Newmarket Era , December 23, 1898, p. 7

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I WM AH I CHINA XMAS Weeks Itoeal WHAT IS ON IS auoci lows DAY DEC appeal of ha over Id to be congratulat ed in man of municipal experience clerk Too cannot bo given the who wis dom nod in bo agreement in with the city Infl new Conn At ilia all in connection the of sod iv to And tetber we while oar heart breaking with tear courted down have place daring ihrfafeort period of our j plied and boon Stage on hftve Aether in Mr Morton itic to have God and most sorely and aflain a holiday for Christ man have burned within til while will not run Monday talked with as by the way My joor have not been Hay occupied the lblM eekinx your for and nave a good The my failure 10 of ton you and I provide the program next Sun I It only because the preanure ol that have I feel however that should jay Presbyterian of you thai ahull Appropriate addressee and fund of ma ay in evening in lahened hearty welcome xiended to laying that if experience in and oat r by and mine to sit at your and the council was be of us tin- jiir table also prized to the rate payers ibe he o provide a especially when the not ihs to deal with Mr nave some methods of adjuBtioK atiore county and and justice bo de nied the he would favor entire sep- r When he was 10 ilia Co rate of was and now it nearly thin complain of was manner which the indemnity to one iiivit THE LEADING pays back its proportion bat soon as covered op instead of showing how new are city will jmuoh each man for Aorvicea all pay back a age at formerly Theaodu proportion Not only that but while of the Justice accouuts was i on the formerly done for per do the Co only pays on a basis of i from to more work for construction Mr whole He was surprised at the of speech showed that be was ihorouKhly post- the connvil there are no or nay- call ed on municipal and be closed by formerly The ia on no many aim he thought it was time that a- a effected If they for he Co Council Hockey Cheese meeting of chwui- wan not ibo action about ft in until til aniiiml I I lit Faun China i councils and and am exceeding I be to them ihaukful for liberal support gifts and 1 Mr Woodcock on off a pstrmie I Allow though may I Hi Oil I ist iiiiil aSMiIH- wi- 10c 15c 25c All Suit- I PARLOR LAMPS All till lilHI lit Hull- DINNER SETS A 1 Cut Kali- r ii ami SETS up Whin- I uji Fine in Handsome Useful Special Snaps In Funny China SI 50 I BOOTS SHOES Juki iiiiiiwI in ljtliis and our liny only Was Groceries Fruits For Xmas All at Cut Prices and tin quality in the lbs for ViryCKuiu Cut rants lit for choice I lb lot lus Orange per lb line per Blue in clusters fur table for Cheese Prime per lb extra fine quart I new per lb 1 Bottle of Fine Pickle worth for Mixed liji Sugar 1 Extract Honey fine quality in lbs pails for Jc lb Comb Honey and each extra hue quality WALNUTS ALMOND NUTS FILBERTS Excelsior Coffee is without a doubt the finest the best you can buy Bricricts ha- lauly liritmiH ih li ar rvirywlnn nut ur till lo row Kits to do trial Saturday is the day lor up printed rcetpts ami in Iho year J of licit Mr hah artmnc handiwork on a couple of new for known how to do it ft in will nleaao roinurnbor that it coats cash an express bills or post oltni order shop windows arc attractive to the now and many of their KOiiivra are out abve the of pretty IhinRh Band by week All of our churches aro preparing special musical lor Christmas The are bcgmaiDg to cooaole with thought that Christmas comes but once a year iC do not clean their The ordin ance be strictly enforced in every ItJty are dangerous in of holiday A ladys black veil was picked up on the sidewalk here yesterday can call at this on Wed waa a treat success The packed to the doors Big market hero yesterday in poultry and big crowd in Town same as Saturday very fine one weighed It Iba Labi Saturday Mr shipped homes from here for which he paid from to each A verandah attached to the north half of La house on Eagle Hi collapsed under the heavy weight of which Mr Lehman is erecting a stable and drivi shed on hie properly at Nelson May dr Son of Pine Orchard and John Ironsides have the contract inn to you that be separated by thing will never he by mo I am well thai my sermons have no pleased you I am thai mjuik thing I said the pulpit bun you as tot way the core of your before and the liol who me 1 in ike tins devinratitiii that One wad to help to a and if any ineuiuru tins has been accomplished I shall hope to be uone lea your christian friend brother Free from thought of or egotism I pride myself in this that without favor preached Cuds troth as I understand it nor have to the right or left to any have tried to bo true to God aud thai I ahull moot you face to face when we sund in Hie prensuce me to ly that God a great future a fruitful future a future of untold for Church iu if only the members in the yearn to come as during the year a of my pastorate remain true to true to other loyal to the principles of your fellowship For such liberal principles the world looking brethren may I ask you to make hem known as you shall make them eh by a consecrated life I hope that at your earliest convenience you will seek one to be my successor who will grace this desirable position and aia- fll all demands your confidence with greater to him self and better to you than has been possible to me shall pray coolie- upo the aoJupou all render to Him and to humanity The Lord and cauen iiia lace to shine upon you and make you to projper in all His way If I may be counted worthy of your con tinued may I aak to be allotted null at a small corner in your aftcc tons and most of all do moat humbly earnestly and desire to bo remem bered in your devotions before Rim who are and answers prayer and if in days or years to can bo of any vice to you the pleasure would be mine aod I would moat cheerfully respond Again thanking you for your and kindness and wishing you every as individuals and as a church I remain sincerely yours in fellowship which iu eternal in will be glad to a ling any to the Co on Mr by raying that The city has been draining the for Ho understood the gsotlemeu always many aim it it lime that something braced the speiker then pro- to show that he was town man he had endeavored to do justice all his He did not like the pres ent Act and was in favor of each mnoici palitv having iti own represeuiattve the of from the county and thai I came to the It will depend upon the and judgment of your repreaertB- how more will have to pay for and it it very mi- to select The meeting closed with a vote of the chairman saving to Co In regard levy opened oil Annie borne We were plbascd to amounts every year from the Co for resident taxes and that the rate levied in excess of the amount paid to the Co The Court was referred to and he asked the electors to consider Wilson able to be out again also J whether he was as capable of getting the J f Toronto as who The Free intend holding ieft Mr Hopkins Tp Council m striking the Co rate plan pur A I sued had practiced fur many years lit did not like the present ay a Win Co Council representation there was a lack of sympathy and Co He was that the moat important matter to corns before was the agreement with the oily regarding admin- of justice After cracking a joke about popularity with the ladies because he was a bachelor he that if elected he not be foond in tbeamokiDgroom or absent from committees when the work going on neither he be a party 10 for persona interest would endeavor to serve the honestly and well Mr E being present he was on motion requested to address the elector that than two months hi bad been solicited to the Council but at his ha did anxious lor the Using the council when was made with the he explained the matter further elating that the county was only liable for reasonable rental of rooms occupied by Day Quite a few of our folks took in the fowl Supper at Holland Landing We were pleased to see Miss Sarah Fletcher again in our midst We imdefltand she intends remaining with for the winter cm a pair U WHOLESALE PRICES had nr stock iiiirfrtl Irrjnt rriuinv SkuiS 111111011 ail sics at a down Vc J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET NEWMARKET BAKERY Mr Arthur sash and door factory at Leamington one of the largest industries its kind in wes tern Ontario was damaged by fire caused by ah explosion of natural gas which is used as fuel Dec Elizabeth Street Methodist Church of which Rev A A is pastor was badly damaged by fi re early yes terday morning There evi dently the work of an incendiary and started in the woodshed It soon church BOOK AND NEWS A Merry Merry to All 1 Christmas is once more upon us and naturally are where they can go to bay the most for the least money you to go to I making his will find of Candies Stacks of Nuts an Stacks of Oranges you know we bought or dozen by Auction on day and we intend to make it interesting in line We will sell per dozen up ihe judicial county of York and Toronto for and the damage the rental once determined the city wonld nay about and the county one fifth He somewhat surprised to find that the present indemnity lo committees of a council of la should be so near the days when had seats at the council board- spread to the of the ft wfafen boy whole northern part of church i a b Trade ruin The- pip decoyed ft to Sell Cheaper than K in the trade and the basement is filled with water and cinders building was in- Our Shelves Our Counters Our are lolled with Books Toys Games Sleighs and a very large assortment of Christmas Presents laced at Ret J of Toronto evangelist was to conclude a aeries of services there yes- His farewell meeting was held in the Music Hall last night in- stead The church has suffered once before by fire and twice by flood I Come Early and Get First Choice We received a case of Beautiful Holly this week W N STARR Going to the States On Sunday last at the of sermon Christian the t the in the audience bathed iu while Willi painful solemnity they to the following resignation and friend of the kit Church As borne upon of time four years or nearly so have quickly passed you called roe to the pastorate of this church For time I have had the conviction that you were entitled to a chaORS and furthermore that the time bad arrived when I shoold to you opportunity of seeking another pastor keeping with each coovictioo hereby tender my resignation as of this church resignation to take effect iba of J one next at which time expect to preach my farewell unless it should be convenient to you to have it take effect at an earlier date take this early of tendering my resignation because I desire thai you may have ibe greatest possible privilege of securing for yoarselyes the best possible men I have accepted a call to pastor ate of the Randolph Christian Church in the State of Vermont this is the public opportunity afforded me to make the announcement since my acceptance of Salmon from for Prime Pink I hereby tender my resig nation pleasant memories cluster round me I shall not however use this as an oppor tunity for complimenting myself on any work accomplished I shall be satisfied to give you praise td God the glory for all acbievemnt aucoeas I with you that of your some have and found the Lord Jesus as their personal Saviour and have become valuable members of the chnrcb Some of you and jour loved ones I met at the marriage altar and have had the honor of them and wife But my is called from there- scenes of jay gUdneds to the bedside of your friends who were about to pass out of life into unknown future I have tried to comfort them and you in your lonely though I coufess it waa with weakness I been called upon to attend their funeral and to by grave pronounce these solemn words earth to earth to Canned Goods Tomatoes Corn Peas Cut Haw Prices TEAS I Special Prices in and lb lots Our Japan or lbs for is all right and fine value We handle all the popular Package Teas at lowest Prices English Breakfast Coffee i5c can for All other line at Cut Kate Prices A SMITH The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts County Sharon Division The nomination at was ra ther a tame affair last Monday Mr P J of Holland Landing presided About electors mere present fol lowing were proposed Haines John also by James Art and C Curtis John Hoi born by Win Colo and George Fogg C E and J A Wright J Woodcock by end Wight J A Hopkins by John and As soon as the time expired for to close Mr called to the chair and the candidates ad dressed the electors Mr Fegg that although he had Reeve the Township for many and also a member of the Co there was no charge of malversation ever laid against He discredited the idea that Mr Woodcock bad secured the appoint ment of Co Clerk Physician of the Home and Caretaker of the any more than he had secured Mr appointment as Keeper of the Home He justified the of East Couneil in the amount of taxes raised for Co purposes Mr referred at length to the cost of Iron bridges bail by the county though the of East only paid more this year last but on account of the new addition to the Home that tax is this year by In levying the amount for Co purposes the no injustice to the either in comparison with former or the total amount of taxes to be paid The change in composition of County Coun cil made a saying of In members al lowance the first year Reference was made to mode of assessment and equal showing that were taken off townships arrangement oily regarding the new Court House was read be thought ft would cost county a year no provision for Co Council to meet He was In favor of selling old Court asked men to see that the ladles got to the polls Mr expressed bis with Ihe new Co Act It would he made better if each bad representative was given plurality of votes Though much had been said about Co in East he was sat isfied that was largely duo to Slaughter Sale FOR THE BALANCE OF 1898 TORONTO HOUSE MERRY XMAS TO ALL County Council Election Your Vote and Influence Respectfully Solicited for LUNDY As County Councillor Sharon Division for 1899 1900 Vote Early on Monday January 2nd Christmas COM3 TO THE HOiME BAKERY We are still all lines of BreadlCakes Etc In Silver Leather Plash and Oak at Reduced Prices PERFUMES I We have also added a line of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES To Sell at Lowest Prices GROOM f r From the Best Makers See our stock in Cut Glass and Fancy Packages for the Holiday Trade GOLD SPECTACLES or E7E GLASSES properly fitted make useful presents No for testing SCOTTS PHARMACY NEXT POST if

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