r Ii BANK J onion HURT GOO General Christ jpecding the- ply John NEWMARKET BRANCH General Banking Business Interest Allowed Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL and American sold Collection promptly now Gulden life I am the broad of Butt J Mum Droufh4mii market Orrioa Hod ha- hi to p oollnl Dp Alfred late door South or a am w fire J A for Life AurUDce to ntortfU at Current Italia At Poet Now murk M T Canada flasuronee Co AT IiATEB Money Saturday John Sunday John Monday John JobD John John Friday John to the multi tude sailed with hie disciples from to a secluded place near at tho head of the laW Jtut the crowds followed him and hi M them with bread and fish after hi- Jiad taught divine truth in the only relut- in one of the Ah study this of Gods provident- we should find each tiny with truth practical of the of the- lad the orderly of the multitude thrift of the Master oven while working this most miracle are very full of comfort the devout soul rtiACTIOAI carefully observed the exter nal onus of religion giving thanks AC Have with of others Obey the commands of Jesus Guard needless waste When Jesus had fed the multitude he declared himself to be the Broad of Life lie satisfies fully all who and strength ens them continually As disciples were used by Christ to distribute provisions bo God wants us to live to give to others the spiritual bread we have received from him hut in a deeper sense the Bread of Life was broken for Morning- peb24te Exorcises Normal Now Testament Books and Rev Albert Value of Normal Work Jackson Discussion 1150 Appointment of Nominating Committee 1200 Closing Friday Exorciaea Rev Mr Brown Reading Minutes 2 Roll Call of Sunday Schools The Pleasing Features in our Work Led by a good Worker Address of the President Normal The Holy Unci Rev JJ bridge Report of Nominating Treasurers Report from ami Closing Friday by awl Mi Allien Rev Mr Hilts Zephyr Riv Mr Albert Mr Newmarket no I Introduction Vitlui of the hi Id to tin- tin- Child ihi- I and The SpenishHmeHean The last ventiKi of western Senator is eminently fitted to empire has The j write the best contemporary history ex pulsion of Spain from America and of this war not alone because of his from Philippines is the fit cnnclu- ability as a writer of American history long strife the but because of the position he has people who stood for and religious held as member of the Committee on For the past tea years systematic efforts have increase the average returns to improve the quality of the cereals and other im crops grow in Canada annual distribution from the Experimental Farm at Ottawa of samples of seed of the best and most sorts These varieties een first tested at the Farms and only those which have proven to be the vary best have been chosen for this distribution The samples sent out contained three pounds each precaution has been tak en to have seed in every instance thoroughly clean and true name and packages have been sent free through the mail- Those who have received such samples and grown them with care have usually bad at the end the second year enough seed to how a large area and in this manner care farmers all over the Dominion have been gradually rplacio any in ferior and less productive sorts which they have been growing in the past superior varieties possessing I greater vigor By instruction of the Hon Minister of Agriculture another such distribu tion is being made this con- siBllDy of of oat- spring wheat livid pease and potatoes samples will be I sent only to apply personal ly Lists of names from individuals cannot be and only one sample in all can be sent to aach applicant Applications should i NERVE NERVES AND BRING Scotts Pharmacy j Next Prevention of C i fl A Insurance Low on Farm ProiHsrty Show freedom and those who stood for bigo try and tyranny hideous in their action as any which have ever cursed humanity The work has been a loot I the war itself one but Spain is at last conlined practically to her peninsula where her people can do as they please with Foreign Relations during the time which led up to the immediate causes of the war and during the progress of be eased to the Director of Exper imental Farms and may be sent any time Co re the March after which the lists will be eloped so that all samples asked for may be sunt out in good time for sowing Panics writing will kindly mention the sort or variety they would prefer and should the available stock of the I asked for be exhausted some other uelty to Horses I Mi utterly J of J blamed felted Blood Purifier without of ir i It pays 6 new a PAINTING leading and Paper year experience in oil Full lino of Wall la iheui door of Church Street and House Co Lane MISCELLANEOUS Simpson Main and Fancy Good to Loan At per on farm and vlllHge property by Davidson Commissioner tor taking C J Conveyancer and Agent flee Agent turiherolluwlug reliable Insurance London and Globe Norwich Union Midland Mutual and Eco nomical Also for the Standard Life Assur ance Co and Northern Life Co Offloo Mount Albert JRed Hot prom the Gun Was tin- bail thai hit of Newark Mich in the Civii War It caused horrible Ulcere that no treatment helped for yean Thou Arnica Salvo cured him Cures Cuts Burns Moils Corns Skin Pile cure on earth a box Cure guaranteed Sold by all K Feb George pugilist and crook made a seusatioua escape thia evening from the new county gaol in Hull P had been senten ced in the afternoon to montlis imprisonment the theft of a watch He was returned to his cell be ing in the second storey Between six and oclock when the turn key was at his supper doubts less with assistance from the outside wrenched off a couple of bare from the window then tying but bed cover- inf8 into a rope he threw them over an outside electric wire swung him self clear of the wall and dropped in to a snowbank on the other side He Is still at liberty one another hut whence they can lations of Spain to the AngloSaxon trouble the world no more Spain J race in the Now World from the ceased to rule Her once vast J est colonial days The conflict is not empire baa gone because she j a new one It began in Europe when proved herself unfit govern and fori England and Holland where allied the unfit among the nations there is and after the latter Senator Lodge discusser in a con cise and comprehensive manner the good variety will be seat in its place I original causes the war and the re- 1 Address Saunders Central Ex- peridental Farm Ottawa 25 Cent MILES CD Agents CO Proprietors a and no pity in the World- forces which shape the destinies of man kind had been crippled in Europe was transferred to Ihe Western Hemi sphere Money to Loan At Five par cent Farm Security by David for taking A ffldavitfi Real taU Agent Conveyancer Licenses Etc so for the following Qoeen or London flora Mutual In 1838 also the Conrederation ronto Office Corner of Main and Lot Street GRAHAMS Art Studio After Id itlfoatt The new Methodist church at was last Sunday Sermons by of Belle ville and of Maple tea- party on Monday night Asa and Cook went skating Erie last Saturday Skate marks traced to a break in the j ice and noting learned of the it is they have been drowned editor in the morning and not what the day may bring forth if he all the news he runneth a groat risk of having a tin ear put on him and if not the the people say he is n and there is no joy in it Alex McKay of Grey County met a sapling striking him on the head while he was releasing it from under a fallen tree The same day his grandfather Donald McKay who lived with the boys mother died aged years Both were buried together Buff Harrow Til- ft or ill il lit it -iiii- MactalDft care fully ijmn the foot of The No Cultivator tat I- A y i- m dtr1hn will n iiii Americana are prone to assign the In the first instalmentof his notable chief reasons the war with Spain history Senator Lodge discusses The cruel treatment of the Cubans and Unsettled which is the question of Cuba and her influence in the United States politics and diplo macy during the last century With a dispassionateness that is truly his- the destruction of their battleship in Havana harbor At least the number of magazine and newspaper articles called forth by the war have discussed these aa if they wore he presents the history of Cuba alone It is natural that torn the first insurrection of the are fully prepared to do all of work in the very litest Carbon on Porcelain Carbon on China Colored Crayon Water Colors Embossed Work Take the Help South American Ner vine Offers and be Well aod Strong and Happy Miss Butcher of had a very severe attack of mal arial fever It left her very weak languid and threatened with prostration South American Nervine was recommended to her and she tried it After taking a few doses she felt great benefit She continued taking it until six bottles were when to use her own words I was com pletely restored to health can re commend it as a great remedy Sold by E Lehman Pharmacy Houston Tex Feb 10 At line snow la five feet on the level The meroury is fifteen below zero The loss of cattle along the railway is something terrible The cattle bad practically no shelter and in addition to this hardship there is no grass or water to bo had and their thirst and starvation hastens their deaths causcG primarily by bitter cold Most of the trains on the Fort Worth and Denver road have been abandoned Farriers in the Panhandle wheat- belt say the wheat has killed loss to ftrain cattle will enormous they should be most prominent be cause they were the immediate causes and the United States direct ly But the underlying causes of the to the time the Maine steamed into Havana harbor to meet her fate a few days later at the hands of the treacherous Spaniards Senator Lodge war are as old as the United states concisely the long acoount we itself and have been Bteadily working towards the results achieved in the battles of Manila and Santiago for se veral centuries In the February is sue of Harpers Magazine appears the first instalment of a calm and unpre judiced history of the late war written while the memory them by Senator Henry Cabot Lodge have had to settle with Spain and shows remarkable power as an histori an It a relief after all the hasty newspaper accounts to read a calm and unprejudiced history of ing events of the summer of is yet ft Saturday Bargain Day Dont forget to T GRAHAM JONES OLD STAND NEWMARKET Raising the left arm as high as you can will relieve much more rapidly than being thumped in the Here is a problem for school boys and girls A lady goes into a grocery store and buys one quarter of a pound of 20 cent coffee and asks the grocer to deliver it It takes a dollaraday ten to pack age the coffee in a two sack a boy halt an hour to it and the coffee costs 15 cents per pound How pro fit does grocer make hYes there arc different ways of falling One day a man falls in love the next ho falls to a million falls bad company and fails from out with his for breach of he falls into the fraternity who fall To Cure a Gold One Take Qalolhe him seeking what they de- Ail the out of what is leftofhis him pb that he fails to grip which ebon lays low and tain falls likewise clods of the over his unfortunate Millars for sal- ioiOr by The ro vi I Peat Company has been granted from tax ation by Elizabethtowh Council on the lands buildings and machinery necessary for tho carrying on of peat manufacturing on a largo scale in township v On Thursday night of week fire broke out in Citadel of Halifax causing much destruction of Govern ment property The late William MoDevitt of township of King loft an estate of of which is realty His sons daughters and a grandson legatees Boston Feb- 10 Two thieves held up a man and snatched him in the Leather Bank to day at noon The man who was rob bed followed one the money and got so close to robber dropped tho bills Ho escaped while tbo owner was picking np money Markiuu Feb 8 A fatal occurred at Box Grove today on the farm of Mr Joseph grand father of tho unfortunate victim John Hoover aged about years the only son of Mr David Hoover was instantly killed by a large tree falling on him that bo and another man were cutting down To only will cut ATJ ii you lib move it lecih can bo in B r Tin it mi rrn0 between i T if muiU other S1 r lnr box te iitih iiiirjr- i I THE BEST DRILL MADE The Millers Compound Iron Pills build you up That and will disappear the color will return to those pale checks and good spirits and energy will be yours Lehman INCALCULABtE GOOD AH EXPRESSION OF FAITH Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills done me incalculable amount of good I think they are best surest quickest acting cure for nervousness unhealthy action of the heart insomnia or anemia or impoverished illhealth For nine years before I com menced taking Dr Wards Blood and nerve Pills nay heart was and in an unhealthy state Its action so much impaired that I could not walk across without suffering great distress fluttering beating so rapidly that I could scarcely breathe causing loss of strength and leaving my nerves unstrung My steep was very much disturbed I had no appetite and there was little strength or vitality in my blood I was always excessively I now taken three boxes of Dr Wards Blood and Nerve and since taking them I have not been away from my business an hour Before taking these plus it was a frequent occurrence for me to be away From business As a result of taking Dr Wards heart perfectly healthy and strong and gives me no distress or trouble whatever They removed all trouble made my nerves strong and gave me healthy sleep These pills also made my blood rich and strong and gave a healthy Dr Wards Pills have perfect restoring my lost strength in place of continual illhealth weakness heart trouble and nervousness justice I cannot apeak too highly of this wonderful medicine Signed Walton St Port Hope Dr Wards and Nerve Pills are at per box boxes for at druggists of mailed on receipt of by THE DOCTOR WARD CO Limited j Victoria Street Toronto Book of forma free I CURE JUL YOUR Mill WITH PainKiller A Cnatl Unit and Cure far COLDS RHEUMATISM SO arid no Bottles OF IMJTATlOHa PERRY WJJft Drills if our lurtiii tncUint ntl of depth boo Id all jt soil fain Bowi ftbfliluKIy a -cdl- fidL every IB at a proper depth and you will Mowert w food tbQ Co Limited Out Canada ELMER TOOLE Agents NEWMARKET ONT J fa Mr John Beam of instantly killed a ma- AtSito Francisco Mrs Cordelia was sentenced to serve term of natural life in San for ibe murder of Mrs Dunning of Dover chine failing on him while moving it along grave road Amos George an Indian was bitten and face torn by a bulldog at St Thomas Lockjaw has set in candy sent and the mans recovery lh irim SKIN LIKE BABYS Skin from merest pimples to tho most obstinate rheum sores are quickly pleasantly and cured by Dr Ointment cents Who does not envy a baby Its soft velvety past middle life and How many suffer from has cured speedily and J yon suffer Have sou permanently It Is a boon to tetterTSalt scald head ring because it Is a boon to eczema blotches on the skin head and Irritations which are chronic erysipelas liver spots and what to the teething not else of these distasteful and aggravating driven oft and restlessness passes disorders which and and discourage Dr this brought rest no matter of how long In all forms and at all stage standing has its one application will relieve the Incases of chronic eczema it proved irritating in an J peat worth and cases are on record long standing cases disappear Slier frt where this dread affection has been the three to five the birthright of Its patient nd constant com- soreness quit you and i of Rdilo toireoSnTeirhetoWcdwlihtiiheiim vlU fcaM Sc Lied ciuLfl by SThoot may of cure nd rt od lrtrf4 lull a box it baby now fa Ilxi no inWrctunicflL V HEART fiviloliliftecub in iomlMtzu CATARRHAL tfitirife of told Ifilbo head la PILLS Stop V l A