Newmarket Era , November 18, 1898, p. 8

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the arret era V FRIDAY NOV rip take Hoods nils Mils you to pieces are not in it with Knar to Tim big old-lash- to anil to operate la if of Hoods Pills which are In certain anil sure AH the only Pill to take with Hoods i HEAD paid up Capital Fund Total Aote nearly TORONTO T frfi A of this Hank In BRADFORD deposits received of SI and up wards and thelilKlical current rates Woinakou8icelHyof Discounting Fanners Notes And Stale Holes LOWEST RATES For further apply to JOHN f KV J I I To Cure Bristols SARSAPARILU IT 18 PROMPT RELIABLE AND NEVER FAILS IT MAKE WELL around the Hub AND FIND PINK ORCHARD d A shooting malob for turkeys and is to take place on Friday Nov the residence of commencing at one This is a good place for a if the weather la dis agreeable is a comfottablo shop to out of Too for hit with MOUNT Mr Frank and sister from Union spent Sunday Mr Richard Shaws Mr William is away on his annual hunting trip to Wo understand that Miss Bella Hamil ton is taking charge of his school in his absence Miss fibnnett Now York is a guest at Mrp Mortons this week Mr John Atkinson of Victoria Har bor was calling on friends in this neighborhood last Our public school which has been slopped for so is to start again this Mrs Mooro of spent Sunday with her Mrs Shaw of Holt was a guest at Mrs Martin Roses last wcok The Rev Mr McKay is to take charge of the services the coming three Sundays and after that wo expect to have a regular minister Mr Kioly baa built a new house on con which ho now occupies agent for J Floury Bone has opened an implement shop in Kemps old tin shop Kemp lost a part of finger in too saUsago machine last week ladies of Presbyterian purpose holding their annual Thanksgiving on the in tho St James Hall Mr and Mrs John Boyd of Roachs Point had a large gathering of their friends at their residence in honor of wedding day Some inconvenience was caused this week by workmen tearing up the bridge on main street The tem porary is now ready for traffic potatoes turned out far better than wan The King Flowing Match was large ly attended by of this ncighlforliood Mrs J Ballard and family are vfating relatives in Ladies Aid in connection with St church was held at the Miss on Wed- Paring ate around here during past two weeks GUAnAHTEB to Will Ho Mr of Toronto was of buildings has been buried in very fashionable in this this fall Jon Saturday last latest job has been The that on the Royal Hotel roof A Christmas tree will bo held in the Methodist church on tho evening of Friday Dec under the auspices of the social and literary derpartment of the league Seven years ago a farmer living near hung his vest on the fence in the barnyard and as a result a wonderful story is told A calf chew ed up the pocket in the garment in which was a standard gold watch Last week animal a staid old milk cow was butchered for beef and timepiece found in such a posi tion tho lungs of cow that the process of respiration the closing in and filling the lungs kept the stem- winder wound up and the watch had lost but four in inn tea in seven years This yarn has ap peared in our before and is evidently fixed up to give local signifi- Children Cry for CASTOR The quarterly meeting of the church which was held at was well attended from this place Rev Met occupied the pul pit of tho Methodist church and Rev of Christian church on Sunday Inst in the interests of the Bible Society Out beef ring held night Inst week In ilia school house It was attended and the business for year transacted average beef weighed 150 Arrangements wrnj for titer year Hocpa bit Willi rtJ til of Hen tnn bit hit Dipffitfi UNI if oat tit trmtKii tint Ktfotj Cute W curt W or frVJe- tut ram ho ioog ID Of la Cold will quick up term of cold to fill If im KiOIcil It 1 EYE CHANGE EMULSION all LOU or or a of I eh bid mo for over a per CO age advances a gradual in Sight takes Change necessitates afd Glasses properly ground and adjusted replace the lose of eye power Wo understand work particularly well ATKINSON CO Do you think of Children Cry for AST Dwelling 5 Shop to Rent Together or separately and on Moderate JACKSON On Apply to occupied by domestic LLOYD OF- Dr Tuckers ASTHMA Specific The ouly Positive for Asthma Fever fliasal Catarrh Complete Outfit for two weeks trial Free of Charge on application to SCOTTS PHARMACY NEXT TO OFFICE NEWMARKET The Standard Life ASSURANCE ESTABLISHED 1828 PROGRESS The new assurance carried through by Standard for tho last nine periods have been as follows NEW SUMS ASSURED 18600676 30140172 v Since progress has been equally satisfactory Investments in Canada 918500000 Profits to holders 29200000 Ramsay Manager IiuttoQ Balfour of Agencies Charles Hunter Chief Agent Ontario w CEO MHUNT District Inspector J A Agent J shipped a carload of apples to England Miss Smith of Newmarket spent a few days last week with Mrs Meetings every night this week ex cept Saturday in the Congregational Church Mr Todd is erecting a sepa rate brick building for the manufacture of acetylene gas Mr Daniel has rented the farm at Ring wood and will move there in the spring Johnson is conducting a gen eral storo business in Sutton Wo wish him abundant success Owing to an accident to the dynamo our village has been in darkness for the past two weeks at least as far as are concerned It is not an unsual thing for to be in darkness for it always has boon behind the times In this respect and is probably only town of its size in Canada that has not some kind of street lighting Messrs J Bartholomew J and A returned on Saturday evening from their annual hunt in the burton district They succeeded in killing bear and deer in two days J Bartholomew shooting the bear by three single shots and J deer at one shot This is no doubt a recordbreaker each member of party having secured the full al lowance of the law one bear and two deer Tho many friends and schoolmates of Mr Fred Percy son of Rev Percy will be pleased to hear he has returned after an absence of nearly years duration In the interim he visited four continents including the greater portion of the United States having travelled nearly milts He has been to South Africa Mada gascar and Mauritius in the Indian previous to coming to New York where he joined a U Trans port and went to Cuba Porto Rico and He has returned safe and sound standing six feet three inches high and weighs about lbs He has brought with him a few curiosities from the front among which are a dagger and some bullets which ho picked up from the battlefield of the recent Cuban battle some wood off the Mercedes some bark from a tree which had been riddled to pieces with bullets in Santiago and a piece of Spanish shell He has spent some time in Ireland and in London where be took in the principal points of interest His friends will scarcely recognize him as the fat kid that left home so long ago A rather peculiar shooting accident occurred on Saturday morning at the home of Mr John Brown farmer who lives about a mile east of the village His son took a loaded rifle into bedroom and laid it on the bed A little while after Mrs Brown and her daughter entered the room The daughter seeing the gun took it off the bed and in so doing accident ally pulled the trigger The charge took effect on Mrs Brown piercing the top of the lung and going through the shoulder blade Although the wound is serious Mrs Brown is in no immediate danger Too Idle for last COLLEGE CORNERS a Mrs J is entertaining lady friend from People from different localities are reporting poor and avorage potato crops Mr J testify to more than an average one From five aores he taken on an estimate between and bushels which will take cars to ship to Toronto Who next Tho Joker and his estimable friend Will came home last Sunday to see their best girls All of our young men have gone deer hunting but little Irish man As he has one he thought he did not have to go We saw mentioned in Baldwin Breezes a pig noted for ploughing roadsides To rid the citizens of that pest we would ask the to ship it to Bonds Lake for immediate use for the Metropolitan Railway Co as a machine and grader We understand Mr John Rose was here making arrangements for taking lessons on voice culture and singing Miss was a guest at Mr Joseph Pollocks last Sunday Mr and Mrs Darius York were visitiug at Mr A Roses one day this week Wo are sorry to learn out present school teacher Miss Davidson intends leaving this section at Christmas Last Wednesday afternoon Mrs Willie King and Miss were joined in holy matrimony by Elder of Newmarket We extend congratulations Last Wednesday evening a bevy of young people from this place gathered at Mr Lewis and spent an en joyable time Mr Lewis intends moving to Montreal about the middle of this month See-Saw- The social held on Monday evening in tins Music Hall under the auspices of the T of was a good Newmarket corps of the Salvation Army will hold their annual selfde nial meeting on Wednesday evening Nov in Methodist Church and on Thursday evening Nov in Methodist Church Two fakirs who operated at Fair got out of trouble for steal ing a horse and rig by buying the out fit They paid a cash and left their valises as security for the bal ance Their valises were shipped to Hamilton but were never called for Crittenden a young man who worked on farm of Mrs J J near last week eloped with Mrs Fountain wife of an employe on same farm She told her husband that she was going to a quilting bee and the night being dark husband was not sur prised that she did not return It was not until Friday that Mr Fountain found out the true state of when ho learned that his children had been left with neighbors TWO LOSS On Street Situated the Woollen For gate on Terms Apply to JACKSON Heal Estate Agent To Boat Brick corner Victoria and with all modern conveniences- bulb furnace For terms apply to If LLOYD C Mala St Newmarket FARM TO RENT West half of lot coo 3 Ktng Good buildings orchard good fences acres fallow Fall plowing to be done Well watered good soil about JO acres mile from P Kent- moderate to a good man For terms apply to next lot south of farm P or to J UlLDIrota THIS SUMMER If you do write SeHI NEWMARKET ONT And get of Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows ALL THE Artistic Inside Woodwork in Largest Factory in Canada lor the manufacture of PAILS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc FOR SALE YCLE8 The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co construct and Repair all on short NEWMARKET ASSESSMENT Children Cry for J T Purely Canadian a National in its character Age limit to Fixed Premium No Death Assess Gives 500 or Insurance Over One Million Dollars paid to members and ilieirdependentssuice organization Careful medical selection Death rate for the year of its history only per Has a larger Sucplus on hand for each risk than any Society of the kind in Canada Seclritv op a dollar of the Surplus invested out side of Canada Premiums and Interest accruing therefrom used only for Payment op Death Claims if At a cost of from to cents a any healthy man an acceptable can secure insurance for his family or dependents Full on application to I rtttnotl Twos White US Out Supciutd- AURORA The concert which will held in the Methodist Church here on the evening of Thanksgiving Day promises to be one of the best ever hold in town Over sixty voices will take part in the choruses There will also be an orchestra We regret to announce this week the of Dr vete rinary surgeon from this place to Previous to leaving Mrs and Miss the recipients of handsome presents from the ladies of the Baptist Church in which church they were active workers Dr J Stevenson and E have just returned home from deer hunting up north and report their party having succeeded in shooting nine deer Mr Hinds has had another at tack and acting upon the advice of Stevenson went to the Toronto Hospital a few weeks ago and up to the present is improving favorably Applying the Rule the Way A Chinaman says the Advocate applied for the position of cook in a family in one of our Wes tern cities The lady of the house and most of the family were members of a fashionable church and they were determined to look well after char- actor of the servants So when John Chinaman appeared at the door he was asked Do you drink whisky No said he man Do you play cards No I man He was employed and gave great satisfaction He did his work well was honest upright correct and re spectful some weeks tho lady gave a progressive euchre party and had wines at the table John Chinaman was called to serve the party and did so with grace and ac ceptability But the next morning he waited on tho lady and said he wished to quit work Why what is the matter sho rn quired John answered Citation man I told you so before no heal hen No for heathen it Residence on Lome Ave Newmarket Rooms large I I airy and In excellent order All con- J vcnlcncee Bath Water Closet Hot and Cold water Good stable Garden well stocked fruit trees and Would exchange for desirable property Newmarket PINK PROMPTLY SECURED Write for oar Interesting Invent ors and flow you are swindled- Send iu a rough Ice ton or Invention or improvement and will tell you our opinion to whether it is Wo mate ft specialty of applications rejected in references furnished PATENT Civil CrwJuxtM of bo School Patent England Works fcuiTeyort Can of buildikc Encouraging Results Follow Proper Feeding There isa wide diversity of opi nion about what constitutes a good cow but none about the beneficial effects resulting from the use of WILL STOP and RHEUMATIC Erie Ave Hamilton says a Neuralgia for many often been laid up for a week at a time I have tried many other remedies but found nothing so good aR Wileys Pink Powders It is very seldom I have to take more than one to stop the most severe attack They are nice to take and leave no depression afterwards For Sale by all Druggists and StoreSeepers write THE WILEY PINK POWDER CO Toronto per Package 25c per Box ATTENTION I j THE ISAAC USHER SON la guaranteed to be quite equal to any of the Portland for all of farm structures as bankbam stable flore hog bridge culverts cisterns etc ai about onehalf the price of Portland Personal Instruction given free of charge ano For Information NOTICE a- apply to Parliament of thereof for a Dill of Divorce from wife Mary Slock Of the City of Torooto woman on the ground of bigamy KYLE IB St Toronto fiollcttors for Apnllcant work warranted apply to General AGENTS I A line of flret socondrlaf5 Lath etc always nand at Jowct for twentyseven years DUNN Dicks Blood Purifier tonic appet izer blood puri fier and aid to thorough diges tion for cows horse when they are put on dry fod der in the Fall It the organs of the to extract all the nutriment from the food and them in good heal thy condition for the spring time Those handling War with Spain are mak ing money A good share of profit la yours If you deven hundred l luelrailons and Bella cheap pay freight tell time and supply outfit COMPAKT Limited Toronto AGENTS weekly salaries of from Lit THECOOKSBESTFRIEND Largest Sale in Canada working early and late The and work T wanted Toronto The Queens business houses at Man were destroyed by fire Women may learn lot the neighbors from their hired girls but the men to the barber shop or hotel HOW Private funds on Farm mortgage only JACKSON Real Agent em A0TIVa6OUCIIOBS for The Story of thePhlllppIneabyMur- at by theGovernmeot War Department CO- and a packass Official to the San Francisco the with General riti In the at Honolulu In Hong Kong In the American trenched at Manila la the Insurgent camps with Aguloaldo the deck of the with and in the roar of the fall of Manila- Bonanza for agents Brimful of original pictures tak en by government photographers on tbes boot prices paid Credit given Drop el a war books Outfit fxt Insurance Building Chi cago FOB THE OLD FEEBLBI Dr Ward Blood and Nerve Pills I Two thousand dollars worth of furs were stolen from Gra hams store Montreal W In this to Jown sKhV at home flolle no more no lets Hilary Enclose all

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