i he Era more home news every week than any two other papers in North York combined and will be sent to new subscribers till January for 1 balance of this year for cents cash r rf a 5 NORTH YORK AND liberty to know to uttft and to freely according to conscience above all other liberty Vol No Single Each Newmarket Friday December 2 1898 No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance Terms per annum if paid in advance At least some of them They all use the Celebrated Grand Jewel ook Stoves BOUGHT AT The general verdict is they are Excellent Bakers Good Heaters and small Wood Eaters Mrs John Irwin Sharon Charles Case Pino Orchard Richard Boyd ft William Charles Haines Lemon James Cannon Aurora James Wright Newmarket Benjamin Sharon Buy a Grand Jewel Mr Warriner Keswick John Rogers Mr Fairburn Frank Pine Orchard Industrial Home J Mills Dunkorron Mr Sharon David Hamilton Roachs Point William Roachs Point John Nowmarket Seymour Morton and you will be happy For sale at A BINNS Repairing Promptly Done NEWMARKET QUEEN SVILLE SPECIAL VALUE IN SASKATCHEWAN YAK oo In Flannel Flannelettes and Underclothing we are showing Surprising Values In Boots and Shoes Rubbers and Sox we guarantee these Goods Our Stock of Groceries comprises the newest and freshest goods that can be procured- All the above goods have been bought for Cash either from the Manufacturers or the Wholesale Agents thus assur ing the lowest prices J DENTAL Post Office Block opposite the Methodist Cburcb Vitalised Air for Extracting Guaranteed J Rogers Resident Dentist Aurora Successor late Dr Robin wn Or rice late residence Street Aurora p Dentist at In of Dr Porter Brad- ford every Monday of Woo Violin Tuner of Pianos and all String Instruments If your children are well but not robust they need Scotts Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil We are constantly in re ceipt of reports from par ents who give their children the emulsion every fall for a month or two It keeps them well and strong all winter It prevents their taking cold Your doctor will confirm this The oil combined with the is a splen did food tonic li Will you lie in early tonight This asked imploringly by mother of son a firio looking young man received only abrupt reply I dont you going any plaito in parti cular Yes Im going to the club The mother had a perfect honor of very word club knew nothing about club except that it was a place to which her beloved son seemed in duty bound to gi every night and from which he never return ed until very late either midnight after To her the club was something which her son forget mother home and heaven She was a kind Christian mother and every indica tion evil in her child pierced her heart it torn and bleeding When he remained at home with her which was however very seldom and usually when he did not feel well enough to go out she was indeed happy One night she fell very bad from the of having boon silting up night before waiting and pleaded earnestly with hor son not to stay out late He readily promised as ho often did forgetting his promise just as soon as the door of hit home was closed behind him Please come in in good time tonight she said in the same sweet tone dont feel very well and Im all alone Ill wait right here for you until you return Ill homo in good time he re plied but if you do not feel well you had better go to bed No Ill wait right here for you Well Ill bo in early Pulling on his gloves he went out the door really fooling sorry that his mother was not well The thought of his remaining at home with her never occurred to him He was entirely too selfish for that Ho had not gone far down street when he met one of his old friends who saluted him with Ive got a on for tonight A party of us arc going to the theatre then to the cafe and after that to club Ive engaged your seat with the rest as we take it for granted that you are of us Certainly he replied lighting a cigar Im delighted I feel a little blue tonight and I just want a night of It to drive all thought away Whats the matter with you It is not very often that you feel blue No but mother isnt well to night 0 about your mother what do you care I thought you cut loose from all such nonsense long ago Well so I did and here for a glorious time conight To the theatre first all right so go ahead They entered the opera house but at first all lie could hear was Ill wait for you Ill wait for you right here For just a second he felt a regret soon as the play began he threw himself heart and soul into the evenings enjoyment He forgot all good impulses nd by the time the play was over ho was a self appointed leader for the remainder of the evening The party did not break up until about two hours after midnight Wending his way homeward he soon came in sight of the house and there he saw a light The words came to him Ill wait for you Ill wait for you right here Could she still be waiting for me he wondered He unlocked the door went in there she was waiting but he did not care to encounter her so he hurried on to his room Conscience however would not let him rest It was his turn to listen He listened Jong but he heard noth ing Unkind though he was he went to her room to see whether she could have climbed the stairs without his having heard her She was not in her room however so he stole cautiously down to the parlor where she had waited his coming The light had not been turned out and he could see her distinctly as he entered She must have fallen asleep waiting he and does not know when I came in Ill ask her why she doesnt go to bed One step nearer and lie spoke to her Mother A little loud er my boy she does not hear you He was stunoed and be wildered could not believe what was apparent that his mother in stead of climbing the stalls in her own hallway had climbed the golden stairs and fallen asleep in arms of her Saviour noticed a little slip of paper in her hand Thinking it might be a last message to him ho eagerly seized it and this is what it read Ill wait for you heaven my boy hod Tho succeeding day days of torture to him His friends with whom he had hod such glorious times wero overawed at the of death and did not come near house to sec him This suited him very well for what iootl could they do him He cared not to ecu them he had been softened for the time leing Days passed lie grew lonely Once more ho went to the club He received such a hearty welcome that it was not Toronto better A man named George Smith was shot in the leg by a last week while trying to escape arrest The wound not serious but it brought Smith to his senses who is wanted on a charge of burglar ExLieut Governor Kirkpatrickhas been ill owing to a return of bis complaint but is reported to be on the mend Rev Wi J pastor of New Richmond Methodist Church died at the General on Mon day morning an a result of ft surgical operation for trouble He was a of ability and made friends fore But now there j con rn cars III lhm wait for you in heave Ill wait for long Ireforo he went every night m In- vahiu Alex in Kingston Burnett who in King township forged the name of Michael Winter a to a of Winters property in King low ship and then borrowed on Going home Whats the matter with you Its only half past ten you in heaven evening when they were having an unusually hilarious time he sudden ly rose up and Boys Im going home Entertainments IXJiriterEvenings Throwing light is a good simple game two officers arc chosen who must be quick and clever after a con sultation with each other they agree on a word that has several meaning such as box shooting box theatre box band box they then proceed to discourse on the word to the general company careful not to throw too much light As soon as any one guesses the word he consults with the officer and if correct in his surmise TheEditors Shears they Observe your enemies for first find out your faults Hundreds of of apples may be passing Nobelton on their way 3g to station fox shipment A herd of three buffalo was seen last weekly a settler in the Swan district about north of Winnipeg i town oclock Nevertheless Im going home mothers waiting for me Your mother mother is dead Yes but shes waiting for me in heaven and kind of living will never take me to heaven The jeers of hi companions had no effect on him he was drawn by a higher power They did not know they could not see the golden thread of his mothers prayers drawing him onward toward a higher and better life From that day he avoided his form er companions as much as possible and from that day he began a nobler and better life His path was not an easy one and often and often he was almost led away temptation but the would come to him just in time to save him Shes waiting for shes waiting for me in heaven Then he I conquer and in this way he was help over many a rugged path All through life sweetest and saddest words to him wit Ill wait for you in heaven Ill wait for you in heaven my son Presbyterian Save CQoney by Home Dyeing Easy to Au tumn Dresses out of old and Costumes end Suits Diamond Dyes for Years Have Bern the Standard Home scenes small articles and clippings to distri bute among her guests every one is j allowed a few minutes to guess the On Friday morning last a drunken of each card and to write character named struck his on lie too proceeds to throw light A J time limit is and forfeits are J driving collected from those ten minuteshave not guessed the probably word but on the other hand if j fatally have guessed it in ten minutes the Mr the Lloyd town officers must pay the forfeits I mad con of King threshed Another more complex game which j acres of clover yielded requires some preparation is one bushels seed the hostess has ready numbered cards with painted or pasted signs Dont wear a faded gown Dont look shabby simply because you cannot afford to buy a new dre It is not necessary to wear clothing that is faded and shabby because you have no money to buy more With 1 or packages of Diamond Dyes that cost only ten cents the old dress can be dyed a fashionable and beautiful color and made to look like new Thou sands of women will have autumn dresses this year that cannot be told from new but which have cost them only a trifle the result of coloring over their old materials with Diamond Dyes Diamond Dyes give the newest and most beautiful colors that will not fade crack or wash out and are the only package dyes that stood the test of years of use Never risk your goods with any of the common adul terated dyes Never do anything concerning the rectitude of which you have a doubt wife on the head with a hammer shat tering her skull She was taken un conscious to the Hospital where death ended her suffering The man was arrested and is held in custody await ing trial The new court house at least the part to be used exclusively by the city was lighted by electricity this week The tiling on the tower is now com plete The on the tower top brings the total height of the tower to feet Mr has notified the Board of Trustees of the National Association of a subscrip tion of toward erection of a laboratory and experimental depart ment in connection with the Graven- hurst institution A warrant has been issued for the arrest of the Front St Commission merchant Win Davidson who is said to have been playing a swindling game in produce dealing Report has it that he has numerous victims all over I Ontario Judge gave out a judg ment of interest to those who hold policies in benefit societies Michael Nolan had a policy for in the A his wife Rose Nolan be ing the beneficiary The latter died and Nolan diopped behind in payment He was about to let the policy lapse when J J proposed to take it up for him For a consideration of Nolan made the and the latter kept up the payments Nolan however withdrew from the society and instituted suit for damages for breach of contract Nolan offered to pay the 50 which had paid in fees but refused and sued Judge dismissed the suit finding that could not be a beneficiary under the terms of the terms of certificate small scorecards pro vided for the purpose A prize is given at the end of the evening to the one who has the greatest number of correct answers Here are some sug gestions for the cards a large bow of Iray indicates Hayti a red is the Red Sea the names of two States joined together is the United States and an eye and a tallycard is Italy Any number of combinations will readily suggest themselves this game is always taking with young people- Perhaps not less amusing than these newer names is an oldtime spelling- bee where the company arc equally divided into two portions and stand in lines opposite each other a word is given out first to the person at the end of one line who may spell it cor rectly when another word is given out to the opposite line but if the Fee overland train was held Those Unsightly Pimples can be entirely removed by the use of Millers Compound Iron Pills doses io cent Sold by Lehman The drier ingredients in the com position of those qualities that gain esteem and praise are good nature- truth good sense and good breeding The Uxbridge Tim says There ere fifty cases of scarlet fever in town It is of a mild form and phoid fever are also in evidence and the doctors are kept hustling A marble slab about ft with the names of the county council- lors the architects ami contractor en graved thereon will adorn the main entrance to the House Re fuge It that the municipal kettle is emitting a few bubbles in the shape of wouldbecan didates for reeve JH J Stark and Sanders being the persons mentioned Los Angeles Nov The Santa word is not correctly spelled it is pass ed to the next person opposite and so two miles west of Daggett on desert at 1230 yesterday morning up on alternately up the lines until the J Fred Blakeleyj the one who spells it correctly has the shot and killed one of the l privilege of choosing one of the The robbers obtained no booty ents to be on his side the game ends Nov At the Collier Occupation is one great source of enjoyment No man properly occu pied was ever miserable That tired feeling will disappear and you will be able to eat well and sleep well by using Millers Compound Iron Pills Sold by Lehman If we did but know how little some enjoy the great things that they possess there would not be much envy in the world It your every day duties are a burden it is because you are not well Millers Compound Iron Pills will cor rect this condition and work ill be- a pleasure Bold by Leh man Pale Into Insignificance to the Man Who is Tormented with Ointment Will Cure Them- Of all flesh ailments the most dis tressing is piles blind bleeding itch ing or ulcerating and the remedy that will give the quickest relief and the surest cure is Dr Oint ment It holds a phenomenal record as a certain pile cure and the words relieved like magic have been her alded round the globe and are but the voices of the nations telling of its curative powers It cures all skin diseases eczema salt rheum scald head etc Sold by E Lehman Bentleys Pharmacy Newmarket Mr of King Town ship who has been remodeling his barn and putting in new stabling has everything op to date Those who have seen his stables say they are the best in that part of the country Nov The Baldwin hotel caught fire at am and it has been entirely destroyed There were people guests and em ployes in the hotel when the fire broke out and a number of these people are thought to have lost their lives The fire worked its way up from the kit chen through the Hue to the sixth floor and before the alarm was sent in the fire had gained great headway when either side has won a sufficient majority A Scotland evening is also very much the thing there may be readings froiii Scotch authors and games where Scotch topics are treat ed one might be a game of quotations and cards given to the guests with misquoted extracts from Scotch vprse written on them whoever is able to change the greatest number of quota tions to their correct form to win a prize On the same order would be a game of with written questions about Scotch books and Scotch history the one who is most apt in the an swers to receive a prize a of Scotch verse as a prize Have one evening devoted to charades young people always enjoy these and on another a Mother- Goose party For the latter the host ess must provide cards with the name of some MotherGoose character writ ten on each and when all the company has gathered she must demand of Street Methodist Church Thanksgiv ing supper Rev Dr Harper who is leaving for Boston was presented with a purse containing 9100 in gold an undenominational gift Mr John read the address and Mr Jonathan Sissons made the presenta tion The venerable doctor replied in grateful acknowledgement of gift At halfpast four Fridav morning the Grand Trunk go ing west crashed into a westbound P freight train that was standing at Port Credit The only person hurt was Thomas Moses of the newspaper train who was badly cut about the head The Grand Trunk engine and several of the Ca nadian Pacific cars were badly dam aged Mind Nov The steamers Tampa and Arthur are wrecked on the north shore of Lake Superior- The two vessels represent about 450000 with their cargoes must demand of every one he verse to which character relates and demand a forfeit comp of him who cannot correctly quote it Bazar The Appetite of a Goat Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose Stomach and Liver are out of order All such should know that Kings New Life Pills the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy gives a splendid appetite sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy Only cents at any Drug Store It is a pretty sight to see a pea nut plantation when the vines are in blossom The blossoms are bright yellow and the vines are a vivid green As soon as the blossoms ap pear a fine branch forms on the vine and shoots down into the ground The peas as the nuts are called on the plantation form on the shoot beneath the ground like potatoes When the crop is gathered in October the- vine is plowed up and the nuts hang the roots Vines and all- are in cocks in the field and in twenty days the nuts are ready to be pulled off placed in bags and taken to the fac tories There they cleansed of dirt assorted polished in revolving cylinders and put into bags ready for tho market wreck on the rocks at Beaver Bay miles east of She went ashore about two oclock Tuesday morning in the fearful gale that swept Lake Superior all of Monday and Tuesday Her crew are cafe at Beaver Bay Belleville Nov When Will iam of Toronto was killed at Murray Hill he had a large sum of money on his person which could not be found when his body was picked up Detective Day of the G working on the case heard that a man from Trenlon had been in Toronto en- to find some erase bank stamp from bills He arranged for Detective to do the work and last night when Cookburn about ready to clean up the bills Day and Chief Coleman stepped in the of Hugh Brown of Trenton They recovered and brought Brown to the city He remand ed until next Wednesday The pris oner is a teamster The Detectives would talk but other expected in the affair Brown has stated that while at the wreck he saw the entrails of a human being and touched them with his foot when the fell out pickkd it up and gave each of four companions secreting the balance i 3