Newmarket Era , November 18, 1898, p. 7

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I 1 f NEWMARKET NOV CHINA H A L L NOV Weeks Local Items WHAT IB IS ABOUT TOWN Fop Only Bell representing Viavl Co of Toronto yvill peak to ladles of Now Daring Wednesday Mr got up a his sleep And Ml down at tbo Dominion Hotel spraining ankle lie- was putting out a flro if 1898 This month sees the opening of a IN PRICKS Curling of tho Curling market on Tuesday- Inst At Co met on A do- In Hall Wo j Potion from Hockey heard man at her beat Avery it decided that ahould to all stated for each match played tenders werA received for Annual Sole j caretaker and Mr Our road wilt bo interred on Friday and A J have not paid Wo always in a good article and soil at a living at the tinio wo will not let any merchant undersell us Wo handle only the Best Quality in all lines and soil as any doing business Ji Groceries fa Canned Goods Crockery and Boots and As Thanksgiving falls on Thursday of week correspondents will a day Whitchurch Council moot noxt Wed at Regular meeting of Town Council Monday weeks from will bo Christ maa Governments poaition of postage- upon year will bo sent to any until Jan 1st 1000 for A of on On St Board of Health should steps to prevent it spreading Saturday a grand day for our Town merchants A young lady slipped off tho sidewalk on Timothy fit last Monday and not a bad fall Her face was for sever days from the injuries received Mr Tl09 titcwart of Street took nearly ten barrels of marketable apples off one treo last There is a good opening at this for a boy about years of ago who wants to fit himself for some position in life Six young men summoned to appear Lloyd tomorrow night to an- swer the of conduct down Town latt Monday evening The of Newmarket go- is to meet this for general business Mr window is with a chrysanthemum of peculiar color and bloom Mr driver had with influenza ibis but is Sale Tuesday Nov Mr J A Cody will an of 25 head of cattle other chattels on tho flats at rear of store Newmarket Credit till March on sume over at one Auctioneer Nov An unreserved sate of stocb etc will on lot In tho east hall of Con East a mile north of Holt Eleven month- etc lit on sums over 98 except for hay and nips ono Auctioneer Fair to County Councillors To the Editor of the lira Upon rcceiviog a Tax Blip from Cor poration of East this year I notice tbat the Council of that corporation has unloaded 9325 of on county rale Endeavoring to make It ap pear tho local was a moat eco nomical and the County Council an extravagant council The total of bury for finally revised is The amount required to be levied for county purposes for was or a less than mills The amount levied was mills making or 9320 more than was required for connty purpoaes It may be argued that they required to make a levy for more than the actual amount to cover cost of collec tion etc- Granted A levy of 2 mills would have raised or than was required to pay the county the county rate equals around the Hub WHAT AMD COR RESPONDENTS WSD WORTHY TO BETHEL CORNERS Mr the converted Jew will preach in the Methodist Church here as pastor is to preach a memorial sermon in the Free Metho dist Church Mr is an eloquent preacher and famous lecturer His little hoy Bertie years old is said to bo the sweetest and best singer of bis ago on tho continent Bertie wilt sine a solo and Mr will preach in morning at oclock Mr will also lecture in the Methodist Church Sutton West on Nov I oclock on Tho Jews Past Present and Future The lecture will bo illustrated with or limelight views POINT Last Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs J Boyd once more held their anniversary by giving a party at Although the night was dark quite a number from Button and Keswick About forty guests down to a sumptuous repast and tho evening was thoroughly en joyed by present Young was suddenly called to Toronto on Monday morning a telegram that their eldest son George was very ill Mr Phillips has left Mr farm and Mr McGinnis has taken palco Mrs of Toronto who has been visiting with friends here for several left for her Thursday Bona SHARON 9 j J J I from here at- lay a I taxes Supposing Eleven water have been added of the whole levy and in order to the Town mains the past season Mr is moving into hie new reaidenco this week They arc deep ening the cellar deer arrived in Town on Wednesday evening trophies of local sports Mr A It Watson is making internal improvements in his store Quite a demand for broad since lecture last Monday night AT- PRICE The Leading Grocer id A Si Cor Main Timothy Sts HOW MANY MEN Want a Good SUIT or This Fall Winter If there are any they will find Good Satisfaction at W Tailor Shop Waited call furnish Men or force of cau bone and rig three months Straight to right partita If Toronto SawMill iters having from ft of lumber and and thorn cut Aelpown The cost to great deal than buying at the and saved Write for particulars to Committed On Tuesday of week a young man named who at Mr tons missed 1 and a revolver out of bis trunk rested on a young map named Percy Clay who bad left town the day previous on a The case was placed in the bands of age who traced Clay to Toronto but found that he bad left the city supposedly for the States leaving the at Savage banded the warrant to Detective Boyd in case be should return to the giving also a of bis appearance On Friday Boyd at the where the bicycle was left when in walked Clay with the intention of taking the wheel to a pawn shop where he bad ar ranged for its sale Previous to this he bad sold the revolver for 60o Boyd placed under arrest and wired Savage who went after the prisoner At a pawn shop on Street Savage got the revolver whiob Clay had stolen in Toron to brought to Newmarket to for then it from him and sold it again in Toronto The belonged to a livery in the and the had given op for lost it being out for two or three months The was heard before and Lloyd on Saturday evening the Chamber being filled with The prisoner pleaded guilty and committed to jail to his trial When asked if he was prepared to make restitution to who was his earning out of small to as sist bis mother Clay was very insolent and received a wellmerited rebuke from the Court The prisoner was lodged in the Cooler over night and on Sunday Con stable Savage drove him to the and put him behind the bars la Clays truck waa the revelation of career as St was partly filled with pernicious On Monday Constable Savage got a telephone message from which stated Clay wanted there for burglary on lbs day he left be city The authorities think he is connected with other acts no one can dreas in firatcWsa and do but little work without These developments should be a warning for all against reading those known as of and the and parents should be par ticular to enquire what their are reading The collection of revolvers and dirks is not a good Every young man who any of dime novel staff should throw It into the stove at once and gat a ticket for Library where wholesome be found in abundance The authorities have eyes on a couple more young men In town and they bad better change their before they bring disgrace upon them selves and to others Clay sentenced to SO days by Judge io of collection etc they levy for coat of collecting county rate that would mean that the coat of collecting the whole taxes in amounts annum Something I cannot conceive I do not pretend to that it makes the slightest difference to the ratepayers whether the taxeB are levied coun ty rate or divided up In certain propor tions what 1 do say is each levy should be properly adjusted and have its just proportion total levy for school over the wbole township being general sohoolrate is There are four of are union schools making a total equal to schools or the earn of each schnol I do not know how much the township each school but supposing they give each school or in all they still have on hand a bal ance of Now what I object to is the principle of local councils levying ft greater sum as county rate than required and levying a amount for local than re quired making it appear that the local counoil is more economical than they ac tually are and county and school boards more extravagant tbau thoy actu ally are The amount required from East limbury for county rate this year in leas than was required in and I am informed the is higher Be that may ftt least more has been charged against than requisite and consequently lea wit charged to local taxes particularly when connty council lors have no say in striking the rate I am content that the county should be its just of taxation hut am not willing to have the county rate loaded up over more than required J WoobcocK Newmarket Nov 14 snow storm of last week made some unwilling workers on our side walks We have a new store in our villago hope it will receive a share of the trade as Mr Kenyon wishes others to live as well as himself Mr A Eves has moved to Queens- ville We are sorry to lose their fam ily from our midst Mr Williams moved in our village We cannot accommodate unless somebody will build more room We sorry to hear of Wilsons serious illness Hope it will soon be over Mrs A J Hughes is not improving aa well as we would like to seo Mr A had the misfortune to hurt one of his eyes while hunting at Rev was the guest of Miss this wook Mr V VunNorman delivered a very interesting address in the Hall last evening fully explaining term Christian Recreation Mr and Mrs Sawyer of spent Sunday and Monday with Mr Gilpin They are spending itejf honey moon visiting among friends In Toronto and elsewhere Quito a largo number from here at tended the wedding in Ke Church on Wednesday There were rumors of in the village on Saturday evening but did not materialize Dame Rumor she has heard of another wedding in near future I and she generally is right Miss M has boon spending a few days with her parents in Drown Hill The late Mrs Smith of Dry- town was buried on Sunday The service was held in the Free Metho dist Church and was attended by a large number The Quarterly Services in connec tion with the Free Methodist Church held in North Chinch com mencing on Friday evening and con tinuing tilt Sunday evening Rev Mr Superintendent conducted the on Sunday Very large crowds attended For a time this church was practically clos ed but are pleased to note an in crease in the attendance and it is hoped under the present minister Rev Minor church will again flourish Owing to the terrible rough weath er on Thursday of last week the Tem perance meeting was postponed till Wednesday of this week It is to be hoped a good organization will he in stituted hero youngest daugh ter was buried on Sunday He form erly occupied the store of I Gil pin Housecleaning kept ladies busy for some time but everything is looking more homelike now Mr Morton formerly of frby is in the village now Turkeys are getting four meals per day preparing for Thanksgiving A meeting was held in the hall for the purpose of arranging for gome kind entertainment for the School It has been decided to have a sleighride some time in January il S ware j L and Tinware TO WITH A SPLENDID VARIETY OF A LARGE WELL SORTED STOCK 1 T SHELF PAINTS OILS w All kinds Those in- a specialty I of Tinware made to order trusting us with their orders will be sure of splendid workmanship Es- tiroatos given on contract work YOUR CUSTOM SOLICITED J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET to Hire Jlciu OUR GIVING GREAT SATISFACTION Sales Increasing Daily TRY OUR COLLEGE CORNERS HORSES WANTED i t You will want no other Wedding Cakes a Specialty will be prepared to purchase HEAVY DRAFT Carriage and Saddle Horses- Draught Horace weighing from MUTUAL CORNERS Mr and Rickets of Village Mrs Albert Ferrier of Green River were the guests of Mr and Mrs Nelson over Quito a large- number attended Quarterly Meeting at Wesley Church Mr Harry of Churchill has been spending the past two weeks in this vicinity Mr and Mrs Arthur of Petchville were visiting friends over Sunday Turnips in this vicinity are very small and affected badly with rot Mr Arthur has hired with Mr Robert Willson for a short term W Son were around the Lake Shore buying cattle on Tues day of last week A few from here attended the Ploughing Match near Temperance- ville and report a very large crowd The ploughing could not be surpass ed Mr Starr and Mr Matthew Homer returned homo from a term on jury at Toronto last week The Detective Having returned home for a few days I pea a few items of interest to your readers I cannot find words enough to express my praUe to See- Saw who so ably filled my appoint ment while away This snowfall came as a thief in the night and found several of our farmers not done plowing nor roots up We nil hope there are a few more fine days in reserve to help them through With turnouts and future prospects we will have one of the fin est little singing schools in the country side under the management of Mrs Geo Moore The only bugbears in our vicinity it present muddy roads and a few heavy colds It is again stated by a reliable gen tlemen that more chicken stealing has been indulged in whom you would bo surprised to know The cold hand of death has passed this way and chosen one of our aged ladies Sirs Margaret Smith of North who has been a resident since early immigration She was a faithful attendant of the Free Metho dist Church and told her Is not to fear as her trust was in the Giver of all good gifts Our young folks are having a jolly time these long evenings attending sociable gatherings at different dwel ling Little Miss Cecelia spent last Sunday with her sister Maude Our hunters have returned from the wild wood haunts with one deer Rumor has it that a certain person flew so far off the handle it is feared he will never be right again- One night when all were asleep and the fire out a hideous uproar was heard outside the house An investigation was held The family cat a fight with a visitor and came out well per fumed White fish season is now on hut very unfavorable weather for captur ing tho finny tribe The Joker Hog cholera is rampant in Wool wich Township and Mr P Deputy Minister of Agricul ture has ordered the immediate quar antine of all hogs except fat hogs for immediate slaughter Will bo at the following places namely Hotel King City Monday Nov Hotel Albert Kinga Hotel in Kills Hotel Wednesday Hotel Bond Head p in House 8touffvII I Thursday Si House Bradford Friday 25 Royal Hotel Newmarket Saturday A MA KOI t3 Montreal Coupons Cash Purchasers Ask them r Nov 1898 Our Studio Will be open all day the above date on Our Work Speaks for Itself Call and Examine It GALLERY Two doors south of Pipber House Newmarket J Is Better Prepared this Week than Ever Before to serve j their Increasing Trade Enlarged Store Enlarged Stock Enlarged Staff of Salespeople Enlarged Bargains Dont Invest a till you see us TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE DOCTOR RUG RUGGIST When you bring your Lehmans Drug Store you are of getting what your Doctor orders for Pure Drugs combined with Moderate prices and Accurate Dispensing has nude our Department The success it now is Our stock of Combs Brushes and all Druggists Sundries is of a Good Class Our Prices in ail Departments Are as low as lowest and our Stock as good as the Best for the Money LEHMANS Drug Store tZT lietl CENTRAL HOP ENSILAGE CORN OF THE BEST VARIETIES RED MAMMOTH SOUTHERN SWEET EARLY LONGFELLOW EARLY ANGLE OF MIDNIGHT GERMAN HUNGARIAN AND TURNIP SEED Huron Street Dont be too In buying til you call a ran Mock thai arrived at Tailor Shop wont lo any or form Have received Fall Stock of ENGLISH IRISH and SCOTCH SERGES TWEEDS WORSTEDS and Of all pattern suit most fnfiildlouB to price Past experience taughtitbo public work to all patrons we you and Anything that not aim wo ere to make it right la back of convinced of the above facta Repairing a Specialty Jas McLaughlin

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