ft Advertisements Central Hi SlcI Co A Hookey J A Co Atkinson Co J Smith Notice 10 Notice- David of Properly For V for Mian Ida Harry Hotel i- Widdifleltt IJfcnnil Metropolitan Electric Hill mid 11 LOS VO Toronto ami And pm Wry- off only serious constitution of the Senate and the necessity or Senate reform Ifc is therefore satisfactory to note from the declaration of at least two members of the Cabinet that the question of reforming the Senate is still an active factor in Liberal politics and that long a practical measure will be presented for the consideration of parliament calculated to make that body responsible to the will of the people and in harmony with our syetem of popular government Oar Society IkltbOSAL POINT SPECIAL EXCURSIONS On Hill to Hint Idturn for children lUuhinoiid Hill pm Toronto fftO im Toronto mid return for GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY so a a ft fi a si 4 a SB HO is J a tn i a x v 3 fe tit j a 5 It She LETS UP BUT AND WITH oil atHome FRIDAY DEC 1898 Senate Reform In a political speech at a short time ago Sir Louis Minister of Marine and Fisheries took occasion to refer to the present con stitution of the Canadian Senate and also to the unfulfilled pledge of the Liberal party to bring that body more into harmony with the popular will Although that pledge had not yet been redeemed he assured bis hearers it had certainly not been forgotten and that it the settled determina tion of the Administration to fulfill to the letter the ante- election pledges of the great Liberal party of this Do minion as foreshadowed in the plat form of the National Liberal at Ottawa in 1J3 This assurance has been reaffirmed by Hon Mr Mills at a recent inter view at Toronto It was on that plat form the party appealed to the elec torate of the country in A second chamber being generally regarded by the leading politicians of Canada as an essential feature in our system of popular government Senate reform does not mean as some Con servative journals assume the aboli tion of that body At the Ottawa Liberal Convention above referred to the proposition submitted and ap proved simply declared that the Senate as now constituted was de fective and inconsistent with the Federal principle of our constitution it made that body independent of the people and uncontrolled by the public sentiment of the country Hence it was desirable bring its into harmony with the cities of popular government In fulfilling this anti de- of the party by giving to Canada an impartial second chamber representative of the intelligence wealth business capability and pat- of the country rather than a nominated number of discredited the Government will to this Dominion a of men calculated to command the respect Vvand confidence of the people We iVivJiave but to recall the manner in certain legislation adopted by popular branch of parliament last was rejected to discover the Mr Jobn bed visitor on Day Mr 1 of Toronto e Kuvst el Lawn Mr of from Manitoba The ovor in Mr Fred with at Richmond Hill Mrs in the two or days week Mr Whitby over in town A of Ml with loft for oily Tuesday to accept a altoation Mr hi for Detroit bo has aooopted a situation Mr Ed Barry of calling on Town Monday and Tuee- day lra Flay wan At Home a comber of people Monday even ing Mr and Mrs P Moore of Acton are the the editor for two or three day a Mr liickfion of a at Mr Troll during holidays Mis OBrien of Woodaiuck viaiting with her Mips on Mr Lyman of ent few week viaitiniE vkiuiiy- Mr Holder and Master Cloy of Ml Albert were guest of Mrs Noll r laat Saturday Mr Jo Belfry daughter of J Eej ia for a change She poorly Mr and Mrs Davidson also Miss of gOB Mr and Mrs Vanderburg of Toronto were the of Mr A on ajid Leprd of were visiting their daughter Mrs By over Miss is spending a mooih visiting friends in Toronto and also her brother in Mr Sterling Cody son of Mr J A Cody who is attending Pickering College was home for Thanksgiving Mrs Fred Napa California Is visiting with Mrs- Dennis and friends In this vicinity Madge Allen and Miss Edna MaoArtbor returned home after a weeks in Mr and have re lumed home after spending five weeks in Mew York Rochester and Buffalo J Esq B A was unable to take his duties as Principal of the High on Monday on account illness Mrs had a serious time week owing to the bursting of artery in her face bat is Improving cicely Mr Lloyd Howard ot Toronto and Mies Ray Howard of Bradford were visit Miss Edoa Mac Arthur on Thanksgiv ing Mr Angus graduate of Newmarket High Sobool now teaching in South fork was visiting friends here a lifer giving Rev Mr Bingham of Woodstock formerly Aurora and who preached in the Christian here on several occasions calling on friends in Town last Saturday Mr J Thompson of Toronto aad Mr J Thompson and Miss Thompson of this town were at Holt Ibis week on ooont of the serious Illness of their father who is Buffering from paralysis Mr of York Mills was in Town Saturday and gave the Era a friendly call He says ha attended Plowing Matches at and Brampton and the King men can knock the Peel men all hollow for plowing while for horses Peel is not in it at all Rev H Matthews and Jaok son attended a meeting In Toronto last week of the Ontario section of the stand ing committee on prohibition and moral reform appointed by the Methodist Gener al Conference The following resolution was passed and the secretary instructed to forward a to the Govern ment That in view of the plebiscite on the of last showing a majority in of the total prohibition oyer Sunday will friends In Town Mr Bob Wesley Visited bit sisters who are In on Mr Matthews of spent Thanksgiving with hit parents at the Methodist Parsonage Flora Ml Albert was visiting witb her aunt Miss Thompson on St ibis week Mr J as of was lo Town on Monday and rented his farm In King to a man In Mr and Mrs Tbos Ward and family of arc spandl ng a few days with her mother Mrs Gray in town Mr and Mrs were At Home on of Thanks giving with a company of young people Mr Pearson or Toronto son of tho late Potor Pearson ot Newmarket Sunday with relatives in Town and vicinity Mr Clarence A Caldwell of Now York is here ibis week on a visit to his father Mr Alex Caldwell at Mr Ave Mrs Will Lloyd on of Whit- baa been confined to her bod for live on dropsy and there is little hope recovery Master Tony- who sang so at concert on Tuesday oven- fog is soloist at All Saints Toronto and a nephew of Mrs Bomerville Of this town EDITORIAL A special cablegram to the Qiobr states that ilia understood the Duke of York has given a half promise to visit Canada next year and that he may also cross the border at dinner in Toronto Jaat week the of the local roilit Button denied emphatically the reported breach between himself and Minister of Militia He said the breach referred to only existed in the im agination of the gentleman who the newspaper paragraph Leading Store We Lead the Dry Goods Trade in Newmarket because our efforts to place the Most Reliable Goods before the people at a minimum cost have been successful Our trade has grown bigger every season and is bound to grow still bigger We deal squarely with every customer and are willing at any time to refund money if goods bought here are not satisfactory Where else can you do as well If you are not already a customer here drop in and see us We Can Save Money for You Sfur of states that the friend Clarke P also of P P have waiter upon them and requested i hat would become for I be next Mayoralty election men are still in public life but no one cowards because they did not to force unbidden id iho rate payers size up present situation si the two leading railway cor- towards public as a result f the out rate war by a cartoon in Tuesdays The respective general managers lines are standing in loving embrace upon a platform under whlob lipa prostrate form of a man represent ing the public at large The two heavy weights on top is crushing the life oat of Mr General Public GROCERIES Its the enthusiasm which is put into this department that makes it one of the bright features of this ever busy store It is right handy just as you enter the store no stairs to ascend no stairs to descend into the cellar waste no time buying here You are served speedily and courteously and you save money every lime Note Our Special prices New Fruits SUITS AND OVERCOATS The Largest Stock of uptodate Clothing North of Toromo to choose from and our prices cannot be touched by other dealers Our big turnover department enables us to buy cheaper and sell cheaper than any house in the business Heavy at pound Heavy Pure Wool Frieze equal to most Coats our Ok Tuesday a protest was filed the return Hon J M Gibson for East Wellington Borne people do say there is no real foundation for the protest but has been entered in order to help the Whitney candidates in Ballon and Huron It is also rumored that the return of Hon Mr for South Ontario will bo protested The December is the last day for filing a petition in this latter case inevitable to Spain has been reach ed At the Paris Commission session on the nit the Spanish representatives announced that to avoid a further conflict of war with all its horrors American ultimatum would be accepted These terms give to the American Republic the whole of the Philippine and the group and for which the United States gave It is also under stood the American Government will purchase the Caroline group The of the debt of Cuba still remains un settled France Germany Belgium Austria Russia and Turkey express dis satisfaction at Philippines being taken over by the United States but England appears to entertain the notion that Amer icas acquisition there will help in the Eastern problem Sale Reqistep Deo At p at the east half of lot con 6 Whitchurch lumber and timber of Clark Smith Auctioneer Deo 6th Mr Geo Wiley will a sale of Stock and Implements on lot con East Terms months credit on sums over Sale at 1 oclock sharp Auctioneer fcVrV of the liquor traffic we the Ontario Sec of the Temperance and Prohibition Committee of the General Con ference call upon the Government of the Dominion to carry out by effective legis lation the will of the people as expressed at thepaUs jit was also recommended to form a committee on oh circuit with the special object of uniting members lo obtain prohibition as as the enforcement of Iho law regarding the sale of tobacco and to minora rA train of gunootton reaching from Edinburgh to London could be fired in minute bo rapid ie the transmission of detonation from one part to another Rev Dr Sutherland conducted the services at the Method ist last Sunday The church was in need of and the whole amount was raised at the two services Bug Nov A des patch from Tripoli says that a cara van from the Soudan has been at tacked by a band of tribesmen near Ghat an oasis in the to the of Tripoli and on the border of Twenty persons belonging to the caravan were killed and eighty camel loads of feathers and loads of skins were lost v Fine offstock Valencia Raisins 5c Fine Selected do Currants great value Currants Selected New Figs in mats 5 1 lb of Coffee ground while you wait for 19c regular price Mens Fine Black Clay Worsted Suite cutaway or sack coat regular Orange or Lemon Peel pound j Orange Lemon and Citron mixed Mens Irish Serge Suite lailormade will wear like Mens Fine Beaver Overcoat lined with iood Farmer Satin stitch ed with Silk a good 10 Coat our price Our Coat for Men a gem It is made of the finest Beaver lined with very beat Farmers Satin and is in every way equal to ordered work only you save So id the price Mens Good Tweed Suite strong and neat at Mens Double Breasted Suits special Choicest Nutmegs large 5 ounce Pure Clover Honey lb Peas Corn andPumkin can Eclipse or Comfort Soap Pink Salmon 10a can Our Leader Soap large bar Horseshoe Salmon for Special line in Toilet Soap Boneless Herring tin Hans Pickles price for l2c Filbert Nuts lb Tomatoes can Almonds and lb 800 lbs handpicked White Beans 6 pounds for 10c The best value in Sugar See our samples We buy all kinds of Farmers Produce and give you top market prices in trade We want 5000 lbs Dried Apples bright stock CROCKERY DEPARTMENT I 97ptece Dinner Seta at Very Handsomely Decorated Dinner Seta at 7 only Beautiful Dinner Seta the very latest decorations These goods should be per set our special is per set Bi Value in Odd Plates Odd Cups and Saucers and Odd Water Pitchers BedRoom Seta from up to GLOVES HOSIERY CORSETS Ladles Fine Wool Cashmere Gloves special value 15c Extra Fine Cashmere Gloves sizes to regular per pair pur at Ladies fancy dome Hid Gloves the very latest at Extra Heavy Ribbed Cashmere Hose regular special at Full range of sizes in our Famous Scotch Ribbed Hose the best Stock ings for boys and girls Our Supreme Corset at is equal to most Corsets LADIES COATS It is a rule here to sell every Cloak by the first of January This means a lot of selling to be done in three weeks Here is how we them fly Ladies Very Nobby NiggerHead Coats price go at 95 Ladies Fine Beaver Coats price go at 3 Extra Fine Frieze Coats reg go at Beautiful Curl Coats go at The very latest shades in Green and at Reduced BLANKETS a a a Large Shaker Blankets per pair Extra Large Shaker Blankets per pair Heavy Wool Blankets At Fine Wool Blanket samples slightly soiled Wool Sheeting Grey or White per yard a a pair each iron regular price at Boys Suite and Overcoats from up to MENS FURNISHINGS Your choice of any Tie in stock at This is a snap as lots of these Ties are worth from 35 to Mens White Shirts reinforced front and back special Mens Lined Kid Gloves all sizes 50 Mens Extra Fine Cashmere at See our Fleece Lined Underwear at q Special Line Fine Wool Underwear at We Buy and Sell HomeMade Mitts and Socks FLANNELS FLANNELETTES Commencing Friday Morning Dec we will Sell yaiTis Heavy Flannelettes inches wide value at yard Heavy Grey Flannel regular at See our Extra Fine Grey Flannel at The best unshrinkable Military Flannel at Heavy Canton Flannel at LINENS AND COTTON Our yard wide Factory Cotton at 5c is worth 6c See it Bleached Cotton yard wide at Heavy at Half Bleached Table Linen inches wide worth Full Bleached Extra Table Linen regular value special Turkish Table Damask regular at 35 Bath Towels large size per pair carpets and curtains Heavy Union Carpet full yard wide new patterns special Very Union Carpet hew designs and good colors special Handsome Brussels Carpet inches wide at New Patterns in Tapeetry Carpets special at and Hi Value in lace Cumins at Extra wide Curtains a line to retail at our price V I 25 40 E y i j a