Newmarket Era, 20 Jan 1899, p. 7

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CHINA HALL ON IN A ABOUT TOWN Broken Mrs Tarry who sod Mr A wiili a pain acoidtmt Sunday rShe flipped on lit at back door of rcaldooco and Ml fracturing a bone to ber She doing very nicoly JAN A I m m Again Canada Unusual Virulence 1899 Special Value in Dinner Ware It A SMITH The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts J I was an awful day for buaineei I It rained all day few people Town from the country A attendance at the Meeting lam night j The North York Protection meets in Newmarket to morrow afternoon Any of our folks that want a good lake in at iraie St lanitflit Bud good Convention at Ring wood next and Council meet on Mr tile of Mr on Ave It the liberal of ami I The man that carried off two for the foot badly tin- tiuie ho went to the for a proceedings Monday evening crowded out till next issue Dont feel if the names of ibo friendB who visit do not appear in the paper you didnt mention it to editor He dooaot know every who ooraett to town hot he will be glad to mention thcin if you will keep posted The Cose Immediately after the Coroner a inquest to the of the death of the father brought before Messrs Jackson and J at a Magi Court on a charge of neglecting to support his family including the proper of deceased but on ing with the County Crown Attorneys the were advised to to abandon that have arrest for manslaughter was done but not forthcoming to convince the magistrates that the prisoner bould be put On trial for so a charge manslaughter and dismissed the accordingly The evidence however wan sent forward to the County Crown At torney who not being satisfied with the decision of the local magistrates took the before the Grand and wit- were summoned to Toronto last week for examination Grand Jury however reached the same conclusion as Messrs Jackson and did and reported no bill hut they did report a true bill against Raid for neglect to provide properly for hie family On Wed nesday was arraigned at the Court and pleaded not to this Utter charge He also asked the court for help to procure witnesses for the defence Crown is now giving necessary aid and the case will come up later hot the whole affair will cost a good many dollars before being concluded Had the original intention of our local magistrates been carried out the man Raid could have been tried here and if found for his of fense at an expense not exceeding ten or fifteen dollars will be tried on Mon day on the charge of neglecting to provide for his family Oar Toronto Letter Rev Prof Thomas re tired Presbyterian Clergyman wander ed down on the ice on the eastern part of ho bay whore it was was drowned The howling of near where the un fortunate man went through led to the discovery of the fatal accident A lawyer named J who was found guilty of unprofessional The most Violent Attack Since Leaving Behind a Host conduct in extorting money was sua- of After Effects that Make Life Miserable Prompt Pf1 l in he courts for seven years and Effective means should be Taken to Strengthen j Charges against several parties for the System witchcraft spiritualism trance medi cines etc were investigated before I the Police Magistrate on Tuesday and some were committed for trial The whole business was characterized as a grippe now over llama Pills in removing the take to obtain money from gullible country iu of its periodic 1 after effects of Iu The disease people demies is one of the most treacherous left him a victim to cold chills violent poultry show last week was a and difllcult disoaaes with which headaches dizziness and severe palpi- success there entries science hue to cope It to its of heart Mr Dagg says The leading classes were as follows after effects that it is particularly finally went to and con- Plymouth Rocks the largest those assume many forms suited a doctor who stated that the of any kind in America among which may bo men- trouble likely to- develop into con- horns Water heart weakness bronchial and sumption under hie care for big were made lung troubles uoivouh prostration about throe- months but was paid for one bird alternate chilis fever a fueling of constant lassitude and an to either mental or physical exer tion Often he sufferer docs not re cover from the after effects of la for months and in oases of previously enfeebled constitutions and among those of advanced age the number of cases terminating fatally is appalling aftera mild attack of grippe it is imperative that the system should be thoroughly toned up nerves strengthened and he blood enriched Dr Williams Pink Pills is the only medicine that can be depended upon for promptness and thoroughness in this These pills are a true blood purifier bringing te vital fluid the constituents that give it riohnesa strength driving out diaeaae and acting as a tonic and bracer to the whole system Mr Harry a well known farmer living near bears testi mony to the great value of Dr ally growing weaker and unable to do any work At ibie stage one of my neighbors advised me to give Dr Pills a trial and my case was critical determined to givo- a fair trial and purchased a dozen boxes the third was used there was good evidence that they wero helping me and before the of Newmarket dozen boxes wore used I was as like rather Jiiii Mi Mann of viiited Evening The At Home Hoi I Call in on Wednesday a vory sociable affair tboah at tendance was not as large ae antiaipated on aocoaut of A number of responBeB were read from absent member at a distance that brought to mind many pleasant recollections Hockey Match Over people witnessed the match list Wednesday at the Skating Kink when the Wellingtons of Toronto orossed oar boys game proved very exciting from start to fioiab and some very tine combination work done by both teams Mr Montgomery cbosen referee and at both lined up as follows Tea The children of St Pauls School were entertained at Tea at tbe boo Room last Monday evening Christian Church At the morning service last Sunday Revs Matthews and pulpits Mr Matthews preach- a very instructive sermon taking for his ttt Acts Iaol and Silas have me to the result of persecution had told bis that it perse cuted in one city to dee to another Here we find they immediately preaching Word which with all of mind Daily the were searched and many be lieved- When the Bible properly read searched as it should be it must and will have a blessed saving effect It is only full and satisfactory book in the world J it is all we can desire Those who I it moat find ifae meat it It reveals to us heaven It defines the rights This Fall MEN a Good SUIT J Smart Rowland A Tandy Hill Goal Point C Point Forwards J Kennedy T Kelly J Kelly Simpson TriveH C o If there are any they will find Good satisfaction at WC LUNDYS jailor Shop THE BEST JOB 1 Invariably goes the beat Brain one who baa education Why not quality one of the ha cha o BUSINESS college TORONTO opens the door to success for many young won and women year It equipment thorough work a strong staff and good results I enter at time k spootui SHAW ii Toronto Town Carting All kinds of Tea on Short Notice and on Reasonable Terms DAVID MILLARD Cor Main Ontario Now market Ike historical valae in estimable to world re searches have proved its historical state ments true every time ft circulation ie marvellous The Bible pare and simple the only means of ridding world of bigotry and bigotry one of hardest crosses or for raokind to get freed from In closing bis remarks the gentleman very pathetically clasped the large bible to b heart while repeating that Should all the forms that men devise Assault witb treacherous art Id call thorn vanity and lies And bind the Bible to my heart- There was a good congregation of attentive listeners sang nicely Elder a very impres sive sermon in the from the words I Ask and ye shall receive His subject what will new me No doubt we all very to know what this year will bring us It will bring ua what spiritual blessings are pre pared to receive to take In to absorb We only really truly ask for what we sincere ly desire A eonl with its own sinful will remain so while a earnestly to be filled with blessings will get them because ft will pot forth the proper efforts The reason people are not saved beds use they dont want to be raved they have no room desire for the salvation I Umpires Toronto Newmarket Fred Frank Lloyd The first game opened fast from centre visitors played with rushes on the of the home team who failed check their men and scored for the visitors in lminQte The next two went to the visitors The local team played hard defence but were not equal to fast of tbe visitor Milt who ailed a the visitors forward line had the honor of scoring Time and mm respectively game opened with a from Simp son to Trirett who made a up ioe out lost to Hill who returned it Kin ally Eddie Doyle secured it and scored the first for the home team in grand style notwithstanding the strung defence that the visitors played Time 6 and minutes did counting game The visitors played hard and up good combination Hill scored in half a minute game proved exciting Both teams put their life into the play The puck travelled up and down the ice at a great rate of speed lime minute At half time top stood to in favor of Newmarket Play resumed Both teams indulged in passes followed with rashes scored in minutes game was played on tha same lines went to the visitors in and games went to the home team in a creditable manner time 3 and minutes T Kelly did the will conduct the service here in the and as I had ever been and Church on Sunday can heartily recommend Dr calling on Hams Pills for the manifold troubles in the village this week that follow an attack of grippe lt a a Mine of Ellington you have suffered from an attack n ft r r una at Mr roue of la grippe procure a supply of Dr Williams Pink Pills atonce and they i Morton ami Mr will put vou right Insist upon get- are with la grip ting the genuine as imitations never The Bonn of Temperance expect a cured anyone If your dealer does not full attendance of on keep them send direct to the Dr day evening Williams Medicine Co Brockville a over the McCarty- and they will be mailed post- p affair paid at a box or six boxes for TO vie nave quite a change in the Church Choir under the J new If you want to hear pood singing just come and hear dem Several who quite recently have skated across the Bay to feel somewhat disappointed now as the Bay is not in as shape as it was Mr student of Knox hom Toronto to fc serioue of the pastor It is with Misses Una and Ruby of very great regret that oar citizens learn of Bedford Park are visiting friends in illness of A who this vicinity has been confined to his bed the past two I Ellis left this week for weeks from debility but slowly Manitoba where he expects to reside improving It will probably be another f month before be la able to resnme work in meantime the pulpit will be Mann has returned home after a visit in Toronto Mr Ferguson has returned home to The after spending a few days President Manager and Solicitor of vicinity Metropolitan Railway CoWare in Endeavor was largely attended town on Wednesday and had a conference wit the Specif Committee appointed by evening the Town regarding details of the Quite a number are sick with la arrangement between the Co and this Cor- grip We that con- dressmaker satisfactory and the Agree- p w be doing a business meat will be presented at the next meeting of the Town Council for approval j Miss May lough by Miss I Mary were visiting at i R 1X00101 Team on Sunday applied by Knox College About 20 the North End Juniors met on Monday evening for the of or ganizing a Hockey Team when follow ing officers were President P Captain Doyle J Committee J Duncan and Flanagan They are to be known as the Northern and play their first game Sat urday with the South End Sad The death of Mr Harry Thompson early Wednesday morning calls forth much sym pathy for bereaved wife and family of five small children Haw foreman In the department of the Office Specially Co and a skilled He had not been feeling well for three months but was working off and on till Monday morning when a bio id vessel wsa in his bead The were taken to Hamilton yesterday for inter ment Deceased was a member of the In dependent Foreatera who with fellow- workers of the Specialty in a body to the depot notes Newmarket won to It was a great game throughout Every body Mill is a coming candidate for a position on the home team His work a credit to him Kennedy and in their respective gosh For the visitors Hill Tandy and Lem were the star players Nothing too much can be for our they all did well The probabilities are the Britannia Hockey team of Toronto wilt play here 1 I At regular meeting of P raor Lodge No held in the Hall last Tuesday night the following of ficers were installed by P Wood for PO P J D Morrison PG Tretsorer R Ballard J J Davison Lehman Little O Ross PO Con i Kennedy Chap a light repast was served In the refreshment room to which the members visitors which Council Pursuant to statute council met at on Monday Jan at 11 a Members all present and subscribed to the declarations of quali fication and of office A Bylaw was introduced and passed appointing Henry Corner and John Davies auditors assessor Jos Kay collector John J Graham member of tbe B of Health for the next ensuing term and Noble 014 was refunded to Donald Cameron taxes on land sold by the County Treasurer for which no deed could be given Councillor Moore was appointed commissioner to act in conjunction with Brock re removal of obstruction on watercourse on The action of the Council of in expending jointly the of Brock in opening ditch along townline was ratified The sum of waB appropriated for six copies of the Municipal World one for each member of Council and the Clerk The Clerk was instructed to ask for tenders for township printing and ad vertising for the current year The Reeve and Councillor Evans were appointed to wait on Mr j re building of bridge on con line his dam having backed water up on the site of proposed bridge Armstrong was instructed to prepare plans and specifications for bridge and filling oyer Western River on con line j Accounts ordered paid as follows flour furnished Mrs Godfrey byorder 485 Municipal World jelectiou material forms and auditors stamp John Lee railing on culvert M inspection of site of bridge and reporting Armstrong ditto THE DING t Skates We can sell you a pair at WHOLESALE PRICES Also Spring Skates all sizes prices As we imported had our stock i toy I fiinmon n J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET so Slaughter J Mens Suits Boys and Mens Ulsters This Week at the TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE AND BRING SLEEP BLOOD V THE BLOOD DTONE SYSTEM Scotts Pharmacy Next Post Office iS J HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL nest week They iraoaeof number from Aurora sat down and Council to r vJflW Tuesday Feb Hookey League en joyed an COME TO THE HOME BAKERY We are still Leading in all lines of Bread Etc We have also added a line CHOICE FAMI LY GROCERIES To Sell at Lowest Prices BOGAR A if Sj

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