Newmarket Era , October 21, 1898, p. 1

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The Era gives more home news every week than any two other papers in North York combined be sent to new subscribers till Januarys tor cents cash INTELLIGENCER mo liborly to know to uttor and to freely according to conscience abovo all other AND ADVERTISER PAG No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance Vol XLVII No 39 Single Newmarket Ont Friday October 21 1898 Terms per annum if paid in advance 4 Sizes Square Sizes with Tank Shoot Stool In front of Extra centres cut long contro Oven Top cut in four pieces The Great American Christian Convention Interesting Topics Discussed Reports Work progressive- Delighted and its People CANADAS GREATEST STOVE NOTE THE FOLLOWING POINTS Top is cast in four pieces rendering less liable making it to uso the four holes at time Four large pots or two largo pots and a wash boiler can sit on tho together without crowding Long Centre cut to provide for expansion and contraction Short are lined Heavy Ringed Covers one Combination Ring supplied with each stovo The Oven is made of Cold Rolled Annealed Steel Plato from Tho top of whore beat of firo strikes is pro tected by specially prepared fireproof cement of Oven is quite a factor in the successful operation stove Oven Plates aro so secured that it is impossible for them to warp Oven is largo and wellventilated GREAT FUEL SAVERS We have received many unsolicited testimonials as to this point from those using these stoves of these Moves are now in actual use For Sale by were offered by Dr to appoint committees to devise some plan of apportionment of financial burdens to report some plan of cooperating with independent churches to report on feasibility of an assistant Missionary Secretary to push the work in homo field Trustees of Christian Pub lishing Association presented a printed report including tbo Treasurers state ment which was adopted Dr Watson editor of the Sunday School read his report which was adopted Rev W Samuels of Ohio and Rev J of Indiana were nominated for Chrktian Publish ing Com and the former was elected by a large majority On welcoming Dr Samuels to the chair Rev Mr the retiring officer made a speech followed by an ap propriate reply from newlyelected officer nest ballot was cast for the Secretary of Christian Publishing Assn between Rev A Devon Indiana and Rev Henry the convention to all parts of tbo land Ho considered ono of the grandest agencies to do church work and to bring followers of Christ to- that was ovor instituted It is certainly advocating our principles and helping us do our work Do all you can for it Ho was thankful for spirit in which thoy had been wel comed to tbo Convention and for the hospitality of people of How- market Endeavor a branch of our organization was inaugurated at If years ago and is full of promise It is recognized by al as a necessity and there is no part of church hopeful If you have any dead prayer meetings to resurrect organize a E Ho regretted how ever that so many Secretaries were careless in matter of statistics Tho blame lies more with individual societies than with Co or State Sec retaries About twothirds report with a of promptness the other third scorn to have dwelt long on 2nd Sam and refuse to be counted lest the anger of tho Lord be enkindled against them Tho figures secured are encouraging so- if wo had been taken by the hand and not had those sins to mar our characters Let us begin now with children It delightful work and should be carried on in every church G of New was the next speaker and he very forcibly showed bow Christian Endeavor and business are very close ly associated Youth the for action Tho adventurous nature of foreign mission work and the large promise of results stir young blood for achievement Tbo pledgo brings the life to see only and breathe His Spirit feel as He feels and are stirred as Ho is stirred En deavor work is the promise of blossom rather than the matured fruit and yet wo have results already God save tho splendid promise of this move from selfishness Givojrpiir en couragement to the young Thero are one hundred of them among us who would rejoice if you would lay upon them the burden of preach Christ in foreign field The young people are ready to work ac cording as the pastors encourage them A collection of was given to the Board Prof Strickland gave a stirring solo Elder Rhodes of New York State sang in and session closed Repairing Promptly Done NEWMARKET J presided and introduced During the month of September we will offer Special Bargains in all lines of Goods It will pay you to call and see our Stock before making your purchases We are after your trade Give us a trial Highest price paid for all of J a J DENTAL I Dentist Post Office Mock opposite Methodist Church Vitalised Air for Painless Satisfaction Guaranteed Dp Dentist Aurora Successor to tbo late fc Office and Residence Dr residence Street Aurora p R Demist be at lb of Dr Porter Brad ford every Monday R of Culture and Violin Piano and String Instruments Nature makes the cures after all Now and then she gets into a tight place and needs helping out get started in the wrong direction Something is needed to check disease and start the system in the right direction toward health Scotts Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with phites can do just this It strengthens the nerves feeds famished tissues and makes rich blood SCOTT Ctmlui Toronto latter elected by ft large major- active members 2692 Considerable feeling was J with 2077 mem- This finished afternoon 1 J nmtot B ftew England Societies have pledged G30 for missions this year Our J softies increasing in numbers Notwithstanding the wet and die- enthusiasm and the spirit of sacrifice agreeably weather church whs colors were to doors local societies whito ribbon with pendant of Christian Endeavor being well rep- j Report referred to Com resented After an inspiring T Service led by Rev V Strickland Interdenominational Fellowship asRisted by the choir and Mr subject of a very earnest Dayton Ohio with his cornet the evening was devoted to Endeavor Ho considered it the great- deepest sweetest and broadest ever been created The President Rev Powers ing itg I Christ love was pictured through par ental love and is liberal to all man kind Attention was directed to the scope of characteristic traits in the Saviours disciples We cannot all see alike but one thing which the world is university agreed upon and that is that low is the strongest power in the kingdom Christ Let us bo willing to concede to other brethren to bo as as near right as ourselves Dont give up prjnciple but move your love If there is not a in your work with some other chrrch If we all did this wo would meet a strong argument against all infidelity Ex ercise Christian charity He wanted j a religion tbat is so broad and so deep that all denominations will be in spirit a united body for Christ We are branches of the same great Vine Christian character not creed should be the test of fellowship When we get so much of the love of God in our hearts that we drive creed out then we have an abundance of love and charity for all our brethren Versalles Ohio gave an admirable address on Junior Work He said this is the greatest question that agitates the christian world today A child is a typical of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ recalled by several bib lical illustrations When parents be come as anxious about the spirit of their children they do the mind there will not be so many boys and girls go astray never was such interest in the children as at the present time because people be ginning to see that the quickest and most way to prepare them for the Masters Vineyard is through Junior Endeavor Work It requires tact and sacrifice and being new work there are no books and papers to guide us but we find a few willing to engage in it The quickest way to save the world is to save the children Children can understand early in life all that there is in religion faith and love Wo all know that there was a groat deal of in our own lives and how thankful we would have FRIDAY The session was given to Foreign Missions- Mrs J Weston of New York presiding She said It is now yean since our Board was or ganized on a steamboat excursion down tho harbor of New Bedford Mass Our Treasurers report will show what we have done financially within that time Sisters what shall next four years be to us Here wo are made to feel as wo have never felt before tho friendly touch of our Canadian They are a good part and wo of the United States should partake of their inspiration May God help us to be wine in coun cil zealous in- effort consecrated in heart and successful in achievement Treasurers report of Mrs J Bachelor was read by her husband she being absent in south for her health Field Secretary Miss Orpha Atkin son presented her report Mrs Stone of Oshawa the newness of the mission movement of the Board giving a few points as to what has been done in the lately established places of mission work should be more for strengthening work of this de partment Mrs J Barrett of Virginia said the people should go home with new energy for the work of missions and give it more room in their churches Dr tho returned mission ary from Japan with maps explained the place of his work and gave many interesting facts in regard to the cus toms of the Japanese He gave ex tended accounts of his work in the city of Tokio and mentioned the build ing of a beautiful church in that city He spoke of the great increase of con verts and native workers The remainder of the afternoon was devoted to Home Missions Rev J Bishop Secretary presenting a volu minous report The Convention then listened to a native of Armenia Alexanian speaking in repaid to the work in P Fletcher of Who deliyered words of greeting to Endeavor delegates He referred to the organization of the movement and said that while the was born in the Congregational Society it was in fact born in the Christian church for from the first our principles have been in the spirit of the namely all are brethren and coworkers in the church without sectarianism He spoke of his connection with the So ciety in the Presbyterian Church in Newmarket before one was formed in his own denomination the spirit that pervaded and the strength received There is nothing calculated to per petuate the work that our fathers be gan equal to the movement Its gives better methods than we had before though we must not place too much on organization The spirit of Endeavor gives more stability to young people inspires more manliness and is giving to the church and Christianity the best of their lives Rev P A Canada exSecretary of E Department was called up on to present a report of the work during past four years In doing so he hoped that the exorcises of the evening would create a wave of en thusiasm that would be carried by primary should have separate rooms fitted with picture rolls sand maps and other equipments necessary for holding interest of thechildren He then gave an eloquent summing up of methods to bo used in the coming Sunday School of modern times Rev M Morrill of Rhode Island crave a paper on the S8 Dept in the Herald its contents and suggesting changes He thought the helps should be as adequate as pos sible the applications whittled to a point something to set thinking Every teacher should have a general hisviry and good dictionary independ ent of any helps on distinct lessons The question he was anxious to solve was What aim can the Herald best serve and for what do we most need a He thought it- should start off with the Daily Bible Read for lessons then new method of teaching ways of wording with class hints to officers add teachers on school management inspiring news fromour schools and general in- formation Ho thought such a pro gram would help the schools at large better than occupying the space with an extended commentary on each lea son The paper was on motion re ferred to the Trustees of the Herald for consideration School Supplies and their import- was the subject of a paper and address by Rev Jones of Akron He said his motto was Stick tight to the the youngest brightest and most helpful of our enterprises Their Godgiven mission is established but he reepqnized that they continue be uptodate He wants the Quarterly have a re view as well as The good of the Little Teacher can hardly be estimated but an Intermediate was re quired The paper was referred to Committee on Communications A resolution was adopted making a more rigid investigation on the question of character in receiving minutes from other denominations A resolution was referred to the Home Mission Com asking that the that country He followed by General Secretary Rev J F fiur ELDER OF ExPresident Ontario Christian Con attending Quad Convention FRIDAY MORNING Session opened with devotional ex ercises including singing by Prof Strickland and choir and prayer by Dr Weeks of New England Conference Rev Holmes of Michigan gave an interesting and instructive address on The Reformation of the Nine teenth Century The subject was handled with ease and force and was well received The election of Editor of Herald of Liberty resulted in Dr Sum- raerhell of Dayton Ohio being chosen the other candidates withdrawing from the contest after a lengthy discussion Dr Watson of New York was elected editor of Sunday School Literature without opposition In tlo election of Trustees for the Board of Christian Publishing Assn seven candidates were nominated The four successful candidates neces sary to complete the Board were Lawrence of Illinois Rimer of Ohio M Helfinsteine of Iowa and T Ohio 0 Adams of Ohio was elected Treasurer of by a unanimous vote The reception of Fraternal Delegates then took place Dr Ball of Kenkoe College in words of greeting heartily endorsed the christian spirit manifested the Christian denomin ation being bound together in hearts of love and unity He very en couraging of the work accomplished in the Conference which he represented Rev Byron Long representing tho National Council of Congregationalism followed in an address which was well received The Secretary was instructed to send letters of response to the various Fraternal Societies Dr the elected editor of Herald of Liberty requested the Board of Control for an extended vacation for at least four months for the purpose of visiting the different centres in connection with his field of labor Tho request was referred to the Board Time was extended to the A in order to complete election after some discussion session ad journed Mr of Troy a native of Armenian Mr then sang a song in Armenian The report of the Recording Secre tary with a voluminous statistical report was then presented also a report of the organizer Rev J Rhodes FRIDAY EVENING Session opened at when the Christian Church was aain packed to its utmost capacity Prof Strickland led a massed choir rendering appropri ate Rev Dr Morrill led in prayer The program was devoted to Sunday School work Rev A Tillinghast Secretary gave his report referring to the difficulties which have hindered and will appear and with which many are only too familiar He followed with important topics such as Organizing Sunday School Departments in our Conferences also Home Departments sustaining teachers meetings conventions etc One very encouraging feature is the conversions reported Nearly every Conference having more or less the highest being showing that faith ful practical work has been done in our schools as well as their import ance to the church He followed with a financial statement RECEIPTS Balance from former Secy col for From Lucilla Treadwell Total EXPENDITURE The American Christian for July I For stationery literature etc Total expenditure Balance in Treasury The Secretary urged that special effort be made to develop and sustain the good work that has been accom plished in this branch of the Conven tion Rev Morrow of Vermont gave an address on Modern Meth ods He spoke of responsibility of training boys and girls who aro to become citizens and the need of care ful teaching Schools should be grad ed as follows Up to years of age in Kindergarten Primary ii Junior ii Intermediate Senior Older than in Adult instructed to give his whole time to organization and work of new fields as well as to encourage and assist weak churches The Committee on Communications recommended the appointment of a representative in the National of Direction in the AntiSaloon League and delegates to the Conven tion to be held in Cleveland Ohio on Dec They Welcomed with gladness Bros Ball Smith and Byron Long as messengers from the different denominations which they represent and hail with joy the increasing signs of a growing fraternity among Gods people and they recommend that the President name messengers to attend the Free Baptist Association and other represented in like manner to this Convention Also that Rev J D of Deframc College Ohio be recognized as a minister among us by having bis name enroll ed in the Quadrennial Book Report adopted Rev Warbinton of town Indiana presented the following memorial To His Nicholas the Cm of all the Russians The members of the Christian nation of the United and Canada in general Conference assembled New- market Rive Almighty for grace which given to- yon moving you to propose the gradual a of the great military powers of the world We are few your Majesty and far away hot oar hearts go oat to for this great act of wisdom and pray that Gods may abide upon you crown- log efforts with success At grandfather won op himself immortal honor by the liberation of the serfs so may name be crowned with light in the records of the ages as leader of the nations into the ways of peace To His President The members of the Christian nation of the United States and Canada assembled Newmarket with Iheir neighbors and friends In general Confer- assembled having read the request of the Emperor of for a Conference of the Nations to consider the gradual dis armament of the military powers most re spectfully express their hope and expecta tion that the Government of the United States will do everything within its power to farther this most christian undertaking and to hasten the day when nations shall know war no Dr J Weston of tho Biblical Institute Stan ford ville made a vigorous speech in support of Continued oh Page Five

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