Newmarket Era , December 30, 1898, p. 8

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r- -VL- Pills dfltfu sagarOAttd plto which Mr you ill to pieces we cot la Hoods to take A to operate true of Hoods fills data littery Bate certain Pirt All Co Mm to with Hoods Pills CORNERS j Canada OFFICE TORONTO Capital llile Hank BRADFORD Art of and inuirvi of Mounting Farmers Notes Bale Not EST RATES rlriiunnatlon apply to ELLIOTT Alicnl BRISTOLS and PILLS est of all Liver Blood Medicines Gout and Complaint Cleanse and Purify Blood All druggists and Dealers ATTENTION I THE ISAAC USHER fie SON WORTH RECORD m Joseph Brown has ill for some time passed away on Sunday and his remains wore interred on right attended this week the funeral of his brother Rev Wright of who was kicked by a borne on Sunday night anil died on Monday night wev Mr Wright was well and favorably known in this and his unexpected death Bad circumstances is much ro- by his many friends BRADFORD Three ohn of Lieut Col fallen heir to fortune of through the death f an aunt in the Old Country Mr the extra teacher in the Model School having hie engagement wow on Wednesday of week presented with a yet beautiful clock by the pupil of the fourth division The lecture given in Trinity School Juat Friday evening by Bedford Jones A on Kipling appreciated by a very good audience The lecturer handled hi iu a masterly wanner At the the Epworth League on Monday evening a very interesting event took place It marked the oc casion of Mr Win tenth anniversary a Bible Clara Teacher in the School and the member of the took occasion to show their appreciation of hi leadership by presenting him with an easy chair The presentation was accompanied with a nicelv worded address which was read by Miss Km ma The concert field in the Methodist Church on Wednesday evening of last week under the auspices of the Choir was one of unusual merit The several anthems by the choir were ex ceedingly well rendered as were the solos and quartettes by the mem bers Miss Brown elocutionist daughter of Rev Mr Brown the pas tor made her appearance before a Bradford audience arid capti vated it Mias who pre sided at the organ throughout did well and faithfully her part Wit- and Blood Were Doing- Deadly Work r Celery Compound Gives Mrs Gallagher a New Lease of Life of the lor all or farm re pens cLiUcroa etc la Bold oout no- half price or the Portland Pomona vuo free of Exposure to cold indigestion and dyflpoDsia flebility impure blood run down system living in badly ventilat ed rooms and surrounding hy gienic conditions are all causes of It will afford comfort to to know that with ordinary care and the of Painee Celery Compound the many dangers of ery sipelas can be entirely avoided When any of the above symptoms are noted promptness in the use of Celery Compound will quickly banish all dan gers If fortunately you are not a sub- jeot to the disease and have not used Dr Phelps great prescription we with a desire for your welfare give Celery Compound an instant trial so that you may be able to fully judge of worth Mrs John P one of the many saved from death by Celery Compound writes as follows In the winter of 1807 had a se vere attack of erysipelas At the same time my blood was out of order I completely run down and so weak that I could not stand alone I com menced at once to use your Celery Compound and after taking five bottles I was greatly benefitted J and seemed to take a new lease of life I know from experience that Celery Compound is possessed of all the merits claimed for it and I will recommend it to all Buffering from erysipelas headache or stomach troub les I also consider Painee Celery Compound the greatest of all blood purifiers keep some of the Com pound at all times in my house and use it as a family medicine Too for itii watt KESWICK Children Cry for CASTOR I A apply to mi of flrat and lowest ntljBtao application will of the Province of i vf session for an Act to No of the Town A to rttfaO in and buildings In Town of The Office Specialty Company the fluid Com- W3 Town the property MRr8dcn In ft y ID Cleric Town of NowwarkeT out last I CO PROGRESS The new assurance carried through by the Standard Office for the last nine periods have been as HEW BUMS BAS misty 18660576 been holders Manager foi of SattJesHnniar- On Tuesday last interesting event took place at school house when the respected teacher Mr J Stephens was the recipient of a beau tiful present accompanied by the fol lowing addres Dear Friend As in the course of events the time has arrived the pleasant rela tions hitherto existing between us must suffer interruption we deem it best right and fitting to attempt to convey to you some expression of our appreciation and esteem the sixteen years of your teaching in this school we believe it to have been your constant and consci entious endeavor to advance not the intellectual interests of your pupils but the physical and moral as well and also to cultivate a taste for the neat and the beautiful in the school and home The beauty of our school grounds which we all admire end feel proud of is due to you and long after the pres ent generation shall have passed away will stand as a to your persevering industry On account of your residence in Newmarket we have not enjoyed as much of your society as we might otherwise have done but your occa sional visits to our homes have been much appreciated When we think of the numbers of young people who have successively come under your teaching and gone out into the world to exert a reflex influence surely it is hard to over estimate the importance of the work which you have done in the neighbor hood We bespeak for you and feel con fident you will achieve in whatever of usefulness you may decide to enter upon and even greater degree of success you have attained here We now ask you to accept thia Travelling Case as from us arid in conclusion we commend you to God and to the word of His grace which to build you up and to fears eye Our village came very near having a serious fire on Monday evening Mrs Wight accidently upset a lamp off of her sewing machine which im mediately aet fire to the carpet Mrs Wight was alone with her little child she had made an effort to smoth er the fire she caught up her child and ran out calling Fire l Her two nearest neighbors Messrs and Ernes beard her call and at once responded They succeeded in put ting the fire out before it did much damage If Mr Wights house had been burned nothing could have saved Mr residence about ft to the West as there was a strong East wind blowing at the time Squire house would also have had a narrow escape- Election is all the talk here this week There will be a lively time both for the County Council as well as the Council Mr Brown of the Hope neighbor hood is visiting friends In this vicinity this week Mr Brown preached in the Metho dist Church on Sunday morning last to a large and appreciative congrega tion There was a large turnout at the meeting on Sunday evening in the Christian Church and an excellent meeting Next Sunday evening Mr Morton takes the subject in the Methodist Church It will also be the election of and committees for the ensuing year The Methodist anniversary will be held on the and of January instead of the and The roads are very bad in this at present We think that the path Masters should pay more attention to them than they do The residents of are in hopes that the Council for next year will be one that will give our side walks some needed attention AI though they are buried up with snow at present we do not forget that they are in a- very dilapidated condition small villages in other town ships have their sidewalks looked after by the Township why ours looted it bard to say- especially as we are informed that the ratepayers are willing to pay money for part of labor have our sidewalks pi in repair The Division is expected visit- -Keswick- Division on New Wo iinqerUnd unoccupied the hill has received another tenant which make us think that wedding bells toll ere- long A man that attended great furniture sale in knows nil about it Our young folks intend to hold fl surprise party Mr Minors at Baldwin shortly In such times of thievery everyone should have a large watch dog some thing like big black Newfound land pup which weighs US pounds Every lime he hark he almost jarH tho mountain Two of our young men V have purchased cutters Next Sunday 11 be a memorial day There is a most jovial gang of axe menBub Dick and Dan and Gray making the steel ring in the timber near Mr Samuel King of is very low at prewnt Old coupled with an attack of bronchitis is the ailment We saw mentioned in Breeze a young lady sporting a handsome gen tleman Wr have a similar case Our citizens were pointing thin to me but as it is amply vindicated it was not There was another wood bee hustled up by our good J who acted as boss The men say they cut about cords of dry tam arack and carried it out to the The ice on Cook Bay is fiozcn hard enough traffic Last week several crossed the lake Mr who has been under the weather for some time is able to be out We hear several of the citizens on ton were down to Toronto looking after their respective shares of the late Ferguson property Since I began to write a little bird told toe that two weddings were to be performed on Wednesday of this week trees are in full bloom Mr J took a visit to the city this week Mr is drawing sand and material preparatory lo building a brick house next summer otivX0Dtletlt get of you A few i3oe of Cold trill break up toy form of cold a and Itrlpp It Id iotae and even pocket better tUs a loiur- policy injvxoN At Onldt GOLD CURE Do you think of NEXT SUMMERV la hereby an Ion win Legislature of the Province or Ontario at its next for an alt of the Town of Aurora Rich- 1 VauKbaDMarkharn which tbo property of Hallway Company in respectively Is to bo exempted from taxation for a term of years from day of or ucb other If you do write The I Sl MfE LIMITED NEWMARKET And get of Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows I all Id and i mad between Cotopaoy the Into between pursuant to the anil aald io bylaw to Into any Dated the 18tb day of November 9oUclion for the Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork Mr shipped an other carload of stock Considerable talked of next season Amos Crittenden propose to put a cement wall under barn There a washing Street not ago Several were of a washing ma chine All its a Several on this street have papered and painted their houses inside lately The services at DryTown are slim attended on account of revivals at Gum Swamp Mr Graves of is teaming a considerable amount of hay to Toronto I wish you and all your readers a Happy New Year Trig Joker Children Cry for CASTOR I A Cartledge of had his nose broken by the breaking of a pulley in the woollen factory No Worm Medicine acts so nice ly as Millers Worm Powders no physio required Bold by Leh man Dr Stanley Kent of London Eng has discovered a germ This discovery is of import ance as its use in pure re moves the impure lymph which has been the cause of the widespread ob jection in vaccination SNAP Worker STRENGTH Worker I sn STAMINA READ THE PROOF Gentlemih I have for a long to make blood and buildup my system- My blood was watery lacking strength and vitality January a friend not Dr Wards Bood and Nerve The supply the oxygen your blood and give you health and strength vty as i that are sanctified byfaith digital on Ada AN HI pooled the Ml doctors told die- bothoicujDimall on Eartt Itoldhloi benefit be derived from an medicine and faith to There flienutter rested until ago when reading o what Wards and Nerve Pilii for m people with ppverUbed concluded io them a trial I ha vp four my so far and Nerve Pills coherne4 peed entirely removed- They are an fcrweaif i people my expert fee body and strong flueen m Oat thayvront by r bo i for J A QUICK CUBE FOR COUGHS for the of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc COLDS The CsAidUa for all THROAT LUNG AFFECTIONS Large Bottles 25 casta DAVIS ft LAWRENCE CO Plops Ferry York BICYCLES We sod Repair all kinds on ilea The Wm Cane Sons Co Hungry Hair is the beginning of Baldness Protracted hunger means starvation and starvation means death When the scalp is starved the hair dies at the roots Whats the matter with your hair It gets dry harsh brittle dull of color the ends split You wash it and brush it but it still comes out Its hungry I If washing and brushing would stop starvation then all the expense of a horses keep would be a sponge and a currycomb Hunger needs bread not a bath That is why i Baldness It It supplies the requisite nourishment for the hair and the hair grows It restores the tone of the scalp and so induces the secretions of the that the coloring matter is renewed and fading hair regains its natural color dandruff disappears and the hair becomes thick and glossy Men and women whose abundant hair is the envyand admiration friends admit that they owe it to Hair Vigor I a bald spot on my Urge as a erf atarted a growth of hair hi a short time if a r LI v of bald apot a of wonderment to my friends and A St St Louia used Hair Vigor for a pta years and tonal to It a hair end restorer Jt has given speak highly hi R WELDS BarerN64S old and Avars Hair fifteen to bit from is an for and i that did nor r crime A If E v

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