a v THE NEWMARKET ERA DAY FEB I BANK At Toronto General NEWMARKET BRANCH A Business General Banking TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED AT I BlorlJng A or I can Drafts and old promptly attended to mday school Feb Christ at the 1899 John 142837 MEDICAL if P V CI a mid IK Dp Alfred Iholatc Dr of Of ODDS to I J A Fir and Agent ror LIT Money to Loan Current fipuntoo Canada fluauponoe Co FIRE RISES AT RATES to Loam A R Agent Farm ltiaka and Town Property Shop PAINTING luJlnff Painter J Graloer and Paper Hunger SO experience In all of the Full line or aamplea of the In Aakioflootbein door North of Ibo Priroary Cburob Bolton Text If any roan thirst lot him come unto and drink Saturday John Sunday John G 9551 Monday John Tuesday John John Thursday John Friday John had ovary part of Galilee and went into for a time with Iih disciples that he might imparl thorn the deeper Irullm of his teaching In he visits the of Galilee and Mount Her on At the lost he was trans figured relumed to He no longer followed by Hie iiiulliiudiv through Samaria and rjeetirj the people and a I Judea at the time of tin feast of lalMimaelns in fall of the year juat his city thronged with and in commemoration of their ancestor life in the the entire population wen living out of doors and sleeping in booths ami huts made of green Special were ofTerorl in the temple and services of thanksgiving were held PRACTICAL The adaptation of Christ to needs of every individual Those who in lesson rejected Jcsuh did not know that he belonged to the Heed of David and was born in Many of gospel are now just as ignorant No one but a man should venture to deny the claims of and what truly man over did so recognize in him a great teacher a wise man the noblest of the human race but not a Redeemer Some confess that they cannot un derstand but they refuse to be lieve Many decline to confess Christ openly and a a lose both the fleeting of world and the enduring joys of the kingdom Evory soul which drinks of the water of life becomes st once a foun tain of life to others Weeks fleas OH IK ABOUT TOWN I jTHI Mrs Used Judgment Given In the of which was tried here of Jan Judge Morgan in regard to for rent Honor given judgment I The Only medioine That that the legal and that the defendant In no TPUG Strength liable to the plaintiff for the die- the warrant and making the leisure fl Veterans following from the refers to a former Keuleby jH that Tells of Trials boy friend will be pleased to hear of the honor conferred upon him At the last of our local lodge of Sufferings A New and Joyous Existence Expeb- OF THE Medicine Independent Order of Oddfellows promoted with a Vex- Jewel a recognition of being with the order for over flvo year Mr Walton bee a roam- of the order bo Mrs of been in it for AH stock writes as follows regard- jewel a and rescue from suffering any ah follows to W Walton I by Mi no Number VS Bet in told to the blue atone in the of the the Oar hone lire raay live to receive another Veterans Jew el at the end of the next years and for long afterward to be a tight the order ho adorns so Pleased We clip the following from the Waterloo ChronicU of last week oar friend Mr formerly of sent a copy A deputation from the Waterloo consisting of Mayor nod Councillors Bean Snyder After I think it my duty to thai I Lave derived from Celery Compound No living mortal can imagine the sufferings for four months That demon La Grippe got a fast hold of me I be came nervous and was so prostrated that I could not sleep night or day I was reduced to a mere skeleton and became a burden My appe tite was very poor and I was so ex tremely nervous that I could not bear to have any person in the room with me One afternoon I read one of your books and found that Like Stovepipes Developed Into American Kidney Cure Him South American Kidney Cure is do ing every day for hundreds what it did for steamboat man out Lincoln County Through exposure while sailing he contracted kidney dis ease and in a abort while dropsy de veloped that his legs swelled as large as stovepipes Doctors held out no hope for his recovery He was re commended to use this great kidnev specific with result that in a few weeks treatment he able to re sume hie work again a cured man feeling stronger and heartier than he had for years Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket Feb 16 The barns and outbuildings of It it Lee Nelson totally destroyed by fire last night together with head of cattle four horses HI pige and 7 fowU and large crop The loss will be very heavy partly covered by in surant of Now York lisvifia a tax of one mill on the valuation of all real estate for school This raises a little oer It in returned to the counties for school purpose- at the of for teacher and the balance pro rata for the This gives about cents per pupil The dis trict receive under this arrangement about for every tax paid The cities pay more than they get back In this way New York City pays over a million dollar towards supporting the country schools of the State Peppier visited the town of Compound has cured many Newmarket on Thursday last to inspect the waterworks plant at that place Mayor Cane met the deputation at the and gave them a warm welcome of They were immedi ately conducted about the town by the Mayor and Councillor two of most affable and genial spirits one people I thought I would try a bottle and bought one that afternoon and commenced to take it according to directions The relief was almost in stant I continued the use of the Compound with the result that I can Practical Painter and Bouse Decorator Mlllarda Street and MISCELLANEOUS Simpson Mala and Fancy Money to Loan At per cent- QnUciM farm and property by Davidson for taking affidavits J Conveyancer Ileal Estate Agent o Agent for the following reliable Companies 11 and en and Globe Union Midland Mutual and tor ibe Standard Life Northern Assurance Co Office Hopkins Block Mount Albert- Faces show the true character of all kinds of farm stock Trout ia evidently very plentiful this year On Saturday a sleigh was in Beeverton with fish piled New life for a quarter Millers Compound Iron Pills Sold by Lehman A terrific accompanied by an incessant ram storm has been causing floods at Kingston Jamaica- The storm swept the coast of the island fcrotfl Annette Bay to Bay from Monday to Thursday doing widespread damage His Physician now sleep well all and feel rest ed when morning comes My could o of l like a new person in connection with tbe a I I cannot words to express my gratitude four your great Cel ery Compound and for the wonderful it has brought am and can now walk five miles I toll- aad wUh their sleepless and nervous and suffering as I was I wish you unbounded suc cess and hope this may be read by some one la afflicted and anxious plant and furnished with all possible information The deputation home with a big store of valuable in formation with regard to and maintenance and highly Sup soon Run Nest Wednesday will be the first of the apriogtide will set Those of our farming who purpose relief doing In the way of mak- J log will begin to turn out the backets 0ot Fob John look over the spiles take a stroll out a retired and highly respected to the camp to see what to be done died here today at the way of getting ready for sMiye Deceased was born in When we recall the auarineoSoo Bradford and leaves a widow three other years the woodland flavor j daughters and four sons He was a of maple ay cornea baok to us with I Conservative and a of the a relish of think also Methodist Church of the of treetapping and how the oozing sap trickled down into the wooden trough then the boiling to right point carrying the syrup to the to he boiled down to moUases or Worker STRENGTH lhe Pascal Worker STAMINA Por Man Women Money to Loan Five per cent Farm Security by David tommlMloner for taking Affidavits Real Agent Conveyancer wJcr JJoenflte Etc Agent for following Queen or London and in also for Confederation Life Association To ronto Office Corner of and The D EMULSION EMULtlON fa A EMULSION P A EMULSION la a fUh aad fll SO Aft DAVIS A I CO- Never Leave His Bed Alive saia tie American the Miracle Mr Granville of Sparta says his father who is a very old man was very tow from a severe attack of rheumatism His physician assured the family he would never leave his bed alive A friend took a bottle of South American Rheumatic Cure to him A few days later upon receiving a visit from the doctor be ran the room and playfully ad ministered a hearty He is now up and as well as ever Sold by Lehmans Pharmacy Newmarket Word comes from Norway that a law has recently been enacted there forbidding the sale of tobacco to youths under sixteen without signed orders from parents guardians or adult employers Tourists who of fer to youths render them selves liable to prosecution while the police to confiscate pipes cigars and cigarettes of youths who smoke in public streets a fine forthe offense being likewise imposed may be anywhere between two shillings and five pounds Acres my health gored off and caked for future me The climax however wad wheat and maple formed the homely dainty for winding op the mesh And what about the thing that boys of today are jnatea fond of the buckwheat and and maple ay dainty for supper now in the yore A We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty- a b E One day for qualified ME ttoa lit la no a common event oven to the leading fiobool Canada in ENTIULJHJSTO OF hut it actually occurred as Telegrem for young wojuhi Steuo- flTapher Fort for m Clerk Union Station OS Call young lady Topple Building Toronto Dominion Co explains why our Competent them properly ftd It VMwnbom ftdmiUtd at any time v till AW Principal Wo clip the following from Orillia of at week The of the death of Rev Alexan der Id of the Churoh a to many to and around Orillia Ever energetic and active be yond io chosen profession be teemed to only entering a when he wag called away from the of on nth after an of only a few weeks leaving behind him a loving wife and an infant eon a few old Alexander born at in There he obtained first schooling While a mete he decided to learn the trade of and aerted an ap prenticeship of a year at that in In he returned to neighborhood and worked for brother Andrew for a abort time He had an apt bees to teach and to school cored a ex amination aft Port Perry High School He at with marked and at from 1681 to He than took op High School Pills if after threefourths of contents of bottle they do not relieve and Headache We also that four bottles will perma nently core- the most obstinate case of Constipation Satisfaction or no pay when Wills English Pills are used Lehman Druggist Newmarket J Broughton B Druggist Newmarket Scotts Pharmacy Main St Newmarket Provincial Secretary Hume of British Columbia waa reelected in Nelson and the Government has now a majority of five Ladies If you would be strong and healthy and have good complex ions take Millers Compound iron Pills Sold by Lehman A British ultimatum has been pre sented to the Sultan of Oman owing to his having leased to France a coal ing on the coast of Oman is a semiindependent state in Southeastern Arabia Oman ia con sidered to be under British protection as the Sultan has been receiving a subsidy from Great Britain Piles Were Sapping the Life from Him Dr Ointment Cured j Mr M save For seven years I bad Suffer ed from itching and protruding I tried all kinds of cares but got relief until used Dr Oint ment One application did more for me than any remedy J had ever been such a sufferer that I would willingly give my acres f of IflBd rather than have a of those tormenting things cents Use Dr Liver Pill for liver Sold by Bon tie by a Woman Another great discovery has been mode and that too by a lady this and and in country Disease fastened its decided to for He upon her and for years she took the A course at Toronto severest teste but bet ind from Knox College in organs were undermined and During day he aop death seemed For three plied the Grey months she incessantly end and ell oould not sleep finally firm He was d a way to of Me a bottle Dr Kings New Pis- ford and oar for Consumption and WSJ relieved on taking first in end hi death that she slept all night and with two baa been absolutely cured had became much attached Her name is Mrs Thus our eriloiolaak week omitted to vmtes Co of mantWtiujt upon N fit floral from hla congregation cent and bottle guar- READ THE PROOF Gentlehih I have for a long time needed something to make blood and build up my system My blood was watery and thin lacking and vitality Last January a friend said Why not try Dr Blood and Nerve They will supply oxygen your blood give you health ana I told him was very skeptical as lo any benefit that could derived from any proprietary medicine gri had no faith in them There matter rested until four months ago when reading so much about what Dr Blood and Nerve Pills have done for people with im poverished blood I concluded to give them a trial I have taken four boxes and my unbelief so far as Dr Warda Blood and Nerve Pills are concerned has been entirely removed They are a splendid blood builder and strength restorer and an invaluable medicine for weak ener vated people This has been my experi ence they having given me strength of body and strong healthy blood Signed Queen West Toronto Oat AH good druggists can supply you If they wont we will by per box boxes for Thb Doctor WAJto CoKPaicv limited Toronto TENDERS Fl HSU A meeting of the Newmarket Dairy Asso ciation In Council Chamber -ox- Saturday February at oclock for the purpose of the St North No South St North No 2nd St South No Queen Route No ft- Union Route No No Pine Orchard Lowest Offer not accepted of the whey tanks will also for P MORTGAGE SALE OF Valuable Property IN KING by a certain which will he produced Bale there will for Bale by AUCTION by Stewart Auctioneer at the Hotel Village of BRADFORD ON day of Kerch 189 at the hour of one oclock in afternoon following valuable farm properly name- The West halves and li of the Township of King la tbe County of of of willimbury more or lees atrip of land Wins- along the Bide of thereat halves or Lou and ateend of the or containing mote or ls all of raid are more particular ly Moftgafle- of per cent of the money to the Vendors on the balance one month thereafter mean time at ft per cent per annum or as property told subject to a re- property may be Inspected anytJceobylnttrtidlngpurchMcre rut her ted of to the A 0ANIXJN ftolinl tors Bradford Oct fit aradrord this day of Feb Scotts Pharmacy Next Office Buffalo AllSteel Harrow I tut or In Jiaviiii of gang IO he I III- Inn ih hv foot Of iIm- if wiirwj worked to care tiJ wild The Ift A Thcnly will cut AQ Mi you be Prepare waft mi ate rtfjulrhi an lbf iraAiIiiair I i In ica- Chine yrnri pox when for tin- wide lln rtit luriiiihiii you will buy NO THE BEST DRILL No of our I lure In it nnila t lever for or depth of boe in all motion ACak fcav M every in a depth to the and you will I factum Culiiiatora good a beat lor illustrated Iagftraol Oat Canada ELMER TOOLE Agents NEWMARKET ONT The Appetite of a Goat Jan Albert Taylor envied by all poor Pj o whose land Liver are out of and broke Dr Dam- also of Htgbland Greek set the fracture and it is said bound bis arm too tight Afterwards arm All such know that Kings New the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy jfj became useless Taylor en- regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy Only 25 cents at any Drug Store splendid appetite sound digestion and L or B00O dances for mal practice ana the case on Friday at in Toronto Evidence for the plaintiff J present ed but no one appeared for the Mr Samuel died on fence A vediofc was given tin- Taylor Feb in his year He was one of the first settlers in the Town ship of Kin and lived for a Long time near Millers Worm Powders cure fever in children Sold by E Lehman Memory is upon the whole a fair index of character We ill need and we need to feel need of some power within us which will attract us to purity thought and repel us from what is coarse and impure We need to realize that the ultimate source of all conduct is character and that no life can be really purer or more ele vated than the mind and heart which will furnish it with motives for full amount of claim Jl Dyspepsia Groans for what nature alone for tnis stomach curse Dr Von Stans Pineapple Tablets are nature panacea tor all ills Pleasant and pwitive for Soar Distress after Satim Loss of Appetite Wind on the Stomach Dizziness Nausea Catarrh of the Stomach Sick Headache and all orders directly traceable to sluggish digestive organs 35 cents Sold by E Lehman Bent leys Pharmacy Newmarket The skating rink at Paris was burned last week with all the Hookey Club skates boots and clothing and twenty pairs Of curling stones i KIDNEYSICK of araframpa In that world are of thalP to ne American aUl bladder bladder Kidney are of all discuses within toe past few years medical has made atridca la coping with ravages South American Kidney has proved rich Jo healing power and every day j piled op for its enrativa tics todoey exists It is generally Indicated by changes the och as aedlment add- and blood pain Is not necessarily accompaniment and fact the of the oliJ course of do In a remarkably abort while up grind out them that the functions of these drganscr on patient witlj a ruthless J Kidney diseases of South American Kidney aolventt la a kidney Coral- to be do more lie I tested eminent medical authorities on kidney diseases and proved and ttemwaiuvMjandsafMUareiVaU and purifier a besdth bulkier efficacious alike to or woman er at- Carta witkj aynw ma a fc to calf mUiwoiiLixi with poald toother fc AMERICAN aJ fir ttivs lira w4uto W ftt A 1 Ir J