Newmarket Era , November 18, 1898, p. 3

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IB TOWN Us Give Thanhs Thursday the day set apsr by the Government when we hall for many nation and individual which wo hive received Coring the past Removed Mr hit moved seed and store to more pre mises north of Mrs Simpsons Dreg Store to hie har ness lie alio patting la a tele Temperance Meeting Endeavor of the Christian provided the program list Sunday Mr Lehman in the chair Woollen organist Mr gave a solo and rooitatiooe by Mist Mies Lily Lush and Brook The of provide the program next The beading OTerghante It paye to deal with morohsnie who yive coupons for means a saving of This proof for honesty of Coupon Company Lehman agent for the Merchants sum of throe dollars in fall for oath coupon book A Flanagan This it the way all win be treated Cotti On Tuesday of while doing choree in by one of hie alihg down pearler the on fifm It was with out of her reach The injuries received made him and for over a week Why hot Mr over and he telling an report er that the is discarding all plank walks aud the granolithic pavement It gives an up appearance to the town and in the long ran is considered lees expensive They have used them for live and the people will have no other now It is time our Town Fathers were looking into thla question Finger Shortened Mr Too Cain sod of at home on day parsing a Soger had the taken off at the Drat joint white operating a at Midland Joe had break ing on tbe Midland of for the past two months The floRer Is heal log bat be will be laid off work for two or three weeks Form Produce There was a grand market next Saturday Batter in so freely that the price was inclined to drop and were the quoted for the first boon snd 17o paid In some oases but butter was for before mekvt closed firm at 19 and anpOk eggs at and Pressed i sold from to and live from per pair docks from to Dressed geese and per lb turkeys and per lb Pork and Lamb and by the quarter Potatoes per bag Apples from to St per barrel dry and maple per cord Tuesday No will giving Market The buy era all thoy will be here and prepared to take all that la brought oat Crowded put A letter from Mr JiH Johnson Ob the Plebiscite oat till next Issue more Room The is as a and alio to a patent which having a run Work on new dry kiln is com on Monday Mr Ed baa the contract A nambr of now faces were to bo Clubs meeting hat The members decided Introduction to In at the next meeting which will be st the of Height corner of Ave and St on evening next promptly at eight oclock Completely Changed The at the Post Office near- Ins completion and the prh generally are delighted When the mail being die remember to go to at North door and out at the South will prevent Those look- boxes can now get their mail without be ing by the crowd at tho call wicket and Ladies Aid of the Christian Church take pleasure In their Annual Fowl Supper for Tuesday evening Deo Rev Morgan Wood the popular Bond St Congregational Church Toronto been engaged to give one of hi taking Where ate we at Full particular la ter Commencing with the 1st of January of have to par all bats Ida zone limit Notwithstanding the fact that this tax will increase of decided not to price of the however ap parent our that coder will strictly to tbe role of paymeat in advance We feel that Em re too fairminded and considerate to ex- to pay postage In Advance and then wait for weeks and for theprfoeof paper A very large per of oar subscribers alresdv make It a rale to pay in advance now with tax us imposed by legislation of last elation of parliament we are that all observe the same role W IN THE LEAD AS USUAL First of the Season Mr J broke the record on Thursday of week by driv ing out for a ride Several were driving Town in on There day evening and the belle sounded quite merrily last Friday morning The storm about five inches of enow on the level and everything had a wintry appear- ftnoe for a few day The roads have been in a since Sunday moruiup Society Funeral The faneral of the late Mr Web ster last was by Order of Forestfere order deceased member and pretty largely attended consider the roada Klder Cbidleypreaohed tbe funeraUermon in Christian Church here and the remalue were afterwards In terred in Newmarket Cemetery Deceased was a son of Mr Webster of Town and was yeans of age Much Thinking Over The baa more original matter each week than any other tbreu papers publish ed In York pat together Examine them for yourself aad of the ioil papers in Riding 81 yea Thats all we charge Re member tine when renewing yonr subscrip tion for next year Another point for advertisers to over The hie added over new names to its list since the 1st of Oct It la only paper in North York that pats a coontar to its press and advertisers are invited to call at the office on Thursday eyeninra see it work There no padding about it or the subscription list Tbe ieeaes as many papers week as the and any other paper in North York pot together and its rates are very little higher thai any one of them The is only paper in North Out ill type nod does ad printing at home giving employment to more hands every dollar possible in le that worth any consideration A Wholesale Stock We learn that Co have purchased a Stock of Gro ceries in Ottawa sympathy is expressed for hie bereaved wife and children Wedding Bells At the Methodist Parsonage Portage la by the Rev- Mr Mr Sherwood of Mao formerly of Toronto was married to Myrtle daughter of Baeaett Esq Pine Orchard Ont The bride looked very pretty in white silk having a bouquet of blue The bride aapported by Mies Sarah Dean while the wae Mr Stanley Dean of Portage la Prairie happy left amid showers of con gratulations and best wishes for their home in Dauphin Man Dentist Opposite Robertson Bakery Open every da Painles extra R Bad Jam Mr Pretty foreman in one of the Depigments at Factory met with an accident on Monday morning that gave him a close call for some broken bones in order to itcrease the capacity of his he was starling a temporary machine It had not been bolted to the as to try the position and he was just adjusting the belt when it caught on some part of the and upset it up on Fortunately he was not in a small space or he might have been Killed However he was considerably bruised which necessitated to remain in bed three or four days under the care We clip the following from the Beaver of Nov A pretty autumn wedding took place Yesterday at the residence of Morti mer when her only daughter Carrie Eva was united marriage to Mr Stuart Daly of this town Both of the parties are well known and popular their many friends join in them every happiness The drawing room was prettily decorated with an and cere mony performed beneath a canopy of srnilax by the Rev Dr pastor of the Methodist Church played the opening strains of wedding march as the bride entered the room by two pretty little Mies Genevieve and Mies Annie in ore am and pink carrying bouquets of white and pink car- nations and given away by her broth- Mr Frank The bride looked charming in her travelling a neat gown of sage green broad lined with pale silk and a beautiful bouquet of white roses The bride who known here having in Newmarket is a of Mr O W Internally An occurred on the P between Rat Portage Winnipeg the of resulted in injury to a Newmarket man Mr Ben Man ning was firing on the engine and he was thrown down a fortyfoot embankment Word been received that he was hurt internally and may be expected home as soon as he able for tbe journey Concept Mr Choir Master St Mary Magdalene Church Toronto will be assisted in bis grand in aid St Cbnrch by the best array of talent ever offered to a Newmarket audience Tbe following speaks for itself Miss Lena Hayes Violinist Hirst Soprano Miss Alice Tea Reader Mr Lincoln Carlisle Humorist Mr A Prime Stanley Hayes Contralto Mr Hunter Mr Erueit is the possessor of a highly cultivated voice and noted for the excellent training of bis choir Toronto See programs Depot Considerable activity freight yards past week as indicated by tbe follow return outwaBDH cars apples cars grain care goods oar marsh hay- car oil barrels car eggs merchandise The regoler meeting of Quarterly Board took place the Church Parlor Friday ever Rev H Matthews presiding Both Sunday School were reported in a flourishing con The church for the quar showed an improvement on the corre sponding quarter year The paator was requested to arrange if possible for a Song Service first Sunday in month The election of Stewards for year resulted as follows Messrs Cane Carrey J E Hoi hogshead E Jackson and Mr was re Steward Mrs Jflckajn Messrs C Hughes John Carrey were elected Sunday repre seotatives There was a large congregation on Bon- day and the pastors sermon on Individual power social life was bet ter than ordinary Considering the weath er the evening service was fairly well at tended A foil choir at both services sang well Next Sunday Rev A Brown of will preach morning and even- Rev Matthews having consent ed to take missionary work at the three appointments on the circuit Bright Sugar lbs Granulated Sugar lbs Granulated Sugar Sold by some as best Select Layer Rasins per lb English Breakfast i lb Tins ID Surprise Soap Comfort Soap Morses Mottled Soap and Electric Soap Christies Sodas lb Box Old Brown Windsor Soap Cann d Goods At Less than Wholesale These are only a few sample prices Our whole stock is on the same Price Level We at sen DRY GOODS Come and See for yourself The best Cakes are always made with Baking Powder Equally Low CUT prices W A BRUNTON CORNER STORE SEASONABLE GOODS lame iJ We preached two very thought ful earnest last no choir sang in He good style His in the morning wae The Good Shepherd Very doe scripture describe relation to his nhlldreo To think of the power and ma jesty of God overawes as bat how very we feel drawn to Him when think of His kind fatherly care It only when we are far from we have for fear evening subject was Religion In a ye go preach How apt we are to make too great a difference be Sabbath day and week days everyday should join hands With religion It mistake to think all preaching should be done only by those set apart for that We are all to be e can preach by oar We need more walking srmone We ahoold link all the of vitb our doty to God and preach as 0 Prosperous A of tbe published at Connty Washington been received in we notice refer ence is made to Dr Eli and hia son latter here on a visit last spring The Dr a brother of Mr A I dentist of town says practicing in for the past ten years and has a good practice Prior to coming to this place he was located at Oscoda Michigan where he also success fully practiced In the month of duly last Dr opened a fnrnitnre store and he met with almost unprecedented boo- cess Dr Hollingshead was at Newmar ket Ontario year ago He educated there and was subsequently granted a diploma by the Medical Institute Cincinnati Ohio Starting out upon bis professional ca reer he first located at Forester Mich where bo remained till moving to Oscoda thence here He the business property occupied by two stores some town lota and three of partly under cultivation Dr fills the positions of government pension examiner phy sician examining physician for the Wood men of the World and he la the republican nominee for Mr a ofcl6 years experience and baa a term city treasurer of car wheat car corn car flour cars cot I car car lumber car wood oar bolts cara merchandise The rates for Thanksgiving are announc ed tickets will be issued on the 23rd and good to return not later than the Grand Organ Opening Carpenter and others will commence work on Monday morning to con siderable alterations in the Methodist Church order to accommodate the new Pipe Organ to be placed therein The organ builders in form us that the instrument will ship- on tbe It lake them all time to the instrument in posi tion but they they will positively be ready or the Organ Opening to take place on the of Thursday Deo 1st when finest Musical given in Newmarket will eventuate Dont mlea it Following the program PARTI Organ Dedication Holy holy Holy God Choib and 2 Prayer by Organ Soto March of tho Pl Bolo Beat in Lord John Organ Solo Hallelujah Mr Chorus Tho Heavens are Telling Haydn Solo Come Unto Mo Coensn J Organ Andante from Sonata Men delssohn Ms Solo Heavenly Gray March in Smart Ma ii Organ Solo Overture Poet and Peas ant M 2 Aria If with all your J Organ Solo Wily Mr Bongs of Praise the Angels Sing Organ SoloMa Andante Pastorale tier Wifniawski Mb fifliHOK fi With Mo Organ SoloGrand Offertolre Hewitt Mb Organ Solo Final in God from whom flow Cnora to Brighten The TeaMeeting in the Presbyterian Church last Monday evening was quite a success everything passed off joy ously as a marriage feast The tea was served in a moat tempting manner by waiters who were attentive to their duties they were charming in their ap pearance After Worship Mayor Cane presided in a felicitous manner The sang delightfully also the quartette Mrs Davidson Miss Oliver Dr and Mr E Oliver while Mr Art Oliver manipulated the organ in a master ly manner The lecture by Or of Toronto was exceedingly instructive and comprehensive He commenced by saying that Christianity is said to be religion of sorrow but this is not so in the true aeasOi as the end is joyous Life is not deep rich and fruitful without the plow affliction Man becomes through struggle and there is enjoy like the of oar labor- woo by the sweat of our brow dual tbing in life id viotory ideals lead to strenuous effort itAa- patience and patience ex and experience hope is the glory of man that be is called upon to tight good fight of faith We should bright en life by knowing its realities and relating wisely to them The body garment of the spirit and a man cannot separata bie intellectual life from organization Fasting for the sake of fasting superstition to work better and feel better is justifiable bible Christianity glorifies the body first of the speaker on How to Brighten to treat our bodied decently tod his visit to the great specialist Sir Andrew Clark and among daily rules to be followed were the Go to bed at oclock Sponge with tepid water dry with towel and give a thorough rubbing Clothe warmly but loosely B Main meal at 130 Tea at nothing Gluttony he said is worse than drink because there is fa more from overeating Partake lightly of vegetables and give pastry a wide berth brown bread and avoid coffee and pickles Wash your feet as often your face The luxury of good health will brighten life and a body is the basis of a sound mind A good story was told about a woman who thought the soldiers were fighting by candlelight because the price of candles went up dur ing war and yet this apil illustrated the foolish idea of people who apeak of the waste of time studying the dead languages It is give such varied taste for literature Science has its pleasure bat it is a very subordinate thing to literature and philosophy literally means a place of pleasure and it be the aim of schools to cultivate a taste and love for literature will brighten life Cultivation of the emo tional nature will also brighten life He deplored the lack of courtesy in this try with old The superiority of a man or woman Is largely the tone It brightens life to or propriety In our boys and girls And then we must cultivate the will power Heredity is a very Important but it does not exempt one from lifes struggles to be a man A man be comes a hero by his weakness welldeserved vote of thanks Iras mov ed by exMayor Robertson and seconded by Rev Matthews The Dr assessed his appreciation of the and the meeting closed tinging national anthem about above Our Stock is now most complete in Fall and Winter wear never had such a fine stock for you to choose from Men and Boys Suits and Overcoats Boots and Shoes Gents Furnishings Hats and Caps Fresh Groceries In these lines we are the leaders Our stock of Clothing and Boots and Shoes is the largest and cheapest in the County MONTGOMERYS DAN FORD ROCHE THE CHEAP STORE CO NORTH YORKS GREATEST STORE OUR ADVERTISEMENTS IN The Bradford Witness- News The Sutton Herald The Newmarket Eka The Aurora The Schomberg and Mt Albert Leader and Recorder The Newmarket Express From our Grocery and Medicine Catalogue Ask for it TEAS Japan Sittings lb packages Crown Blend Ceylon Tea black or mixed lb 25c Mascott Blended blk or mixed lb 25c Blue Ribbon Indian and Ceylon black or mixed lb 25c Grand Mogul Indian and Cey lon black or mixed lb Grand Mogul Indian and Cey lon or mixed 40c Grand Mogul Indian and Cey- Ion black or mixed lb Tetleys Indian and Ceylon black or mixed Mopsoon- Indian and Ceylon black or mixed Blue Ribbon Pure Ceylon black only i3c 50c Rani Lais Pure Indian black only lb I 40c lb 25c lb 40c Crown Blend Indian and Ceylon black only 50c Tetleys Indian and Ceylon black only A 40c lb Blue Ribbor Ceylon mixed only lb 50c Grand Mogul Indian and Cey lon black or mixed lb BULK TEAS Guaranteed the Best Teas for the least mon ey in Canada TEAS 25c and lb Regular 40c and 50c Teas BLACK TEAS and 40c a lb Regular 40c and GREEN TEAS Young Hyson and regular 20c 50a and Gunpowder23c 40C regular and Joe We claim to sell Groceries and Medicines on the whole Cheaper than any other Retail Store in Canada MENS WEAR Mens Tweed Suits 275 35 5- 1200 Mens Tweed Pants 75 i- Mens Overcoats and Ulsters from 3 to 1400 Mens Wool Shirts and Drawers each worth Heavy Etoffe Tweed 35c a yard worth and WOMENS WEAR t Ladies Coats positively all this years latest styles to Ladies Wrappers Ladies Shoes we have had to place repeat orders for our Special Lines at 119 135 145 and 165 Millinery 4 Milliners working overtime at nights speaks volumes Dress Goods Heavy Fancy at worth a that goes into Stock fresh and new this week a range of colors t jpo to fc 1

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