Newmarket Era , October 14, 1898, p. 6

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J k fc 9 THE NEWMARKET ERA OCT I r- I Life around the Hal WHAT WORTH TO RECORD Last Tuesday Fair day was the wettest day of the year Directors canHhavo much with of weath er The receipts small Had weather Icon fine it would have been equal to if not in advance of other years for all it was crowd Tho largo tent well filled with ladies work arts fruits Mr John Davidson took in a goodly number of dimes with his lont of curi osities Better success another year Mr Will and wifo aro up from the city on a visit to his father Mr David and other relatives in this section of country They jejuni to the city on Saturday oAjtsvillo Moth 3 voted to Mr Fogg to Convention at next week as delegate Mrs Pollock is visiting friends in Next Sunday Anniversary Sermons will he preached in the Methodist Church hero morning and by Geo Webber of Toronto at one time pastor in Newmarket and ono of ablest and most eloquent ministora in the city today Come and all and hear him It was de cided to take a Ibankollcring noxt instead of holding tho annual teameeting experiment where has shown that church mom- bora and friends can and do raise funds directly as well as indirectly Lot prove next Sunday that she is not behind other places in giving directly Fifty dollars is amount required to bo raised HOLLAND LANDING Rather juicy day for Fair at last Tuesday and it was a great disappointment- The concert in the evening was well attended J A formerly this place was calling on friends a couplo of days last week Messrs Owen Liu and- Arthur Chapman of Toronto spent Sunday last at homo Mr Frank of Brampton is home on a two weeks vacation Hoove and J Shop- pard spent a couplo of days in North last week Mr John Davidson will have at tho Bradford Fair a Show containing many curiosities from different parts of world Several war figures size of Admiral Dowoy Sampson and oilier American Generals in the late U war Rov Mrs No is making ar rangements to givo her entertainment at Nowmarkot and neighboring towns and all who have too opportunity should take advantage of it After it you all will bo loud in its Phillips and bride of St left for New York on Tuesday evening on thoir honeymoon We wish happy couple much joy and long life Confirmation was held at Christ Church on Monday morning last by the Lord Bishop of Toron to OAK RIDGES A school meeting was hold by the trustees horo for purpose of decid ing on a of teacher but was a very small attendance There aro about threo would liko a change but wo aro of tho opinion that should wo lose our present teach er it would bo some time before an other good could be had Piles ar driven for foundation tho power house The piledrive rived Sunday night KESWICK Rev Mrs No Lilla gavo a very interesting entertainment last week in tho Christian and- attended viows of llio Holy Land and tho life of our Saviour were greatly appreciated as No spent a great amount of limo and money in Holy Land to securo the viows and each is fully narrated as tho view appears All speak highly of it and hope to again have an opportunity to attend entertainment MOUNT ALBERT A large sized sensation was sprung on this community on Wednesday afternoon last by arrest of- Mr Chas charged with the theft of i top buggy from Win Jack on the previous Monday night At the trial Wednesday evening Mr Jack swore that buggy Mr was en deavoring to sell at and was his and an adjournment was made to witnesses Thursday afternoon witnesses swore that buggy which was produced was Mr Jacks by certain marks hut Mr begot it in Canning- ton from tho manufacturers and ask ed for a to bring men from the factory to prove this Ho was allow- out on bail given by himself and two securities of each but failed to appear when trial was called Fri day evening On Saturday word was received that he won seen at in and that same afternoon a man was arrested at Mario that answers his description Constable Steeper who was looking into tho affair left on Monday to bring him back the above took place many suspicious things have came out and it now appears that charges will be laid against Mr for stealing cattle as some sold by him to a drover of this place are identified by Mr Draper of haven lost by him AURORA A Football match will be played in tho Town Park hero Saturday Oct Gordon MaoKay Co Toronto vs Aurora A very gamo is expected MOUNT PLEASANT Several from attended ville Fair Our Mr John was at Markbam Fair acting as judge Mr Barker and lady friend spent Sunday at Misa Mabonoy was calling on friends at Mouut Albert last weok Miss Maud Glover has returned homo after a long stay with her moth er I Recently our school tcachor Miss Atkinson of Virginia came to perform her daily duties but returned homo on account of dyphthoria The Mockino Bird Weeks flews WHAT IS ON IK ABOUT The Friends List Sunday morning congregation to two Rood discourses by Mr El liott of and Mr Thompson of Toronto DAVISON GO i Out A report of District Division of Sous of at is crowded on account of big Convention to but will appear rioxt week It Will Pay You To your Boots mid Shoes fit has qualityarid low in Town goods aro no trash hut very that can bo Call and see Wo are called on to record another death in this neighborhood in the person of Mrs Tios who had been under treatment in Toronto General Hospital during the last month She died on Friday from the effects of an performed on Wednesday Tho remains were brought by train on Friday evening to Sutton and from there to her homo a short distance south of the village from where the funeral procession started on Sunday The remains were followed by a large number of friends and relatives Deceased leaves a husband and family of small children to mourn their loss Mr of deceased aud his family are at present under quarantine consequently they could not attend the funeral of their daughter and sister Tho heavy rain on Tuesday was not a welcome visitor to Fairgoing people and many were appointed at being unable to visit The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Geo Stiles died this week Quite a large number from here at tended Fair and report a fine time Miss Draper has been suf fering from a severe attack of pneu monia but is recovering however Mr and Mrs Neil Morton have re turned from their trip in the West and are now attending Quadren nial Christian Conference in New market Miss of re turned homo on Sunday after spend ing a week with her sister Mrs W Morton Mr teacher in tends taking his annual hunting trip up north this fall BALDWIN BREEZES An epidemic cough is raging in this section school children have it powerful bad so that it is there sometimes but the teacher is very good over it infant child died from the effects of cholera infantum and was buried on Wednesday Tho Free Meth friends very kindly aided in caring for the child while ill A case of theft out is tho theme of public talk The party is reported to have skipped out leaving his bail bondsmen to shift for them selves So many of our good friends and acquaintances are entering the blissful state matrimony that we feol quite blue in fact can scarcely sum up courage to hoot The old adage None but the brave deserve fair is amply verified Congratulations to all the nappy ones Mr Steven Scott and family of the con of East were visiting relatives in on Sun day Mr Scott has purchased the farm recently owned by Samuel Mil ler now of Bruce Co The communi ty lost an excellent citizen when Sam moved out and best of all he is a good Christian John Alexanders big citrons are big A couple of em weigh ed lbs apiece Are yourn equal to that Meth pastor is making himself very popular by his sociability We hear that ho told his parishioners that the longer he stayed tho belter theyd like him Nelson has an apple in full bloom for the second time this season Its reckoned a curiosity speed of the bicycle is certainly marvellous Angus thirty miles in an hour is almost incredible Where will it end Perhaps in going a mile in less than no time Mrs Colin of district visiting her sister Mrs Geo We are told that it is not good for man to live alone but you must admit it is far than to be to tb4 apron string of a termagant To about when angry seems to bo a of second nature a relic of barbarism to speak with many of the human race This fatal proclivity brings many a case of infelicity to ears of the Owl Several cases in neighborhood the causa of much public comment and reveal a shocking lack of that love which should fill every true home KETTLE Mr Ernest and his friend Mr Law of Toronto visiting in this vicinity Mr 1L will bo well remembered by the young men of our village some years ago being at that time the employ of the late Jos Stokes as miller Wo are pleased to note that he bears same genial disposition now as then and was most heartily welcomed by all Mr Sanderson of Richmond Hill was tho guest of Mr Rams- den over Sunday Quite a per of tho of T here availed themselves of oppor tunity of attending District Division at on Saturday last They re port a goodly turnout Messrs Love and liar man drove down to the city on Sunday last to visit Mrs Love who has been for some weeks past receiving treat ment at hospital We plcasod to report that she is improving and will likely return about of present week Mr Wm Rao has leased tho Wobb farm just South of this village and has commenced work upon it Messrs Murray A Jarvis stumpers brought homo some pipes atones and crockery fashioned in many different shapes last Saturday night They are taking out stumps down about tho Gth con of Vaughan It is said they are on an old Indian Camping ground many interesting relics have been found We hopo to seo all Nowmarkot at tho Meth Hot Supper on of Oct On Monday last tho Directors of King Plowing Association mot in the Tomperanco Hall to arrange for the matches Mra W Whito is spending a few days with friends in Hast Council move Thieves night party or parties a aucccaaf entrance into tbo cellar of Mr Gorbntn el and carried off about a dozen Urge jars of preserves The entrance effected through small cellar window while family slepl Evidently the thieves know tho lay of the Mr Blue will not be found sleeping should a visitation be made Bicycle Accident Oil Monday evening Mr Smith proceeding homo after leaving the ex- down town a lad named Roy Trivet t riding on rig Passing Starrs book- Hoy jumped off but then Mr Frank along on his bicycle and thru was a collision The front wheel struck the boy on bruising him and handlebars of the bike were bent in the upset Temperance Rally A Gospel Temperance- MaesMeeting will bo held in the Town Hall Sunday afternoon commencing at oclock may expected from Rev Emily Bishop of Dayton Ohio Rev Ha bra M A ThompkinB of Elkhart Indiana and other distinguished visitors attending iho American Christian Convention V Strickland of Huntington a soldier who carries the mark of notion in face as well as a musical composer has consent- to sing and Worship Mayor Cane will preside eason AT Wo aro prepared to meat the trado with a clean and new stock of Vinegars Our Whito Wine Vinegar at 40c Galllon Is very best possesses that strength and so necessary for pickling Pickling Cider Vinegar at With strength and a nice flavor makes it desirable for table use Home Cider Vinegar at It is pure and procured from farmers only Ground Tumeric Powder Curry Powder Mace Cayenne Pepper DAVISON CO Main Street Newmarket m The preparation of Catsup Chill and all Mayonnaise requires in the selecting of necessary materials of quality desired for uniform of strength purity and freshness Our Spices are Strictly Pure Fresh WE THE TRADE Best Cinnamon It gives beat results Wo claim to have and stands the test something special in Wlwle Mixed Pickling Spice We sell only Keens Mustard It is the Best Football The Juniors of Aurora are arranging with High School boyaberefoi a match on Fair Grounds at oclock this afternoon unless the weather interferes Oct Meeting of Council held day Present Reeve 2nd Deputy Reeve and Councillors and Moore Communications received from J Line- bill bill J- Robertson re Coo Woodcock re damages fiustainedby Owen Morris on the highway Clerk of New market re expenditure on A re bill I re bill Messrs P Travis and Allen were beard before the Council in re of School matters On motion Councillor Moore was ap pointed Road Commissioner on East Town Line In place of 1st Reeve deceased Payments ordered as follows John re Road Machine R days work re Road Machine and lubricants Lloyd Treasurer of Newmarket re expenditure on G A nails o I lumber Con do do re Sharon do do re John re Sharon 4 P Fox 00 The following motion was adopted in reference to the decease of the 1st Deputy Reeve and ordered to be entered on the minuted of as also a copy to be furnished to the widow viz That we the undersigned members of East in session as sembled hereby deelre to express oar ap preciation of the earnest labors of our co worker the late in the inter ests of the township of which he was a moat faithful and honorable member and one who in the discbarge of bis public duties as Councillor and Deputy Reeve was ever guided by the principle of high honor and a conscientious of all the obligations pertaining thereto We would also desire to extend to the family of our lamented late brother Councillor our fullest sympathy and condolence in the heavy afHioation that has befallen them Signed by W Reeve R Boyd 2nd Reeve J Soules and John Moore adjourned to meet at Sharon on Saturday Nov 12lb at a pall Fairs Button Oot IS and Oct 18 and Bradford Oct and A train was wreaked on tho Inter colonial Railway NB by placed on the track Two or three trainmen were sever al cars burned Sunday American visitors to the Quadrennial Conference will preach in several Churches of the Town next Sunday as fol lows cucitcn 11 am Rev Warren Hathaway of Blooming 230 pm J Weston President of Christian Biblical Institute Stanford- pm Rev J Jones of Y Overflow meetings will bo held in the of the Church addressed by able speakers Morning Dr A Long President of Antioch College Yellow Springs Ohio Evening Rev Samael of Coving ton Ohio ciiorcn Morning Dr of Franklin Ohio Evening Long President of College North Carolina Morning Rev Dr Alva Morrill Providence Rd Island exPresident of AOC Evening Rev Morrow of Ran dolph Vermont Take home paper patronize your home merchant circulate yonr cash as ranch as possible where you will have a chance of getting it Whitchurch meets next Wednes day at Hills Hall Ballantrae new balcony in front of the Royal adds to the appearance of the hotel and gives a good opportunity to widen Main St with very little expense Tuesday was a bad day for the Queens- vllle Show the wettest day of the season The Christian Church has added another light at the front entrance which gives a cheerful appearance Dr added some to his residence this week A ft extension to the watermain on Park Is in progress large consign ments of sheepskins from the Barrio Tan Sons King and Mr Aurora preparatory to a big winter trade Mr John moved last Monday from Main at to Timothy opposite Allans Foundry The corporation staff have laid a three- fool sidewalk opposite the property on Lot st Mr James of St by use of an hatched out from eggs This Is considered extra good success The painting done on the new veranda of Mr J Prospect commends Itself Messrs Frank and Stark did what Is considered a good afternoons fishing last Monday at the Creek They brought home nearly which thay landed with the hook and Hue Many of the fish weighed each A flock of geese went south on Wednes dayan Indication of cold weather A in Town have been utilized for sleeping accommodation for delegates to big Convention here Another Intricate Case Before a Magistrate with Messrs Jackson and Woodcock on the Bench a very complicated case was investigated at Police Court room here on Wednesday John and James were charged with the theft of a span of horses on the complaint of George Scanton The are all of King Township So far as the investigation revealed it peared that Mr Stephen Armitage advanc ed money to Scinton to boy the in question with the understanding that the animals to bo considered and rcovin the property of until paid for but no written document was made or eh a tile mortgage given nothing to show interest Some time after this the evidence went to on the part of defence that thto horsed were sold by to without knowledge or consent bat there was no writing between parties his own time to pay for horses as he was using them in fulfilling a contract get ting out lumbering material for lure at shingle mill and lor rail way ties Later on gave a mortgage on the horses to secure a party to whom he was indebted this made it look doubtful for to get his pay and being a violation of the agreement he had with he denied celling horses to and had him arrested having been seen in the rig In company with when the team was being driven away led to the information being made to include him A lengthy hearing was given the case Mr Lloyd for the prosecution and Mr Kyle of Toronto solicitor for the de fence Magistrates dismissed the charge against but held under bonds till tomorrow when decision will be rendered The nice point now to decide Is who to believe and whether i is a case for criminal or civil action OUR PyR IS GIVING GREAT SATISFACTION I Sales Increasing Daily SGZSSSG TRY OUR km pa You will want no other Wedding Cakes a Specialty Coupons for all Cash Purchasers Ask lor them Chatham Oct Edward Dagneau a 75yearold farmer living in Dover township was struck by a westbound passenger train while driv ing across the Grand Trunk here just east the city limits yesterday The horses wore instantly killed and the buggy demolished collar bone and ribs were broken his head severely gashed and ho received internal injuries from is doubtful if he will recover Apprentice Wanted To learn the Printing business Apply at Stray Homo Came upon Lot In the Con or East on or about the of Oct A BROWN MARE about years old Owner will please prove property pay charges and take If away MILTON MAINPRISE Mt Albert CENTRAL FOR SALE Residence on at theWeat End of Newmarket Rooms large airy and in excellent order All modern con veniences Bath Water Closet Hot and Cold water Good stable Garden well stocked with fruit trees and shrubs Would exchange for desirable farm property Newmarket GOOD Wanted at once Apply to MBS CO Park Ave A Beautiful Home FOR SALE There will be offered for Sale by Auction on the premises on Saturday 22nd of Oct at oclock a that very desirable pro perty knew as the residence of on Main St Newmarket The house la new and built In the very beat manner well situated and has every convenience with good large cellar parlor sittingroom bedrooms furnished bathroom and pantry For further particulars and full Information large posters or apply on the premises WW BONNET Newmarket HORSES fflL WANTED The Undersigned be prepared to purchase HEAVY DRAFT and CARRIAGE HORSES Weighing from to 1EQ0 lbs must be Sound and Right in Good Con dition and from to years old be at the following places namely Hotel King City Monday October till oclock Tuesday October IS Kings Hotel after Tuesday Oct St Georges Hotel after oclock Friday Oct Royal Hotel Newmarket till 12 oclock Saturday Oct A MAR018 37 Montreal To guying till you call and the Fall Stock that arrived at tbo Central Tailor Shop which wont In any shape or form Have received our Fall Stock of ENGLISH IRISH and SCOTCH SERGES TWEEDS WORSTEDS and Of all shades and most fast Id and price A already taught the- satisfactory patrons We make you both Judge and here to make it right Our guarantee is back Repairing a Specialty Jas R McLaughlin patterns We can suit tastes In quality A few 2w37 Leicester Rams for J B COWIESON Stray Ram I Will have their Photographic Studio doors South of Forsyth House Newmarket open for buflines8 NEXT WEEK Watch for farther announcements Came upon Lot in tbe Con of about of Sept A LEICESTER RAM Owner can have same by proving property and paying charges J COWIESON Shoop Lost Strayed from lot In the Cod of Whit- about 1st of Sept EWE8 AND LAMBS Marked with brown paint on the rumps and In the face Information leading to recovery the following cattle til three years old and Steers- Brown andpyhite Steer 1 Red and Heifer 1 Grey and white Spotted Heifer ii2k underside of of left ear near one information that the will suitably DRAPER P O For Sale New Bell Organs Organs secondband in goodrepair or the late John Leek and will be sold at a sacrifice Apply to MISS Albert WhiSnuTb Con of HEIFERS Owners can have by dm and pro perty and paying expense war SCOTT Vivian will be reward as JOHN ANDERSON Newmarket I Came upon lot In 1st Con of Whit church on tbe Sad of Oct FOUR Owner requested to prove property and pay E J Newmarket PO Wood for Sale to a one pan do work We want reliable families In every to help us Toque Gaunt let Bicycle Leggings for tbe trade to a No canvassing or ex perience required Steady vrot good pay whole or sparo time Tin Co Lane or A quantity of mixed soft wood A Newmarket Strayed from Lot Con of East one DARK JERSEY HEIFER rising year old Any giving la formation that will of tiuio will be suitably rewarded ALLEKTHKAKER Mount Albert

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