Newmarket Era, 6 Jan 1899, p. 4

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r r HEALTH Plains of If we ft condition Keep Wall If Know of Condition Noon- Ad effort down about j jh City of Quebec to work no of mainlining J of raiding tt Federal for tho purchase of the Plains of Abraham as a park Until quite recently it prepare were employ to carry ownership of Dominion Govern ment but it now appears are owned by the of the Hotel the Crown only having possession at to organ which It for good health blood Now it hat DO medicine hat Hood hundred under a ninetynine years lease well who will expire in Iho course of about iboir grove not ore Such being the situation It decoded thj lUae Plains should be preserved as an his- bocaoao tone park and Quebec people want blood the Dominion at large to pay therefor dvof it groat Keep shoulder the responsibility iUas good health by keeping of future care quite sympathize cure wood other modi- lne notion that the historic lands do g suggested hut the City of with perhaps some slight assistance from the Provincial treasury should meet the financial part of the When the grounds at the Niagara peninsula were pnrohased a public park people did not ask Federal Government for aid In Vrti anJ Qoobec want to convenient park with historic associations let them do likewise and r oral purchase and beautify the celebrated Abrahftm is too of a Snta Glaus for the Dominion to shoulder rather too much outside the local family circle Advertising Medium it- an il fut MO l MO MO 1200 ijo Tor una Found Uf9 will be inserted free for olcrly whore potiorouro fur- no flfly will be charged No eiouoUon to rule Helps the Revenue writ- limcrii- mi Word comes from Windsor the a two cant postage rate between month the companion mum Jiriiain and her colonial poases- a4vorttacraeoUi Slates The which took effect on day makes it possible for business public of Detroit for instance to three on letter sent to any place in the LEU A I J Public An domain other than Canada by mail- ing foreign correspondence the river at Windsor This intimation of what Struct people can do reminds us of the fact to rfd aoeurity cet j T I I ttU brings to pass somt rather peculiar portal conditions and in re- etc Solicitor for of to which the opposition pies are taking occasion to have a fling at the PostmasterGeneral in a vain attempt I to counteract the general satisfaction with which the reduction in letter rate from five to two is from the Atlantic to the Pacific True it does seer peculiar that to DivlAfoa Court p Pater etc Barrister To jdiims can a letter from to loan at lowest rates any part of this Dominion to Great Blow Main Newman j British India iron to J DOTH 6t cade St Toronto Reformer Block to Loin AUCTIONEERS d Auctioneer for the Co of on coumlaalon Terms A trial eollotted Sluiooe Newmarket MARRIAGE Issuer of IRIAGE LICENSES Omoe Newmarket at residence If fcr5 NEWMARKET Newfoundland Natal Jamaica Ber muda the Bahama Is lands British Guiana British Hon duras East or Central Africa etc for a twocent postal rate while we have to pay a three cent rate from Newmarket to but similar conditions prevail in other countries For instence the mer chants or business men of Detroit or Port Huron have to pay two cents to send a letter across the river to Wind sor or and have only a two cent rate to pay on a letter to any part of British Columbia or the Klon dike To obtain a two cent rate for any part of this Dominion to the re motest office in the countries above enumerated is a reform of which any Government member may well feel proud and instead of finding fault or belittling the achievement it demands the hearty commendation of every patriotic Canadian in the land That the change will add to our post al revenue we the intimation that the foreign correspondence post age of Detroit alone annually mailed at Windsor will amount to another of the peculiar conditions the new rate has effected Canadas Postage Rate The unexpected announcement last Friday from Ottawa of a twocent letter rate throughout the Dominion and by terms of the postal ar rangements with the United flutes also letters from Canada to that country was indeed a Box whioh people of this country will greatly appreciate It also fur nishes further evidence of feet that a progressive Government like one now controlling the affairs of this Do minion can find not only opportunities for important reforms but likewise has the courage to affect there to When Hon Mr Mulook had secur ed penny postage the Op position wont forth to belittle the scheme and while it was admitted that the charge from five to a two cent rate from this country to any point in the British Empire was of an advantage their warped led them to detract from its import ance by calling attention to the fact that we still had a letter rate at home imposing three cents This was charged as being absurd but this new announcement which took effect on the 1st of January 1890 has not only dried up their tears but has almost overwhelmed them with amaze ment gratifying proof Is to hand of the important advantages will to Canadian trade by the reduction of the Imperial rate and now tho Hon Postmaster General baa given further demonstration of his progressive statesmanship and depart mental administration in the change by proclamation in the Of ficial Gazette last of a two- cent letter rate throughout the Do minion and all parts of the neighbor ing Republic The country will now move than ever appreciate a Reform Government with the daring and courage to give effect to such achieve ments as will advance the material prosperity of the people Wo con gratulate the member for North York as well as the Government generally upon this unexpected Christmas Box for the country The further announcement from Washington respecting the use of postal will be read with satis faction On the ult the United States Postmaster General signed an private mailing cards both the Canadian mailing cards bearing United States stamps and mailed on this side of the line and the United 8tates cards mailed in Canada with Canadian postage This is the result of a reciprocal arrange ment between this and the Canadian Governments looking to avoid con siderable refusing postal transmission where travellers both ways write home on cards of their own country Ik January number of Canadian are devoted to a oar foreign relations John points cat that our to United States are not Increasing Ilka our while hand from Great Britain ore while our soles to the Motherland ore increasing His well handled The Joint High Commission resumed at Washington yesterday floial have a pretty well au thenticated that an agreement of large importance to the countries will bo reached and that while satisfactory to the United Stales and it will include all that either side hoped to tain at the It Is expected the will be ratified withiu the next ten days Tut report of the Toronto Hudson Railway Commission was laid before the city couocil recently The report is among other things say- That a now line from or pear Toronto or WaabashenOj northward to or near would open a new section fully as Rood as that between and North Bay and that a line would shorten the distance to Winnipeg by fully miles Tun Ottawa correspondent tele graphs the following item it will be welt for the to bear to mind It been decided that the threecent stamp no longer being required there will be no more issues of it after the present supply is exhausted The colour of the domestic stamp according to the suggestion of the Postal Union being red it will be neces sary when the supply of the ordinary two- cent stamp which is green is exhausted to change the colour to that of threecent domestic stamp the world moves and old-fogy- ism must give to the progressive no tions of uptodate achievements At the of next year there are to bo one hundred motorcabs driven by electric power mooing in the streets of Paris France and if the experiment proves a success the number of cabs is to be increas ed to one thousand by beginning of Each of the above cabs ie sup plied with sufficient power to be driven SO miles at about miles an without being recharged A large plot of ground has secured of the city as a training ground for cabmen where an in structor Mr Cabby how to manage his muter Four or Ave are all that are needed the Little Aches and Pains That Lead tr Serious Diseases Compound Is the Medi cine that Gives the Sorest and Best Results Physicians with the most extended practice are well aware that there is nothing known to medical science equal to Celery Compound for regulating the nervous system and disease Men and women naturally love life yet it is astonishing how careless and indifferent they are about the symp toms of grave troubles The sharp piercing pains in joints and limbs those ominous pains over the kidneys that debility nervousness insomnia ugly eruptions on the face and body- all are signals and warnings of grave diseases and sufferings Cel ery Compound used promptly will speedily banish every dangerous symp tom keep the body and in per feet condition and add power to the mental faculties The most sensible rational way of getting rid of rheumatism and neu ralgia the true mode of building up the shattered system is through the use of a nerve medicine and blood regulator and cleanser like Painea Celery Compound When the nerve centres are made strong and the tissues and veins supplied with healthy food rheumatism and neuralgia must quickly leave the body Are you dear reader tired dull nervous allgone miserable full of despondency or irritable If so use Celery without de lay and enjoy true and vigorous life Carelessness delay and indifference will a rely drag you down to greater and increased peril Special l- iwo by Phil Robinson Millet Vtn 1 h- THE BEST If Will to by by mean- text important the world in a clear and ioVh by meant lie in POLITICS a disapprove iheoturiOQcnif be Cuba and the Philippines Hawaii and Porto Rico ART The of the will lit WKKKl it be i- likcvYiic iaj4e a the PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE YEAR j il- w SERIAL STORILS THE WAKF5- Walls WITH SWORD AM t i Van THE CONSPIRATORS By Some Story Contributors Owen J McCarthy S John SBriscoe THE WEST ii4utoi iri London Letter en Whlte ALASKA A J This Busy World S- Aljrtin I AMATEUR ATHLETICS el- Mr Whitney in Ova HARPER BROTHERS New York To out IN and Head Stones- Allan SCHOOL French and Music 4 In alter mi by to the war Department by nrotealoncrfb eot s if Hong on Breve men pall to stomach liver and kid- nay fcronbles as well aa women and all feel the results in of appetite poisons in the blood backache ner vousness headache and tired listless rundown feeling But theres no need to feel Eke that to J Gardner He saje Bitters are just the thing for a man when he is all run down and care whether he lives or diea It did to give me new and good appetite than any- thing take loan now eat anything and have a new lease on life Only cents at any Drug Every bottle guaranteed Richard was arrested in Hamilton wearing a coat stolen from Harris tailor shop in that city a couple of months ago On information received from a search as William Ringers house and the stolen recovered wife iiaalth THAT CAUSE LOSSES Many of our Canadian women been so grossly deceived in the year just dosed by worthless dyes that some nave determined never again to try what is really a pleasant and profitable work when the Diamond Dyes are used While we sympathize with the many deceived women we must say their decision is not a wise one Be cause we have in our midst a few un skilled dye manufacturers and money loving merchants who for the sake of long profits are ready to sell poor goods it is not fair to assert that all merchants are actuated by the same unworthy motives Deceptive dyes have usually plenty of bulk to recommend them but this bulk is composed of common coarse ingredients Some dyes have just coloring power sufficient to dangerous to any ordinary material others have a small percentage of color virtue with an extra of grease power are that have brought ruin to good materials dresses skirts blouses rib- bone suits for men and boys and brought consternation to many a trusting and worthv woman While it cannot be denied that de ception has a footing in bur land it is pleasing to known that the Dia mond Dyes representing perfect work honesty and truth have brought glad ness and profit to of happy homes All classes and conditions of women have used the- Diamond with unvarying sucoeas and during the year not a failure was re ported the vary simple directions were followed- principles and h ofoer the world have their present standard of w that Man of oar will remember the thrilling adventure of a young man a boy a acre girl a baby who were caught in a storm near Strawberry Island in the summer of 1896 and were blown across Lake a distance of seventeen miles Tbey were in a email boat and after being blown aorots the take were dashed under the wharf at where they remained all night the holding the baby oat of the water until they were rescued in the morn ing They all recovered after the advent ure and the Ethel Smith and the George were awarded medals by the Humane Society The story is told in Youths Companion of weak at an instanced tree pluck ahdateadiast courage To have the men who have their organizing ability by great busi ness tell their of organi sation is the object of the editor of Cosmopolitan That he is proved in the January issue by the artiole from Charles Flint who is regarded in York is one of the three or four ableet organiser in America Ha president of the Bobber Trust and the head of the great merchautUe house of Flint Eddy Its ramifications in almost every port of the world Mr Flint telle very openly what makea for in the organization of business His article may be read with Interest by the the Armours and the as wall as by the humblest clerk seeking to fathom the secret of business success A turkey weighing pounds as shipped from Perth county a few days ago The Canning Company bought lf00 turkeys in one day re cently Lifes a Fret with rich and poor Hike the rich man in a rush to keep ahead the poor man in a rush to keep up and dyspepsia a common companion Dr Von Pineapple Tablets keep the stomach sweet the nerves steady and insures health theyre vegetable pepsin and Natures most potent aid to keeping well cents Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket Strong Bakers Hungarian Pastry Best Ontario and Manitoba wheat for Family Use Feed of all Kinds Beat the Klondike Mr A Thomas of Tex has found a more valuable dis covery than has yet been made in the Klondike For years he suffered un told agony from consumption ac companied by hemorrhages and was absolutely cured by Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds He declares that gold is of little value in comparison with this marvellous cure would have it even il it cost a hundred dollars a bottle Asthma Bronchi and all throat and affections are positively cured by Dr Kings New Discovery for Con sumption Sold at any Drug Store size cents and to dure or price refunded During the year just closed the Inland Revenue Department made no less than sekureschiefly of to bacco and spirits being almost onofor every day in the year LAND PLASTER A oar of fresh ground American Gray best fertilizers for Clover and Grass LIME LIME The very beat Grey Lime J Marsdens Storehouse Cor Main and Huron Telephone No GRAHAMS Art Studio For Infants and We are fully prepared to do all kinds of work in the very latest styles L Carbon on Porcelain Carbon on China Colored Crayon Water Colors Embossed Work Saturday Bargain Day w Photos at forget to call OTGRAHAM OLD STAND It oar at norma Ideal County Paper Nearly every family in North York gets it and wouldnt be without it If you are not in it you should be Start the new year by getting the best home paper regularly The Era has no equal for local news JACKSON Editor Publisher Sixop to Boat and Stable on Beat Moderate JACKSON TWO LOTS the old Bale on Terms to JACKfi0N FOB SALE A and three acres Good flUble etc Term reasonable Apply to V Brook Mount Al bert or Mr Jackson Land New market FOB BALE Brick Eagle St with all mod ern bath not and cold and Lot of one aero all or which are In firttciM condition Terms Apply to Fifty Two Weeks A STUDY OF The International Sunday School Lessons FOR BEADY No Christian especially Clergyman should be without It Beautifully bound in cloth of two colore with boards Price only Strongly recommended by leading Clergy men On sale by all book or fleet postpaid on receipt of the price by BBADLBYGABBBIBON CO- Limited Toronto Canada NOTICE To Bent Brick house of Victoria and Newmarket Mixed house with aU modern furnace For terms apply to LLOYD Barrister Ac Main St Kewmaxket Parliament of Canada next FOR SALE on Ave at the End of airy and in excellent order AJi odorn eon- Bath Bet and Cold water liable W stocked with fruit tree and shrubs for desirable farm property Bag WttTlng Toronto Solicitors for Dated at Toronto of Ontario 1st FOR TWENTYSEVEN YEARS Isiao to Inform that ho has moved to on and still baa that Iowa Co Loom with folate he fcr Work in Wearing- Call Bead Apprentice i So learn the -V-l- 5-

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