Newmarket Era, 20 Jan 1899, p. 5

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AW J fc ONTARIO BANK CAPITA HEAD Off ICE Pros loo REST 9800000 T0B0MTO CHA8 McQILfc General Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Bnsiness TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED at all and Collections 5aatoy hopliossSn -i- and Jan John Text For God bo loved the that ho only bo- gotten that in him should not but Health StiMetrerf- Untold mis- spies v You cannot fwl give tho skin tor fl9tKvJcVffchUt Closely garment worn during snd Cute Him day and heavy bed clothes will make any person w Robert Pom- Rooms from winch the outdoor air brokoBayBbaVtonyoaraagoJiucpn and sunlight are simply death trans type untold HOME REAPIKOfi Saturday John 1 Sunday Rom Monday John Tuesday John J John 4 Thursday John Friday- Rev time to use water cold water- i glisters arid other severe treat- no is in cue morning on not pluDgo into it but When of was body with to South all body is in the morning on no lasting relief riuinK not uo over the body with a J mt mi or mail rub the akin 1 10 cave him you fool n boM S of youth rf chilly and the remedy Old IM fe Sold by Lehman every pharmacy Newmarket the shore of the sea of and out and who mother and brethren up clotbiiiff and coi and also the little band of follow- afraid of the and Famine in They remained there but a few and then Jesus journeyed to Try cold water and the wearing of Jerusalem with the throng of pilgrims Our word for it you inW with Mo fiih by Like 8 only the of iheao waters not in erred if ibe tine nude in be Ontario In vioinity of Lk iolftpd under its to ft of Counties along Would like of trout nbitcGsb through well as cootiguouB tpfiurVingipn Day and Cake Clair practiced by a fluke J ROLL Op And trial Cotton odd Slits i AWARD Gt ink It Mil In twiiiitikii hi Pimi ml to Dp fllffed dour South J A tor itud tytf Hooey n tercet at Current itfllceKHwmrfct fiasaronoe Co RISKS AT to A A Fire on ltakd Property LOW HUH OrriOKOvor Now market to the feast of the ftl thl He entered the temple aud found flJoop its outer courts resounding with the noise earth of trade beasts birds for 1 being and the lablea of money chitogers standing on every stdo Ho in upon the confusion drove out and the sellors But his act aroused against bitterest enmity from classes having an in- in the profanation of the temple the ruling classes however was a man timid by nature and slow in spiritual perception but bearing in heart the germs of a fajth which should ono day blossom out in noblest confession This man came to Jesus by night received from the great Teacher the revelation of one of the cardinal doctrines of the Gospel God was revealed to us by the in carnation of Jesus and he is revealed in us by the new birth There is no power of motion in wat er or in trees themselves Those ef fects arc produced by an invisible agent which comes and poes by laws of its own with everyone who is born of the Spirit Christs atonement and our salva tion all depend on the love of God God wills our salvation- How shall we escape if we so great salvation AUK Ho Censorship In Giving the of the Effected by American Ner vine It hag saved an army of suf fers From the Pangs of Indiges tion and Nervine Troubles- Holmes of was taken seriously ill about a year ago with nervousness and indigeatim and for some time was completely pros trated He best doctors but they failed to help him A news paper advertisement brought South American Nervine to his notice He tried it with the result that he was Buffalo has a large egg famine on hand and everything in which hen fruit figure will coat money very shortly market been steadily advancing for some weeks hut there baa always been the cold storage stock draw on and no one haw been alarmed For some week fresh eggs have been practically out of the market and an uuknown quantity Grocers have been buying cold stock closely candled nd selling a fresh eggs Dealers had placed large quantities of eggs in the Buffalo cold storage houses when the product was cheap during the spring and summer months Suddenly last week the commission men on enquiring among themselves found that the Buffalo stock was benefitted from the first bottle The Arctic Storage Co has PAINTING House and Paper Hanger JO year all or the busluce Full tine or 10 Papers Ask ace them 2nd door North or the- Primer Street Bolton Painter and House Decorator and six bottles completely cured htm and be would be pleased to give all details of bis case to any person ask ing him Sold by E Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket At market turkeys are bought up by the whole ton Packet however that a sleigh load of the nicest turkeys have been on the market this season their feet and heads off their crops out and nicely trussed up and fat- none left and the Buffalo Cold Storage Co has only a few placed there by a New York firm who are ordering con signments shipped almost daily by ex- press to the metropolis and refuse to sell a crate in that city Dealers then began telegrapitig to for supplies Holders in the Windy City reported that their stock about exhausted and no more ob tainable The price of eggs has run up daily under very limited offerings till a man get whatever he has the a man dies they put a tombstone over and carve compliments on it But they dont tell what killed him If did you could go into any cem etery and find on one stoue in every six the words con- sumption pneumonia diseased lungs And if the truth were a told most I of them would say also due to carelessness More men die of consumption are killed in battle is more deadly rattlesnakes and yet men run from the snake aud invite consumption The time to cure consumption before it starts A little cough is easy to cure Weak may made strong before disease gets in- DR PIERCES MEDICAL DISCOVERY fa the one medicine that above all in the SIX AWAKDS IN AWARDS I sJ six MEDALS 6fL SILVER MEDAL Tcfcofo I IMS Above Honors were received by STEEL HOTEL FAMILY RANGE A tot iSytC J by a JJ Ml WROUGHT IRON RANGE CO Limited POINDED CMTL in Street TORONTO ONTARIO CANADA Washington Avenue to 20th Sueetfi ST Western Salesrooms and Offices St DENVER COLO I i- Vru fc atto What Some of Oof Many Customers Say lo a f v ItAne- miuly a i one cheapest trie J C Dennis Newmarket 1 Wilson Jo Geo Bark Mrs Vendors Dollar and ihnuhlv Vfraf- Home ft M Kim the rfrk consider 41 I Geo I A I C fhiiriibill oul I ftddulT fl We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty- five cent bottle of Dr Wills English brought only eight cunts on the open I market will Hell lew than thirty cents j wholesale and then only to favorite customers Commission men at sending out About Catarrh It by cold or of colds combined with impure blood Its ng symptoms are in head discharge and circular calling for stock from the nose rimung noises in the wires and other trade is successful treatment of throat bronchial and lung diseases It is a general cleanser tonic for the weak stomach and for the whole system but it also acts specifically on the throat and lungs It makes red blood builds up flesh and strength and renews the vigor of the whole body Sold everywhere by dealer in medi cine Be you get the genuine Dont take a substitute Mr of Co have two daughter la than fire years with and My eldest too was taken two or three fear ago with hemorrhage from the troubled him for over a year He took Or PterccV Medical and not had a from the tunc in over a year Your medicine ccrtataly saved his life This ia to certify that I a Home Comfort iwll and have no hesitation in stove is as today an when we it T Pino Orchard J Dennis Newmarket J a SlflTE Civ Supt Aurora Out WILEYS PINK POWDERS 1 Co n Street Simpspn Male St and to per cent- on ttrslolaRa farm village property by Davidson for taking J Ascot reliable lfvviiHwIand London and Norwich atdtand Mutual and Also tor the Standard Life and Life Aasurance Co Hopkins Block Mount Albert Pills if after using by Hoods centres west burn with requeatu for contents of bottle they do not relieve purines and enriches blood rind stock hut all to no avail Constipation and Headache We rebuilds tissues and all din- The explanation of thin warrant that four bottles will agreeable sensations is found in the fact that the army the most obstinate case of j j calling the eggs from the Southern Constipation Satisfaction or no pay I which usually come when Wills English Pills are used Hood A Mass E Lehman Druggist Jan Yesterday after pay good prices for them and there is Newmarket On noon the solid brick residence owned no danger of freezing when sent to J occupied by Mr Warnica Cuba as when shipped north Besides We that Plasters will relieve pain quicker than any Put up only in and yard rolls The latter allow you to cut the Piaster any fixe Every family should have one ready for an emer gency A GO of lajlutiona WILL NEURALGIA and RHEUMATIC Erie Ave Hamilton aayjs I have- been a sufferer from Neuralgia for many years often been laid up for a week at a time I have tried many other remedies but found nothing so good an Wileys Pink I it very seldom have to take more than one to stop the moat They are nice to take and leave no depression aherwartl6 i For Sale all Druggists and StoreKeepers or write THE WILEY PINK POWDER CO Toronto per Package j per Box Druggist Newmarket Township was completely there have been uncommon long spells Scotts Pharmacy Main St by fire The furniture was of cold weather through and Newmarket Oat saved and also many doors and win- the Middle States and hens have re dows Loss insurance not fused to lay known This fact has drawn stock from New Money to Loan cent Firstclass Security by Conifliissloner Real Conveyancer iiarriHac Etc for follow J Queen and Montreal District Mutual for the Confederation To ronto OrncsOtd Office Corner of Mala and Cot REMOVED To Larger Across the Street Coal heeds and Provisions MaJuSt Cement kept lu stock Independence op Death- Hong Kong Jan 111 Advices from Manila say that the situation be comes hourly more grave The native troops are enthusiastic at the idea of an attack upon Manila On all houses are displayed naming posters bearing inscription Independence or death It is said that the native troops in the environs of Manila number All profess great hatred for the Amer icans Red Hot the Gun Was the hall that hit Stead- man of Newark Mich in the It caused horrible Ulcers that no treatment helped for years Then Bucfclens Arnica Salve cured him Cures Bruises Burns Boils Felons Corns Skin Eruption Best Pile cure on earth a box Cure guaranteed Sold by all Drug gists York and have had to depend Robbed the Grove upon the New England supply The A startling incident of which Mr west has shipped towards the Philip- John Oliver of Philadelphia was the Islands to feed the soldiers there subject is narrated by him as follows and this has cut off the supply from I was in a most dreadful condition j Chicago Altogether it is quite a sit- My skin was almost yellow and until warm weather comes eggs will hedge There is no telling where the price of eggs will balloon to sunken tongue coated pain con tinually in back and sides no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day Three physicians had given me up Fortunately a friend advised trying Electric Bitters and to my a J l ill J county has another out break of hog cholera Rag Carpet Weaving wishes to inform public IJ moved to House tlmt he still baa Celebrated Iowa Co Loom with all that is do Best Work In hag Carpet and aee your raps Id Early Wanted Vienna Jan IS A furious gale has been blowing here for twentyfour hours Many windows in shop fronts have been blown in and falling slates and chimneys make walking on the streets dangerous In its exposed find easy victims parts the city looks as though it had been subjected to a bombardment Men have been blown under and killed while others have been carried into the Danube and drowned great joy and surprise the first bottle j Men have the grip today who made a dtoided improvement I con- had password their use for three weeks and am now a well man I know they my life aud robbed the grave of another victim No one should fail to try them Only a bottle every bottle guaranteed at any Drug Store LaGrippe is a contagious disease Its specific germ has been identified and it is transmitted from person to person either by direct contact or by inhaling the germs while they float in the air it is a dangerous disease lowering the vitality and wasting the resistive power so that pneumonia heart disease nervous prostration and ATTENTION THE ISAAC USHER SON la guaranteed to quite equal to any Of the Portland Cements lor alt sorts or farm Structures as walls stable alios pens bridge abutments culverts etc This Cement Is at about onehalf price of be Portland Personal Instruction free charge Is given that an made the of on will be Province or Act its next session for tlze and cod firm I of Newmarket entitled A the and ByLaw No the Town of Newmarket A By be exploded in and towards recti ok additional buildings in the Town or Newmarket for The Office Specialty Company Limited and for buying from tbe said of If Tor use oomoion tbeeafd II be Town the property as the Ma red en Mill its In Town DAVID LLOYD Strong Bakers Hungarian Pastry Best Ontario and Manitoba wheat Flour for Family Use Feed of all Kinds LAND PLASTER A oar of fresh ground American Gray best fertilizers for Clover and Grass LIME LIME The very best Grey Lime J Storehouse Cor Main and Huron Telephone No 7 instruction given Dated at Newmarket Clerk all work For further Information Nov Town of Newmarket mm I i A line JLabienUHiftuu iuw unities will the moat of us Courtship may be love in the Mental and physical activity are tract hut marriage is a different produced Millers Compound Iron thing I Pills Sold by Jan At one oclock Bndgewater one of the largest commercial towns in Nova was nearly wiped out lire last week Loss this morning Mr Alfred Carsons brick house in the north end of the town was burned The of the fire is I To Cure a in One Day Take Quinine Tablets All toons if it fails to Dwelling Souse Shop to Bent Together or separately Immediate posses- given Water Stable on the premises Kent Moderate JACKSON TWO TOWN LOTS On Street Desirably Situated neaj the old Woollen Factory For Sale Terms Apply to JACKSON Real ate Agent FOB SALE Night end Day The busiest and mightiest little The human mind is not a mere that ever was made is Dr Kings knowledge but there must he New Life Pills Every pill is a sugar- rea it must exercise coated globule of health that changes weakness into strength in- A desirable residence and throe acres tNowmarket l f Good driving house etc Terms receptacle into information can reasonable Apply to Vllrooks Mount Al bert or Mr Jackson Land Agent GRAHAMS Art Studio be poured The mind must not only action upon it and I care not what grade a the end is the form ing and the informing of the students SAItB mind Not only is the process a con- one acreail of which condition Terms Easy but in my opinion the Appiyto I matter of knowledge is everywhere the Pi business Apply a In tills state to iutmae our rtMO belr own and nearby counties Ice work conducted at homo Salary year and expenses de finite no more less salary Monthly ooloscsclan- drcvid fciamucd envelope PHws Chicago to energy brainfag into mental pow er Theyre in building up the health Only per box Sold by all Druggists I matter of knowledge is everywhere same This may seem paradoxical A broken truck ditched a and mathematics of the care on near Putnam colleges and universities have their causing delay to traffic for a number arllel in the common schools A dose of Millers Worm Powders I Children fOf will keep the children healthy by Lehman rosldencoonEagleSt with all mod ern conveniences hot and cold water excellent stable We are prepared to do all kinds of work in the very latest styles Carbon on Porcelain Carbon on China Colored Crayon Water Colors CASTOR To e Iff bouse or and Avo Newmarket house with all modern conveniences- bath- furnace fto apply to o Main Newmarket p Embossed Work I Saturday Bargain Day Photo at each to GRAHAM JONES OLD STAND NEWMARKET Torture American Rheu matic in to Days of Hope well HiU is rescued a deplorably helpless condition Induced the agonies of rbeumatlsnL Mr I woodworth had contracted rheuma tism of Ins severest form and hia very short was Incapacitated for work for weeks he could get do rest i suffered the most violent pains his arms and shoulders pew- worse felt he could not live so terrible were sufferings his arms became per fectly helpless He began taking I South American Cure- liner the second dose he experienced great relief and at the end of uV vestige of the pain the use of hind and arm returned and he feds site- like a new man and j a a cure which he proclaims almost a miracle South American Cure cures jo I lo erery form of rheumatism and jralpa not suffer longer it wilt la six hours soothes the nerves and cures ail forms of Vousness South cures kidney relieve If- V lv f V 1 mm AT LEHMANS V

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