Newmarket Era, 24 Feb 1899, p. 3

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l Weeks fleas is about town y j N ERAr FRIDAYS Removed Mr tailor baa moved to more door north of The belonging to the Missionary of the VethodUt were preparing lea the felt in order that the mem bers might got socially Mrs Young the speaker at thb moating to folio PI pea Frozen The has the in to a depth of The tpr three places on is conducted through en pipe from regalar main and la a tune ihih week ftCOOOnl of water solid io this pipe Mr had a mini In- with the crossing Iumtii It took a man days i locate and thaw out pipes of Toronto again again Mr Brow a to last Solvation flpmy Next Sunday evening Williams will now local officers for the ensuing term ftttor be will an address oo or Womans Right- Everybody welcome The A missionary meeting took place on Saturday evening when Mr Doyle gave a good address and also readings by Miss Cody of Newmarket end Miss Hughes of with singing Mr Doyle also gave an address at the temper ance mooting last Sunday morning a good at tbo Christian an earnest sermon oh Basing bettor heating The Bong in evening vary en tertaining and Inspiring did extremely well and Elder gave a abort dhqs8 Id the nod In worship Wo have a job lot of new gold and silver we are oat at from 30O each Call early to them A Watson Parlor Social the Town tin- Social last Friday at Mayor residenoo was attended and a very enjoyable oveniug spurn Be- varioas parlor games the company were entertained with a good musical pro- gram Mr Hughes presided In- atrornuutal wore given by forgter and Miss piano by Mrs Morriok cornet solo by and Month Organ by boys trio Rev Mali hewn also gave a speech It was after midnight before the company aeparalod The Agreement Town Council wrestled til last Monday night with the re- of the Metropolitan Railway Co over the agreement this Corpora tion Wo with one exception that as finally panted by the Council reasonable but that one thing la a very vital point There shocld have Veen ft limit to the Agreement and not a perpetu al franchise more The anniversary of the dedication of present Methodist Church in will be nn 12th and 13th On Sunday the Roy fabornaole Toronto a has con- to and oo Monday evening followiag Rov Mr Cock a returned missionary from Japan will a Lecture on Land of the Rising Bun illustrated by ovor Inline Light Views Trustees have provided rare treat for both and and no doubt the house will bo all occasions floe posters Geo Fortune Veterinary Burgeon over Harness Shop Death of P All our older residents will remember Mr who residud in house now occupied by Mr Geo Williams and the duties of Town Clerk of this municipality for a number of year The sad was received here East Friday of bis death at Sings Co Califor nia on the of Feb at the age of years was to bed for Bomb time and was a offering from a com plication of diseases by ex posure clip the paragraphs from the Sentinel Mr Irwin ft native of Canada He was born 13th If- ime to California In lo7o locating at Oakland Alameda He County of the County of Kings when the and today Toronto or was organ zed in which years ago bat today Toronto is enjoying a revenue of 96000 a month from its street railway Who tell what Newmarket may be in another years and what monopoly of Railway on its principal may mean As the Agreement has to bo rati tied by the Legislature from the opposition we hear to feature on street it is quite likely an effort will he made to limit the franchise when it before the Private Bills Committee Starrs Marmalade Oranges 5c a dozen Freeh Herrings a dozen Fresh Manitoba While Other Matters The engaging tbe of our men and next Spring Main Street will have a general tearing op It is important that when the roadbed is planted that it be not disturbed by the corporation and that permanent improve ments be made while the street is in dis order In the first place there should be a sewer in the centre of road of at least or inch tile from to Timothy and thence to tbe creek This should be low to drain the cellars the West side In tbe ditch on each side of the there should be at various places iron gratings and pipes leading to the main sewer to carry off the surface water The could then be made more level and thia would prevent any of damage by water running into the cellars of our merchants About twothirds of this cost should be borne by frontage tax and the rest by the Town In second place permanent grano lithic walks should be laid on both sides of Main fit from fiotsford to Timothy on West side and from store to Timothy on East at the expense of corporation ft wide Where wider required expense to be paid by property interested All the earth requir ed for filling would be right at hand and the work be accomplished at ft amah less figure the other work is going on This would save expense in the long run and give a business air to Newmarket that no other improvement would do In third place the present of widening Main St from Park Ave to Queen or Ontario should not be overlooked It is an easy matter to move the walks and do the grading while the other work fa proceeding but once the poles are planted Newmarket will be doom ed forever to have the most contracted business street to bo found in any place of Importance within the If we Aspire to be a County Town we most ehow reasonable for traf fic consequent upon a move The ooefc to the Town in connection with the roads on account of he Electric Rail way Is estimated at MOO with all the above improvements should be done lor The money be borrowed by at and paid back in three years without any in taxes if the Council was disposed to be the most directly of enterprise- slSifei office he held at time of his death during alt the since the county was organized and orved the people well He was identifier raisin and fruit industry being at time of bis death connected with tbe interests of of the best vineyards and orchards and we a public spirited held the inter ests of tbe count In the death of this highly respected citizen whose friend the deceased has vr been we desire to say that be was io every sense a quiet unassuming liberal honest man and bis passing from the stage of life the community lost one who was and in every act deed When each men die the meets with a loss Mr Irwin took an active part all enterprises having a local interest ftud gave to all of them He was a man of high literary attainment and few citizens here were well acquainted with public men and measures While he was a engineer by profession and follow ed that work be was also interested farming and fruit growing and could al ways be counted upon to do active work in all efforts calculated to further best in- of the farming classes Sis twenty years residence here and the business in which he engaged brought him in contact with all of the businessmen of and country in this county and he was universally respected The months of September and November last be surveying the land laid bare by recession of Tulare lake and the ex- pcBore he was subjected to in carrying for ward that work no doubt hastened the ter mination of hie days on earth Deceased was the eldest of a family of four brothers Irwin artist of national repetition who died about two ago two brothers Waller and Daniel Irwin are the survivors of the fam ily and they are now residents of Louis ville Deceased leaves no children Hie in valid widow to whom he baa given years of devoted care is the recipient of general sympathy The funeral occurred Feb 10th from the family The official of the county township and district met at the court at 130 and marched in a body to house where the services were con ducted by Rev Charles Adams of the Episcopal Church The directors of the Lakeside Canal Co of which deceased wee a member also attended a body There was a large attendance of old neighbors and friends of departed long was headed by the county foot and the mor tal remains of the good bind friend ex emplary and faithful county were lain in the of earth to await the final accounting the created world The Paid Mr Lehman had the yesterday of banding Mr a oh to for being insurance on the tiro of his The advantage of young moo being insured illustrated in this case premiums ho had paid did not amount to medical attend ance expenses amounted to would been a heavy bor der his father to meet had this wise provision been made Another Appointment Mr Thomas It Boll who for many years has been Cleric of the Peace for the County of York has resigned sod Mr Herbert Edward Wee- Ion has been appointed in bis stead Mr Irwin was born in Co but spent bis early life In Newmarket and vicinity and is a graduate of Newmarket High For the past six sessions he has been Clerk of the Municipal Committee in tho Legislature Congratulations Passed About an oclock on Wednesday morn ing after a period of intenee suffering Miss Reynolds one of the moat types of true maidenhood passed away to the spirit land was the only unmarried daugh ter and solace of her widowed mother an adept at needlework and an ex hibitor prizewinner at local fall lairs Her quiet unassuming nature made fast friends everywhere who will deeply sym- with the bereaved fao Of course a certain of sentiment is attach by Owner bordering a certain kind of affectionate regard but admitting all this we contend a is no place for dogs It the animal kept in restraint the law respecting to animals will intervene If allowed to have freedom to roam at large and indulge in their natural proclivities they are a and offensive alike to peace and decency of the municipality The tax is rigidly enforced and people timta keep dogs who are scarcely able to provide sufficiently for their own families Mr Marion of Montreal who was one day last week bought horses running from to Dentist Opposite Robertsony Bakery Open Painless extraction About J oclock on Wednesday evening an alarm of fire was rung into the Water- Works from tbe corner of Park and Vic toria and the Brigade responded proved to be Mr Hanmers woodshed on fire but before the firemen arrived garden hose was in operation and the Are checked It wss not necessary to open the hydrant Tbe fire was caused by ashes at back of the building and before being observed it had got between the ceiling and the roof inside dam- was small Some people say there no danger about coal ash es but here is a practical illustration Mrs next door neighbor gave tbe alarm the blaze shining through woodshed window ftiCnl s Peace lo hie ashes 1 Pay Attention to having them properly tested and correct lenses prescribed Mrs P Greenwood graduate optician will bo at Lehmans Drug Store the first Thursday of each month Toronto J- Cut Prices in worth for 495 Death of Following closely on the announcement of the death of P Irwin sad news of the death of hie brother Walter took place at Louisville on the 14th at the age of years Both brothers were born near and removed to Newmarket when small Walter about twenty years of age when he loft here The following information is taken from the Louisville The death of Mr Irwin Secretary of Louis ville Bridge Company was a shook to many friends about the Falls Ho had been sick only a few days at his home West Oak street with what was con sidered only digestion For the past fifteen years be been connected with the Bridge Com pany Previous to that time he was pay master of the old and I railroad At same boor every day in the yer he reached his office in the Louisville Trust Company and left his for lunch evening at the same hour Ho was strictly temperate in hie habits ever knew- him to oath or speak unkind word to any of asso ciates- When Mr Irwin lived in he Anna Howell the a former prominent merchant there He had no children but adopted two of Mrs Irwins deceased brother and Mrs survive Mr Irwin in College- The burial take place io tomorrow Open The Boyftl Templars ofTempefauoo In tend Holding an open meeting in their hail Wednesday voting 1st A very choice program has boon prepared All are to attend King meets at next Saturday Division Court in again next Wednesday Normal meets the dial Room this evening Fancy Carnival on deck tonight Convention at Holt today A added a new member at last meeting and another to ride the goat next Monday night The added three new members on Wednesday night A of visitors from a distance were also present The Tennyson Club will meet again Tuesday evening at residenoe of Mr McKay from See Board of Health have placed quar antine regulations homes of Messrs J- Cane and account of scarlet fever It is a mild form however end patients are doing nicely The in British History had an In teresting debate at the High Hon last Friday Another debate is to take place next Friday on an historic subject One of the hot water boilers at the In- 1 Home has given out and will have to be replaced Death of Silas Webb It is with much sorrow that are call this week to obroniole the death of an J Webb eldest sun of Webb Ee of the License of which sad event occurred about on afternoon The circumstances which contributed to his death were as follows He bad just nicely recovered from an attack of la grippe sympathising with his neighbor and Mr he sit up night with The next day be went to a sale and the next night he awoke with a terrible chill Tbe usual home remedies in were applied by a loving mother aod doctor was Bent for early in the morning of the lunge set in and though nothing was left undone Id another week he a corpse Deceased was a robuat healthylooking young man and popular his the past two years he was on the Board of Directors of the North York Ag Society and gave promise of being a prom inent and useful member of the The funeral took place from his residence on St on Wednesday morning and was largely attended Rev Matthews conducted the service Numerous floral tributes decorated the casket which Sheaf North York Spray of cot Roses Dr Webb of Water loo of White Mr and Mrs J Millard of Red Mr and Mrs Alex Millard of Toronto WreathMr and Mrs Millard Toronto Mrs Rogers and Mrs Toronto Broken Column J Montgomery F Luudy Wesley The pallbearers were the last young men and J and J Brim- son jr Interred at Newmarket Cemetery The parents have the sympathy of the community in their great sorrow Continued during the Month of February Stocktaking Sale and White Goods Sale Combined Bargains in Everything r White Cotton Towels 16 inch by inch Men a Linen Collars turn point latest style all sizes 3 for White Toilet Covers regular for 15 Twill Sheeting yds wide per yd Table Linen WW for 1 Rubber Blinds with Roller Complete c Heavy Crash per yd Flannelette Blankets large size 40inch Pillow Slip ready for per pair Irish Lawn Hemstitched Handkerchiefs for IS all beW Coition at f price a Startling Bargains in White Goods and Many Other W A BRUNTOty THE LEADER PROFITS ST wen wen were aa Now that the holiday trade is over and before begins Winter Goods and in lines Below Mens AilWool Shirts and Drawers Mens Lined Gloves Kid Lined Gloves Mens Fur Gauntlets Mens Extra Heavy Pants Men s Heavy Frieze Ulsters Mens do do Light Colors wen- Men Extra Heavy Ulsters all colors wen- Mens Beaver Overcoats VHvei were Mens Fine Dress Overcoat Boys Hea y Overcoats Mens Felt Boots Ladies Felt Boots Mens Long Solid Leather Mens Fine Laced Boots Boys Laced Boots Girls Laced or Buttoned Boots Come early as we intend to clear out our off on wen we re- were were were were we re- were I i now now now MOW row llOA I I I IM 39c ft a I Or now now now Most Wonderfully Low 00 Prices 0 ei gw Roche THE CHEAP STORE Stock- Taking Discount Sale Co in in j was or the Taylor Aisuftia Per Cent Off Sleighing has almost gone but the recent snow has much improved it The of Temperance here hold their first Entertainment next Thurs day evening Mar 2nd Following are on the program Quartette Fred Hill Banjo Soloist Mr Bert Phillips of Mrs and Mrs J of Bel- haven Misses Terry and of Keswick and Belhaveri Male Quartette B Hill of give several of his comic selections John Esq of Keswick will occupy the chair They are looking for a good aa the entertainment promises to be firetolase Mr Joseph has returned home from Michigan where he has been for the past two years Mrs B Rogers of visited friends in the village last week Mrs I M Gilpin returned home on on Sunday from an extended Mr J Cook in Albert last week Mr Usher of QaeenBton is with Mr King assisting him in obtain ing orders for cement Several of our farmers were at Sut ton last Friday attending a meeting of the Farmers Institute Mr Robert Davidson and Annie Davidson have returned from visiting friends in Mr Bird has returned from a visit at Mr of has been here in the interests of Life In- week THE Last Saturday Monday Tuesday 28t Will give a Discount of per cent off all Purchases of Dress Goods Millinery Mantles and Capes Furs Robes Horse Blankets Boots and Shoes Carpets Crockery and Glassware Guns and Revolvers- Mens and Boys ReadMade Clothing Mens and Boys Woollen Axes Saws Sleigh Skates and Hockey DANFORD ROOHE CO J a 1 mm 9M 1

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