Newmarket Era , December 16, 1898, p. 6

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J i v bife the Hob COR MOUNT Mr Harry Darker was in the city for a few days last week Mr and MM H Rose attended the funeral of the Mrs Morton at lent Sunday- fc Miss Chappie of King who applied for Mount Pleasant was around calling on the- trustees on Saturday A very quiet wedding took place at Baldwin one evening weak whan Mr Arthur was joined in holy bonds to Miss Ida Thompson Boy Minor performed the ceremony A snail attendance at Mount Pleasant Church on Sunday on of the snow blockade Mr David who has been ill for some time at bis home was unable to charge of bis school is bettor again Mis Ella of Mount Albert was the guest of Miss Flora Glover ibis week Thanks to for his compli ment The SHARON HOLLAND LANDING Election matters getting warm village and council The special services at Church next Sunday will no doubt draw crowds as want to boo improvumonto as well a hear the preachers going for the Fowl on Monday owning The ladies will do their pari veil and a big crowd is Anticipate vivian Sabbath School hero is going to havo an entertainment on- Wednes day program Is to consist of a also recita tions dialogues and ft Fan Drill Proceeds in aid Sunday School Rev A of Mi Albert chairman ST SOUTH mount albert Mr Last is horns for holidays from Toronto Business Col- Byron Forrest borne for holidays from School of Pharmacy A have a have the side walks cleaned with a clause to enforce fines if necessary v- Last Saturday week Mr V Irwin met with quite a serious acci dent He waJ milking a young cow when she kicked and bruised him considerably in the body and face before he could get out of reach He wok confined to the house for a week but is around again all right Lota of snow now will have a Merry Christmas Mr of Almonte was visiting his mother the past week The members of St James are busy digging a cellar under their church to put in a furnace If you listen you will hear wedding bells There are engagements booked for next week Mrs has left us for a short time Mrs J of Toronto is visit lag sistor Mrs Kiteley With regret we heard of the death of Mr Henry Hosier in Cali fornia Ho was for many years a re and honored citizen hero We extend sympathy We are glad to be able to say our are all improving Miss Edith has returned to her home in Toronto after spend ing two weeks here with friends COLLEGE CORNERS Thermometer below zero last Tuesday morning ffbich is the coldest in this section yet Methodist S Tea Meeting post poned till some time in January ow ing to the public school entertainment on which promises to be very interesting Come and enjoy the P Concert you will bo well repaid and encourage both pupils and teachers in their extra labors of train ing Homo in attendance at the Sunday morning which a good showing for a villago the size of Of course a good ly number from outside the village at tend but then the School has a Mis sion School on Second Street which it helps support so the School is doing good Mr Gilpin of Belhavcn preached in tbe Methodist Church here last Sup- day morning and Rev Mr Webber in evening A good choir and large congregations The services will be withdrawn in the church next Sunday on account of special reopening ser vices in the Holland Landing Moth Church after some extensive and muchneeded repairs to church building Three services will be held there next Sunday followed by a sumptuous fowl supper on the follow ing Monday evening Rev- Aurora will preach morning and after noon and Brown of Bradford in the evening The League here on day evening was well attended The topic Walking with Christ which was taken by Mr Webber jr pastor of the church was handled in a very ablo manner Lewis son of Mr Thomas Lewis of Queen Street North is con templating removing to Montreal in the near future We understand that will be taking his place ana removing soon from our midst bis family Second Street of which he has been for some time will miss his regular presence very Not so much talk about elections as in past years but they are coming all the same so is Christmas and per haps Old Santa If still living the children would like to bear from him Eve places of business are contemplating putting in gas Enterprise Division held a very sac- plants last Friday waning hall wu I evening and will bo open Aims to have everybody enjoy the A were given by Matthews Readings by Mrs A Dyke and others and good music by the Quintette BALDWIN There is a friendly feeling among some public men at present The firm grasp and friendly shake of their hands demands your support Hope they wont forget the ditch affair they promised to operate from time to time Mr Young is traversing this community for a mate to his fine horse People are taking advantage of this good sleighing to hustle home cook and spark wood Its queer isnt it that while men want the earth their little children cry after the moon We understand that Miss Shaw of has secured the sit as of our college She mustnt to bring a good long rod of cor rection The sight of it is very power ful A goodly number from this section revivals at Baldwin under the management of Rev Mr Minor who is certainly adapted for his call ing Hope much good will be done there Yes Mr were firstrate fel lows Your advice respecting those DryTown chaps to hand and contents noted I furll be scarce this year as the snow is deep Stanley Cowieson has a new watch and he lets everybody know it are getting in for country carnivals Mr Parks teacher of School resigns at His duties were discharged satisfactory every respect Four pupils tried for the en- trance last summer and were success ful He goes next to Sutton as as sistant teacher at an increased salary per annum We wish him sue cess in his future field of labor Your readers all noticed that I for Jo superintend all toaWmoolal court nouses rtreej his a fellow I wonder how they are getting along On Queen Wreet With present poultry for market market will be Very much crowded- A certain Sunday courtday a few of our young folks were detained to A hour but blinding storm jyaa too much they were stormstayed They had a fine time stuck in the and every- was brit and thorn w Every nook and corner of this vil lage is filled with snow The are in a terrible state almost impas sable in some places Where in our Social Entertainment Club Now is the time for surprises oyster suppers etc as the evenings are quite long We have recorded none as yet in our burg but several of our young folks took in the one at Keswick on Tuesday evening and re port an enjoyable time coming home in the wee small hours Mr Fred Milne agent for a Toron to Insurance Co was in the village on Thursday securing applications We hear he was very successful Mr Yates and Mr Carson of Baldwin passed through here on Saturday enroute for Aurora with two loads of Guess they did not find the roods any too The Sharon skating rink opened up on Tuesday Our folks will be their way there for the next month providing the ice stays good Why could we not have a rink of our own We could if the men of the place would join together and fix one Mr J has given them permission to use his field for the purpose and why not go to work and fix a rink We understand that our old friend Jack intends spending the winter at the- Industrial Home on Street Mr I Gilpin preached an in the Methodist Church here on Sunday mornim and Mr the evening Methodist choir goes to the Fowl Supper at Landing on Monday evening The children of the Methodic are practicing hard for the concert doubt it will be grand success There is to ft wedding in our vil lage some time near and we Would to charivari them as he has the- spring in bis shot gun and his saw sharp ened to use defence We understand that our BrassBand intend coming out in pretty strong force next summer dyer twntyfivo instruments Thats it boys never do things by halves V Baldwin Entertainment on Wednesday want you to bo present iJomo talent will help entertain The last week would think the Owl either drunk or crazy whereas it was but a typographical error has not yot re turned from his trapping expedition He is lessons in learning to stuff Owls Mocking Birds SemeCrows and Jokers Mr entertainment here on Wed last was pronounced His songs and views of Uncle Toms Cabin were said to be specially good And then he gave a ftoodygoody talk which produced a rather solemn feel ing then spoiled all good by winding up with a comic song Come off the fence We learn with regret of the decease of our good friend Henry M osier As friend and neighbor he was of the best from one who knows Our sympathies with the family ood friend Wrights let ter was a good one The big cabbage yarn was a corker- Write again Mr Hctse slaughtered and market ed thirty porkers on Thursday The low price of pork knocked all the pro fit off and left a hole in his pocket ho he says Under caption of A Dirty Trick the editor remaiked some to bacco spitting youths should be tarred and feathered A plan would bo that adopted in the navy with young midshipmen swab out their mouths with soap and sand bet ter still rub their noses in it That would fix em Homo of our villages are taking interest in the special services at Gum Swamp Methodist Church The big snow storm last week al most paralyzed trade about here for a few day I tell you there was a big time a jag of dry wood Its very scarce about here Stephen Winch has purchased the Evans lot in thus ami cably settling their dispute The button boys darling has re turned from her exile A modest coon was observed driving my through Baldwin in broad daylight Great Scott lias he lost his senses that Rose that bloomed in mid- winter In Well do we remember the occasion and it mode our old friend so pleasant and good- humored that the school kids wished such an event would occur weekly There was a rum lot of young shavers in those days beside which school kids of the present are angels Speaking in reference to a certain young lady who passes herself off as a married woman says Dame Rumor I dont believe she is married These marriages are too common altogether In a radius of five miles I can count over twenty such maybe some unknown to me Such a state of affairs is sad to see society do things up in style when they shiver windows and such frolicsome deeds Their next contract will he to serenade Bachelor Bill that lives on the hill when he marries that young slip of a girl of which Dam Rumor tells As a rule we dont approve of but sometimes they seem an absolute necessity As a general thin they should be frowned on by lawabiding citizens Grandma has returned from Sutton after a lengthy stay with aunt A petit young lady of this section has a sweetheart of whom she seems immensely fond Ma also almost dotes on him She also has a little brother wed tike Paddys pig He says he dont know which likes the young man best sla of ma- Ma makes a goose herself dyer him Toronto electric very brilliant Sunday out for a big change of Disturbing publicsworship high around imposed a heavy penalty Serve em right The day owning all winter A Carnival soon Mr has been pointed local agent for Specialty Co who make patent ash sifters Woodcock Bros have completed the Ridge shool Mrs baa opened a confec tionery store in old stand A shooting match was held here on Tuesday Our boys broke about even with the shots from the Mr has moved his family to our growing town and will reside on Centre St Mr J A McLean has secured the Vivian school for ensuing year Mr Will Hayes is home for the winter from We Sacrifice Our Profits for December Month iA Mr Cliff has secured a posi tion in and leaves for there this week Mr visiting at Roachs A large market on Tuesday Eggs to cents per Taxes are Blow coming in this year so Mr Jones reports Plenty of Candidates on Mar ket days The favorite for the County ie our jovial good hearted John A Hopkins The of Mr George Thirsk were completely astonished on learn ing on Tuesday morning the his death early that morning from heart trouble He had been ailing somewhat for over two years The funeral took place to and Cemetery on Thursday and was largely attended He leaves to mourn his loss his widow two sons and three daughters Mr postmaster at dead So many wonder why Davison Co give such a Good article lor the Low Prices they quote but the people are always satisfi ed because its the peoples inter est we study Cross Peels Pure Leaf Lard lb The Best Dairy Butter lb Good Baking Eggs Choice Roll Bacon lb Choice Snow Apples- 15c peck A Trial I Large New Clean Raisins A Nice Mild Cheese at cents a No Lemon Peel No 1 Orange Peel Choice Cooking Apples peck Large Sound peck Good Turnips peck pounds Currants Fresh Pink Icing Sugar Fresh Shelled and Walnuts 15 lbs Bright Bakin Sugar for c lb Best Raisins Currants 00 lb DAVISON CO Main Street Newmarket Hew Card of and every- harbor improver on of famfly to those who bo kindly gave their their moth with the funeral ilBS Card of jnacrsJifDcd on behalf of and and dee I re bora wo J J Jacob as well as those the funeral Slsotors of Zing Tour voiu and solicited for ARCH of Kins Creek as for Polling Jan Electors Of Zing Your and solicited for Archibald Campbell Councillor for Pol ok Monday Jan 2nd County Council Election SOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE REQUESTED FOR Ah County Councillor for FOR SHARON DIVISION Polling Monday 2nd Day of January Bag Weaving wishes to Inform the public HouBe on has I bat Celebrated low Co with all cats to date do Beet Work In call and bin Early Improve cute to date and that he Is prepared Call and see Bend your Bag Carpet Id Everyone Should Have A Good Photo 4 The contract has been awarded to Mr Connolly Cor harbor improvement is Because they are better than to be bad therefore they ought to be good No One Should Have A Poor Photo Because they are worse tobe bad than to be good therefore they bight not to be bad Way Out of Call at our Gallery two doors south 6f the Bouse where poor photos ate not to bo had and get a good one WOOD WANTED Sealed wilt be received by the up to Pec to supply the Industrial Homo Cordwood All be sound body wood cawed at onehalf and thereat Beech be delivered by 1st of March Inspector Newmarket PROTECT YOUR HEALTH In Sterling Silver Novelties Silver Tea and Coffee Spoons Butter Knives Cake Knives Pie Knives Berry Spoons Napkin Rings Shaving Cups Ebony Brushes ling Mountings Ebony Mirrors V And of other Art Suitable for Presents Prices Come and Seo us li esMain By wearing the Best Boots and Shoes They can be bad at Wrights All interested in playing the game of Hockey should call and see our New Lines of Hockey Boots We are now making Custom Work a Specialty Repairing Neatly and Promptly boo WRIGHT Shoemaker NEWMARKET Opposite Starrs Book Store Four Duo to calrewi month for Bile on uewDA and Are the goods we are showing for Fall and Winter Suits and Overcoats as are consistent with good workmanship See the and yon will be convinced Remember the place Merchant door to L Atkinsons Brood Sow Astray LARGE WHITE SOW DENNIS Wood for Sale A quantity of mixed soft wood Newmarket -14- Sigh w At Grocery HOW MANY BEEN SUIT or This Pall If there are any they will find Good at ISS a

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