Newmarket Era, 20 Jan 1899, p. 1

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iWiWT more by all tobe the Leading Courtly Paper I- mm III YORK AND ADVERTISER 8 PAGES1 me liberty to know to utter and to argue freely according to above All other liberty No paper outside of North York paid in advance Copies Cents Each Newmarket Friday January Teams per annum if paid in advance gnu FACTS AND FIGURE S Steel Ranges Grand Jewel Cook Stoves Sled Range costs so they tell us A Grand Jewel can be had for 2500 If you buy Grand Jewel you have 4400 saved which at per cent simple interest Im Grand Jewel I I give you 2640 in ten years So thai you can buy a Grand jewel one of the best Cook Stoves made every ten years with the interest keeping the princi pal untouched Hardware Stoves Paints Oils Glass Etc G A BINNS Repairing Promptly Done NEWMARKET TEST US BY A COMPARISON fln Important flatter ADJUSTMENT To Editor of the Eta Much been said re specting price paid for electric light and evidently there is diasatiafae in different quartern suppose whilst we what is called flt rate and metro much dif ficulty will be experienced adjusting them to work justly on all parties in fact I cannot how it can be done All users of tho pay equal ly alike for current they consumed whether town or in dividual and can but see urn way to adjust it As regards the incandescent De partment let meters be placed in every plague where the electric light used including Town Hall Council Cham ber kc the reading of which will show the total amount of current con sumed as well a that of each in dividual As it in not just to the users pay more cost of producing it would that a correct account be kept of the cost of running the plant to which might be added a sufficient amount to pay for all repairs required to keep the ma chinery in good condition as well as the interest on the capital invested By no doing it would be an easy matter to determine the amount cesnary to be charged on each thousand waits I think it would bo but just for the Town at to pay for what the Town uses ami would suggest a we have no way of measuring the amount of current used in street lighting that its value whatever might be consider ed equitable lie deducted from the cost above referred to before applying it to the incandescent department It would then bo an easy matter summing up the total amount of cur rent consumed to decide the cost per thousand watts I believe the course above set forth would be a just and equitable each party paying for the amount of current they have used Respecting metres I think it just as important to require metres for Elec- Light as for gas for which no Town or Company would think of fur nishing without it Metres might be furnished by the Town and held as invested and sufficient amount added to the watt rates to pay for interest on out lay and keeping them in con dition Yours truly B Copy Storms its Groat Britain Jan A severe storm is raging along the English coast particularly in the Channel The channel steamer ser vice is greatly disarranged and the telegraph lines are prostrated in many directions Fishing vessels have been obliged to take refuge in the nearest Reports from all of the United Kingdom show or less damage to life and property The gale is one of the heaviest known in many years Heavy snoWhtorrns are reported in Scotland hod there have been hail- storms in many parts of the Inited Kingdom Jan 13- Widespread de vastation on land and sea has been the Across Africa BEFORE YEAR LAKE VICTORIA WILD BE BY RAIL WITH THE COAST King Council its The African mails bring news that the most difficult part of the great Uganda Railway is completed and that before another year is ended Lake Victoria will be connected by rail with the coast ocean and lake will be linked across the hottest wilderness of the Continent It is a daring dash for the riches of Central Africa The of the task of building this government road of which miles are now open for King Municipal Council held first meeting Jan I Members elect were all present and subscribed to the declaration of office and qualification as follows The Editors Shears FROM northern climes are comparatively and where there are result of the recent storm and the 1 of rivers and creeks to 3upply grcgate losses of property ate immense for men beasts and machinery This are gradually til- surveys presented enormous throat from the provinces tell ikied as it impossible to see of dismantled houses overflowing for more a yard or two on either rivers inundated streets and fields side of the j buildings flooded cattle and sheep la to pierce its way This country can afford a Reeve Simeon Councillors rate on its railways as wall as T H Burns Milton fits stamps Davis and I The following fell on an icy sidewalk in an The Era election blanks Brown railing on John Gillespie stone P a good blacksmith bill J05 Jo Billings countrys salary Watson Smith A watermairfbrokeafc traffic is difficult of conception for those who live in ficern where the forests 1 the damage done by irnated at re- drowrcd and disasters to life and limb from falling debris The Channel steamers have had ter rible experiences The pier at the en- i trance to Dieppe France which was recently damaged has been completely demolished and great havoc is report ed along the Normandy coast though details have not been received A serious railway accident occurred between and Kilkee light on the southeast coast A train was blown clean off the rails and a number of persons were injured none however fatally While the storm was at height yesterday a train for Wales the fact away The firemen and the engineer were sheep claim Sick Hospital grant The following persons were each jungle path This road lie from dog tax its way through a dense Wells Stephens and J undergrowth of tropica vegetation ashing the eyes morning and night in water as hot as it can be is a wonderful tonic for these i useful servants which are so easily Proceedings have been taken at protected with savage thorns and in- The following grants were made for Kingston against the Mayor and with and poisonous gravelling 40 on south 1st eleven of the aldermen to flies I Con John Hart and Thomas for borrowing money in The Uganda Railway starts from Corns 100 on Con Sullivan of their powers the Island of Mombasa on the east and Brown Corns on 1 Con At PeneUng a man named coast of Africa north of Zanzibar Fuller Com on Lloyd- Reynolds drove his fist a pane The first work of the engineers was town road Con Borden of glass because wanted to fight to construct a landing stage for on Con No land his wrist was so badly that reception of railway material coming John Com on sideline is likely to the of las England and from India Their ween and fi second task was to build a temporary Alfred Davis Cora Lloyd bridge across the shallow water that from England and from India Their between rwi A Pheoo the u w worth of the island from the stolen from Mrs William sideline lots and diamonds Wells Corn 40 on sideline lots anil ind Con P Wbrle Robertson of dashed sea owing to j it has to cross a narrow neck g on sideline low and 1st skalin the tracks were washed of the sea it has to up and dense scrub intersected with ravines The railway to make its way along mountains thousands of feet The new suspension bridge about to down the sides of sharply cut valleys The greatest difficulty was the of good water in the first miles of the road Here the only source of supply that could be found was the River all the other streams being irapregnant with salts- Con A Boat wick Com 25 on the Lloyd town Road in Con Com 40 on op- fit Con lots to it inclusive You will not find the Time Wasted In the Lines we carry No Store in the trade beats us REMEMBER We claim to not only show as good value as our Competitors BUT BETTER We have grounds for our statement and are prepared to stand or fall by it J McFarland DENTAL fl I Block opposite the MetbodUt Church Air for Aurora to the late Dr Street Aurora Dp Dentist be at office of Dr Porter Brad ford every Monday fllffi and Violin Tuner of Pianos all Instrument Some cough mixtures mother the cough But thq next bretze fans it into lift again Better put the cough out That is better go deeper and Smother the fires of in flammation Troches can not do this Neither can plain codliver oil Rut Scotts Emulsion can The glycerine soothes and makes comfortable the give power and lability to the nerves and the oil feeds and strengthens the Weakened tissues SCOTT Toronto A Invention The truth of the adage that some men are born rich and others lucky has been verified at least in one in stance in San Francisco One morn ing Mr Whipple one of the proprietor of the was stand ing behind the desk when a guest asked for a city directory Mr Whipple looked for the book in it ac customed place but not finding it was compelled to make anextensive search of the office and was much an noyed at not being able to accommo date his guest The more he thought upon the subject the more firmly he became convinced that a city direct ory in a hotel to be made but it should not be made fast to the countar as it and the in formation seekers all of whom are not always of the house would be in the way An idea occurred to him whereupon he had a model of a stand made ono that could be fasten ed to the floor having a desk top large enough to receive a directory the backs of which would pass under a brass plate and be made fast with leaving enough space around the back for small advertisements This bookrest he had patented and while ho considered it a good thing from a hotelkeepers standpoint lie- was not aware that others would ro cognize its value so readily To make a long story short- be has sold rights to use his patent in several counties and states and has received therefor end there are more coun ties and states to be heard from If you have a good idea write Martin ic Martin Patent Solicitors Mont real or send for foe copy of Inventors Help Ah at Ottawa orders the payment of construction of the Crows Nest rail- way and as a last resort traction Davis that owing to the deficit no money be granted this year for gravel ling but instead the pathmasters be instructed to apply sufficient of statute labor in gravelling as is necessary to engines had to be used With these progress was more rapid though the men employed in the building of the road had often to perform the work of As now planned the whole length of the railway will be about 500 miles Us lake terminus will be a sheltered harbor in Bay on Lake Vic toria from where steamers will run across the great lake to Uganda the headquarters of trade in Central Africa British enterprise will thus penetrate the Dark Continent from the east white the Sirdar pushes down from the north and Rhodes up from the south on division Yeas Davis Kays Burns Messrs Burns od were appointed a ommittee to purchase onehalf acre of gravel from Ireland lot con if they con sider the terms satisfactory John A Watson and Webb were appointed assessors for the south- and undertaker a and northern divisions respectively of local Board of Health Dr Medical Health Officer and be erected across the Niagara gorge Then the great trouble of when completed will be the only had to be faced The deadly tsetse and Egan Cow structure of us kind the fly overpowered mules bullocks and Moved by Mr- by chasm all of the old bridges having been auppldned by new steel arches Tins new bridge will occupy the site of the old suspension bridge and in general outlines posi tion etc will conform very closely to the old structure Men are now at work erecting the false work for the short shore spans and as soon as this pare of the work is finished connection will be made be tween the cliff The length of the cable span from cower to tower will be feet while the span of stiffening truss will be feet The width of the structure will be feet and the width of the roadway will be feet This will be wide enough to allow a single track to be laid through the centre tor trolley cars and will leave room on the outside of the tracks for teams to pass abreast The floor will be of twoinch oak plank laid cross wise The suspended span will be connect ed to the banks by two approach spans the one on the New York side to have a length of A feet and that on the Canadian side to be feet long As the bridge will be located a little beyond the line of foot travel no special provision will be made for pe destrians as on the the other great bridges at the Falls It is expected that about all the travel bridge will catch will be in cars and carriages The new suspension bridge will prob ably be finished in time for the coming travel and then there will be a new attraction in trolley riding hereabouts Eventually it ay be ar ranged so that people may take an electric car in Buffalo or Rochester and without changing cars make the trip to Niagara Falls down the river to and and rturn home days ago she had her toes frozen was taken to where three toes on her left foot and two toes of her right foot bad to be ampu- Con owing to gangrene grants a like amount Caleb Brown Com 40 on sideline lots and in Geo Rogers the noted wing shot Con A Com 40 onj at St Catharines died of pneumonia by grip Rogers was champion wing shot of Canada for many years This paragraph went the rounds of the last week but it The story was started by a of fellow who thought it a martjoke i- Boys who have formed the cigar- keep the leading roads in repair habit are like wormy apples they drop long before harvest time They rarely make failure in after life because they do not have any life The boy who begins cigarette smoking before his fifteenth year never enters the life of the world When other boys are taking bold of worlds work he is concerned with the St Maryfl creamery was erected in the fall of and put in opera tion on Deo of that year building cost equipment It baa skimming stations besides the central and made lbs of but ter This was sold for or an average of about cents per lb The net price lb paid to farmers for butter varied from to J cents per lb and all skim milk re- turned At annual meeting a dividend of Java percent on all paid up stock declared Spoiled A WELL KNOWN GIVES EXPERIENCE A successful and well known Can adian druggist faid recently I know from experience what it means to sell dyes that have no standing or established reputation Over a year ago I put in a small of Dyes I bad been asked by three or four persons for these dyes which they saw advertised and I was nnder the impression the demand would increase In years time I sold probably from twenty to twentyfive packets and had bo many complaints from disappointed women who hat spoiled good materials and garments with these new dyes that I one of to my back storehouse where they now are I find the Diamond Dyes give perfect satisfaction to all my custom- era and will sell no other make while I am in business What a tale conld be told by women about spoiled goods from using cheap and trashy dyes This statement from an old es tablished druggist has its of warning His long and extended ex perience is in favor of the Diamond Dyes There are too hundreds of other druggists and dealers and tens of thousands of women who could give clear and convincing testimony that Diamond Dyes are for ahead of all other dyes in purity strength fast ness of color brilliancy and As long aa there are imitation and adulterated dyes sold it is that all should insist upon getting the Diamond when dyes for Home dyeing Bee that the is At about two Wednesday were family of Hiram Stouffer pointed auditors for current year resides John Bums was appointed a mem- of current year The time for the collectors to make their return of collectors roll was ex tended to Feb Next meeting of Council will be held at Temperance Hall on the day of February next awakened to find their dwelling in flames and had barely time to Snatch Joel Edwards Sanitary Inspector for cJothes two The Of Thousands Have Been Turned Into the Joy of the Almost Magic Medicine Cure for the Heart It Believes in Minutes Mrs John of was for five years a great suffer er from heart disease spent time under experts in Kingston hospi tal without getting any benefit and was pronounced incurable She com menced taking Cure for the Heart and when she bad taken three bottles all dropsical tendencies palpitation and pain left her and she has bad no retarn of it and ascribes her bare to this greatest of heart re medies Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket Mr fixing the fountain on Georges square when the statute fell partly on his back breaking some of the bones of his shoulder Some others may be good but without doubt Millers Compound Iron are the best Bold by 15 Lehman trunks of wearing apparel were saved the house and contents consisting of the furniture and provisions for the winter being burned to ground No insurance The third firmual motorcar meet took place in motors smarted on the run from the Hotel to Richmond These ranged from a steam bus hold- ing twentyfive to a motor tricycle there being also dogcarts Irish cars and tandems the annual dinner of Automobile Club Mr said he was looking forward to the entire disappearance of horses from the streets for purposes of heavy traffic Do the city papers say anything in regard to your locality asks an ex change Do they contain notices of- your schools lodges and of local matters of interest that your home paper publishes- Not item Do they publish a word circulated to- draw to your town arid your en- enterprises 1 No And yet are men who take contracted views in matter who think if they dont get many square inches of reading matter- in their home paper ting worth of their money reminds one of the man who took large pair of in the box because tho price the same as Vvj that fitted the city paper if you want one but the local paper out of your vigour and vivacity fol low the use of Compound I Iron Pile Sold f

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