Newmarket Era, 24 Feb 1899, p. 1

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r 1 i Mf via mm mm 1 NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER giro mo the t kn to and to freely to above all other fey No paper seat outside of North York 60 Single Copies Cants J Newmarket On Friday February 24 JET READY FOR SUGAR MAKING PANS BUCKETS SPILES band on You Feet You take a cat up the tail whirl him round and round And hurl him out into the air Out into space profound He through the yielding atmosphere Will many a whirl complete But when he strikes upon the ground Hell land upon his feet takes a man just like a cat And with more force than race It whirls htm wriggling round and round And hurls him into space And those that fall upon the back Or laud upon the head by a Bra fieporter There is no report which is present ed to the Ontario Legislature which is really more interesting than that of the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb which presented to the House last week The study of conditions in connection with our silent brothers and is indeed interesting and the Ontario Government takes the part of a father an instructor and helper to these unfortunate people changed very much during if ate lots them ho there where fall the past few years and the system of THE NEW CHURN Every Chum Guaranteed to give Satisfaction It will cost you nothing to try it for two weeks Hardware Stoves Paints Oils Glass Etc G A B I S NEWMARKET Repairing Promptly Done TEST US BY A COMPARISON o- You will not find the Time Wasted Theyre a good as dead But some there be that like the cat Whirl round and round and round And go gyrating off through space Until they strike the ground But when at lait the ground and they Do really come to meet Youll always find them up They land upon their feet And such a man walks off erect Triumphant and elate And with a courage in his heart He shakes his fist at fate Then fate with a benignant smile Upon its face outspread Puts forth a soft caressing hand And pats him on the head And hes fates darling from that day His triumph is complete Fate loves the man who whirls and whirls But lands upon hie feet That man whatever his and downs Is never wholly spurned Whose perpendicularity Is never overturned results of efficient control The came results may be seen in all of the other institutions The proceedings in House have been very and the budget de bate has lost interest to a great ex tent It may bo noted however that not a single Opposition speaker has made an objection to a cent of expen diture which been made in Mr Davis Department This is all the more remakable when it is remember ed that this branch with its hospitals asylums and jails is the real spending department of the Province Teems I if Oqr Tofqm Host In the Lines we carry No Store in the trade beats us- REMEMBER We claim to not only show as good value as our Competitors BUT BETTER We have grounds for our statement and are prepared to stand or fall by it J DENTAL R I Post Office Block opposite Air A fiuoc6or to late Dr Orate flxfiiiKc Dr Aurora be at the of Dr Porter Monday R of BightSing Voice and Violin inv ail Probably no single drug is employed in nervous dis eases with effects so mark edly beneficial as those of codliver oil These are the words of an eminent medical Another says The rc generally acknowledged as nerve Both these combined in Scotts Emul sion Therefore take it for nervousness neuralgia sciatica insomnia and brain exhaustion Sharon Feb Meeting of E held this day Members present Reeve and Councillors Moore and Hoi born Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed Communications received from J Proctor claim Hart bill re Assessment Rolls J re burial A Auditors re Township of 98 On motion Auditors ac cepted and adopted as satisfactory and the accounts of 98 were finally audit and allowed The Reeve and Clerk were instruct ed to sign a petition in favor of Local Municipalities having full control re granting Righto Way forElootrio Railways- The Clerk was instructed to procure copies of the Municipal World tor each member of and Clerk end also to write Railway re repairs to Railway on con lot The Reeve and Clark were appoint ed a committee to adjust the matter of a portion of lot con having been improperly sold re back taxes The Reve introduced a ByLaw prodding for the removal of snow and ice sidewalks in Albert ByLaw regularly passed and adopted John being appointed In spector for above purpose On motion granted an award of five dollars for the demo tion of every dog as provided for in Chap Bee were given to have P Gibson make a survey to establish road allowance between lots in cons fl at earliest available date Complaint having been made to Council re the nuisance created from smoke and cinders of the engine of Lewie village of the Clerk was instructed to write Mr Lewis requiring the same to be remedied payments were order ed to viz J g World to March at am instructing of the deaf and dumb real ly borders on the marvellous That a dumb child can be made to speak to talk to engage in conversation is in- deed more wonderful and a few years ago would have been looked upon as su pernatural But that what the in structors are doing at Belleville w they are doing in similar institutions of very high grade in Germany Unit ed States and Great Britain But un fortunately this boon has been a com plete success with only a few of the very highest A number speak with difficulty and very many go through life unable to make a single intelligent sound So the Ontario Government has a system giving oral in struction to who are competent to receive it and teaching others in that oldest and most natural of all language the gesture language and acting the part of a protector to all It in a matter of great importance that these institutions should be managed efficiently and economically The standard of efficiency at Belleville is unexcelled in America or I am told in any part of the world The graduates of the institution have always given a good account of themselves and in variably are very successful As re gards economy figures will In Belleville the per capita cost of a pupil is of this sum more than per cent is expended on The report does not give a complete statement with other such institutions but it been secured and given be low I believe for the first time California Institution Berk ley California ltd CO Centra New York Roma 303 Pennsylvania Mi Airy Philadelphia West Western Pennsylvania Al- Manitoba Ontario Belleville Only Bute institutions are given in the above list It might be stated that institutions such as the Columbia Institution at Washington have an expenditure much higher That institution is rnn at a per capita cost of 208 IG9 Hon CD at West Huron OF THE AT LAST After a humorous introduction he went on to say that he had seemingly offended Charles Tupper because he had happened to run the Postoffice Department efficiently and cheaply In this connection Mr stated that when the Conservative party went out of power it was found that they had left an enormous number of unpaid bills Money had been voted to carry on the work of the depart ment but this had been spent by the Tory Government for other purposes and had left behind an unauthor ized legacy of debt amounting to The discovery of this state of affairs led to a further investigations with the that it was found that mail contracts had been lot to friends and supporters of the Government regard less of price and regard leas of tenders also In the last year of the Tory regime contracts representing an expenditure of were en out without tender and in direct contradiction statutes providing for the working of the department When the Liberals took office immedi ate reform was inaugurated with the result that many illegal contracts were rescinded Proper tenders were called for and let on terms of great advant age to the people a consequence the saving in this respect alone during the past four years aggregated 1 Loud applause It was also found that there were exactly officials too many in the department He had recommended that these- be dispensed with The recommendation was followed and a saving of annually accrued to people While bearing in mind the necessity for increased economy the Government had also considered the necessity of increasing the postal facilities Therefore since June there had been added post offices and an increase in the number of postal orders offices from to The department has also been able to increase the number of miles which was carried by rail and stage By miles or nearly one jnillion Moreover- thafcinerease the reduction of ex- instructions from the Imperial au thorities who had done the name to letters posted in England for Canada The total amount aggregated But in when the Tory party red sent out copies of what was stealing a ride intotfry known as the letter In jumping off Charles had franked them all thus taking from the people a revenue of which was the amount the letters would have cost if they had been sent out in the usual way Cheers He made a humorous refer ence to the Opposition leaders state ment to the effect that tea would have to be taxed to meet a deficit in the I arms were run ova amputated r In the rt vb Frank capture of the elk donated to High given week in J Summonses were x J Department and asked H of that could be when the present t had placed tea on free list Loud He fc the iboard of Centre fended the Government fcarfullj the Co policy at some length and concluded JB a address lv Davis put poo it the oft stirring address by expressing hope that Mr Holmes would turned on February Mr J the Old Says Premier of Manitoba during the past week The city has enter against the Street violation of its agreme viding sufficient vent overcrowding on car Judge has that regal beer is an J liquor and put additions upon ihe decision by fining and coats or three months it The case was that Lean who sold it at Wo last fall i j t- SCOTT OWWE pronto Few farmers know how much it would take to support their families in the way they live now had to payhouse rent and hand out tho cold cash- for everything thoy con sume and that is the reason so many come to grief selling or renting their farms and going to live in own The and Asylum at in this regard over thai pre- vailing under Tory regime was nearly He stated that the deficit in department when the Tory party went out was nearly 000 bat It had been reduced each year since the Reformers assumed office until last year it was reduced to Loud applause He referred to the reduction in the postage rate from three to two cents He stated on the floor of the House that if not followed by an increased correspondence there would be a de ficit of in the revenue but on that as on the present occasion he stated that statistics had that a decreased rate resulted in increased correspondence and he estimated that in Canada the reduction from a three two cent rate would result in such increased business that in three years the revenue under a twocent rate would be as great as under the three- pent Applause To support his estimate he read a certificate from A assistant postmaster at Clinton to the effect that the revenue in the local from January to the present day was great er than during the corresponding period last year Loud Speaking of Sir Charles Tappers statement to the effect that he had practically told postmasters throughout the country to commit theft by putting in their pos session on letters underpaid to the old country owing Charles had William do- said that ho had follow Belleville is run as efficiently as the School The graduate at is as well equipped as is the graduate of the Colorado institution Conditions it would seem should be more favorable as far aft cost was con cerned for in Colorado the large sums for fuel which amounts to almost eight per cent of the whole cost in Belle ville is eliminated The total expend iture at Belleville to If the institution was run on the cost ly plan that the Colorado Institution is run on the cost would be This is the more expensive institution but the average cost of maintenance is at least per cent higher than that of Ontario The record of the Blind Asylum is equally as favorable There Brantford 130 students and the of maintenance is which is a per capita cost of per- year- Of this sum per cent expended in salaries A comparative statement of the maintenance of institutions on an average for the last three years is as follows Boston Manila New York State Illinois Average Doth these institutions are under control of the Provincial Secretary and this isbut one of many instances be given the very good lb labor saving machinery the en emy of human kind This increase of valuable products by improved ma chinery is offset by the fact that each implement that enables one man to do the work of one hundred men throws men out of employment and often to their serious injury But we hold that this result is only tem porary In the great majority of in stances the man crowded out of ous employment by some machine that j does his work finds or can find if he will better pay at work of less laborious character In all such cases it is easy to see that the not been injured while he in com mon with the mass of the community enjoy the advantages which the more cheaply produced article made by the machine gives to all About all the material progress that mankind has made is the result of the labor saving devices that enable man to support existence with the least outlay of manual toil As a result of saving machinery the world is now better fed better clothed and better sheltered than it has ever been in any previous age of human history Who ever does not recognize that fact and recognize it as a blessing proves him self unacquainted with the condition of mankind in previous ages The poor est laborer is now able to his liv ing and a better than the rich could command eight or ten centuries Bebzjk Obi accident that wrought death and great destruc tion to property and embraced hairbreadth escapes happened at the Millers Worm and peevishness- Lehman Labor occasionally hut the rent keeps on even tenor of its way Its much easier for keep a man down than it to keep appearances up A lot of rioting Paris in with of a successor to President Canadian defunct Massachusetts Association the the Mrs Taylor and one month for having of an property in Bradford Mr J Powells in Blenheim was entered and the safe was blown to a several charges of robbers and of notes valued at about To teach a child to for a of years to provide suitable matter to to give him the power to in intelligence happiness and immeasurably and then to wit opportunity for the exercise power Belgium Feb express train from Calais carrying passengers on collided with a train at a standstill at near TwBntvone passengers w others weft Some time ago Mr of the geological survey of Can ada spent a couple of months inthe Red district north of Medicine Hat in the North- West Territories While prospecting there he discovered remains of the largest rep tiles that ever lived and secured some splendid fossil specimens foraila are remains of dinosaurs found in the cretaceous rocks dinosaurs varying from twenty to feet in length Soma of thorn had three horns one over the nose others near eyes or carnivorous how fisted ages mastodons Lion Brewery Waterloo this after less severely injared- The noon The disaster was by ten thousand bush of malt crash- time ing through two floors The malt was stored in a room on the second storey where seven men were at work One man was killed Mr J Rogers of Winnipeg is in Ottawa to seek a charter for a company to search for the source of the gold found on the bars in the Red River south of Winnipeg Miners are washing out the on these bars and the return is said to be about a day in gold When the bars are all gone over it is left alcne and in about three years it has accumulated more gold and again worked The source of the gold never been lo cated and this company is being form ed for that purpose John Alex ox Sound who was arrested at adian but escaped by from tram near Sudbury a subsequently captured by the can on the way to pleaded guilty to two charges at Parry Bound and tenced to one year at the son Midland people are going on a proposition shortly to bonus of outright to Iron Furnace Co for t smelter at The works itself would em hands year round with a more in its connections At meeting at Midland on Friday was passed favoring the of Ihe bonus Ottawa is to be possessing two doctors who compulsory vaccination and A subscribe to a letter they refer to the fear of email the periodic frenay or They to warn public it a the usual reasons urged vaccinators is not ptiard a to health a

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