healed Her For the benefit of suffering hu manity consider it my duty to in form you of the great and lasting bene fit I have received from the use of South American Rheumatic Cure I was a great sufferer from rheumatism for a number of yearsall remedies I tried failed to until I commenced to use this wonderful preparation it worked a great cure I trust other sufferers may follow my example with flB results Mrs Bates Gloucester St Toronto Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket The County of York asking tenders for a quarry stone abutment to the bridge at Islington The cost will be about Doctors in Dine Prejudices all Vanish and They Pre scribe Dr Ointment Be- cause Its Virtues Demand Recog nition- Dr Backhaul of writes Bend 12 dozen more of Dr Ointment I prescribe large quantities of it in my practice It is a grand remedy for tetter salt rheum eczema and all akin diseases and a neverfailing cure for piles The strongest evidence of its virtue is that doctors can so highly recommend it One application re lieves Sold by Lehman Pha Newmarket Albert E Lyons caretaker of the Berlin post office was sentenced to two years in tho penitentiary for steal ing money letters Convention at City Continued from last session on Tuesday evening opened with a Song Borneo led by a good choir Rev If Matthews of Newmarket in chair Devotional exercises lod by Largo of Tottenham Eleven ministers and delegates answered roll call and tho church was well filled Wilson of Bond Head gave an address on Tho relation of ho to Church His opening remarks a testimony to tho value of tbo B he in his character that which from early life graduated him from a scholar to pulpit church the is for benefit of man to minister in social moral and spiritual life and his conception of an ideal Sunday School is to have church membership actively connected therewith and systemati cally arranged for bible study Each teacher should bo armed with helps at home and thoroughly prepared for tho work at appointed timo Methodist Church in Canada has members and adherents but only in her Schools as it is is no failure as per cent of member ship comes from it notwithstanding many indifferent teachers The in terest wo toko in the is tbo value wo put in children An American author says a boy at 16 has cost his parents a money equivalent of and a bad boy more than that J a boy from to years old at college C03ts his parents Tho value of a man to com munity in which he is placed at annually lazy he is a loss to community There is wonderful capabilities and capacities in tho and girls and though we may be to produce pictures more beautiful than scenes it is far nobler fo paint character of Christ in children The S should lead its scholars to church Brain and genius can convert a bar of iron worth into articles worth its weight in gold The should wondorfully in value and power Teachers are you doing it That is your relation to the church and you must sit at the feet of Christ to do it being grounded in faith and prayer After a fine solo by Leo of Temperancevillc the Large very nicely introduced relation of the Church to the Ho said it should bo similar to parent and the child The church should provide a suitable place comfortable seats for the little ones as well as those older and some of the running expenses Tho should not entirely depend on the but do something for itself The best talent of the church should be workers school tified men and women A very profitable discussion follow ed The choir rendered a choice an them The chairman gave the follow ing statistics church members in the world and teachers 600000 mem bers in Canada of whom be long to the Methodist Church After singing the doxology Rev Mr Brown of pronounced the benediction and a very interesting session closed about oclock TUB Led by Miss Millard of New market was well attended interesting and profitable LEAGUE COKYENTIOK Opened at 1115 Rev S Mat thews in the chair Rev T conducted devotional exercises Miss Madge Brown of Bradford gave an excellent paper on The wo can to enforce it liquor should bo suppressed in public interest It often interferes with personal liberty to bo quarantin ed for small pox and it is dono in publio interest A lengthy discussion followed when a resolution passed by tho District Meeting was heartily endorsed The Secretarys report showed that only out of the Leagues in the District sent in a Of these are active members and associate members are active churoh and Bunday School workers Allan to Loan and village property Davidson affidavits J and Estate Agent Ac Agent for Insurance Compile Liverpool and London and Globe Norwich Union Midland Mutual and for Standard- Northern Co Block Mount Albert Followed Husbands Advice I was troubled for a long time with tick headaches At my bought me two bottles of Mh telling mo this medicine would core me it had cured him of rheum I taking ft and it made mo feel a new woman Mas Ontario Hoods Fills core all liver ilia Easy to take to operate aura place and method of literary work in the League of the points emphasized were age in which wo live requires knowledge in fact demands it the highest type of literary culture should be our ideal the Literary Dept should have equal place in our Leagues with other dopta should inspire our young people and not simply entertain the Com should formed of active christians Then she spoke of our wonderful helpers The noble men and women of today the writers of today and the mind of the past She strongly advised the adoption of the Reading Course The Literary Com must be alive to the work and talk it up- work without to work Our young people should icnow about our Mission work our own country our own church Above all let know that the ability which God has given us should be made every possible use of A very interesting discussion follow ed and the meeting closed with the benediction AVTEBKOON SESSION Mr Elmer Davis 1st Vice Presi dent in the chair The following were appointed a Nominating Committee Rev J Moore Rev J E Wilson Miss Annie Miss Annie and Miss Mamie Millard Rev Large gave a profitable ad dress on Practical phases of temper ance work Temperance people he said are not working from a selfish standpoint but for good of others If prohibition passes wo must do all Tho money raised by tho Leagues ro- was Missionary Problem in connec tion with Longuo work was ably taken up by Rev Geo of Sharon Thero is no more important Though our has been con tinual history of missionary work the problem today is not the same as in past The world is ready to re ceive gospel and through the Campaign Movement thous ands prepared to go forward life of Christ kindles the missionary firo If tho young peoplo will study needs of the heathen world and at tho same pray on their behalf wo will find that tho giving will come If each Leaguo realizes its own responsibility problem would bo solved Individual interest is An animated discussion followed and while Bradford District is support ing its own missionary in Japan every League in tho District should bo help ing to its full extent The Treasurer reported that our Leagues have raised for this object tho past A number of Leagues however have money on hand which will reduce the deficit to about the disusaion T Cocking read an interesting letter from Rev Norman which wo give elsewhere The following were appointed a Committee to acknowledge receipt of his lot tor and send greetings and good wishes from Convention Revs Cocking Moore and Secre tary Tho report of tho Nominating Com mittee was presented and adopted as folio ws lion Rev S Matthews Newmarket Elmer Davis King City 1st Vice Rev Robinson Sohomborg 2nd Miss M Brown Bradford Mr Miss Wilcox Bond Head Rev Lee Aurora Miss Annie Evans Bradford Miss Eva Jackson Newmarket AssistSecy Miss Millard Representative to Toronto Conference Epworth League Executive Rev Cocking Miss Eva Jackson having faithfully served as Secretary for the past three years a cordial vote of thanks was tendered to her The following resolution was adopt ed We regret that out of soci eties to which forms were sent by the Secretary only have been returned making the Secretarys Report very incomplete We deplore this indiffer ence in the matter and believing it to be of great importance to have all re turns promptly made would request all League officers to have the reports forwarded to the Secretary at the earli est moment and would also urge upon all our Leagues to raise by sys tematic giving the amounts for which they are responsible towards the sup port of Norman and for whose support for last year we were behind to the amount of Social work in and out of the League was the next intro duced very nicely by Herbert Lee of Aurora care should be taken in the selection of the who should be fitted for the position in manner dress and tact A hearty bandshake and cordial welcome will knit strangers and outsiders to the Leagues that lack this fea ture will not grow rapidly Nothing will alienate our young people more thap coldness shown to them Never allow the Social Evening to be all taken up with entertainment Use part of the time to get acquainted with the members and ascertain what they are beat adapted for Avoid cliques Show no difference between those in rich or poor circumstances Do not introduce games of chance in to home life EVENING SESSION pose of visitation is a firm believer in conversion of children and more than illustration was given whore parents have boon con verted through Junior They are a coming power in our churches The King Choir then sang a ful The Forward Movement in evangelistic work and bible study was the subject of an earnest and excellent address by Mr Simpson of Hamil ton objects aro To deepon spiritual life to get a better knowledge of scriptures the conversion of souls and increase of missionary zeal need of the movement is on account of much machinery in church and not enough power to run it as well as the encroachments of formalism and sceptisism All our churches need more faith in God and Holy Ghost power Astonishing re sults from the movement wero given Our study should bo prompted by and under tho guidance of Holy Spirit We should read the bible with reverence and commit to memory precious texts We should know bible geography and study for the good of others Have a stated time for bible study be systematic know bible his tory and thus learn how to use the Sword of the Spirit We are then in a position to a proper conception of value of the Bible Owing lo the lateness of the hour the Consecration Service was omitted Rev Mr Moore making some appro priate remarks in regard thereto and a very profitable convention was brought to a close Do you think of THIS SUMMER If you do write CIO Mi LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And get prices of Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows ALL TUB LATEST Artistic Effects Inside Woodwork Largest Factory Id Canada for of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc real pretty patterns and de sign going into waists in womens wear Brampton electric light costs the town 1700 a year for street lights Mr Robinson of recently sold a fine span of mares for The Presbyterians of preparing t erect a church Wolves are destroying sheep in largo numbers in the Plevna district Addington County Mrs Brown who lives with her daughter at was badly in jured by a cow last week Business is brisk at Belle An order for sixty cars of ice to go direct to Buffalo is being filled Gillespie the shene merchant tried at Montreal on a charge of furnishing false state ments of accounts has been found guilty with a strong recommendation to mercy Toledo 0 Sept Eight men were cremated and eight more fatally burned tonight in the most disastrous fire that ever occurred in Toledo The spontaneous combustion of dust in a grain elevator caused this terrible destruction of life Pa Sept 28 Captain Geo J Adams and Miller aged his assistance were instantly killed while conducting a fireworks display and reproduction of the Mani la battle on the Alleghany river in front of the Exposition building last night Sept Andrew of the firm of Bros manufac turers was at his factory last night in his usual good health He went home about ten oclock retired at 1 and was dead about The burst ing of a blood vessel in the head was the cause of death Wo and Repair all kinds on short notice The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT V Old Stand Having purchased the above business from Mr W I take this opportunity to inform the public that- 1 will continue the same in all itsjbranches My aim shall be to have the Very Best in Town in the line of on law Nolle la hereby give that any or oU34orU5fotbe will be pi aecufJd according to KIRTON of East SHEEP AND marked blue paint In the rump and a lh0 aa to will thankfully receiv er them after thla no tice will be held 3wM P After Song Service and devotional exercises Cocking introduced the President elect who made a very suitable reply A Fish of gave a grand address on Our Junior League He said it was the most profitable work he ever engaged in The aim was to lead children to Jesus Christ and train them up for the Much depends upon the who must be firm to maintain order and reverence and at same time be kind Making scrapbooks for sick children at home and in pitals a good employment the children bring the cards and teach er showing how to arrange them Punctuality in opening and meetings is essential We must put ourselves continually in the places of the boys and girls and be one with them Ho explained his of marking the Roll of Honor and Ascer taining the sick members for the pur- AST White So about five pounds went away tetnber Any person will be rewarded AND GROCERIES and be- P new goods the very best can be promised trial solicited South End Goes a long way toward mak ing favorable or unfavorable impress ions If you are taking a part in the Fall Fairs either aa Spectator Exhi bitor or Judge you will certainly ap pear to better advantage if you wear one of Nobby Fall Suits Call early and secure your choice Merchant Tailor Next door to Atkinsons and twenty the of ep- undersigned Oat Howes Wanted In exchange for Organs Sewing Machines Apply to KEITfT Newmarket CUOK Alt YOU Ml WITH PainKiller A la Safe HAM PS DIARRHOEA RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA SB And BO I OF BUY ONLY THE GENUINE PERRY DAVIS ARRIVING EVERY WEEK f Bought fr6m the Best Manufacturers I can give you Quality Fit and Low Prices Stock of Trunks and Valises always kept and Prices right Remem ber the place saxton GRIFF

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