I THE NEWMARKET Weeks Iioeal Hews WHAT IB OH EN Quarantine Reined The of notified Lloyd Veterinary Inspector to raise ibo on the farm of Mr Mark Tp of King The placed there about mouths ego account the death of pigs Club On Tuesday next at the rosldonoe of Mr J E Ave Club will lo reorganize for the fall and winter Any one doslrous of spending en boor in the study of Tennyson will cordial tor are and The Lotus Eaters Bring In Your Newmarket has had the reputation of the beat grain mar Wei north of To ronto lot The reputation will be folly sustained season Mr J of Toronto having arranged for a new buyer to represent him bore Lively opposition la a good thing tor the farmers and will more trade to New market Stray Obit took cbsrgs of a stray on Ave Wednesday morn ton that bad evidently been all night It had freed Itself from the hot waa entangled with the The rig be longed to a prominent resident of East Cheese Board mot at Elm- vale on the intt when boxes of wore offer Throe buyers wore and freely bid hot Hillsdale sold at oboow were not New market factory did not pot any choose on Hoard Next mooting at llarrio on Next Week visited tho and a abort held therein by them They Were greatly interested the buildings the roiuceof many of them we will pub lish an historical of tbo Children of week by a photo of Temple requiring extra their order at the office before noon on Monday We should be glad any information possessed by our that baa boon previously published after Form Produce Conaidoring tho roads after nearly a week of rain the market laat Saturday was a good one Butter freely at and Eggs at per hot nearly all were picked up quick at and a pair live chickens to Dressed ducks and as high at per pair live and geoso Co per lb Live turkeys lb Apples from to barrel Potatoes to per bag Ripe tomatoes per basket each Onions a ban by the took Lamb by quar ter and The near relatives and moot intimate friends of the contracting parties to the bomber of about fifty assembled at the re sidence of John A Esq County Augusta Ave Toronto Wed nesday last lo witness of his eldest daughter Nellie to youngest eon of Richard Esq of the Township of East Mr Mania Rowan brother of groom acted as beat man aud of the bride was of Honor The marriage was by the Rev David Terry pastor of the Fire Baptist Church Que at oclock noon alter the party eat down to a wedding breakfast proyided by Ramadan Lloyd caterers Among other who were present from beyond borders were Millie Dunning of Lincoln Nob and Mies of Mt Mich The bride wore a beautiful travelling dress of cadet Woe broadcloth and the ladies carried shower bouqoeta of cream sod carnation and maidens hair feme The and cosily presents testi fied to the popularity of the young couple among their friends and when they left on afternoon train for an extended trip through the domain of Uncle it was amidst a of rioe and good wishes A That boaatUol rcsidoooe erootod a couple of ago by Mr modern design and In every par ticular la to bo by at oclock to morrow morning This is a most doairablo rceideooe and a view of the land scape east of the Town Boo aod advertisement Police Court On Monday last TJ E and judgment in the assault cafe of Tuesday proviooa If from the the cloao of the fair that night the inform ant who had already boon for the part he played in ecrap was brought to a abort stop unexpectedly by defendant who to quiet hie pugtliatlo propensities Have bim a blow over the left that act- tied him Defendant aimed that what ho did dooe selfdefence and to pre serve the peace by further dis turbance but Magistrates thought that the force applied by defendant wao greater then circumstances warranted and fur ther that the law only interference after a breach of peace has boon muted and not of entertaining a notion that a breach may end fl musical Note the American Christian Conven tion in our Town the past week wbioh by at least delegates aod visitors from the States from 76 io 100 from different of Ontario sing ing was under of Roy V Btrioklaod of His man ner of conducting was highly appreciated enjoyed by all The book used the White Wings Revised of which be is the author Several hundred were sold which was a aoknow lodgement of its excellence and worth Roy gentleman is author of quite a number of books whioh reach ed a wide Aboot Americana left for borne on Monday evening but the bulk left on Tues day morning They themselves as highly delighted with Canada and its people The farming alto gether a surprise they had no idea that the landscape wan so beautiful the fences bo well kept up the of stone piles and the Bubetantial and comfortable farm houses While waiting for the train at the depot Tassday morning they and had nothing words of for Newmarket and viotnity The Americana a whole were delight ed with the enterprise of soob a small Town The electric light and domestic water services exceeded all expectations Not less than three couples from the States made the Convention a partof bridal Over 100 Americana vieited the Sharon Temple on Monday and bought nearly all the remaining oops and formerly at the feasts to carry home as ft market Depot The shipments past follows Soara of cars lumber oar bolts oar fruit merchandise week are aa grain oars woodenware oar merchandise marsh hay The Large last Sunday No leas than five American ministers took part in the servio- sermon by Dr A Morrill Island on Tho faultless Christ The In the by Or Morrow of Vermont on Christian a beautiful one and greatly appreciat Itself The Eat received many compliments from American visitors They wore com pletely surprised to find snob a good paper in a small Town They showed their appreciation by giving orders for of Issue Presbyterian Everybody delighted last Sunday with the furnished by the Christian Convention Dr A- Long of Yellow Ohio in the morning and Dr of Covington Ohio in the evening The denomination some brilliant men from the States Solvation Army Rev William Allen preached at Salvation Army barracks Son- day afternoon Rev Mr Howell color ed in the Both gentlemen rep relented the College at the American Convention The sing ing of colored one of the leadiog feature of the SHAKERS Tremendous purchase of Flannelettes Bargains for Everybody Flannelettes at per yard inch Flannelette regular for 5c inch Flannelette do for 6 REMEMB inch Flannelette dark patterns do for 8 all these goods really measure inches wide Regular Bargains Reinforced Corsets Best Scotch Fingering Wool per lb cents Baldwins Beehive Yarn per Ladies Wool long sleeves 25c Lawn hemstitched Mens Wool Socks 10c We keep the best assortment in this district with all the new Broche and Shot Silks to Match I DRESS GOODS W evening verv pleasant surpriia best Cakes are always made class in Christian Bonday School call ed at her residence and presented her with a Breakfast and Cheese Dish as tokens of their esteem and good will They ell remained to tea and spent a joyous evening A BRUNTON CORNER STORE with Bruntons Baking Powder MODEL SCHOOL Cost The Statistical Year Book of Canada for by Mr Johnson issued by the Department of Agriculture Ottawa has something of interest to Canadians on almost every page Here is aomething mat will be information to a ood many people and especially to the youthful readers of Bus In Ontario the average annual per pupil on the total attendance at our public school a is and on the average attendance 91629 In Roman Separate the average an nual cost per pupil the total is and average 31 In the High Bohoola of this Province the annual coat per pupil on the total and on average is If our at Public Separate High will famish with the figures on total attendance aver- age attendance and oost of running these respective institutions we shall be able to complete the relative cost per pnpil hare as compared to the whole Province Big Improvement Work was on Wednesday tearing down the stable at the Booth side of the Royal Hotel yard On morniog weather permitting work will at teariog down preaect barn Tbe yard room is to be doubled for accommodation of farmers driving into town A new large barn will be built at the rear of the premises and facing on Lot street It will be fitted op with all modern conveoieoces and when the provementa are the will have one of the beet yarde north of SEASONABLE GOODS Gospel Temperance TbeTowo flail packed last Sunday afternoon His Worship Mayor Cane oc cupied Prof Strickland of In diana took charge of the singing Emily K Bishop representing the of Dayton Ohio gave the first address The matter was very good but being read from manuscript lost its effect Rev A Tompkins of Elkhart Indiana another lady then followed she spoke with much interest and enthusiasm in true American atyle waa followed by Rev T J New Jersey a most ex cellent speaker but time waa too limited Another attractive feature of meeting was siaging of the colored quartette from Sooth Carolina Our Stock is now most complete in Fall and Winter wear We never had such a fine stock for you to choose from Men and Boys Suits and Overcoats Boots and Shoes Gents Furnishings Hats and Caps Fresh Groceries In these lines we are the leaders Our stock of Clothing and Boots and Shoes is the largest and cheapest in the County DAVISON CO Fine Grocers Large morn- log and evening and excellent music In the Roy MoWblnney of Ohio preached a vary and practical sermon from the tax is at Ho ald that years ago ha preached in Newmarket and text God la Love ndnow pro- the lime he the same of peace and good will There are two level up Christianity and death The religion ha had to bring matter of choice but abiding and universal in Lbs nature He preached for almost an hour and to with undivided attention In evening the Long President College North Carolina and a effort The waa The Unseen la greater than Been and by logical well arranged points were ably illus trated Warrinar Phillips also American visitors assisted In service The addressee of Reva Ellas Jones of Akron Allen of N two American visitors at the Bun- day School were appreciated Next Sunday is Missionary Day and Rev Sutherland of Toronto one of tbe In Canada has consented to be present and deliver the cennon mow ing and evening It hoped that the church will be to the doors An adjourned meeting of the Quarterly Board takes place in Parlor North Contention A week from next Tuesday and day annual Convention of the North York Sabbath School Association wilt take place in Methodist at Bradford A most program has been prepared and should reach every school in the Biding for distribution next Sunday It is hoped that at least one or two delegates will be appointed at onoeand names forwarded on the proper blank with in time in order that the BU Committee may have no trouble to provide proper accommodation and satis factory distribution President of eaoh Associ ation will report state of the work in their individual territories Papers will be given by Mr P Pearson Aurora Amos Aurora and Mr Leh man of Newmarket of Albert will take charge of study of Lesson for following Sunday Miss I of Newmarket Primary School will give a practical demonstration of how to a Primary Glass Mr of Holt will report the yen lion The evening meetings particularly interesting to general pub lic On Tuesday evening of Toronto Secretary of Toronto Metho dist Conference will give an address on the topic The relation of the to Questions Mr Rows is ft brilliant orator and an argumentative speaker He was In Oshawa not long ago delivering a lecture and Vindicator says Tradi tion has It that when ft school teacher Mr was able to fold arms across bis breast and looked an athlete He has ex panded somewhat for it la noticed that now he Is able to reach across the same terri tory and comfortably clasp his fingers He ft forceful speaker with a tact for say ing what be means In a clear way that is in no way offensive He dealt entirely with principles and appeals to ft mans sense of what is right ftnd wrong ftssaitfngany olass of society On Wednesday evening P Park Pastor of the First aye Baptist Church Toronto will give an address on the sub ject The of Personality Mr Parker has the reputation of being the best platform speaker of the Baptist de nomination in Ontario and a rare treat is In sfive for the people of Bradford delegates In attendance NEWMARKET HIGH SCHOOL Deception A week Saturday a man had a load of potatoes on the Market which he offered at ft bag A lady asked to see a sample being some goodsized potatoes she said if that is what they are like she would take nine bags When the potatoes were delivered they were found to contain a great many small ones Infor mation was laid that potatoes were not up to sample and rather than faoe the the farmer paid the coats and took potatoes back Wedding Bells Mount Albert gave one of her fairest daughters to a happy man from Newmar ket on Taeday when Mr Henry No Her and Miss Annie Anderson were united in marriage In the afternoon Toebeaotlfol home of the bride was throng ed with merry wellwishers and many andpretty evidences will remind the ppy couple that their home has the ft host of friends but beyond the present Mr and have of a sentiment kindled by their genial lives which wishes them a happy future by all who know them Mies Sara of Port Huron Mich was brides maid and Miss Nettie Miller wss of honor Pretty white rosea made the ladies a of delight Our popular physician Dr Hot gave Mr well deserved assistance while BA of Albert preformed the impressive ceremony After ft sumptuous tea speeches were made by Parson Mr Dr Hull Mr Long Mr John Moore and others in giving and responding to the many toasts on the oc casion The happy left on the evening train for Detroit to spend the honeymoon and on the return trip will stop off- at St Thomas Woodstock They will reach home about the end of next week will start housekeeping on the weal end of Water at Mr is one of the most popular clerks in town and everybody will wish the groom and bride long life and prosperity Another Knot A pretty wedding took place at resi dence of Mr and Mrs Charles of Pine Orchard Wednesday Oct in which two very popoler young people were the parties Miss Pheobe and Mr of New market The bride who entered the room escorted by father prettily in a cream cashmere gown trimmed with lace and ribbon Mies who was also beautifully dressed in was brides maid Mr Frank brother of the bride anted groomsman ceremony was performed by the A Terry The happy couple were recipients of many valuable and useful presents After the ceremony about relatives and friends repaired to handsomely decorated din where of a bountiful repast Mr took evening south showers of rice The bride was a travelling of heather club The adds its Mr Graham got a splendid photo of the American Christian Convention and a good many orders were taken Many visitora visited York County Industrial Home during their stay here and were and delighted with neatness and accommodation of the Home Inside out as well as the grounds Natures present indicates that fall season really here Fall wheat and pastures are in splendid condition On account of the wet weather berg fair was postponed till next Mon day the oatdoor part An way to keep money in cir culation Is to pay your debts A great many visited the Cemetery last Sunday and Americans with the location well as the general care and monumental beauty As a rule farmers are in better condi tion fall than for a dozen years Our merchants had a big sals of um brellas last week The Americans carried off about a hundred Pickling Season We ate prepared to meet the trade with a clean and new Btook of Vinegars Our White Wine Vinegar at Galllon Is the very beat possesses that strength and necessary for pickling Pickling Cider Vinegar at With extra strength and a nice flavor makes it desirable for table use Home Cider Vinegar at 30c It is pure and procured from farmers only preparation of Catsup Chili Sauces and all Mayonnaise requires in the selecting necessary materials of the quality desired for uniform ity of strength purity and freshness are indespensible Our Spices are Strictly Pure Fresh WE RECOMMEND THE TRADE to Best Cinnamon It gives best results We claim to have and stands the test something special in Whole Mixed Pickling Spice We sell only Keens Mustard It is the Best Ground Tumeric Powder Curry Powder Mace Cayenne Pepper DAVISON CO Main Street Newmarket Wood for A quantity of mixed soft wood A Newmarket A few sale ester tow Rates for A Beautiful Home forsale for Bale by Auction on lace on There was no business transacted at regular meeting of the Town last Monday evening for of ft quorum Nearly all the new books at the Library are in circulation The selection evidently pleases the members Five more candidates will join the A O next Monday night The Christian Association are preseotlog all those who entertained with ft the Christian and the of Dp Opposite Robertsons Bakery Open everyday Painless There will be offer Saturday of at oclock a that very desirable pro perty know as the rtfeldence of situated on Main house la now and built In very best manner well and has convenience with good large cellar parlor sTttlngroom bedrooms furnace bathroom pantry For further Information see large posters or on the premises Box Newmarket Leading H Stoves and Tinware A LARGE WELL AS- SORTED OP TOGETHER WITH A SPLENDID VARIETY OF The Undersigned HEAVY Weighing from must Bound and Will be WANTED be prepared to purchase MS lbs These horses Right In to years old following places Hotel Kldg City Monday October IT Hotel till 3 oclock Kings Hotel Georgia Hotel Royal Hotel Tuesday October IB after Tuesday Oct after oclock till HARDWARE PAINTS OILS ETC YOUR CUSTOM SOLICITED I I All kinds Those in- Eavetroughing ft specialty of TinwatB made to order trusting us with their orders sure of workmanship Es timates given on contract work Oct till oclock Saturday Oct J A W ALLAN CO NEWMARKET to Hire y A Montreal