Newmarket Era , December 9, 1898, p. 4

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j NEWMARKET Acute Rheumatism Pain in the root and Limb A Cure Hood For number of years I afflicted with acute loft aide and all way down my limb Into my tool I lire from my work and had to and root time la going coming I could get no roller from and on point giv ing op Job happened to hew of I a of and rial of and began taking Before I bad half thorn I relieved and It not long before I was completely oared J never late an opjiortnolt to BaroaparlUa for my meant a groat deal to me I have a fam ily and moat be at my poet William yardman Grand Trunk Railroad depot Ontario Hoods mo Id fact the One Trap Purifier alitor Hood Pills KW SAewmarkrt JACKSON Best Advertising Medium ln York County Advert wo men la 10 per Aral for each Insertion OIKThCT the Ontario in and Waal Huron took pi ace Ox the lot of December ibe Official Journal of Franco decree for bidding Into of trait and plants from United The first Imperial peony postage was off last Thursday Deo 1st His Excellency Lord and a of Dominion officials were at tendance the first leaue comes from Ottawa thai Mr Bell of boon appointed a to of of Dor ouesler penitentiary bat open by courts time it is a has to walk plank West Elgin is the oooititoeooy and Mr who was by a major ity of one Jaet is the mem ber A new is to plaoe mediately after the holidays It Is term at the wheel now The writ for a to the Ontario has Nomination flzed for the lost and polling day one week later Mr John the unseated member is again a candidate the Liberal interest and ia being opposed by Mr Conserva tive who was dofeated at the general last mil SPECIFIER ID no hew I I fl MO I MO 1200 with writ ten Insertud until forbid and accordingly once month If For changes onao each month composition must be paid for at regular rotes for contract advertisements must be In the office by noon on Wednesdays Puis riaep to remark that lt Hod Mr tinging of corruption will to country but thoexFinancoMInUtbrfor got to refer to the w alleging rebuke of Bit Ifaokensie roiOecliog nai of A vest handsome cover in bright warm number of Canadian Grant Allan coo- tributes s very good story which It thoroughly illustrated Kit ftnolbsr entitled Hants Ill ustrating the fact Hants plane is a Gorman Eva Young aomethlng about origin of Christ mas boxes and other to the Saxon Edmonds gives the origin of dried fruits wo use at tins seasou In out Christmas puddings and other Besides these seasonable features there arc articles and abort stories in the usual pro fusion Canadian writers and publishers are making suob rapid progress we no longer need to go abroad to Christ mas souvenirs Special in Low for Executory Notices Farms to Rent Articles Lost Found A rcadluir notice will be Inserted free for any Church or Society fur nished or when Is taken cents will be charged forsucbunotlcp No to this rule LEGAL Thos J Robertson Public Ac Main Street do to Loan good Form Barrister Solicitor io for To hip of King Court Newmar ket Ontario fiarrister Late with Lount Marsh i Cameron Barristers Toronto managed and collection promptly made Honey to loan at lowest rates gallons Main St Dunn Solicitors o Arcade St King St West Toronto HOBO CO LOTS Barrister Block Money to Loan AUCTIONEERS for the or York tiooda sold on couiuiission Terms reason able Farm Bales attended to A solicited Street Newmarket MARRIAGE LICENSES Issuer or MARRIAGE LICENSES I At Office Newmarket Private Papers Issued at private residence if desired NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Stones Call Before Ordering where Allan MRS PRIVATE SCHOOL English French and Music Pupils here have stood highest primary in aiujr miss DRESSMAKER in all latest rash- Ions- Ordea seat through P win prompt attention WANTRDflyaHArTaoBTWOHTnr state to our fnlUj own 05oc work coodi a year and tea at home do no more Crossed CJtpe1609 fittJi self no saiary Tut Brentford Expositor referring to the protest entered return of Bon Mr Gibson for East Wellington ventured the that It should be dropped as it was only intended to annoy him To this the Tiltgram remarks And the Tories may answer a Libera victory in the same did something to annoy Col Whitney Funny how these things and react aint it statistics indicate that the of persons passing into Manitoba and the NorthWest this year to the of October is the number going out howing that more people have gone in than have left Of these across iheooean 12321 from em and from the plates far the total Canada all to 000 people tor the ten months It a probable that the grand total by the end of the may reoh A from Ottawa gives cur rency a report that one of gold mihes in Canada has been located in Pom imc about miles from The property located in to line of the P J Railway and is in the best position for shipping be had The property to Mr Patriot Clarke a retired merchant of Stuart street this oily Mr Clarke found the gold on the property some time ago and it was in good paying Quantities Be at once decid ed to form develop in in this he has been as at present the full amount of stock subscribed and by some of the wealthiest capitalists the United States and Canada year that the first inane of the Canadian Almanao was pub lished and every since then for more than half a century ft baa regularly made Its appearance and been welcomed by bust nets and literary men alike as an invalu able assistant and store of information On turning over the pages of the issue for now before us one la struok by the evidence of the growth and prosperity of our country shown by the increase in of which has grown from a pamphlet of about pages to a handsome book of S76 pages publishers are to be congratulated upon the appearance of the of Canadian Price The Clark Co Limited Toronto Tub number of the Mail and has been received and Is unique many respects The are the work of Canadian artists literary matter is from the pens of its stsff We also notice that the set of four colored plates are reproductions of the work of four leading Canadian artists with portraits and short sketches of their Uvea frontispiece likewise a com bination of colors and is a creditable reproduction of a painting by John representing a typical western scene The engravings are well The full page pictures of Christmas In Canada by Carl Ahrens and represent types of Canadian settlers Altogether the Mail Christmas number for season eclipses former efforts in this Price and may be had direct from office of publication or at local to the fact that under the ex Election Law a Very wide construe is given to the tern agent and for whose partisan acts a candidate is amen able wither be has knowledge thereof or not the Junction Tribunt thinks terra of should be restricted and As the law now stands a Parliamentary candidate is too much at the his friends A candidate cannot hope to win without the cooperation of a number of organizers who become agents For indiscretions lbs candidate is liable The penalty is not only the loss of his seat but a bill of coats that may be big to rain This is liable to hap pen to any candidate however oarefui he may be even under the present law Oar should some remedy in justice perpetrated by those who a constituency other than restriction otherwise this would ensure after to Legis lature last March people of this were amazed at the number of protests entered against successful candidates and counter petitions against their oppon ents Considerably mors than onehalf the elections were thereby declared to have been conducted illegally and bribery and corruption was said to be every where ramp ant experience has demon strated that in a large percentage of the constituencies these protests were bluffs pure and simple But is not all it ie now reported that certain legal firms on both aides of polities who managed to get a out of these protests no mat ter whether proceeded with or not are re sponsible therefor We be sorry it suob were true but the way the were said to be subsequently managed by the respective legal party ex ecutives at Toronto gave rise to report are not the square thing anyway Nov Our winter in on the 2 lot with a below zero and has held to it pretty closely since They say there has not been a fall like this one since the season of 01 There has been continual rain and snow ever since the let of Oct making it very disagree able for threshing and saving the crop The people are not used to that kind of weather and it caught most of them unprepared Not much grain was stacked and what was stacked was so badly that the rains wet them pretty well through kept the soft and not fit to market in fact the buyers would not handle it who were fortunate enough to get their threshing done early got as high as and for wheat but the price came down to and then to and as low as was paid just this last week There is no prospects of it go ing up before Spring and in this country when wheat is cheap it knocks the bottom of everything else Collections are very slow and just what people are to buy all that merchants are selling I see by some Ontario papers that Manitoba is flourishing The writers have never tried to collect a lot of accounts of from one to three years standing which is the in great many places here with the merchants There has been an ex cellent crop all over this pro vince but It will be damaged about per taking it as a whole A lot of the Ontario boys came out here for the harvest have barely made expenses and others have been more fortunate The fortunate ones may back but it Is doubtful if the others ever return We a large Skating here which is well patronized The coat to enjoy it is as follows Curling Club nights a week for the season Hockey Clab three nights Family tickets Double tickets Single tickets Eve or Afternoon Everybody skates here old and young There is not such a thing as the ice being too soft here after it once freezes it is there to stay We do not notice the cold here at be low as much as at zero in Ontario Old residents say the winters are not nearly so severe as they were twenty vearsago Mr Bert a farmer miles east of here had his dwelling and contents burned on the night of the 25th about small insurance Caused a defective flue There was a Conservative Banquet held at ft small town nine miles East of here on Friday night Hugh John being the principal speaker We un derstand it was rather a tame The young man dont create the stir his father used to is quite evident en- Herbert J ieM w At a public meeting in Bradford last week citizens pronounced in favor of municipal electric light Mayor Can of Newmarket addressed the meeting Children Cry for K Aint it splendid I hoard a little boy exclaim as he bite from brandy jtfaok play mate had offered makes it so good Lewis You little goose dont you Why its brandy of coarse was his companions reply Then brandy must be very good if It makes peaches taste so nice smacking his lips rather think it is its answered I coax mother to give me a spoonful every time she opens the jar Father dont like for to do it though Ho says I may grow up to be a drunkard but mother says there is no danger and I say so too for I do think it is awful mean for a man to get drunk and go stag gering about the streets and rolling in gutter No indeed Hi never never be a drunkard I Years passed and was one day stroking through the still shadowing groves of Cemetery when a funeral procession filed slowly in The coffin was very rioh and costly and as a sunbeam the farewell of the departing day flashed the stiver plates on the lid I read Lewis Abbott Aged When the coffin was lowered the mother who had been strangely calm suddenly sprang away from the arm on she had been leaning threw herself on her knees beside lit grave with hands clasped and tear less eyes gazing wildly downward into the dark receptacle my precious boy I Lost for ever Sent to perdition by mothers hands I As this despairing cry burst from her lips she threw her arms upward with a deep groan of mortal anguish fell backward death like and inanimate She was remov ed by her friends to the house of officer in of the cemetery and I shocked and startled beyond mea sure left place with that terrible cry of selfreproach ringing in my ears As I passed out I met a friend to whom I related what had transpired mentioning tbe name of the youth I heard of his death this morning Poor Lewis It is a brief bat sad history and as I have known the fam ily for years I can explain the scene you have witnessed Abbot was justly fumed for her brandy peaches and al lowed her children to eat of freely Lewis the only son seemed to have a special fondness for carrying one to school almost every day a part of his lunch After a time be began to beg for brandy in which the were preserved and the indulgent mother often gave him a spoonful At last it began to disap pear very rapidly and strangely and Lewi a was one day caught drinking from the jar Her jars were locked away safely hut it was too late The infatuated boy spent his pocketmoney for brandy and when that with held sold his skates then his then his hook his medal whioh he prized so highly and even articles of clothing were all sacrificed to the fatal appetite Now the star of his young life has gone out in everlasting darkness His last words were full of the most Import Those in fernal brandy peaches mother they gave me the first start on the down ward road that moth er Our Toronto better The anniversary assembly of Andrews Society which took place in the Pavilion last was the most ever held The functions of the occasion were all that could be desired The band of the Highlanders furnished the music Duties collected at the port of To ronto during the month of November amounted to as compared with during November 1897 The new Governor General Lord will visit this city on the and An address will be presented at the new court house on the last date County Crown Attorney bas returned from his trip to the Pacific slope Sir John Clerk of the Commons Ottawa was in city last week York County tax sale will take place next Monday at the old court house The arbitrators to decide as to the separation of the town of North To ronto from tbe county are James Pear for North Toronto Hum- bertson for tbe county and Official Arbitrator Proctor Government House here was the scene of gay social last Friday night when the Lieut Governor Sir Oliver Mowat and Miss gave a dance There were about statue of St Anthony which was presented recently to St Josephs Church was blessed by Very Rev J J last Sabbath eyoning Another Jwoman has been caught shoplifting at Eatons Simpsons stores TbeWCTU of this are talk ing of running a school trustee of their own sex in each of respective Wards next The names of Mrs Gee widow of a retired clergy man Mrs Dr and Miss Clara Martin who is a legal are talked of possible can didates 01 jnanu if fail to Celery Compound Earths Great Medical Prescription- Makes Sick People Well That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you if you used Dr Kings New Life Pills Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health Easy to take Try them Only cents Money back if cured Sold by all druggists Deserted at the fllfcaf TUB GIRL CHANGED AT THE LAST A marriage was suddenly at St Catharines Church Moscow Pa- a short distance from by the bride Margaret Moore refusing to say the fateful yes at the proper time Timothy Foley the bridegroom had already made his vow and the officiating priest asked Will you Margaret Moore take Timothy Foley to be your lawful husband Instead of answering the young woman enquired Ieit too late father Father Walsh though surprised by this unusual question immediately answered It not too late Whereupon the brideelect said Then I will and turn ing from the alter her face as white as marble she faced the suddenly startled spectators and walked toward the door After waiting for half an hour expecting that the would return the guests gradually dispersed Another short month and the year will come to a close As the year ends many loved and dear ones will pass away severing ties and as sociations that will bring untold sor row agony and mourning The vic tims wit come from all classes and conditions of our population While it is true we must all leave this transitory life it ought to be well understood that our years of life on earth should be three score and ten or four score years When young and middle aged men and women fail to reach a good old age the fruit is theirs in ninety cases out of even hundred It is safe escort they have violated the laws of nature and have allowed disease to en chain them Years the attention of the cele brated medical expert Dr Phelps was specially directed to the clay referred to who die in middle age He realiz ed the fact that something far beyond the ordinary remedies and prescrip tions of the day was required to meet the varied conditions of suffering hu manity His wonderful lifegiving prescription Celery Compound was the boon bestowed on the hosts who suffer from the common diseases To Farmers I a Portable Engine and Beit to cut corn or do farm work can you GEO A THOMPSON Portable SawKill bavin from 30000 ft of lumber id up to cut and U them cut cm their own and lit should have a cut on their own The cost Is rest deal less than buying at the null a hauling saved Writ for particular to HcJt P FLOURFEED Strong Bakers Hungarian Ogilvies Beat Ontario and Manitoba wheat Flour for Family Use Feed of all Kinds LAND PLASTER A car of fresh ground American Gray best fertilizera for Clover and Grass LIME LIME The very best Grey Lime J WILLSON Storehouse Cor- Main and Huron Telephone No GRAHAMS Art Studio We kinds styles are fully prepared to do all of work in the very latest j- Iebrol Spain Deo fire which occurred in the Government yard at this last night gutted several buildings and the flames were extinguished a nam of bombs had been exploded The loss is estimated at pesetas The cause of the fire is unknown l Carbon on Porcelain Carbon on China Colored Crayon Water Colors Embossed Work SaturdayBargain Day Photos at each Dont forget to O T GRAHAM JONES OLD STAND NEWMARKET Dr found that nervous dis eases blood troubles liver and kidney complaints rheumatism neuralgia and dyspepsia were dragging thousand to the grave every year notwithstanding all tho well directed efforts of consci entious men This marvellous preparation of was a revelation to the world in that it caused desperate and long standing cases of disease that had baf fled the best medical skill Since its advent Celery Compound has saved tens of thousands and is still conquering disease every day No other medicine known to man has ever received such flattering notices and testimonials from promi nent men and women and from the en tire press of the land It is the one and only life saver in every of disease and suffering it defeats death when the physician is unable 10 save It is to this marvellous of disease Celery Compound that we would direct the attention of all who are run down tired sleepless nervous debilitated and weak symp toms of the diseases we have referred to above It will quickly give to every ailing man and woman that vigor penalties of nature for trartfres- and perfect health that of its wise laws I sure and guarantee a happy old age It will Pay yon to get your Boots and Shoes at H He has Best Quality at the Lowest Prices In Town and you can be assured that tne Good are no trash to be imposed upon the public but the very best that can be bought CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES S H Block one door south of old shop Tories have To a Cold in One Day not to put a candidate in the field Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets for the byeelection for the Common All the if it Scan 26- Millers Worm Powders for rest- and peevishness Sold by Ea Railway at Hamilton broke loose last week and dropped feet to the Leopold Rothschild won torn A and Archie Phillip in fitakew in the English racing season the drivers of two team of hordes which this week The Duke of which were on the car wen- pitched Westminister made Lord against the gate but escaped and the Prince of slight injuries One of the horses was Wales killed A SURE CATARRH CURL No matter what has been with remedies your ulti mate complete recovery can rarely and positively be effected suffer any Dont iUs a distressing and dan- g disease a fore cure your grasp Thousand of offerers Was worse thin bare been and are now In perfect health Their enthusiastic and testimonies show beyond a that Catarrhal it compounded re- the most case in to to minutes It a ftul cure in a abort time The most eminent nose and throat special- ills In the world their endorsement cases of testimony Key Newark J M used Dr Catarrhal Powder Hi ray- acr- aa Lure rid Mills of It to whom Hon jsukaoi remedy and r for HO AT

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