Mm i omen BANK rZii Mutineer NJsWMAjKET BRANCH General Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits The WohtemanoOQied DRAFTS ISSUED AT U- Sterling and American arid Discounted to Mnnugcr it Now in ark in too ami p a hell at IMuiriHAi v Mi Dp Newmarket Offlooof lull- of Office to J A Agent for and to at Current Hat Or we T AGENT FIRE AT LOWEST R A Romsay Fire Low od Farm and Town Property PAINTING leading House Painter and Paper Hanger years erparlcuco In all of the Pull lloeoruampicflor the In Wall Papers Ask to see them Sad door North of the Primary Churoh Sir eel Bolton Painter PaperHanger and House tor Corner Church Street Millards Mrs Simpson BO Main and Fancy Goods to Loan Text Jesus unto him and himaolf be hoved and hut Hob 1C Sunday I John 1015 Monday John JO John Wednesday John Thursday John Friday John 3647 visit of Jeaua to the village of wan of his journoy resulting From what seemed a meeting with the woman at Jacob well After laying two days Katnuritanh who wore to His itrachins He His journey to Thin was home of His lioyhonrj the region whom known only not tin a teacher Ho knew full that He could not expect to be as a prophet until He had a Hr luvl therefore chosen to spend a in in and around the cap- itul whore Kin leohiijgg and His had awakened universal in- He came again to and once the of His arrival was though the province It reach ed a nobleman at Capernaum who wan watching over couch of his A hope arose in the fathers heart that the prophet might bo able to restore his child At once he start ed for It was a ascent among the mountains but lie reached city and found the Master and Him hi come down and save his childs life We should take Gods promises as sufficient and act as though wo knew they fulfilled God often causes circumstances to occur to confirm our faith Jesus can heal not only the body but the soul Troubles come to rich ana poor alike and death enters the noblemans palace as well as the humblest cottage Troubles men to Christ when prosperity does not lead them to Hire How much more earnest are parents in seeking the physical and temporal welfare of their children than in their spiritual welfare Yet the soul is more important than the body True faith at His word of promise outward sign The same by which Christ could heal the nobleman sou while far away He employ in answering our prayers for friends at The miracles of the Lord abundant answers prayer fegujd lead us to a faith that Our Toronto Itetter Hon Hardy and Mrs Hardy will occupy rooms in ilouFMJ during of Mr J of this city one of Canadian Commissioners to the Paris Exposition next year Prominent leaders of charitable j Jan who seventieth year last has provisionally placed the of government he- bunds of his eldest son the Crown Prince Gus- stop was taken by order of court physicians who claim that though some improvements have been city ate manifested since the last serious Thankful words written by Ada Hart of SI Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs and finally Four I could live a shfcer myself up it send Mr J J Kelso to Great Britain to give an opportunity of study ing subject conditions of child emigration The thinks that Mr Kelso has enough work out out for him here in Ontario without- exploiting abroad for more subjects It is difficult to obtain pro per homes for now requiring bis attention without finding parents for those coming from old land County Sheriff and a eouple justices with of the id December further participa tion in public affairs would prove fa tal Oscars condition has been made worse by the rebellious spirit which his Norwegian subjects have ex of late Most bitter to the King was the action of the Nor wegian before the of last year in adopting a Norwegian flag without the emblem though his Ma jesty had refused to the last to the law The regime of King Oscar has Peace drew the Grand and Petit characterized by a spijit of peace and ore for the next General Sessions and County Court on the of Match North Toronto Liberal Club will enjoy an oyster supper this Thursday evening II Bertram P I P Rev Dr A- If President of Association will be the guests of the occasion Twentyeight care f export live stock and a heavy train box meats left this city last Thursday fur Port land to be thence shipped to the old country Mr ft K Row of Kingston late principal of the Model School of that city has htea appointed viceprincipal of the Toronto Normal The appointment is only temporary the permanent settlement not be de cided until after the next midsummer holidays Mr Scott has suc ceeded to the made va cant by the of The attendance at the Normal School this session 1 10 and IB men women are taking the lead in the teaching profession the country has more male teachers than can obtain employment By the action of Councillor the printed accounts of the County will hereafter how much was paid each member of the Council for mileage and indemnity instead of be ing covered up in one total item get ting back to days when men in the Council were not ashamed to let rate payers know how they received for the service pet formed The Canadian Press Association ie holding its annual meeting here today and tomorrow If satisfactory ar rangements can be made the annual excursion next summer will be to the Pacific coast His subjects love to refer as one of natures noblemen a Swede to the core intensely patriotic a Grainger of Holland of threatening John Wright was bound over to keep the peace in the sum of Jpdge County Criminal Court- not being forthcoming- he on his own District High Court the Canadian Order of sion at Winnipeg ad mission of womon on the samo basin an men The dial lake just now is dotted wih its annual quota of fish houses pre stated to very largo catches arc Fire at southwent of Winnipeg destroyed the machine warehouse of Samuel and the home of K McDonald The customs damaged Thirtyfive and infirm par- tie have been the Barrio jail to the IIous of The World my there in only one man the lot and she appears I be an eccentric character The Hill Creamery is in a prosperous condition he Financial presented to members at ibc- aiou metinx show the total receipt fr the pave year to be 1 with At the company about lbs of but Sft KJJirt J m s nod ambitious to ameliorate the con- of the poorer elates within his dumaia lWttr y mm Mm fc table Preparation for As simitalhig iheToodandRcguUi- the of THAT rt I SIGNATURE OF on in Toronto I On Sir- ii Mrllknoun e of from ihv briutMiaiv line ToHVito and dale drove over bridge which wpt the county and was almost instautt kill ed The sequel to the unfortunate affair came in a suit county for J000 the action lieiri by a of the named Jo wan The action will tried at the Spring House Shop to Bent vl K JACKSON LOTS Situated Crown Prince who has us the government is in many spects the very antithesis of his illus trious father He is a man with an irou will and it is believed that what on account of innate goodness King Oscar could not accomplish namely she netting the seditious spirit in Norway Prince will accomplish by force if necessary Crown Prince was born in June Hie wife is the Princess Victoria of Baden a lady of remark able linguistic accomplishments and a leader in all charitable movements Thieves stole a of clover seed from the bain of J Lynn lot con King Maud a Tilsonburg girl was very seriously burned by her clothing taking fire Miss Love of Temperanceville once known as Loves Corners and a dependent of the early settlers after whom the place was called is dead The Whitchurch Sabbath School convention at last week proved to be a grand success In fact it the best ever hed in the town ship the church being packet full at each session Butter to be manufactured at the cheese factory during- the winter in the summer Under Mr Groats management this has gtown to ftn institution value to the farming The British de cided to British at to the Promotes neither nor Mineral Not Narcotic SrSASHTX Sad Jen burr A perfect Remedy for lion Sour Stomach Diarrhoea j Worms Convulsions Feverish- i end Loss ok Sleep filmic Signature of YORK ON THE WRAPPER OF OTTIE It pur- WRAPPER Terms to Factory For on Agent FOE SALS Willi ail mod- furnace hot waUr also ao stable and all of flratcla condition Trina Easy f Apply to That Would quickly leave you if you New- life of their- rriake I could blood up health to take try them rirauclaHa friedn VJV Davidson TO affidavit J Estate tot Hit Companion London Norwich Onion Midland Mutual and- Eco nomical Also for the Standard Lire Assurance w Mount Albert Sri Motley At Five per cent- on Security by David Comralaaloutr for taking Real Agent Agent for L and floro District Mutual for Life ronuo Old Corner and Lot fltrcowKcmarknt wdfifjfleet my JgyVlabaud advised to Dr Kinds New Discovery for Consump tion Coughs and I gave trial took in all eight bottles It has cured me and I am saved now a well fid by all drujflVOo or price refund vV I Niagara Falls Jan George years old who came hero ford Out by in contact Jive wire on the Central Station the Niagara Falls about oclock is afternoon Money if not hyaUdroggU accident- at the wbrlcithfe of Samuel GRAHAMS Big Sunday School haying of- AinJiirte- Sunday to be held in the work jog and The jKtfppeijor- oyer the boiler rooni kiln and in this room of yfeniuriilHi tJie weight of it in being top to give into con- taining the Pi PfeniP JUSJ qovhc cor modern NERVE IP BLOOD LS W THE AND TO THE Pharmacy Pose Office CANADA of- the Dominion r jC Hon than It had iu and carly WW one IT Alii TliEjNE W8 r ij p f- William employed at the Imperial Oil works was killed by a fall Sir Henry in preparing for another American tour Millers Compound Iron Pills only cento for doses Sold by W To a Cold in fine Lehman All if lads to cure A lerrifis blizzard raged in i x to has fasu opfifiw Aboutr bones and arid about Saturday With aptclal ftiKlfikerbiArUcIr hcridcefaavfptctrretitaeiifror bag IT IS ADAS NEWSPAPER VToii day ffATCfKDAYrtrAbTaAiKo for toba last ek The Millers Worm Powders are a won- from derful for ailments of cbild- the details of the cy- by hi Lehman clone the South in Soap Dteemher devastating 200 bo- lmjinx to Young ladits College was stolen shipping and causing titan cleat h i3S v- features has ltipeTBOtthcFCElo concise form with cry with every are to doall latC8t on Porcelain Carbon China ColorecronV Water Embossed Work South killed instantly At Mexico pain lie gj will he re well of the about touched a cable which he rjationalSTO- Commits straight from tho big fj tfeYlfof Toronto dynamos The only of the con- a a to Sunday tact arc burns on his little finger- He the solo supporter of bis mother v I J r the Arch or l n ifrbyea Failing Mrs a BO voire or unable- tOk thfatorimthv hoc After Bargain Day Photo at each Dont GRAHAM old stand as tnerj failed ghpijvh Aty sis years At to open meeting iiudaohbni at Audi vParK V TbGVcinVoiition ighplii feulwols the Inter at ion a I kpimxwlf wbft aoidl your three bottles I can et set eF i fei thrcuh7SltQwdalwhe coin a 0ld pace Ilti ly aidthojerseJcur7 rent arid hind wheel of flpinninc after eroded tie car shake who had coat afc 0 diiyorV til d to and enjoy it without any- had think it a for dyspepsia and by a barb wire i by Lehman sApk liiafittaiid A zreEtigroucg J CATARRH grip ionic member of nearly estimate bat to ninety per cent of entire population of this continent ibis repulsive malady If you or any of either from catarrh or ftrom the which mark stages dont trifle with it fa of consumptJoo Ill Dr Catarrhal Powder ficliced of ihc day and rf louse flurobBts Record of a radical per Voiarnt curej of cases which I load declared incurable It also cures cold in the hay lefts thro4t It Is use had tie J Taj lor aw jr Clinton A J- deawJxe4 of I HitilrtFa fit- M d iJbiplioa cure Cui re- tsutdj bis own for the minutes 4 Dr to dycema tetter ikJq piles In njgbis rf if Wrjkt r