Newmarket Era , November 18, 1898, p. 2

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Cheap Store K- J MeFarJaiid Bio Notice worth Co Sharon virion J Woodcock The Best Job Shaw Removed Donne Lost Wanted A GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY HUE banquet tendered Hon A Hardy Premier Ontario at pa vilion Toronto on Tuesday evening lait a magnificent tho gentleman and a gratifying as a political demonstration from all parts of Province gathered to do their leader honor and to mark their high appreciation of able manner in which ho has dis charged important duties in the ration of provincial affaire and spirit in which ho boa faced every opposition in his endeavor to promote the material prosperity of had III truo ring of liberalism accompanied with marked ranee of future party a Pi s a a- s J NOTES Ottawa informal demonstration at railway depot Monday welcoming and Lady now Go rnor and wilt A military their to II talent and Labor lint li ft 1 now paid quite ornamental termination of the new Court plac ed in position during the past few daya is the largest terra fintftl over in America It stands twelve feet high arid was in Ohio The branch of works during past year cost ratepayers There wore carted loads of and loads of On Saturday morning a boy set fire to a load of hay owned by Win Wal lace of Willowdate which stood at the comer of Elizabeth and Albert streets was totally con sumed and had been sold for Hon Wallace has gone to Washington to represent the Cana dian Manufacturers Association before Canadian Commissioners a A 9 ft WtvOHi She iUiviunrhct BUT AND WITH The Pointed all FRIDAY NOV Redistribution of Seats Ox Saturday Jail formal of Official OttawR proclaiming of Earl to Can ada Ilia first act to bis approval to an BaowledglnH lho to the Lord Aberdeen of the chapel the Utter had erected at Hall Tun Secretary Hon J Davit is down In Lennox week taking band in now held He oxpeott to retoru to Toronto morning Lennox a pretty politically it is the Mr will aain Dr the Opposition nominee York election trial after a a whole weeks enquiry was adjourned till the of month and may be longer City papers now chanoee are that the protest wilt fail Botartweoty- have been and one proven A rumor was pot io circulation last week that Mr John bad alt hope of Mr he weald run in in to ilr Barber report Mr denies Oar PERSONAL The Hon David Mills Minuter of Justice in the Dominion Government Toronto last week in pursu ance of an engagement to lecture upon constitutional law at Toronto Uni versity and shortly after his arrival was interviewed upon several political and public question of the day Among other issues was one ill reference to redistribution of scats for the Commonsa in which the of York Ontario and Hindoo Counties are deeply interested According to the report the Hon was asked about the question of of Is a likelihood of snob a bill at the It the bounds of such a bill will be introduced Then tbe Government will not wait next census before ordering a re distribution It is not to wait fora The Liberal expressed that fixing the boundaries constituen cies county lines should be adhered to In 1672 Sir John laid that down as a principle be did The Libert I party however that be as far wnhia the county boundaries This announcement by Hon Minister of Justice respecting the re distribution of and forming the same within enmity boundaries will be hailed with satisfaction in this part of country Instead of North York Wri formed out of four townships York and one from South with the incorporated town and village therein and in stead of a constituency carved out the remainder of this Riding and at tached to sections of Eat York and North and South Ontario it will be to the former boundaries of old North York while limhury will be reunited and municipal lines respected When the reformers of West On were hived into constituency Conservative leaders entertained the conviction that the Riding now repre sented by the Hon PostmasterGener al as well as East York and South Ontario as then gerrymandered would become tolerably safe seats for the Conservative party Part of the scheme proved a success but the leg islation itself was an outrage on the political sentiment of the electorate and did violence to the principle of honest representation in parlia mentary forum of the Dominion We are therefore pleased to ob serve from the reply of the Hon Min ister of Justice that it is the intention of Government to correct this in justice by introducing legislation em bodying the principle of forming par liamentary constituencies as far as possible along lines within county boundaries this will place Whitchurch and Newmarket in old North York for Dominion as well as Provincial no doubt but country will have a change of program In the realm of politics before the Christmas holidays Instead of Provinoial it will be Dominion Issues There are now six vacancies in Commons and writs for will be in December vcan- are in Ontario viz West occasioned by the appointment of Mr Judgeship Huron made va cant by nomination o late Hon Cameron to the Lieut Governorship of the Territories and North Hi lamented death of the ait McCarthy l is said ftlltbreao these constituencies are ready tor ike the Opposition down is toe Province of Quebec are giving to a romor primed in to the effect that a general Dominion will take place the coming winter and possibly before next session of Parliament Also warning the to be ready for any Meanwhile the Hon Mr Mills Minister of Justice visits Toronto and is interviewed fry the Conservative organ in that on the point He repli ed when the International Conference at Washington is at end the Govern ment will be prepared to meet Parliament and legislation will be sabmHted along lines outlined at the Ottawa convention upon which the Liberals carried the coun try dont soaod next winter Toronto Letter The annual exhibition of the Poultry Association of Ontario to be held in this from January to 13 promises to be the largest of its given in Canada The exhibits will consist of poultry pheas ants and oats A youth about years of age nam- John was struck by a engine on Saturday evening at Panes Crossing and died at the General Hospital next morning He was watching a passing freight train and did not see the engine approaching from an opposite direc tion The morality department of the city was shocked last Saturday when the Police Court record of- the day reveal ed the that no leas than young between the ages of 8 and 16 arraigned on auob serious charges as arson burglary theft and afesault The city will not submit a bylaw for bells in tie court on the ground chimes would disturb courts and meetings and attract the attention of clerks A youth about 14 years of age at tempted a fire in a stove with benzine- The benzine exploded the boy was badly though not fatal ly burned and about damage done to house and contents The Trade and Labor Council of this city has been terribly exercised over a remark of Lord Aberdeen that he thought Judges min isters must bo well paid the Pedro party at Mr A last evening Mrs Campbell of Toronto is visiting her Mrs Miss jcteacher the Model is visiting with Miss Oliver A birthday patty among some young people wee on deck last night Mr Millard of was In town on Wednesday calling on friends Miss Minnie was romoved to Hamilton on for life Mrs Welter Crone of Toronto was the of her aunt Mrs Geo Wood last week Mies Rogers ot Hos pital is visiting relatives in vicinity Mr Chris of was visiting bis brother and sister here over Mr and Mrs Ed Montgomery of To ronto were visiting at Mi I P laut week Mr and Mrs left for week to visit their son Mr A- Mr J A has been bouse daring tbe past with an attack of Mr Graham per of New was tbe gaest for a few days last week Dr Fortune of a fellow graduate of Dr Staph spent Sunday here him Mr and John Montgomery I named a number at dinner We Mr Clinton who has been clerking in Roche all summer left tor his home In Sterling ibis week Miss Olive Nile who has been on a in Rhode 1 land for past nine month visiting her aunt Mrs Mr been ap pointed teacher ft No IS King for next year Mr Precious takes charge of King City school Word having been received that Miss Ross who is attending at Osbawa bad broken her wrist Mrs Roes left on Tuesday to see daughter Cane gave a glowing account of the at Ottawa at the regular meeting here last Tuesday afternoon The next Provincial is to be at Mr Arthur Webster Mr John and Mr John Blackburn of Toronto also Mr and of attended funeral Mr William Webster on Saturday last Mrs Seines Queen St has returned from Albert where she was visiting for ten days accompanied by her daugh ter Mrs Thirsk who is spending a few lays with her mother Mr was in town a couple of this week looking after packing and shipping of bis effects to Ottawa All the family except Mr Jae left for their new home yester day At a meeting of the University of To- rooio on Friday last Hon Wm was again reelected tor by a unanimous vote He was first elected in since that date Uni versity federation has been In bringing about these events Mr baa been a prominent actor resulting in enormous University Council began its Monday afternoon at oclock Warden- High In tho chair County a copy of a memorial to the Provincial Legislature asking that ven ue in a criminal case changed- county in committed should bear all coat of trial and persecution communication was from his that was correct amount to bo paid by tho County of York for the maintenance of county pupils at High Toronto Junction during 1809 and A communication was received from Thomas City Solicitor ask ing for a suggestion for a date for a mooting between Mayor and of tho Committee on of the City and a committee of tUo County Counoil to propriety of the county paying the upon the Court House for in front of it on Adelaide street Tho spooial committee re exten sion of Toronto street Railway reported authorizing the War- don to sign the proposed plans Upon motion of Mr the Bylaw Committee was instructed to introduce a bylaw to appoint a nom inating officers for the several County Council divisions of the county The meeting adjourned and dis cussed annual dinner It was de cided to hold it on Thursday evening at the Clyde Hotel The occasion will be marked by the caning of War den High was decided to ask the County Solicitors opinion as to the legality of the sales of lands for i now advertised in view of provisions of bylaw No The will memorialize tbe Ontario Legislature for power to ap point high constables as are paid by the Council The Legislative Committee will re port a memorial to the Legislature askipa for an amendment to the voters lists and election act compelling re luming officers at Parliamentary elec tion to obtain lists from local municipal clerks The request of the Ontario Poultry ABsociiitiun for was referred to the Finance Committee was also Mr A Wilsons request for orders for his new condensed iu tbe and other acts report of Hoard of Audit was received It recommended sever al methods for reducing expenses The Town of North Toronto today notified the County Council had succeeded in appointing an arbi trator to the terras of aepar The town forwarded the by law and asked York County Council to pass a similar one The County Council has appointed the following officials the nine eleotorial divisions of York No Soarboro Thomas Crawford No York A Clark No Etobicoke J Kepler No Rich mond Centre John No B Crosby No King Charles Patterson No No Sharon P J No Donald Ego i j i r f Never e values of this store by one item we quote below a iWas Saturday Morning At eight oclock sharp we place on sale the following Mens Pure Wool Fine Black Clay Worsted Suits four buttons E cutaway Coats lined with best farmers satin silk stitch ed very latest cut in every way uptodate goods our regular price is 1275 a tailor would ask you for one as good We will sell a limited number of these Suits Saturday morning at 560 Test our advertising and Save Seven Dollars and Fifteen Cents H E MADDOOK The Cradle In on Nov be wife of H Brillinger of a son Ave on Thursday the of formerly on the of a boo An important strike of natural has made in North Tilbury THE BEST JOB Ont Nov and Mrs William and house hold living east of this town one mile were nearly asphyxiated by coal last night A damper in the coal- stove pipe was closed which caused the gas io escape from the stove and morning found the family in a with iht u has education pwi I All have now pretty Wednesday wile of Mr Genre Scott of King I e recovered except the man of a daughter mKaa who was unconscious at last account A very pretty double wedding took place at the residence of Mr James Buchanan on the when his two daughters Misses Maggie and Annie were uniteH in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr A Sawyer of and Mn P of The looked charming in white organdy with white and lace They also wore white rosea in their hair and carried a largo bouquet of the same A beautiful arch was erected in the drawing room under which the happy couples stood The ceremony was performed by Rev Mr of the fifethodwt Church here The long list of and wed ding presents is crowded put i John of was kilted by a tree striking him as ft fell On the The Grand Trunk fast express from Montreal to Toronto crashed into a freight train two miles west of Murray Hill station early Tuesday morning and eleven were killed and ten serious ly injured The accident through a mis placed the express train being on the wrong track and crashing into the freight train while going at the rate of miles an hour Smash on the P Nov 15 That in the accident on the P at Blairton on Monday evening the passengers and train crew should have escaped without a death or a very serious in jury is most remarkable The accident to have re sulted partly from the peculiar con struction of the new switch which is being introduced oil the Canadian railroads The engine and tender alone were kept on the track One after the various cars couplings and shot into the ditch Nov more excited than the hamlet has been for years over the mysterious murder of a wellknown inhabitant of the town Mr William Murray was the whose life taken Edward a fourteenyearold youngster is the alleged- murderer Young Elliott has not ah enviable Four months ago ho stole- a from a livery stable and took it four miles from the village when he was apprehended Murray was supposed a of money in his possession Friday Nov the wife of Mr Daniel lOtb line of Klo- of a eon At Kini City on the Nov wife of Dr J Norman of a son The Altar At the Methodist Parsonage Prairie on Oct the Goo Dean of Dauphin to Myrtle of Newmarket At the Holy Trinity Cathedral Shanghai Sept by Rev Henry Stuart ot to Lilian Cobb of Scran- ton Pa A both of the China Inland Mission opens door to rar many young men and women each year did equipment thorough work a staff results You may enter at any time pro Principal Principal a J and Undertaking House Furniture Dealer and Brooks Block Mount Albert orders receive careful prompt and PIRJiO RHO THEORY Miss Rumsey Pupil of Cecil Carl from Metropolitan School of 9 Street Music To- Ogilviea Strong Bakers Hungarian Glenora Ontario and Manitoba wheat Flour for Family Use Feed of all Kinds I LAND PLASTER A car of fresh ground American Gray fertilizers for Clover and Grass The Tomb on the 12ih lost G Graham in his year Interred at Cemetery on Monday afternoon Rose At Franklin East on Nov wife of Jacob aged so years At Toronto on the Esq formerly of Bradford Out youngest son of the lt Colonel Dawson of Bond Head aged years A Pleasant Hook If one Is invited away from home they naturally anticipate not only the pleasant bot other The chairs elegant and comfortable china cabinet and sideboard carved massive and mirrored Do yon need these things to make your homo a pleasant nook not only for the occasional guest to gratify your own sebte of the appropriate and I Then us at puce J Si Hotel Oaertaktag A S St J North AM Order receive Careful and Prompt Attention Electric By LIME LIME The very best Grey lime J Marsdens Storehouse Cor Main and Huron Sis Telephone No Flour per barrel ft IS a tied White Wheat per bushel Bed Wheat par TO a Backwheat a 015 Barley per bushel a 06o per bushel a Peas per btuhett 65 a a per ton a It To Farmers I A Pure bred Improved Urge white York Boar bo kept for on the East half of Lot In the of Terms 75 fiwiO- i and a and pm Toronto and and put on and taken off at Wafting SPECIAlt EXCURSIONS Wedaeadaya and to Toronto an Return for fio children l5o pm pm every from Toronto to and return at for To Breeders IT Wheat per White Wheat per bushel- Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat per Barley per bushel- oil Oata per per Per den Potatoes per bast a per bbl Wool per lb Porspercwt Beef fore Beef Mod Qeeaa per lb pair per pair i it Clover per W Seed per bushel a a a a a a SOU sifilO loo a w a on a SCO a fits a 0 OS a a 60 Winner aaJechcap White Timothy per a ICQ a Bo

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