Newmarket Era , October 21, 1898, p. 5

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4 THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY OCT at 898 ONTARIO BANE CAPITAL cockbtjon Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits AT CQBBXKT BATES DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL Sterling nod Draft and promptly ttUtnilcd lo HOBS Manager MEDICAL- r rf Campbell at a a v Office at opposite Christian lu hi to 3 end to pm u a Drugstore lo and to p a- Night at door South Post to lo3aDd8to8pnl J Wesley Burgeon and Coronw Main North 4 Communication Joseph R Cody roll also at heel for to A In on Saturdays J R fiastedo Agont for Fire tad Lire to At Post Hon market He Queen Victoria AGENT I flasaponcte Co AT LOWEST fl Ramsay Fire Insuranoe Agent Low Bates on Farm and Isolated Town -1- HodKesWn Shop PAINTING The leading years experience In all or the tie latest in door North of the Primary Street r Bolton Practical Painter PaperHanger sad Corner lAne and LICENSES T Issuer of MARRIAGE- LICENSES At the Newmarket Papers Issued at private If desired 9 Money to Loan At Five per cent on Firstclass Farm Security by David bloyds for taking Real ps- tte Agent ttyicr Wsrrlage 1 j Agent for the following Queen of London route Office Corner of Msl and wmarkftt PRIVATE SCHOOL French and Music receiving primary here Continued from Page resolutions Ho hoped that they would not bo considered as more form ality citizens United States and Canada wo are grateful for movement and far its con summation Ho moved for thoir adop tion An amendment was proposed that inasmuch as this was an International Convention assembled under the pro tection of the British flag that a tike Memorial to latter be sent to the QUEEN OF The amendment carried by a stand ing was followed by sieging America and God the Queen A resolution was proposed that a Help bo supplied by our own publish ing house the Little Teacher and Quarterly and it was passed to the B Com Elder Rhodes announced that a of Japanese curios had arrived and was on exhibition in SS room Among them wore three idols donated as follows One to the Endeav or of Newmarket Christian one to Endeavor of this denomina tion raising the largest amount for Foreign MiEsionp and one to the Can adian Endeavor raising tho largest amount for Foreign Missions Convention adjourned at am SATURDAY President in the chair After open ing devotions the Educational De partments of which Dr Martin Sutnmerbell is the Secretary was the order of the day The program con sisted principally of five minute speech es by the various of the of fche Colleges The opening address was given by Dr J Union Christian College of lnd The importanoa of developing to an in tellectual standard and that man must educate himself to grasp the grand of modern tunes was dwelt upon Dr president College followed He spoke regard ing the of the College in edu cation Ministerial students together with those of other departments Dr president of the Palmer College of Iowa spoke of the great changes that had taken place during the past four years in the management of that institution great need of financial aid and the antici pated as to the co operation of the people in the imme diate future J J editor of the some remarks in interest of Kansas Christian College Dr A Jonea spoke on behalf of the College of the high standard which had been achieved in that Seminary in turning out graduates equal to that of any other in J Weston president of the Christian Biblical Institute represent ed that institution The students are trained in the work of the ministry- with much efficiency this being the leading institute of the denomination While not rich as tar as finances are concerned they are rich in the spiri tual requirements The Christian Correspondence Col lege interests was represented by Dr he being one of the movers in the College The report of Department of Edu cation was then read showing thai there are nine institutions more or less affiliated with the Christian church one a seminary another a school for theological instruction con ducted by the other schools in he department- of- ark some working in the college and a preparatory department and others confining themselves more exclusively with preparatory studies These schools employ a total of fifty- nine professors and eleven tutors a valuation in lands and buildings of and have beside a solid endowment of 6518C8 not to mention some in of the children of arc un der her tutelage educationally And a large portion of these are preparing for ministry as young persons in 189b announce such to bo their intention Papon wore given on Educational subjects Dr M presented the first on the Qualifica tion of our earlier ministry An on CoEducation in practice and outlook by president J followed logi cal and practical giving evidence that his grasp on the subject was broad and comprehensive subject given to E Editor of the Christian Sun was that of the Education of the Missionary but he being absent Rejv J P Burn ett of filled the vacancy with a a choice address The next paper presented was on Educational prospect in Canada by Prof J Dales Kington Ont He said prospects born of actual conditions and fashioned by and methods The purpose therefore of the present paper will be briefly to the salient character istics of Educational system of Ontario and of our Conference leav ing those present to conclude as to both possibilities and Ontario Bystem combines What with us proven to be many of the best pedagogical principles in the educational administration of many centuries Our credit account reads as follows We borrowed from Germany Kindergarten and Normal Schools from Massachusetts the principle of local taxation from Ire land the first series of readers from Scotland the principle of Cooperation between teachers and parents j from New York State local machinery The speaker in concluding said We have far greater hopes for the future to build and equip bible schools and make it a centre from which shall radiate uplifting and invigorating in fluences yet for the present we are building as best know and feel grateful to our Heavenly Father for His past and present blessings upon our humble gifts SATURDAY Session opened with song and praise service Womens Home Mission Work was then taken up Mrs Bishop of Dayton Ohio president gave the opening address An inter change opinions broadens the out look and prompts to renewed action Our aim has been to stir the hearts of the church to give systematically for Missions We dollars for our selves and a few cents for ths Lord She urged her sisters to pray and work earnestly and continuously for the of organization The field is ripe for harvest and we must put our hands to the sickle and help to gather the golden grain into His harvest The ruin of children and young men and young women in our great cities is awful to The future the country depends up on the saving of the young Every the church ought to enlist heartily in the colossal task The great importance of concentrating the attention of the children upon the work that is being done by the Home Mission Board was emphasized upon them in a large measure will depend the future of the church Miss Orpha Atkinson the corre sponding secretary followed giving a bright look at the work accomplished in the home field She stated that she had written to the majority of the Conferences east west north and south that she might learn the posi tions of the work of Home Missions A majority of them in the middle have Homo Mission Boards The Boards in the east were organized previous to the organization of the of the ACC and that work is not yet so adopt- on8 1st tins to our counties It la mainly office- work conducted at home straight a year h5 no no Enclose envelope Herbert Frost Chicago as in the Boards of recent organi zation Those Boards wo find are adopting of cooperation and education with varying degrees of pastors and churches can be brought to the standard Mrs Treasurer of the Board presented her quadren nial report Of the Conference incur denomination only 13 report The Miami Ohio Conference at the head of tho list having given The Iowa cornea next In diana next The total from all Conferences Donations amounting to had been received from member ship dues and lucal making a of Tho expunges of Hoard meetings were and for of was the cost of Hemline organize in the field and were Kent the Mission At this juncture the Convention adjourned for minute and were photographed by our local artist Mr Graham John Ijewihlmrg Pa Treasurer Hoard of Franklin Christian College presented the claims of the college of the condition financially the education faculty and work among the colore people He strongly ured assistance At the suggestion of l A Antiouh Ohio a response offering was taken amounting to 5547 The enthusiasm was largely created by the singing and speeches of three gradu ates of the College EVENING Praise service for a short time President in the chair The audit committee of Correspon dence reported a balance of on hand and everything satis factory Dr Barrett of Norfolk Virginia gave a historical account of the cane which the President of the Conven tion held in his hand during its pro ceedings A number of men met at Virginia on the of Aug when one by the name of moved that henceforth they would wear the name Christian Eight years ago at a Convention at Marion Indiana this was presented by Dr Barrett to the President It is simply a piece of pine taken from the sill of the very building in which raised his voice at the very beginning of Christian denomina tion After a solo by Prof Strickland Dr Barrett gave the address of the evening being an earnest and eloquent appeal to tho church on behalf of the heathen world He descriled a rock from a wrong standpoint in contrast with the same rock looked in an other light and in its application to the heathen world showed that though the land was dark and it might become a source of great and lasting joy in the midst of perishing people for whom Christ shed his blood This he considered the need which presses upon the christian world and it was fully demonstrated by a large chart The color of the heathen world was black and he called attention to Mex ico lying at our doors and South America though lined by a border of Roman yet the whole con tinent was almost a solid mass of heathenism Africa crowded with human beings living in the deepest degradation and darkness and though that section was painted white to indicate Christianity only 1 in has accepted faith Then the are absolutely worse than heathemsmjaa they think doing service if they murder who do not agree with them Russia is absolutely closed to the gospel as we understand it even Dr on his visit to that country would not be permitted to preach IndmChinaapJBurcaa are with heathens The outer parts Aus tralia only are chriatlanired The world in darkness and what are you going to do about iff There are also islands of the sea with a population of fifty or sixty millions in gross darkness He con it a burning shame that a de nomination of people with all the light of Christianity and comfort able homes only supported one mission in Japan while China with its people were largely in dark ness and nobody helping them When we get in earnest God provides the means and the proceeded to notice specially- Gods call to the church The heathen are dying at the rate of day and the church is in the hip of luxury Shall we go another four years and have only one little foreign mission we who claim to take nothing but the bible for our guide What are too doing to save the world n OUR eloquent address was followed by the selling of an Autograph Quilt and a Crib Coverlet made by the ladies of the Missionary Society and intended to present to their mission ary at Japan He hod written that people would not know what to do with them and preferred to have their value in money The two articles were sold for nearly the quilt being presented to Mr op Missionary of Dayton I Ohio and the coverlet to Mrs Chid- ley wife of the pastor of Newmarket Christian Church The quilts includ ing the autographs realized about An overflow meeting was held in the School on Saturday at which three colored brethren South Carolina gave addresses and songs C 1 of Michigan chair man of the Committee on Condolence read an affecting report riving the of 140 minister of the nation who had died during the four years Many of the names were as as familiar household words and re ference thereto was in a most touching manner There lacing a great many visitor at the Sunday School the whole teach- work it- not ing time was given up to addresses which were interesting and enjoyed by all J P Watson alitor of the Literature which is used by the school made a good impression and the children were delighted to get acquainted with him SOOTH END BREAD IS GIVING GREAT SATISFACTION Sales Increasing Daily TRY OUR CAKE AND PASTRY You will want no other Wedding Cakes a Specialty Coupons for all Cash Purchasers Ask lor them BOGART oh Inf The i- un- f it t build in- use it- The I mill have and we an- In France it ilhjul to capture at night f iitohfc gave majority in of Elder a returned mission- from from Japan told many interest ing things about oriental life and ex hibited a pair of chopsticks Prof Strickland author of of the music used in the received an introduction and gave a Eld who organized the in this place gave a very pleasing reminiscence men He then with an Howard Gould son of Jay Gould duction to the Lord About has pad for an wife persons partook of which is much as l he millionaires carried to them by four of the daughters pay for princely husbands youngest pastors among the delegate i v Ohio New York Canada ami Improvement New I pimple The jyil and taking Hood typical of the the happy when they shall see the face of their Lord For Infanta and Children If A very large congregation gathered in the church at arn Owing to the of Dr Warren Hathaway the sermon was preached by Rev Dr President Seminary on The Lordship of Jesus the text being Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesun Christ is to the glory of God the Father Here we read the strange forecast that the humiliation of Jesus was to lead to His glory and that all inhabitants of all worlds are to confess majesty When spoken such a vision seemed an idle dream All power the wealth the culture of the world were arrayed against the and yet Paul speaks as calmly of the victory of the faith as if it were already accomplished We today observe that the word has been in a large degree fulfilled This true in the speedy conquest of the Roman world the emperor in the fourth century replacing the eagles of the legions with the cross so that al ready the world dominated by Rome was bowing at the name Christ So also the land of barbarism heard the preaching of the cross and the vast of migrating nations from the shores the which swept over the cities of the Mediterranean basin was barbaric in speech but christian in faith Then too the religion of Jesus has captured and still holds the citadels of civilization and through the scepter of extending dominions is ruling the peoples of the dark lands and bring ing them into conformity with chris tian ways The power that England has upon India and America is gain ing upon the islands of the sea means much in the broadening of christian opportunity and the eye that does not see in this the Providence of God blinded by prejudice Or the waning of vital forces and so a So there much in the conquest of the mind of heathendom by the spread of christian ideas such as the spiritual nature of God the majesty of Jesus and the obligations of christian man hood Christ now owns the earth and is to own it in still larger possession when all that hear his voice shall own him Lord of all At Rev J B Weston President of the Christian Biblical In stitute at preach ed from the text On thisrock I will build my church The aged preacher and beloved teacher of or 100 of young minis ters present was listened to intently by a crowded audience His main purpose was to define the scriptural basis for the unity of the church He his text referred to the foundation of one church not churches one assembly one body a unified aggregation of people united in purpose and vitality To build the church he said was to build manhood to eject the unmanly to eliminate the impure to repent to renounce sin 2nd The building process is the gathering of living stones as was temple without hammer men are drawn together to fit each other The church was packed the ut termost capacity when Rev Dr Jones of Eddytown preached on Waste built up taken from f bat this roedi- cine short time I entirely it too highly it baa done me Matt North Street Hoods HI art the pills to take with 5c Isaiah He said it is to this spiritual the church of these earthly and prudential to which I desire to invite your prayerful attention and first of all let us consider The church the sub ject of Divine Love Care and Gov ernment The world has never been without a church and when there shall cease to be a church this will cease the world and do not lose sight of the that there is a brotherhood of man which is universal from and responsibilities which we should never eek to escape but while this is true and grandly true we must not forget that between the best Christ- less man and the weakest genuine be- there are eternal distinctions Between the servants of sin and the CENTRAL TAILOR SHOP Don be buying till you call that arrived at ibe Central Tailor which wont he outclass ed shape or form Have received our Pall Stock of ENGLISH and SCOTCH SERGES TWEEDS WORSTEDS and Or fill shades and patterns We can suit most fastidious tastes to quality and price P experience baa already taught l and while these conditions continue will separate them forever Gods love for His church is special infinite and unchangeable The Rev gentleman dealt with weight on the following topics The Church is presented as smitten impoverished and scattered because of sin How does the church relate herself to the great possible re forms of the day which are Home Missions Rescue Work and Temper ance What is the church doing to lift up the poor and neglected The world is slow to discover the vast dif ference between the spirit words and works of Jesus and the spirit and words and works of the church of to day and in order to accomplish this great need there must be a reunion of religion and Christianity Before the close of the service Elder Rhodes presented the idols sent over from Japan as follows one to the Endeavor Society of the Christian Church at Newmarket one to the En deavor at and the third to the Endeavor at Providence Rhode Island of everything we sell CaU and be convinced of the above facts Repairing a Specialty Jas R McLaughlin Staff Untold flttisen South American Jure Thwarted Disease and Him Outright Robert Gibson merchant Pem broke says that ten years ago he con tracted rheumatism of a very severe type suffered untold misery resorted to flyblisters and other severe treat ments with no lasting good or relief when hope of recovery was well nigh gone he was induced to try South Am erican Rheumatic Cure The first dose me instant relief half a bottle cured him outright His own words were It is the best rheu matic remedy on earth Bold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket Twelve detectives are employed on the Bank rob bery case at Winnipeg John a trucker at freightsheds at Owen Sound has fallen heir to left by Eng lish relatives A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS of th THROAT or LUNGS Large Bottles 25c DAVIS LAWRENCE CO Props of Perry Patent Machine For Bale or to Rent Contracts taken lor cutting wood the cord Newmarket FARMERS Now Is the tin caUldbUr FERTILIZER Pail Wheat while sowing ftQd better thaooq ground where not used En quire at obtain circular free Main market Cement kept In stock ST to a SO can do the work Wo want reliable In to us Gaunt lets and for th trade by a No required work good whole or spare Ulna Write Co 15 leader Lone Toronto ay or spare Address Co Leader Lane Toronto EXECUTORS Notice to Creditors pursuant to the creditors of To Cure a Gold in One Day Tablets All refund the it foils I to cure Notice hereby plve behalf Estate Seneca lite of Newmarket deceased who day July to Die their properly proven with the on day 1808- As Immediately the proceed to distribute tic wild Estate only toclalmao which notice been received by I LEHMAN Sot Executor I

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