Newmarket Era , December 30, 1898, p. 6

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JA COIL A ra MalioIV Kuby of WmHeilIy of Newmarket itt John Rosamonds I Arnold At Geo Arnolds Stiver Mr AJywtft Percy the home of Norman of Toronto at was of a when bis was married to Mi both lilies A Millet of Anthony Millers J Roland of Baldwin at Dr J Henry Lapp and wife of own to a bounteous spread Hill at Mr Terrys oh drove Newmarket of congratulation Wpfi Jenkins Is to give on tinder- aim Button occupied every Choir did excellent Mr of loudly coco red on iMatnaln- fancy of child ren and very to children for their client result very heavily laden Quito a officer in peg ball to Ha utmost Wr Hamilton at A Mrs Pot luck of Toronto at Jos and 3cth rcptionjwai of at Mr Sauiuol ji The owning i in dtffiiroitt f Wilson at Toronto to the Mr now Jvo- lmnJi two in the Hiil 7 HS POINT at Dr Wesley at and wife at J A Toron to Collin- at lxhirJgp F at Toronto Mr John Kind of homo for I to Mr town Wml she wan re- with rruc- vat and Mi Mlhodiftt Cantata riick fclm following great WftteJ ft1 Willi f iaimaiy 2nd of Mount unit for a of to with silver HI intvo a tin- on- a tVi- all beard with to be our trust Jan I MthnliM Church pcan j annual last ivik wax Jjjhly fill John was for- on Wednes day with Tin of J dialler of Ml Alhirt and J a atUUdflnco nd Mi received a special for bohflta bin The re- solved village ft mil of visitors bin week nod everything lively Mr of 0pnidlny his home or Is fioiae Mr spent and hero Sir and Mrs A Winch spent Christmas with relatives and Mr Draper Isitpvndlntr a tew A number from attended the Christinas Tree of The Oil Monday crowd and Homo very Interesting were are two aspirants for for uicnt high Mr Connolly la spending bis vacatloo with Ijlh parents Interest la hen- Mr David Davidson address mooting next Mr of Mr Sweet In spending with his over nine Intends taklog a In College at Toronto after and Mr by ElSoott spent afcH Mr Win and alio of spent and Monday with Mr Mr Williams of ltomrttowa was In vlllugea tfulurUny Mr Win spent with his a Jolly bis manager at the Hdnjowlillfl his brother mioo boat was awsy married- Mr A one of band boys has taken Bertha Louis fa her holidays at air Mr la for It no doubt bo a highly by electors BALDWIN The was fairly A tree loaded fair pro- grata by the fltierfttlon homo happy was cotoforlably flilel The chair oc cupied by our miller who filled It a lttite man No hopes arc by the or Pater recovery The con tinued week with unfloKKinK Interest A of convert a through- loot on affair acem tame here County Councillors Bong seems to stand head Sharon Division we hope will return two evening last week Gun Swamp Church wajorowdod to Owl era were no more A young man promised a for the collection plate if admitted Quite likely the young we to Ibhi week trowed out Compliments of the Season to f last week for Holiday Trade and previous to our annual StockTaking we to clear out Holiday Goods and Reduce our Entire Stock GOOD SNAPS IN SINGLE FANCY China Cups and Saucers AND PITCHERS Baking Powder 15c per lb Tin You Worth of Mr Cheaper than yau svsr had We will give you a nap in lbs Lots of Tea 3 Lines of Package Teas at Reduced Prices I lay A hi well ami fiiular is in ttiurvlil have been The on evening held a very The luiitch well Next Tuesday v a will he hold would rather a dirty lion a clean cranky em ill Aurora or the jadledberwocd of on j J tut a of Caw was iisniinl with j WANTED A good steady man to do there and milk or to feed cattle end add do all kind lit Johlra work around it farm WUTil York See our and Broomsthey are Leaders Choice Salmon 10c Tin DAVISON CO Main Street Newmarket HORSES WANTED WANTED A few good cows to In June also a few good SyearoJd i Wit f lari- I luting iuktn Mount Allien on the upset near Mr the UrltHli A It Miss Etfat1 Morton Conductor Win I Gilpin I V Mr faintly have been at i was completely Mr residence scene of a very eniovable natty an unto J J v- Jliuivlav evening or Heffcra nut Id calf These cattle must he In good dor Apply on lot to SMITH on In en in the guest Sunday for the Conversion trations lay the and fid Miaa Lottie er jifpwu and ftt Mr I of lautflitor with Mr as also did Mr El- Jos Murray fatally Toronto tctiel near SECOND STREKT The Concert was held in Street on Wednesday of last week was a complete success Messrs Hewitt Jenkins were a host in themselves The former was very entertaining id his couiio while the latter as negro impersona tor made a great hit Both were encored Newmarket Mouth Organ Band rendered some very choice deserve great credit for their placing The children acted their parts ladtnirabJy in the various recitations dialogues which reflects much credit their teacher The piano solos by Miss and Mr J were well received while the farce The Book Agent elicted of ap plause- At the Mr on a visit frgm lie Mr and Mrs J P visited at Gospel Temperance tncetliu under or the will oe held in the d Wednesday Jan A good la very cordially to attend regular of will he lietd on Wednesday afternoon Jan Kit urn to attend 1i The Undersigned wiU be prepared to purchase HEAVY DRAFT Carriage and Saddle Horses welhloir from to laOtllts Will beat the following placet namely Hills Hotel Craig vine Tuesday Georges Hotel School berg Hotel Bond Head House Jlelbaven Hotel Friday Hotel New market Saturday forenoon A Montreal Ob Mb HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL Toronto ha re- c pending weeks fc i entertainment by Prof Jenkins which is favorably spoken of everywhere is to be given at McMillans school house on Jan Mr is home from Man for two or three Monday night most public ever given in was tho Wwn ball the able management Power principal credit is due to children Where the whole program is ex cellent it la scarcely rigbt to but we might rat ion the drill of the Children the Flag Drill and the Fan Drill where the children showed extra cloae of the program ONTARIO BANK NEWMARKET WISH ALL THEIR CUSTOMERS A Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR I oo frith her over roof husband i box last Sun- and bride are a- on on Saturday with a Hue her Wonderful for a small place asv a very pleasant when Miss Beatrice I of Mrs to of noted irry Smith ft church Jole it chairman Mr E called on Misses Jessie Wright Jessie to present the teacher with a hand some present and the following ad dress Mr Ja6 Dear Teacheu Although your so journ was not long among us we your pupils and surrounding com munity could let this opportunity pass without showing in some manner our appreciation of your untiring zeal in We feel in you we kind and able teacher and you may depend on us your warm friend In addition to this reception we have much pleasure in presenting you with this Shaving Set as a small token of our regard and esteem We trust however you will not its intrinsic worth by the value you have in our eyes for to find an equivalent worthy of you would be a fruitless search May success crown your every effort Signed on behalf of the School and surrounding community Following this Messrs Curtis and A Wright presented Mr with the Silver Cup which was won by the Second Street Foot Ball Team with the following address Dear Teaches On behalf of the Second Street Foot Ball Team we beg to express our sincere regret that you are about to leave us We recog nize the fact that it was you who or ganized the Team and by your energy and love of the game inspired us on to victory We trust that you will continue to be of clean honest outdoor sports We al so desire to present you with this Silver Cup as a token of our friend ship and good will May it inspire you to lead others on to greater triumphs and constantly remind you of the boys Second Street who were always ready to do or die leadership on the Team iiney and as Well burlesque and closing farce were good not a break occurring in parts to mar the beauty of the evenings entertainment The large ball was tilted to door some pres ent from Sharon and Collection These gatherings at this festive season of the year make life brighter and happier than it otherwise would be boat and care are forgotten friendships re newed by gone memories retold formed hearts grow better and warmer with social chat and cheer domestic hearth contrast tbe ouflour frosts and of winter Climate baa influence on human Northern by stronger ties of friendship are less violent in temper and more and reliable So in Canada as other countries closer ties of friendship seem to bind tbftpeople together in winter than In J still continue in these parts Weil as cold remember seeing so many pitchholes In the roads before tree and dinner at Mr also Xmas dinner at Mr J on Monday last guest at Mr Andrew Roses a little baby girl Rev Mr will supply Rev Mr place in the here next morning Annual East Ay- Society here on the of Jan A large party took place at Mr A Downs when the annual Sbeppard party took place The At Home at Mr Lewis not very well attended owingto tbe inclemency of weather But present report time end we think they were abouv right according to the late boar that ft broke up The EG fiooiety leased Mr field for we under- etaud that there fa list oat for purpose of toward the a If they in they build a palace large enough a rink which would a reat for the being a re yen for the Mr fianford Cote is spending also Messrs and Pearson I party at Mr on was well atteod konthe past iiandaome boob NOTICE The Annual NEWMARKET DAIRY ASSN- Will be held on Wednesday Jan 11th At hour of In tbe Council for the Election or Officers 5cd general business By Order Gents High Bicycle Hale Cheap a aratcJaaa wheel Would make a one present Apply to At Grocery If you waot be a Comfortable when Driving- 1n the Cold the of the but People are why you will Just have to do like they did to A- Widdiflold And get a Saskatchewan Kobe And did ace those largo driving- mitts They arc as bard to do without whun you know of them overshoes are Wood Wanted Sealed Tend era will be received by the un dersigned up to Jan to supply toe CHURCH cords of Green AH be sound body wood sawed at least Maple rest Beech To by 1st March Box Newmarket JO THE OF Division COUNTY OP YORK COME TO THE HOME BAKERY We are still Leading in all lines of Bread Cakes Etc V We have also added a line of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES To Sell at Lowest Prices GROOM E BOG ART THE ELECTORS OF Influence Respectfully fle- quested for N As Councillor for Voting- on Monday Jan 2nd THE STAMP SANTA IS COMING- H grTffis GENTLEMEN I Having been nominated to represent this ibto Division In the County Council a finding it of your support to see you all personally before J be leave to solicit the favour 1 am no stranger to you that Band Satchels and Felt and Leg Boots Trunks and Valises great variety economy Obedient Servant GEO Sutton Dec 1Kb YOUR HEALTH Smith Bros Newmarket On the bottom of photograph is a guar- of permanency and excellence- wearing Best Boota and Shoes They can be had at Win Wrights All interested in game of Hockey should call and see our New Hockey Boots We are hoy making gujtom Work a Done IS FOR HIM Childrens Small Trunks Slippers of all kinds Over Stockings Moccasins in all si2ts Childrens Over Stockings Hairlined Moccasins Stockings with Rubbers attached Childrens Boots Ladies Fine Boots all sizes and kinds Mens wear from the Finest to the Coarsest Sox SOLD AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES I COME AND SEE 158 Sheet Music Given with Every Dollars Worth of Goods- H QRIFFIS GOODS hdetnaketr SMITH In Sterling Silver Novelties Silver Tea and Coffee Spoons Butter Knives Cake Knives Pie Kniyesi Berry Spoons Napkin Rings Shaving Cups Ebony Brashes ling Mountings Ebony Minors And Lots of other Suitable for Presents AUatCui Prices Coma in and See us ATKINSON CD HOW MANY Want a Good A Or This Fall Winter If there are any they will find Good Satisfaction at C LUNDYS I Tailor Shop JEWEL- Main Bag WeviBff tojnfo to

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