Newmarket Era , December 2, 1898, p. 5

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t THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY DEC ONTARIO BANK REST orriok i 0HA8 President General Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits AT TUT Erf DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL Sterling Drafts bought and promptly attended to Manager Sunday School lesson Book of the Found Kings MEDICAL W Campbell tf AT opposite Christian in to mid to pm OriCK Drugstore Main fit to 3to0 and to p i Night boll at fllftred Newmarket the Into Dr Honors Oral door South Of 10i J Wesley Physiol 8u and Coroner North Telephone Communication INSURANCE Joseph AOENX also at- best Ho vera Good for tfalc At Town Clerk Ofllco next to If all Alw In on8atunfttya J A Agent Tor and Ufa AMurauce ejompnnlca Money to Loan Current OrriCK At the Newmarket T Canada flssaranoe INSURANCE AT LOWEST Honey o oau Ramsay Insurance Agent Low on Farm and Isolated Town Property Over Shop Newmarket PAINTING Li The leading and Paper Hanger 0 years In all branches or Full line of of in door North of tho Primary School Church Street Bolton Practical Painter and House Decorator wno and Simpson Main St and Fancy to Loan At per cent on farm and village property by Davidson Also for the Standard Life Northern Co An J they that keep testimonies and seek Him with the whole- heart IIOMB Monday Jon Tuesday 1110 Wednesday Jor 11 Friday lea 8 Saturday John Sunday Acts 1 The for this month open with reign- of tho last reformer the youthful When ho came to the throne territory of Israel was almost a wilderness its kingdom had passed away great Assyrian empire was hastening to its destruc tion Media and were renewing efforts to supremacy of east and on insignificant principality was by turns paying tiibute to Egypt and to In such an of revo lution and of confusion this pure and devoted man reigned in Jerusalem At tho age of sixteen Josiah chose the God of David and four years after- wards ho began actively work of national reformation But in the midst of carcor sad to say ho was slain in battle opposing tho of an Egyptian army through his realm From his time tho downward course of his nation be come rapid and no reformer arose to stay the current toward destruction Whoever lias knowledge of Bible ought to make that knowledge serviceable toothers Hunt up law of Lord Better know and seek pardon than die in ignorance and sin Gods is sure Ho will bo gracious to seek him If you know of anybody who hasnt Bible give him a copy If you read a chanter which impress es you let somebody else know it Tell Bible stories to the children at home Comes from Dr D of Washita I Ho writes Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs of scrofula which had caused her great Buffering for years Terrible sores would break out on her head and face and the best doctors could give no help but her cure is complete and her health is excellent This shows what thousands have prov ed that Electric Bitters is best blood purifier known Its the su preme remedy for tetter salt rheum ulcers boils and running sores It stimulates liver kidneys and bowels expels poisons digestion builds up the strength Only cents Bold by all druggists every bottle guaranteed fln Old flQarVs Testis Mr Geo Dixon a venerable of the Society of Friends writing recently at ago of says On inquiry I find I have not a comrade left who used glass and pipe in his boyhood and here let me say that I believe I should not have been living to this had I not been an abstainer not only from all intoxicat ing drinks but from the use of tobac co in all forms the curse of civil- ization the destroyer of youthful life and tho of the days of man hood rendering the body susceptible to infectious and contagious diseases and lessening the power to rally when attacked During my long life I have exposed to a variety of climates and situations by sea and land from Newfoundland to the Isthmus of Panama only ten de grees from the equator and I fully believe that under Gods blessing I have kept my health by careful living and good moral habits endeavoring by precept and example to keep young people from using the pipe cigar or the cheap cigarette that is often seen in the mouths of ragged and harefoot ed children in our streets Peeks Hews IB GOING ON IN it ABOUT TOWN- Took a Off Two town ftports drove to Aurora on evening in order to pais a couple of hours at roller rink Alter enjoying a very pleasant time return ed towards home When on street In he neighborhood of farm accidentally collided with an const of a hind will be careful in the future fleeting presided last and Mrs Xi Jackson organist- I ho hall was well fillcd Mies a reading by Mr and Mrs Nettie Palmer gave a and characterized the treating system us firewood to start the blso in bo ninny caees is quenched all counteracting of of Jesus Christ Miss Palmer sang a very pretty solo Snort speeches were made by Mr Mr and Mr J TU promise ft good program for next Sunday Clubbing FOR Weekly CO Mall Montreal Star Toronto Dally World Evening Globe- Farmers Son Montreal Witness n CO Aid Sole As usual thing annual gsIg of the Ladies Aid Society of Pauls Church is voty attractive bat this year it will far any former effort and quality of artistic articles will delight all The Friends Miss Palmer of Toronto who preached hero several Sundays with has 1 CO by denomination their CO and will to Newmarket postage Stomp has decided up- on design of stamp which is in postage bo- I Canada and Great Britain It be of about the size of jubilee stamp of last year the color not being fiied The main feature of the new I Wo desire to have it understood that we are marching hand in hand is to bo a map of the world to that effect yet our in red several parts of British Em- customers are well aware of he fact do not make a preat splutter 0 believe doing on At the topis Canada Postage who fever truly An- kntaifa crown Mk nd lve Wo are prepared and in fact in rf position to meet any prices will bo tho price j the are CbMtma to to be ttillbo very reasonable and and the words Wo hold a vaster empire We are handling Pure Food Dandelion it recommended by within the of all in addition to j all leading physicians Saluda Ceylon Tea is another trade special we have fancy work there be a table devoted jit from lb up try a package Pork and Beans is something Candies etc and utuai Seven host Another car of that Manitoba Flour came to hand will add spice to occasion Saturday it is most Beautiful Bread You ought to try it Wo The will be Held in the store next to I JCbw Nov New York he to have our wagon call upon you if you are buying elsewhere Watsons Jewellery Store on Deo and Dp Dentist Bakery Open every Painless extraction Money to Loan At ve David for Montreal established W A carpenter isnt a maid but housework he by a Another great discovery has been made and that too by a lady in this country Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood its severest tests but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent For three months she cough incessantly and could not sleep She finally discover ed a way to recovery by purchasing of us a bottle of Kings New Discov ery for Consumption and much relieved on taking slept all night and with two bottles has been absolutely cured Her name is Mrs Luther Thus writes at homo Hamniok Co of Bold by all at cents and Evjryboltloguacd In j Nearly every man woman ana child in Egypt is a smoker of cigar ettes a pipe is hardly seen in the mouth of a native jlde no cos- Enclose Herbert fln Reminder making some changes in the this week wo came across on old copy of Era dated Juno As a remind er of other days and as an indicator of the spirit and enterprise of that date it is in For Instance advertising columns contain ft notice that the Toronto will bold their Fairs ihi- year in on lsMondav in mouth commencing July 2nd I860 Wo told by those who well remember tho Fairs of those daya that the hotel yards of the Forsyth and North American wore to furn ish Accommodation and the vacant property where livery is now located was utilized for a stock yard Hundreds of dollars then paid out monthly for cattlo sheep for Toronto and local markets A little spirit along this line would bo a decided advantage now and help to centralize trade here old woollen factory was thou in operation controlled by the gentleman who first gave Newmarket a start forward after the railway superseded tho old stage coach His appear in the paper before us After tell ing farming community that he was prepared to do custom carding and cloth- dressing he tells them ho is ready to ex change goods for wool or would for them such goods as Flannels for petticoats for sheets For making cloths this factory bests etc And winds up by indirectly expressing dis satisfaction with foreign importations But if you want money and prefer im ported trash Then bring on the wool and Ill pay tho cash The lato It Smith and the late Don ald Sutherland also Nixon man It Henderson Hughes and Geo wero the merchants doing business here at date The stores of last two named were located on Hill Wo also notice that both deceased now where then mercantile business at Aurora and and exMayor Cane was do ing a lively trade in agricultural imple ments with headquarters at P before he turned his atten tion to manufacturing the celebrated P wag an extensive dealer in The late Jacob at period on quite an in a frame building which was removed from the site on which the Sri office now stands and Mr Caroline another shop where Mrs Dr resides firos carried on drug in a torn down a months ego by Mr adjoining his Main The buildings were then by the late Jos Wood We notice further that Mr North Richardson and father of exCouncilman Richard son Prospect was then in the laud of the Hying and was doing a conveyancing and land agsnoy Mr Joseph Millard the Joseph wore the cabmetmuknis and Josiah James Co were lag washingmachines Messrs Hodge Son and Co did tin smith trade of the place Wallis and advertised as saddler and harnessmakers and Mr James Allan an nounced that he was ready to supply cus tomers with stoves machine castings and plows Ford and have advertising cards telling the people of willingness to attend their bodily ailments Mr J deceased announced himself as a watch and maker In these dajs Halifax and we find an announcement from Sharon of by Joseph as the recording scribe the of a temperance festival to be held the of July that vihege Ticket Is children and cadet halfprice We likewise notice local item states that Dr Fords steam flooring mill ad joining the property was to bo in operation the following week The Etu was published at this time In a building now occupied by Geo Wood as a paint shop corner of Main and Queen sts Looking oyer tba paper before us wo are reminded of the wonderful cbaDges which have taken place in intervening years the recalling of which will likely interest some of the older residents of the town Last month of el ready for Christmas New cajendars are making their appear- ince met ling of Town Council next The snap on Sunday on tho pond trying a flashlight experiment on the of Thanksgiving Day Mr Howard Cane son of Mayor got both hands burnt with powder badly A number of small boys their first skate of the season last Monday on the millpond Whflo testing tho strength of the in the vicinity of bay last Ban- day one of kids went through Mr John has purchased Homestead on and purposes occupying it in Spring was still suffering from the of the blizzard of Saturday night There has been reported thus far lives lost in the in this vicinity and persons to be from the of ex po re A train arrived from Boston by New York New Haven and Hartford railroad this morning It was due at am yesterday and was nearly hours late when it the Grand Central Station The passengers said they had passed through a hard ex perience blocked in snow drifts with out food or warmth A call solicited Central Telephone Office and Robertsons Old Stand W Hot Supper next event of public importance is the Hot Fowl Supper in the Christian Church on Tuesday evening Dec Cth to gether with tho by Rev Morgan Wood of Toronto The ladies are prepar ing for a big crowd and promise an abun dance Anybody who has never heard Morgan Wood should not miss this op portunity He gave same lecture in Bradford a few days ago and the Witness of last week says A more appreciative and attentive gathering perhaps never sat under a speaker For two hours the kept A horse will cat in a year nine times his own weight a cow nine times an ox six times and a sheep six times Superstition is so common in Paris that cards tastefully embellished and containing a list of hours to be avoided are extensively sold In the Servian army the big drum is fixed on a twowheeled cart which is drawn by a large trained dog The drummer walks behind the cart The Forth goods station New castle on Tyne is the largest in Great Britain On an average trucks are loaded and unloaded there daily Ottawa Nov The Depart merit of the Interior has collected this year from parties who have squatted on school lands in Manitoba Halifax N Nov The La EMULSION The Is belt and most of Cod The D a Is prescribed of The EMULSION Is a producer and you an f per Bottle DAVIS lbs CO Limited Montreal MOV To Premises Across the Street I Provisions intock his audience almost spoil bound as be- 1 from says two vessels ashore there and nine are high on the beach at besides one sunk and one dismasted Two topmast schooners from Boston with flour meal etc are ashore and full of water touched upon the great problems of tba day under the title Where Are Wo At Such flow of language such oratories power keen such power of illus tration and fascinating gestures was truly wonderful His lecture throughout con tained much food for thought and Mr Woods first visit to Bradford will not soon bo forgotten The Wilson at was robbed of in currency and in bonds while the officials at dinner He pooled the Surgeons All doctors told Hamilton of West Jefferson after suffering months from Rectal Fistula he would die unless a costly operation was performed but he cured himself with five boxes of Arnica Salve the purest Pile cure on Earth and the best Salve in the World cents a box Hold by all druggists Twothirds of all the letters which pass through the of world are written by or sent to people who speak English Fifty Two Weeks with God A study of The International f Sunday School Lessons NOW HEADY Dont Send Stomps in postage stamps now that the postal note system has been introduced must cease The Toronto Star makes these observations with respect thereto The law imposes a penalty upon any person not possessed of a stamp vendors license selling postage stamps This has been law for many years but has re mained dormant owing to there having been no fractional whereby small sums of money could be remitted by post This difficulty however has ceased to ex ist owing to the adoption of the postal note system Country postmasters paid a commission on the amount of stamps sold intention being these stamps are to bo sold purely for local postage re quirements But some postmasters think ing to their salaries have develop- the system of Inducing persons to bay at remit them to cities in pay- for foods This practice works a fraud treasury and many eat rtjo was passed to prevent the postal note system has -ii- with necessity for payment the police have taken he matter up and it bo well for merchants and others to intimate to their correspondents the risk they run in mak ing payment by postage stamps Ogilvies Strong Bakers Hungarian OgUvies Pastry Best Ontario and Manitoba wheat Flour for Family Use Peed of all Kinds LAND PLASTER A car of fresh ground American Gray fertilizers for Clover and Grass CURE DYSPEPSIA be it bound In or wild boards only cents rccoinintodcd leading Clergy wen On aale by all sellers or sent postpaid on receipt or the price by CO Limited Publishers Toronto Canada ATTENTION THE ISAAC USHER SON ran of the Portland for all aorta of farm To If you a Portable Engine and Belt to cut corn or do other farm work can accommodate you GEO A THOMPSON- Newmarket structure such as bankbarn walls stable Moors silos hog- pens bridge abutments arch culverts cisterns etc This Cement Is sold at about onehalf the price of the Portland Personal all work apply to Personal instruction given free of charge all work warranted For further Information General Agent A line of flret and Shingles Lath etc always at lowest prices 5 Dwelling House Shop to Rent Together or separately Immediate posaea- sion given Domestic water and Stable on the premises Rent Moderate JACKSON House to Boat w LIME LIME The very best Grey Lime J Storehouse On Niagara St- at present occupied by Sutherland and domestic water Apply to LLOYD Barrister la hereby given that an application will be mudetoihe Legislature of the Province of Ontario at its next Session for an Act to confirm Bylaws of tbe Town of market the Village of Aurora and Mill and the Township of Whitchurch King Vuughan end each of which Is entitled A Bylaw to exempt the property of the Metropolitan Com pa ay from gcueral taxation fir ten from the 1st day of January under which ByLaws the property of the Company In New market Aurora and and In Cor Main and Huron Telephone No TWO TOWN LOTS On Street Desirably Situated near old Woollen Factory For Sale on Terms Apply to R Real Estate Agent To Bent Mr Ramsay a of of Ramsay Bros Co Whole- sale of Vancouver It was married in the City of Portland on Nov to Francis May lied of Mr and Mr Fred of Vancouverand now residing in l The wadding which was a quiet took place at the First Presbyterian the pastor Rev Dr Edgar P Hill offici ated The bride was mired The bridesmaid was Rose Jane sister of the bride The groom was sop- ported by Dr Arthur A Jobnton of Port land and tbs bride was given by her father A number of friends gathered at the church to wilntis the ceremony after which married couple were driv en to residence of the brides parent there dinner was partaken of and the good wishes and congratulations of ft select num ber of friends extended to them The wed- included Dm and M A Flion of Portland who in response to calls made upon them were very happy in their remarks whloh it to say were quite pertinent to the festive occasion Mr and Mrs Ram say left on the Northern Pacific train for Chinese Laundry main Ont Brick bouse corner of Victoria and Ave Newmarket house with all modern conveniences bath furnace Ac For terms apply to LLOYD Barrister Main St Newmarket The Best Work in the Town Gents Shirts with collar- dor pieces SioKlcCoUr Cuffs per single pair Drawers Nightshirts Books 3 Handkerchiefs- 3 Coats to to Towels per Towels single Table Covers to SO 8 Pillow sups a to Pillow to Aprons Fronts FOR SALE Residence on Lome Ave at the West End of Newmarket Rooms large airy and In excellent order All modern con- Water Closet Hot and Cold water Good stable Garden well stocked with fruit trees and shrubs exchange for desirable farm property Newmarket the Townships of Whitchurch King and frum taxation for me said period Of ten years and also to con firm agreements made between the said Com pany and the said Municipalities into between parties pursuant to the pro visions of the A Toronto w43 Solicitors for the applicants Farms for Sale properly executed their home in Vancouver via Seattle ftnd Stand up collars Ironed without being brok en In wing Tit done to look like new Please parcel and see that work 1st and Perfect aranteod Victoria amid showers of rice good wishes On Orders for worth of work from outside places the must bo paid to the Laun- hearty farewells ff00 w returned with Mrs Fred a daughter of Commenee Monday washing In bra Thomas Esq of Newmarket The Executors of Estate of the late Edwin Hunter Invite propositions for of the following farms acres West half lot con Gwillimbury acres East half lot con I 1 acres East halves lots 3rd con King Acres Sooth bait of 3rd con King acres Part of Northwest quarter lot 2nd con King acres Part of lot in con of Apply or send propositions to Mr J Barrister Newmarket Ontario or to Mrs Annie Hunter at the homestead on one mile West of Newmarket not wit be relet leasee expire Tenders for Supplies 1899- undersigned will receive tenders for supplies up to noon on Vet S butchers met but ter dairy and creamery giving priced each flour oatmeal potatoes for the following institutions during year IK viz for insane Id Toronto London Hamilton and the Central Prison and Mercer Reformatory Toronto the for Boys the restitu tion for the Deaf Dumb Belleville and the Blind at Brentford Two sufficient sureties will bo required for each contract peel neat Ions and form of tender can only be bad by making application to of the respective institution are not required for of meat to tbe Asylum In Toronto London Kingston Hamilton and Mlmtco nor In Central and Mercer Reforma tory Toronto The or any tender not necessarily Newspaper Inserting bout authority from the department will not be paid for It Signed It Christie P Chamberlalo inspectors of Prisons and Pub lic Charities Parliament Building Toronto NoriOEy hereby given tbut David Stock of the of Toronto in the of In vince of will apply to Parliament of Canada at tbo next thereof for a BUI of Divorce from Mary Stock of the City of Toronto woman the ground of bigamy Solicitors for A at Toronto day of July

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