J i J J 1 THE FRIDAY DEC A Like biliousness headache stomach ore promptly tared by Hood nils lliey do their work the Hub J Rheumatism easily and But dinner Iflceuts All Prepared by a I Hood Co Jewell only IM to with Paid up Capital Reserved Total Assets nearly A of tlit Hunk la BRADFORD wake t Notes Discounting COR FIND WORTH TO Too or KING CITY- a Rev of Toronto an in teresting in the Church on Tuesday evening on Work in rtlums i cities roads and weather being disagreeable attendance Urn Rosa of is visiting friends here Miss A Lloyd is visiting at homo for it fw days road arc cut up by heavy teaming for Metropolitan rail road Mr Albert has taken to himself a wife Miss Amy There will lo more to follow his example SUTTON The Only Medicine That Works Complete and Permanent Cures Mr now and stables and Mr improvement in stables add something to beauty of village Besides these this year baa a new erected by Philip fihoir and by Samuel Tay lor on of the town Sure ly is en tho boom A new and storekeeper open ed business for a short time r AURORA And Halo Notts LOWEST RATES to JOHN Itrudford BRISTOLS and I la g The Greatest of all Liver Stomach and Blood Medici n6s A Rheumatism Gout and Chronic Complaints They Cleanse and Purify tho Blood Clothesline thieves operated on River street last Saturday night tak ing eight new pillow cases from Mrs Mra leaves for Toronto in a few days where she will make it her future home Shu will bo greatly missed by her largo circle of friends in this nlac-C- The in Methodist church Monday evening was a decided success Mr Raton- bergs lecture on the Jewish Father land was well and some of scenes most insteresting and instructive Master fully sustained his reputation as best soloist of his ago on continent He sang twice in a most charm ing manner and twice in a duct with Mrs The duets Rock of Ages and There is a Green Hill were illustrated and tho scenes thrown on the screen ware most realistic and beautiful Thoro was a large atten dance when next visit Sut ton and that may bo in the near fu ture we will guarantee them a crowd ed house ablest and boat men and wo men of our country doctors bankers merchants and literary women highly praise aud recommend Celery Compound as a euro for rheumatism and sciatica Remember well that disordered nerves faulty digestion and a alow and incomplete nutrition of the body invito rheumatism just as they do nervous debility and neuralgia There is no surer start for rheumatism than a rundown nerveless condition You cannot euro rheumatism by outward applications The disease is duo to internal troubles and must be constitutionally attacked and got rid of Compound gives a to tho stomach increases the appetite and regulates the bowels liver and kidneys so that easily throw oil poisonous matters that tho system has allowed to lodge in the blood causing rheumatism and like disorders Bear in mind that rheumatism neg lected means increased Bufferings and certain death Be while yon a fair measure of strength left Use Celery Compound banish an enemy that has no mercy when it obtains the mastery It sole ly remains with you to determine whether you will banish danger or re- main in misery and wretchedness Mr James A met with a severe accident in the Floury Agricul tural Works on Thursday evening of last week He was removing the saw dust from under one of saw tables in the factory when arm in contact with and cut a gash about five inches Dr Richardson put a number af stitches in the wound and it is healing quite as a could bo expected He will be unable to work for some time Messrs Sons have pur chased site formerly owned by the Wilkinson Plough Company and are fitting tho buildings up for store rooms Messrs Sons business in creasing so rapidly that they can scarcely find room for the additional toon have been compelled to put on will Itheumattsm Core will and ell rheumatic In two or three cure a few At all a to Health and medi cal free Arch at Do you think of NEXT SUMMER If you do write- Gill A QUICK CUBE FOR COUGHS and COLDS The CantdUn Remedy for ail TlinOATAHD Large Bottle cent ft LAWRENCE CO Limited Pain Killer Hew York- Montreal LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT m And get of J Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows ill the King Council FOR TWENTYSEVEN YEARS Artistic Effects Inside Woodwork in wetb COLLEGE CORNERS All Druggists mid General Dealers -I- Mi OF- Dr Tuckers ASTHMA only Positive Cure for r Hay Fever ffasal Catarrh Bronchitis if Complete Outfit for two weeks trial Free of Charge on application to SCOTTS PHARMACY NEXT TO POST OFFICE NEWMARKET i a HE S FE ESTABLISHED 1826 PROGRESS The now assurance carried through by- tho Standard Oflice for periods have been as follows NEW SUMS YEARS ASSURED 18660670 18851890 Since 1805 the progress has been equally satisfactory Investments in Canada 18500000 profits to policy holders MOUNT ALBERT new school house is rapidly completion residence of Mr Jos Pcgg was of a very enjoyable social on Friday evening A meeting of Mount Albert Lodge No was held Friday evening Two new initiated Mr while watering his Sunday was thrown down and stepped on by animal A cut head and badly legs are the results Mr and Mrs J Elliott of Mr arid J Ross of Baldwin Mr and Mrs Harry of Newmarket and Miss Anderson of Newmarket were guests of Mr Long over Sunday Trinkwon are supply ing bricks for the new church On Thursday a brick was held About bricks will be required in the construction of the building Mr has the contract for the bricking In spite of all that medical attend ance and tender nursing could do Mrs Olios Brooks succumbed to ty phoid fever after a short illness The deceased lady was youngest daugh ter of the late Graham of Zephyr She was educated in the public school of that place and moved to Alt Albert shortly after her fathers death in she married Mr C Brooks of tins place and one child had come to bless their union Mrs Brooks was universally loved and re spected and the whole community mourn her early death with her sor rowing family Mrs Brooks had been a constant attendant at Presbyterian Church and the funeral service was conducted by the Rev Mr McFadyen who was assisted by Rev Hague of the Methodist Church The funeral was one of largest ever seen here There was a big surprize party at Mrs on the Miss who has been visiting friends at White Rose was here last week Mr and Mr of Newmarket were spending a few days duck hunting and fishing Some stray cattle are wandering around looking for their respective owners to claim them The funeral sermon of Mr child was preached in a very able manner by Rev Mr Powell ot Sutton last Sunday in the Free Metho dist Church to a large circle of mourn ing friends The Joker Ed Note The Joker is following up The Owl by adding to our subscrip tion list as well as giving the com munity a good writeup They make a good working team Met at Bonds Lake on Saturday Member all present- The following bills wore passe J J repair to West cedar Rumble repair South Town- line Removal of Agnes Burns to Hamilton Lunatic Elliott repair con Lewis repair to Mount sideline Jus Cherry postage ic Hugh repair con Colin repair Ross Hill Robert White repair con Hart repair con Robert Evans cedar 07 Billings salary Caleb Brown cedar 21 Geo Riley road repair Old Sur vey 18 Alfred Lloyd cedar posts John repair to con Luke repair to Gamble Road LARGEST SALE IM CANADA Factory in for manufacture of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc We construct and Repair all kinds on abort notice MONEY LOAN 7 Private funds on Properly fli at only K JACKSON Estate The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET For Infanta and Children tin an Ramsay Manager J Balfour of Agenoies Charles Hunter Chief Agent Ontario MHUNT District Inspector f J A Agent Mrs Holmes of Mr John Holmes a farmer while walking on the track was struck by an engine and killed Worm Powders the medi cine for children Sold by W Lehman foreman of the Grand Trunk elevator at Midland was fined for haOulinp wheat on Sunday feeling will disappear your appetite will improvo your di gestion will be perfect and good sound refreshing sleep will renew your vigour for the duties of tomor row if you will take Millers Com pound Iron Pills Bold by Lehman Thanksgiving passed off with grate ful hearts for a bountiful harvest A number of young folks held a surprise party at Mr J on Wednesday evening of last week Mr Burr of Fergus spent Thanks giving here He is looking for a situation as principal of our school the coming year Mr Young ha disposed of two of his fine horses to Toronto buyers for a handsome figure Mr sports a fine new set of harness Last Wednesday night a multitude gathered from the four quarters of this section and formed a surprise party at Mrs Moores under the directory of the Misses All who had the pleasure of sharing the enjoyment and music provided congratulated the Misses on their success Thencxt will ixs a pink pie social Your scribe was not on time with the address which was to be read and is as follows DteAK Madam Although your so journ was not long amongst us we your pupils and the surrounding com munity could not let this Thanksgiv ing pass without showing in some way our appreciation of your untiring zeal in our We feel in you we have a kind and able teacher and you may depend on each of us as your warm friend In addition to this reception we have the honor of presenting you with a goose for a Thanksgiving feast as a small token of our regard and esteem however you will not meas ure its intrinsic worth by value yor have in our eyes for to find an equivalent worthy of you would be a fruitless search May future success crown your every effort Signed on behalf your ever devoted pupils There is a level of road along by Mr J Smiths which makes a nice race course at least by tho way some men drive you would think so Mr Rose was down to the city last week calling on friends Mr Myers who has been put ting in his summer months at J has moved to Mr term A woodlxw on deck Wednesday Particulars next week Thomas shovelling snow Fanen sheep claim J Davis do J refund of dog tax J Field do do Thos Davis do do Cherry do do Peter Brown do do A Bylaw was passed appointing place of nomination of municipal council for the year 1899 also to se lect polling stations and deputy re turning officers for holding said GO 00 10 00 1 00 1 00 00 tion Next meeting of council will be held at Watsons Hotel Loch Erne on the 1 day of Dec m Ottawa Nov Grants Music Hall at the corner of Sparks and Bank streets was burned down to night Gloucester Mass Nov Nine were lost in the blizzard at this port but nothing could be learned this forenoon as to the loss of life John Trish a railway em ployee was struck by a train on the Grand Trunk bridge near Paris and killed Children Cry for CASTOR I A Grants Hall en Ottawa build ing for theatrical and commer cial purposes was damaged to the extent of about by fire New York Nov A gold nug get valued at was shipped to Europe yesterday by the The nugget was fouhd in the Klondike and is to be placed on exhibition in the Union Bank Lon don The nugget is the property of H Maitland Kersey formerly manager of the White Star Steamship Com pany and now associated with a com pany that was recently capitalized for prospecting in the Klondike These are some of the Consequences of biliousness loss of appetite pimples sour stomach depression coated tongue nightmare palpitation cold feet debility Children- Cry for CASTORS A Snowstorms and furious gales are reported along the Atlantic coast from New York to Halifax Ship ping is believed to have suffered heavy losses ft Story of by Mur al ACTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED EVERYWHERE tor Story of Qtnlslcadcoroui1e6onlbyihi tola The book WA4 written a fan the Pacific with Genera Jter- In hospitals at Honolulu In Hong- Kong In the American reached at Manila In the Insurgent camps with on dock of with Dewey and In roar of toe fall of Manila for agents Brimful of original pictures by government photographers on the spot rye book low priced Big paid Credit given Drop all priced profits Freight Credit given war book Outfit Building Chi cago The Pill That dizziness weakness backache vomiting jaundice piles pallor stitch irritability nervousness headache vomiting torpid liver heartburn foul breath sleeplessness drowsiness hot skin cramps throbbing head are a Sure Cure for Constipation Dr J Ayers Pills are a specific for all diseases of the liver stomach and bowels These testimonials are from the thousands received I suffered from constipation which assumed such an obstinate form I f tared it would cause a stoppage of the bowels After vainly trying varibusrej began to lake Puis Two boxes a complete cure eight years I was afflicted constipation which at last became to bid that the doctors could do no more for me Then I began to take and a the bowels recovered their natural and regular action Oat AVers Pills axe best In world- I used to be with constipation until began using them now I no trouble ot that kind more end I my recovery to the of your valuable Cathutlc Pills Hi PLOWMAN Hie Pill