Newmarket Era , November 18, 1898, p. 1

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I r 2 i NORTH AND ADVERTISER me the liberty to know to and t argue coDBOJence above all other liberty No paper outside of North York unless paid in Vol No Single Copies Gents Newmarket Ont Friday November I YOU THESE PEOPLE At least some of them They all use ihe Celebrated Terms per annum if paid in advance Day of Thanksgiving The First Celebration of that Glorious Time Gatherings Held Centuples Ago Grand Jewel Cook Stoves BOUGHT AT G A BIN IMS The general verdict is they are Excellent Bakers Good Heaters and small Wood Eaters Newmarket Mrs John Newmarket Irwin Sharon CharleB Caw Pino Orchard Richard Boyd Bbaron William MoCluro Newmarket Charles Haines Newmarket Michael Lemonviile James Cannon Aurora Wright Newmarket Mr Keswick John Rogers Newmarket Mr Frank Lundy Pine Orchard Industrial Homo Newmarket J Mills Mr Sharon David Hamilton Roachs Point I Wiiliam Roachs Point John E Morton Keswick Benjamin Sharon Buy a Grand Jewel and you will be happy For sale at G A Repairing Promptly Done B INNS NEWMARKET STORE QUEENSVILLE SPECIAL VALUE IN ALASKA SASKATCHEWAN YAK ROBES -010- In Flannels Flannelettes and Underclothing we showing Surprising Values In Boots and Shoes Rubbers and Sox we guarantee these Goods Our Stock of Groceries comprises the newest and freshest goods that can be procured All the above goods have been bought for Cash either from the Manufacturers or the Wholesale Agents thus assur ing the lowest prices g J DENTAL A I Post Office Block opposite the Church Vitalised Air Satisfaction Guaranteed J Aurora to the late Dr Robinsons late Street Aurora Dp p Dentist be at the office of Dr Porter Brad ford every Monday an Violin 5Mner and all String HBWABKBT If you are ill you need a doctor in whom you have confidence If you need a remedy you want that has been tested for years not an obscure un- tried thing that is urged upon you or on which you save a few cents that is no consid eration as against health For wasting in children or adults Scotts Emulsion of Codliver Oil with Hypo- phosphites has been the recognized remedy for twen tyfive years Day for many years was peculiarly a New England in stitution and oven at the present time observation means more there than in any other part of country It may almost he called the day of the year in New England it what in in old England a day f family reunions and family frusta The church bolls ring in the morning on Sunday and at Christmas and the people wend their way to the vioes return home afterwards and get ready their dinners or prepare for dinner elsewhere and grandma welcome all their children and grandchildren to their board some coming from just across the way and others perhaps from far distant homes For no matter how far he may wander the New feels it duty besides a pleasure to he at the old homo on this day more than any other day of the year and to eat his Thanksgiving dinner with the old And so from far and near on this day families are gathered together and in thousands of homes turkey and cranberry sauce and other Thanksgiving delicacies are eaten by kit and kin It is a day of family communion and rejoicings and real thanksgivings a day when un kind thought are put aside and each one tarns to his neighbor his brightest side But with all the rejoicing and feast ing and thanksgiving there are very few who stop to question why this day is observed in this way or in fact why it is at all and even of those who wonder there are not many who inquire But there must have been a beginning and a reason for the beginning and indeed there was but to find it we must go back more than two centuries and a half Thus of all holidays it is older than any but Christmas and New Years Day though the spirit which prompted its observance in the beginning was the spirit which descended to the men of 76 and gave us another holiday In dependence Day Thanksgiving Day is the annual festival of thanksgiving for the mercies of the closing year fixed by proclama tion of the President and the Govern ors of States and ranks as a legal holi day The earliest harvest thanksgiv ing in America was by the Pil grim Fathers of Plymouth in In the autumn of that year Governor Bradford sent out four men to gather game so that the whole colony might rejoice together after they had gathered the fruits of their labors The following year at the same season alter the abundant harvest was collect ed the assembled and as an old chronicle says solemnized a day of thanksgiving unto the Lord An other account says that and his chiefs were invited to participate in the rejoicings and that they re mained three days feasting on veni son The first recorded public Thanks giving appointed by authority how ever was proclaimed by the Governor of the Massachusetts Day Colony in and turned to a happy ending a drama which might have been a trage dy The new colony had only been a few months in the new world Bub little had been done in the way of planting crops and these had not turn ed out over well The people were mainly dependent for their provisions upon England but a long expected ship laden with supplies had not come and the winter was hard and a famine was threatened The food in hand became less and less as the people strained their eyes for the sail that did not appear The quantity of food allowed each person became smaller and smaller as day by day went by and the prospect became moat dismal Starvation stared the people in the face and their hopes at the low- est ebb when the from England laden with provisions was sighted en tering the harbor according to one tradition just as Governor was i- Itife at City BY A he News E Robinson who spent weeks in Dawson City is in town A News reporter asked for an interview and was told some of his experiences I was one of a party of twelve and we were a month getting there We took steamer to and footed it over the White Horse Pass The road itself was ai right but the smell from dead was something aw- came one every bun giving his last handful of com What rejoicing there were then although the Puritans too staid to indulge in the with which the mercunn French would have ex- j muted thoir delight under such 1 n Daw pod delight sucn Bennett and there bought a cow and got The of February had been City mat way pointed to be observed as a fast day Dawson is an awful place built on but the arrival of the ship the swamp and full of smells Governor issued a new proclamation are the chief feature of the landscape and the day instead was made a feast There are no drains because you cant day and a day of thanksgiving The j dig them The ground is frozen too people of the colony went to hard Typhoid fever was raging when Among tbe Soldiers in Alabama Camp Described by a Newmarket Boy to build cheap buildings for us for the winter I have a in my teat and am very comfortable although I nearly some nights before I South from the trip I bought the stove I got a coal oil aa well at living five dollars and it would heat coming here has been quite a treat as I have seen a great deal of the here a tent twice the size of mine good church as we go now only they listen ed to a much longer sermon and offer ed thanks to God for preserving them from starvation and then went home and feasted for the Puritans were sturdy men and loved the good things of the table even if their stern religion caused them to frown on the other good things of the world Though the Thanksgiving of is perhaps more than anything else a harvest festival yet as in this instr thanks have been offered tor other mercies and days of thanksgiv ing have been appointed from various causes It seems to have been here hospitals were full and men dying at the rate of three and i troubled with it and lay on my hack for six weeks The doctor charged 10 a visit and came to see me every day in the hut where our party camped out side the city and upon a bill When I got better I got out of the place and came back about the stories that you can bribe the officials They are quite true Outside the recorders office there is always a long line of men standing to get their turn If you dont want to wait you We are about a mile from with the and have camped jthhig to do socially with the soldiers among tains and the place is allowed to get very beautiful although the town friendly as lhv wouU take self is the worst w face advantage of it and would obey the earth There about inhabitant one half of them negroes about 120 patint at The location is very high are and keep ending out and get- about feet above the sea There fcW l I have is a very pretty mountain in front of had as high Jo patient at a time the camp and between that and where There are about are there is a valley where part of around the hills and they the town lie their sick to us are five We are on quite an elevation al- to treat the men We have two though I could scarcely say it is all with eight mountain It is miles from I duty and a female helping them Buffalo by a straight line but rail during the day That makes me five about miles We are straight nurses in all There are about west of Atlanta Georgia about 100 men connected with the hospital also A lb all the colonies even in those settled by other people than the Eng lish to set apart days for rendering thanks to the Highest Power for bless Policeman stands there and he stops you You tip him tell him you want to see Mr Bo and So and he lets you in You go round to the office get ings revived and in New England bi and the practice has been almost continu- since that faraway day and that vessels timely arrival The first national Thanksgiving day was appointed by Washington after the adoption of the constitution the date set being Thursday November 1789 For over a century now a day of thanksgiving and harvest festival has been annually celebrated in What about the The same thing exactly They dont give out letters after the arrival of the mail until the whole lot is sorted This takes them days when they have a big mail All you have to do is to tip one of the clerks and he gets your for you How are prices in that place High of course is land and since in New York per cwt butter per pound bacon From these the custom gradual I ex- j cents per pound and beef cents miles They raise nothing here but cotton and I saw plenty of that for miles about thirty mules and fifteen horses The mules are used for the ambulance and wagons and the horses are to ride- when I was passing on the train have to go any place we The earth is the strangest stuff I eve saw It is red and very sandy some places it is as red as paint and the rains wash it out like chalk I am told that the land is full of iron which makes it that peculiar color They do not mine much as it costs much to bring coke here to mix with ore that itloes not pay ride horseback and have learned to handle a horse pretty well again I have these men to look after if they are sick and hold office hours every morning at That is a little earlier than I have been used to doing it hut I find no trouble in getting up The soldiers are called up about by a bugle and we get up about half an tended to other states and thou be came national And so when you sit around the festal board graced by the turkey and fixina the occasion is rendered all the more joyful by the thought of the similar gatherings in hundreds of thousands of homes from the Atlantic to the Pacific in both Canada and United States Ho Right to Ugliness The woman who lovely in face form and temper will always have Mends but one who would be attrac tive must keep her health If she is weak sickly and all run down she will be nervous and irritable she has or kidney trouble her impure blood will cause pimples or akin eruptions and a wretch ed complexion Electric Bitters is the best medicine in the world to reg ulate liver and kidneys and to purify the blood It gives strong nerves bright eyes smooth velvety skin rich complexion It will make a good looking charming woman of a rundown invalid Only cents at any Drug Store Britain cuill Begin a Campaign Noy Great indigna tion is being excited in African com mercial circles by the announcement that Great Britain will with troops embark in a campaign against Bai a chieftain in Sierra Leone West Africa who upon refusing to pay the hut tax was deposed of his chief tainship a figurehead being appointed in his and a force dispatched to capture him whereupon his subjects rose in revolt overthrew the puppet and defeated the Governors troops Since this time has been hunted from place to place and his nation scattered He himself how ever escaped and the expedition is for the purpose of seizing him Millers Worm Powders are a won derful medicine for ailments of child ren Bold by W Lehman It is a sad- thing to begin life with low conceptions of it It may not be possible for a young man to measure life but is possible to say I am resolved to pot life to noblest and best Whiskey is cents a drink and a gallon watermelons and ban anas each Potatoes cost per pound sugar cents oatmeal cents lard beans cents and coffee You pay an hoar for wagon hire Did yon see much gold Plenty When I got all right I went round to the mines and saw pans foil of dust and nuggets Bat the place was too much for me so I got out Are grand but Skia Eruptions rob life of joy Bucklens Arnica Salve cures them also Old Running and Fever Sores Ulcers Felons Corns Cuts Bruises Burns Scalds Chapped Hands Chilblains Best Pile cure on earth Drives out Pains and Aches Only cts a box Cure guaranteed Sold by all Drug gists Coughing A physician who is connected with an institution in which there are many children There is nothing more irritable to a cough coughing For some time I had been so fully assured of this that I deter mined for one minute to lessen the number of heard a certain ward in a hospital of the institution By the promise of rewards and punish ments I succeeded in inducing them simply to hold their breath when tempted to cough and in a little while I was myself surprised to see how soma of the children entirely recovered from the disease Constant coughing is precisely like scratching a wound on the outside of the body so long as it is done the wound will not heal Let a person when tempted to cough draw a long breath and hold it until it warms and sootheB every air cell and some benefit will soon be received from the process The nitrogen which is thus inhaled acts as an ano dyne to the mucous membrane allay ing the desire to cough and giving the throat and lungs a chance to heal The weather at present is very fine hour later in fact the finest I ever saw Some- It is agreeing very with me as thing like August- at home The days I have not had a sick We have are warm probably degrees lots to eat as we have our own meals at noon but the night- quite cool and not the soldiers food The towards ling There is a frost every morning when we get up It was very cold here about two weeks ago so we had to wear an overcoat some days but it has warmed up considerable since cers have a tent which we fixed up We our own food and have a man to cook it for us con sequently I get the best going I am ranked as 1st Lieutenant and am usually called that by the soldiers in- They say it was the coldest for the stead of Dr If I give a command I time of the year it has been for many am obeyed just the same as one of tjhe years I suppose when I say I am in a hospital you will think I am in a building but that is not the case Everything is in I have a tent by myself to live in and all the hospi tals are tents although they are going regular officers I like the life very much and hope I may slay in the army during the winter at least Yours truly I Camp Alabama Nov 3rd 1898 Glad Thanksgiving E walk on starry fields of white And yet ignore the daisies For blessings common in our sight We rarely offer praises We sigh for some supreme delight To crown our lives with splendor And quite ignore our daily store Of pleasures sweet and tender Our cares are bold and push their way Upon our thought and feeling The hang about us all the day Our time for pleasure stealing So many a joy We pass by and forget it But worry strives to own our lives And conquers if we let it Theres not a day in all the year But holds some hidden pleasure And looking back joys oft appear To brim the pasts wide measure Sciatic Rheumatism a Doable Com pound in the Realm of Fain Tor ture but South American Rheu matic Cure Drives and ever Misses- A few weeks ago while on a busi ness trip to North Bay I was seize with a severe attack of sciatic rheu matism Hearing of the wonderful cures effected by South American Rheumatic Cure I procured a bottle and inside of three days all the pain had left me and when I bad taken one bottle I was completely cured I think it the greatest of remedies and shall be pleased to communicate with any person wishing more particulars of my case Canning ton Sold by Wilraot Lehman Bentleys Pharmacy Newmarket Hanover Mass Nov 11 Fire in But blessing are like friends I hold the general store of A Stearns was W jiiw discovered at oclock this morn ing and shortly afterwards a terrific explosion occurred which blew out the sides of the building kill four men Over a dozen were injured principal among them being A Steams the proprietor of the store who had one arm and one leg broken his shoulder crushed and considerable burns about the body If the is restless at night has coated tongue sallow complexion a dose of Millers Worm Powders is what is required very pleasant and perfectly harmless Sola by E Lehman Who love and labor near us We ought to raise our notes of praise While living hearta can hear us Full many a blessing wears the guise Of worry or of trouble I is the soul and wise Who knows the mask is double But he who has the faith and strength To thank his God for sorrow Has found a joy without alloy To gladden every morrow We ought to make the moments notes Of happy glad Thanksgiving The hours and dap a silent phrase Of music we are living And so the theme should swell and As weeks and months pass us And rise sublime at thus good time Chatham Ont Nov While en- gaged in- a sawmill in ihe Township of Dawn yesterday Mr father of Dr wellknown practitioner of Leamington was instantly killed It appears that the deceased Was in the mill when by means a board fell the rapidly revolving circular saw was hurled with terrific force across the mill striking Mr in the face killing him instantly The blow fractured the jaw and skull A grand Thanksgiving chorus tore away the whole of one COS Ella Wheeler Wilcox the fane 4

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