v The Era gives more Home news every week than any two other papers in York combined and will be sent to new subscribers till January for 1 j balance of this year for cents cash lb nil i via v g rsiS r TJ V V 9 YORK INTELLIGENCES AND ADVERTISER PA Givo mo liberty to know to utter and to freely according to conscience above all other liberty No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance 1 1 Vol No 10 Single Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday December 1898 pur annum if paid in FOR AND J Spring Skates pair Hockey Skates to 260 pair The Bank jobbery io Found Guilty and Gets The Disagree Over Ponton The Town Wild Hoc toy Sticks 35c BODY STRINGS SHAFT GONGS BELLS ETC ROStiPGUT SAWS Maple Leaf Premier Toledo Blade Celebrated Axes warranted Dec intense feeling in favor of Ponton took tonight on tho way from Court House Judge was jostled by the crowd and hissed neck was hurled at him from every side For his protection ft squad of police and detectives accompanied him to his hotel hut were hurled at him from the crowd that dogged his footsteps The jury retired at JO and his Lordship announced an intermis sion till When court resumed the scene in Court House beggars de scription building was jammed with a seething surging mass of inanity Lawyers officers and report ers had to fight their way through crowd that assailed the side en tot an CO and clamored for admittance corridors and Stairway leading to main entrance were packed with peo ple and women vied with men for a place of vantage near the door In side court room people were pack- Excitement will he a happy reunion at the homes of J I Ponton and Robert or nothing before these men but tho dreary prospect of a prison There is nothing to cavil at in the conduct of the case For the crown it has been ably and fairly pre sented ami the prisoners have been defended with marked ability The judge charge was calmly but forcibly delivered and showed his keen grasp of every tittle of evidence It was somewhat against the prisoners His peroration upon integrity of jurors was one of truo eloquence and evoked instant commendation The charge of Mr Justice Ferguson bore strongly against the prisoners Ho gavo a brief historical sketch of the case which appeared to him as from the beginning a conspiracy to steal If Ponton did anything to aid Pare and he is equally guilty with them said he He then select ed the various circumstances GENERAL A Repairing Promptly Done MITHINQ INN NEWMARKET cd sardines in a box and cries of and Pare starting with order proved ineffectual in prevent- J the hole in the side of vault The ing the hum of conversation and con- testimony identifying and fusion which prevailed It was deem- and so on until the summer inadvisable to bring in the prison- time when evidence showing who were at the jail so at live to have been in with Pare minutes after his Lordship adjourn- and was submitted Among the court The crowd became the corroborating testimony on the with the idea that it was a sub- line of Pates allegations against to clear court room and it ton His Lordship mentioned Mrs was some minutes they became evidence about the noises 14050 of which was in un signed notes The first suspicion was aroused when Mr the manager was to open the vault to do which an export was called in De tectives Wilkes and Dougherty of the Pinkcrton agency were put on the case but it was not until October that Ponton the teller of the bank was arrested being afterwards discharged the magistrate evi dence against him not being sufficient ly strong whereupon he at once entered suit for damages against the bank Several months afterwards Pare and were arrested and Ponton was again apprehended The sensational stories connecting the three former with the latter are well known The prisoner Pare turned Queens evidence while Ponton and Mackie were on August IStli last committed for trial by Magistrate Daly of the bank clerk being allowed bail in The trial commenced on Wed nesday November and has thus lasted nine days A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible Burn Scald Cut or Bruise Ar nica Salve the in the world will kill the pain and promptly heal it Cures Old Sores Fever Sores Ulcers Boils Felons all Skin Erup tions Best Pile cure on earth Only box Cure guaranteed Sold by all druggists aware that Judges of High Court of Justice are above such expedients When the crowd surged out of the court room they met the immovable throng in the corridor who were en deavoring to gain admittance Ex planations were unheeded for a time and a scene of indescribable confusion followed Mattels were finally ad justed and the laughing jostling ob streperous multitude out on the street Tin horns whistles and other instruments of torture were employed Pontons payments of in excess of income immediately after the rob bery were also strong corroborating circumstances should the jury decline to believe that he had 95o It was worthy of mention that the statement j threatened with a milk famine all Dec The artesian sunk for water works purposes has proven a success beyond all an ticipations Though pumping water at the rate of gallons daily the level cannot be lowered more than four feet below the land surface The well is only feet deep When your business becomes irk some and distasteful you are not well Millers Compound Iron Pills will make it a pleasure to attend to busi ness and greater profit will result Sold by E Lehman Paris Dec Paris is hud been made just at the time when it was required to make the matter look right A trilling matter if were a trill in matter would some times throw a great deal of light on a large question Character evidence was only of value in sustaining the for a time the din was maddening I lief that a person could not bo guilty It may bo said to the credit of the of a crime in the opinion of the wit- QUEENSVILLE ALASKA SASKATCHEWAN YAK SPECIAL VALUE IN lift citizens of that to no extent did they join in the popular demon stration It was caused parties ne Once the is pro ten it means nothing He also warned the jury that if in rendering their verdict -oxo- In Flannels Flannelettes and Underclothing we showing Surprising Values In Boots and Shoes Rubbers and Sox we guarantee these Goods Our Stock of Groceries comprises the newest and freshest goods that can be procured All the above goods have been bought for Cash either from the Manufacturers or the Wholesale Agents thus assur ing the lowest prices J A I Dentist Mock opposite the Church Vitalised Air for tie fact ton Guaranteed J Rogers Dentist Aurora Successor to the late Dr Or AND Dr late residence Street Aurora p will be at office of Dr Porter ftrad- ford Monday Teacher of Violin Tuner of Piano aod ell Instruments Coughs and colds need not be endured they can be cured and that quickly Many mixtures are tem porary in effect but Scotts Emulsion of Codliver Oil with is a permanent remedy The oil feeds the blood and warms the body the tone up the nerves the glycerine soothes the inflamed throatand lungs The combination cures This may prevent serious lung troubles ill SCOTT from outide and outlying districts I they aside from the evidence to who have come to town to hoar the consider other issues they would be verdict and have what they guilty a grave of duty may call a good time Should an imprest- jjez abroad that Insults were freely offered to his such was the case bulwark of safe Lordship and the Crown Prosecutor would be gone and discontent en- Napanee thus given unenviable gendered instructed notoriety by the reprehensible conduct the jury that no evident had been of a number of outsiders Mr Justice offered that Pare and Holden were Ferguson was escorted to ever in Pontons company barber shop this evening by the Chief jury comes into Police and Sheriff While Dec Alter a trial there a large crowd congregated lasting nearly two full court weeks side the shop and thev conducted William FT Ponton is srill without themselves in such a disgraceful man- knowledge of his ultimate fate A ner his Lordship instructed j 0 after 17 hour Sheriff to read the not act to deviation has tailed to reach a ver the crowd and they must have real- his ease Ten men stood for the serious results that two for conviction if they disobeyed the mandate its the- When he is next tried it will be in throng immediately dispersed a open was offered to the rep- Pontons friends have obtained a of the Crown and per- of venue for him by mobbing haps none was intended hut the j and by standing outside the dent placed a stain on the fair Court House below the room where town which it will be was sitting and yelling for difficult to efface j three hours surged along the streets and made hideous with their yells and blowing tin horns The crowd sang Ouilty with a recommendation Therell a hot time in the old meicy he got was a town tonight and gave the call Auction of four years on the Whats the matter with Ponton ior J nos all right with some reluctance The license inspector Rose went release of Ponton on around to all the hotels and ordered by two or all bars closed at oclock sham J He was on the spot to see that come from Osgooae mandate was obeyed In a little room adjoining the tern- would mean more expense arid his pie of justice twelve weary men are in- client had not a dollar Mr Porter tonight with a constable fira 0 stationed at the door to ward off Ins own recognizance was positively the dairymen having decided to cease delivery owing to the edict of the Board of Health which decided that all dairy herds be tested with tuber- and failing this no permits for the sale of milk be issued used to be continually tired now I am strong and well Millers Compound Iron Pills did it Sold by Lehman Last week Mr P Davis of the yth of Pickering laid his lines down to open the mill door when his team a pair of bloods took fright the wagon and struck down the road like a streak of hurryup light ning The lines a new pair dragging along the road tore the ring out of one bridle and broke the bit of the other and finally got wound around the neck of the off horse choking him down My daughter has improved so much that you would scarcely know her Millers Compound Iron Pills did it Sold by Lehman The steamer went ashore in Green Bay Lake Michigan Saturday night and all on found a watery grave You think I look so much better yes and I feel batter Millers Com pound Iron Pills did it Sold by Lehman John Stephenson of Unionville who for years honorably filled the position of Clerk and Treasurer of the Township of Markham has resigned In a single year were accommodated with night lodgings in It is tho jury wrestling with the mass of evidence and contradic tions that has been placed before them during tho ten days No sleep STORY OF THE CASK The robbery of the branch of Dominion Bank took place will pass their eyes during the long j the night of Friday August vigil and when they file into the court or the early morning of the following room at oclock tomorrow morning day Tho burglars gained entrance it will rest on their verdict whether from rear and carried off the Grave A startling incident of which Mr John Oliver of Philadelphia Was the subject is narrated by him as follows I was in a most dreadful condition My skin was almost yellow eyes sunk en tongue coated pain continually in sides no gradually growing weaker and weaker day by day Three physicians had given me up For tunately a friend advised trying Electric Bitters and to my great joy and surprise the first bottle made a decided improvement I continued their use for three weeks and am now a well man I know they saved my life and robbed the grave of of another victim No one should fail to try them cents a bottle every bottle guaranteed at any Drug Store Dp Patient The chill December was shrouding the streets in gray shadow as Harpers carriage rattled rapid ly through the mist and rain with the sudden gleam from an occasional gas light flickering across his thoughtful face There was but one name remaining on his visiting list- as he drew the crumpled scrap of paper from bis pockets Agatha House street The poor little vestmaker he muttered to himself replacing the pa per and buttoning his overcoat closer around his breast I think she is on the right track now but shes had a hard struggle for life Ten minutes afterwards as he sprang up the interminable flight of stairs to the cramped attic room where his patient lay he uttered an exclamation of cheerful surprise What sitting up already Miss Agatha Do you happen to remem ber that this is against orders But felt bo very much better Doctor She looked like a pale fragile lily among the pillows in the big chair with her brown hair brushed back and her blue eyes lighting up the wax like pallor of her face Ah how near that lily had come to floating down the black waves of the river Death no one but kind Dr Harper knew You are getting well know he said counting the pulses that throbbed languidly in her slender wrist Yes I believe so But Doctor and a troubled look gleamed in the great blue eyes have been think ing- There it is again ejaculated the doctor rumbling up his hair in comic vexation when I strictly forbade you to think I could not help it sir she falter ed trying hard to keep back the tears when remembered how many you have visited me and knew how this sickness bad exhausted all little savings Oh Doctor if I could only repay you Dear dear groaned Dr Harper shes getting herself into a fever again Bother the pay Who said anything about paying Cant I at tend a patient a few times if I please without having money crammed down my throat Or look here my wifes fond of flowers and I know shed like that white geranium in- the win dow That will settle my bill Agathas cheeks flushed with plea sure the doctor could have hugged himself for the sage idea For if it had been a black cat fitting in the window instead of the superb gerani um plant be would have proposed the plan all the same And he went away chuckling inwardly with the geranium in his anus while Agatha gladdened heart throbbed as lightly as if she bad not been a penniless vest- maker in a firelesa attic How kind he has been to me she murmured If 1 could ever him Charles what a splendid flow er said Mis Harper as the doctor walked into the bright little drawing- room and set white gerani um in the centre of the teatable di rectly under the lighted chandeliers Where did you get it I picked it said Dr Harper indifferently Here take it away and bring me my supper And now for a good evening of rest Vain prediction He bad scarcely swallowed his first cup of tea ere a summons came in hot haste and he went out into the stormy darkness once more An hour later his sense less corpse wa3 brought home crushed and mangled almost out of earthly semblance The horse had taken fright and dashed recklessly across the very path of the midnight express train And the great current of life closed once more over the dead mans vacant place What matters it a human life more or less 1 wonder which house it is Mrs Blythes carriage with its glittering dark blue panels and silver mounted harness stood in the narrow street while Mr BIythe herself in velvet looked dubiously at the squalid row of houses A pretty young matron with brown hair and large blue eyes she was even sweeter- looking than the pale Agatha of old Ah those old days I Could she have looked into the futurity then she would have fancied that the times of enchantment were returned to earth She bad exchanged the atticroom for wealth and luxury heart for the lore of a tender hus band Yet in all the sunshine of perity she had not forgotten the keen touch of poverty and even now she had come to succor want and tidal- from her overabundance Suddenly an her eye over the unpromising row of window she gave a quick convulsive start y My own white geranium I she ex claimed while the quick blood mount to her cheeks and clasped U hands closely together The very plant with its clusters of snowy blossoms half hidden among the velvet green the very-flow- whoee silent lovltness had been the comfort and companion of those soli- attic hours Ah I it wa like meeting an old friend I give it to Dr Harper she murmured as tide of recollection swept over her heart bow could it ever have come here Instinctively lifted passed into the basement room whose windows were bright with the starry blossoms A wan woman was cowering oyer the smouldering remains of a wretched fire with two little clinging to her knees She rose in surprise Pardon me said Agatha coloring and fcarce knowing how to explain herself but that flower in the J Wr said the woman with tow sigh And his name was Harper Dr Harper There was a moments silenceand then Agatha arms were foltii cIoe the frame her sobs the of the widowed woman God has heard my prayers The time has come for me to discharge the debt of gratitude 0h you never can know what I owe to Dr Harper Heaven only can fathom the depths of his noble kindness years ago And through her tears she told the story of the white geranium Long long after Agathas reverent fingers bad laid those same pure blos soms around the face of the dead wo man whose last hours her loving care had brightened Dr Harpers orphan childern shared an equal place in her heart with her own little ones and when people wondered that Agatha BIythe should adopt those pale child ren she answered calmly Im paying a debt fl Thousand Tongues Could not express the rapture of Annie Springer of Howard St Philadelphia Pa when she found that Dr Kings Discovery for Consumption bad completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden other remedies and doctors could give her no help but she of this Royal Cure ft soon removed the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly something I scarce remember of doing before I feel like sounding its praises throughout the Universe Bo everyone who tries Dr Kingss New Discovery for any trouble of the Throat Chest or Lungs Price cents and at any Drug Store every bottle guaranteed -r-Thirty- seven people on board the British steamer Clan from Clyde for the Cape of Good wrecked in Bay of Biscay were drowned- Oh my how your complexion has improved Yes Millers Com pound Iron Pills did it Sold by E Lehman Trie Lake Erie A Detroit River Railway has decided to erect a new swing bridge over the Thames River at Chatham Millers Worm Powders for sab low skin old or young Sold by Lehman Chili has decided not to any more paper money and the Republic will try to go in for sound currency Tho New England fisheries more sailors lives in a quiet way than the American navy lost in tho Spanish war What a Fleet Sour Stomach Distress after Eating Weight in Stomach Wind on the stomach of Appetite Dizziness Nausea Sick Headache formidable foes to health but Dr Von Stans Pine apple Tablets are the invincible battleships that can put to rout and destroy the last vestige of them and where all was misery and sobering Sold by Lehman Pharwaoy